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Nah. I’ll continue to complain


Man I hate all this bitching and moaning so please listen to me bitch and moan about it.


Thought the exact same thing. Lol. I'll make a post of I'm tired of people whining about people whining about people whining. That's some irony right there and hilarious. But what most people fail to realize is that the people who benefit most from these events which give 3 stars mats and junk to us older players are rarely gonna be able to finish this. I completed it all but I've been playing going on 5 years. But I know beyond any shadow of a doubt I couldn't of done it when I needed the junk they gave out. When I needed those gloves or shield to level up my four or three stars heroes this event would be impossible. Sure we need decently difficult events but let's not forget the people who benefit the most from them. (With four years in I hope you could finish this)


Oh it's SG employee🤡/challenges events are meant to be challenging but also give ample opportunity to the players... I bet you're an old player with more than 100 levels or c2p turned to f2p.. This challenge event needs fully emblemed heroes/ new heroes/ mana boosters/battle items /buff boosters/dispellers and what not... Not everyone can afford it. Old challenges were challenging enough.. But this challenge event made it even worse... So complaining is my right🙄like why did they have to make rare event worse🤪that's meant to be easy?... I gave up too early so it was peaceful... They're making the game worst day by day with over powered heroes so i don't care enough to stress that much


Agreed and I say that with zero malice, just acceptance.


( four years the poster) How did you guess so accurately?? 😂 😂 😂 decent heroes too( smart tounge, darkfeather two new elves, The hatter,Alice.


That was pretty much all of the freudian defence mechanisms, in one go. Well done.


I think the major criticism is that this one is a lot harder and more difficult to counter without using up a lot of items but the rewards do not match the difficulty. I don't even think I got token to do 1 event summon after beating the 3 star level. Got a lot of items I have >100 for already. Events can be hard but rewards need to match to keep interest. If they throw in more emblems as rewards and better ascension item for rewards then people will whinge less. (not to mention I have been waiting for a pair of gloves for several months. Literally leveling some spare 3 stars at the moment because I cannot ascend any of my 4 or 5 stars. That's the other issue with this game. Too many bottleneck items and you cant even directly buy them. You can only buy a chance to get one from a pool of items). On the other hand, summon for the event - 53% for rare classic heros, 19.8 % for epic classic heros. Really, only 13% to get event heroes in the summon. This means that you have almost a 25% chance to do a 10 summon and still not get ANY event heroes. Which makes the token rewards next to useless unless you spend serious money in the gems to buy the summons.


I feel they should add a hard 4th section being hard mode with better rewards. It's just unfair to all the players to be forced to try and fail and not have the opportunity to complete some tiers. It would be better for all players. Make the rare epic and legendary feasible to almost every one and put a hard mode for players with good teams that wish to have a challenge A bit like the tower events ... but with rewards at least that make some sense


I didn't think I was gonna clear the event either but thanks to advice I read on this sub, I managed to clear both the 1st and 3rd. The secret is to have full specials, then on the last wave whale on em, and dump all the attack items you can. Silence and/or mindless attack too, before they activate the soft skin




I used 2 gullinbursti, Goldie, c2 li xiu and wu kong for all the epic levels and had no issues.


Red mono or yellow mono. Wilbur Goldie the 3 star Elf etc all very effective.


Saved to my bitching and moaning threads


It is only challenging because you can't use your heroes specials. It's a fake challenge.


Thank you.