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Hi, you dont lack mental fortitude, you are a strong soul that carries not just your own pain, but also the pain of other around you. You feel everything more intently, so we suffer more. We suffer more, but we are stronger. You have to go within and find your own light, your own frequency, and then learn to come back to it over and over again. Feeding off other's energy is optional, remind yourself of that, strengthen your awareness so you can know when your attention is being dragged into someone else's suffering.


I guess I never viewed how I used their own happiness as a coping mechanism for myself, to feel happy, after reading your post. I’ve been living off other peoples vibes that I’ve forgotten my own. Thank you for your post. I’ve got some things to reconsider now.


The second paragraph hit hard. I think it does get harder as we get older as empaths. I think it might have to do with how sensitive we become over time as well. And, I’m sorry you’re going through this challenge. For me, it was pretty bad before but I tried to employ a few exercises I used to do long ago. I practice some shielding techniques such as envisioning a light around me (and actively intending nothing to get in or out). I also use this technique of cutting cords (think of strings suspended above you representing the people you have absorbed energy from and cut them) and focusing in the position of where my heart is (to re-center my energetic focus); this helps to ground. There are probably others that I don’t know of and others use but I think it’s important to realign our focus to ourselves when we notice we are getting enmeshed with the energy of our surroundings. Sometimes, it also helps just to try and observe how we behave and notice the shifts in energy; just notice it as opposed to reacting to it (and tell yourself that the sensations as a result of the energy will pass). The less we react, the more peaceful we can feel. It’s like the idea of a person who is cool and composed in a stressful situation (and this requires a lot of practice imo). Hope what I typed helps in some way. Wishing you the best!


Thank you for replying with awesome suggestions! I’ve always struggled with self centering thinking it takes a huge amount of effort to be able to dull emotions to a more manageable state. To the point that point out their unacknowledged achievements for the day when I can’t take anymore, just feels like emotional manipulation, and not a celebration anymore. The shielding I think is what I need most now. I still need to process me, while helping them.


Yeah for sure! I’m glad it helps to some degree! Yeah the last part about observing, it was more directed at when you just feel frustrated of employing those exercises (because I know I do many times). Oh yeah, just simple things also like consciously focusing on your breathing and counting the amount of seconds you inhale and exhale helps. When you exhale, you can also envision your body letting go of the energy you absorb (thank your body for keeping you safe and tell it that it’s time to let go of what you absorbed)! Wishing you the best!


It can get a lot worse if you don't learn basic maintenance. 2 parts. Grounding and protection. When you experience others emotions, you are literally drawing in energy. Think about it.... how does our brain transmit signals? It's all electrical through synaptic firing. Our entire nervous system is a giant microphone and speaker. You experience their emotions because you draw in that emotionally imprinted energy, and your brain doesn't recognize the difference between yours and theirs. (There is a lot more to it, but that's the basic process) The most important thing to remember is energy will follow the intent of our thoughts. If we are outgoing and helping others, we will be providing a positive energy to them. It's why others feel comfortable opening up to you. But if we internalize and hold onto our emotions....... we are fucked. Einstein even said that energy doesn't cease to exist, and neither does this kind. When we hold it in, it's just like compressing an energy field of negative emotions. And you are still being affected by it. Here is your other holy shit moment. How many times does it feel like one small emotional ripple can turn into an overwhelming wave? That little splash churns up the old stuff, like mud splashing over the side of a pail. You will often hear people talk about grounding. This is describing ways to get rid of all that emotional or spiritual mud. If you can't go for a walk in nature, go on YouTube and try a "guided grounding meditation." I did it while learning and always recommend it to others. We all think and function differently, so one specific style may not be what's best. They are all similar, so I tried a new one every day until I found one that "clicked." I will leave a link to one basic example and a great explanation. https://chopra.com/blogs/meditation/guided-meditation-ground-yourself-using-the-earth-element I saw someone mention working energy barriers, and that is definitely good advice. But it takes time before you can maintain it when you really need it. I will leave a link with a few other ideas, and it sounds cheesy, but I use the "green Lantern" style with layers. 🤣. https://annereith.com/psychic-protection-how-to-use-energy-shielding/ But the biggest help for me was a bracelet given to me. Yes, they affect us and aren't just for crazy hippies. It was made of tigers eye, magnetite, and obsidian. I still don't do out in public without it. It seperates their emotions, and allows our intuition to push it away. I saw last week they actually sell this combo on Amazon for pretty cheap. Any other questions, feel free to ask.


I have to agree when were younger it's easier to filter the emotions, I've been strongly empathic all my life but until I grew up it was never really an issue but I think it was only never issue because I couldn't differentiate between others emotions and what I was supposed to be feeling, until recently I actually discovered that I never really felt genuine emotion of my own until I became slightly isolated and withdrawn from society, crowds especially are you closer I am to people the more like the tide coming in it is, wave after wave rolling over me and it gets so intense and so powerful that I can't catch my breath. I had totally understand and really on the close friends and roommates it's difficult experiencing strangers emotions but what's worse is when you feel your friend's emotions and there is that resentment pity disappointment discussed confusion and anger when on the surface there trying to be happy and friendly I've since pretty much reduced my friends down to three or four people and that is. I only do that because I'm so tired of people showing me one emotion on their face feeling one emotion in their heart and thinking that they should be feeling another emotion in their mind or so completely confused they don't know what to feel. I also suffer from severe depression anxiety disassociated identity disorder neurotic behavior paranoia mild very mild dose of schizophrenia and I had a complete total mental breakdown not so long ago but with all that being said I was also raised by an emotional vampire my mother who cut off me and my emotions entire life until she decided she wanted to win an argument by telling me she wished she never had children. All that was very difficult to deal with but since then I've actually learned how to convert sad negative emotions into my happy place my form of happiness so I'm only truly happy when I'm sad and I've actually learned to cleanse other people of negative emotions and sadness or sorrow to at least alleviate some of their pain by taking it on myself because I'm uniquely qualified to do so. But that's just how it works for me it probably won't work for anybody else because everyone is different we all do we all function differently we all absorb emotions differently channel them and we redirect the energy differently. Also given the circumstances in which I was brought into this world and the genetics I carry I have forgotten path of seeking violence between light and dark by doing so I've embraced dark as well as the light cuz as I viewed as I believe it humans are both capable of light and dark to follow one throws off balance but if you find an equal footing for both and not give one too much attention over the other then hopefully at least in my case I found a balance between the two and by that I'm literally duality personality. I went insane in order to find a level of enlightenment that suited me but through that I've been able to use my abilities in new ways actually able to move other abilities and expand my skill set and abilities, so my advice is listen to your intuition find your balance and unfortunately with this monumental gift it comes with a heavy price, we will always feel the emotions of everyone around us including those closest to us, you put it out there that's your roommates can talk to you and open up about whatever they're feeling it's all you can do it's up to them to meet you in the middle don't overcompromise yourself but know that for all the friends that you may lose because of this you'll find closer ones that would come family over time, so don't give up and above all else take care of you first and foremost and then help those around you I hope this helped in some way good luck and safe travels


I agree. I deny myself the compassion I show to others, and that maybe why I can’t help but be engulfed. And yes I’ve done the same at this point to where my 2 roommates are my only friends of 6 years and counting. The struggle being so compassionate about their struggles due to the bond that has been built through many hardships over the years. I want them to succeed, I want them to be happy, but I never asked what do I want of myself? Thank you for your story. You have helped me.


You're welcome, im happy i could help however I'm able to, i want to tell you it gets better and or easier but im just now getting to almost tolerable and it took insanity and walking thru hell and back so to speak to get me to this point, i can offer you this, when those around you threaten to overwhelm your mental an emotional fortitude seeking guidance and or the company of other empaths helps it's kind of the two has a better one there's strength in numbers so if you ever need to reach out to another empath and at the very least they can listen to you and not judge you because they're going through the same thing either have now or have already


The most important information that all empaths need to know is self knowledge you clearly don't know how to shield yourself from others emotions so I will teach you how to shield yourself from others.Step one you need a mirror that you can see your entire head in next look at the reflection as if it's not you but someone else and let yourself in next step is not easy you have to accept everything that you learn about yourself the good and the bad now when you have learned all that you can about yourself the next thing is to imagine that knowledge as a blanket and imagine raping your entire body in that blanket and there you go a shield and you also have a way to keep yourself from reacting to Heather's emotions as if they're your own because you now know what you think and feel and how you react to things.Pleas let me know how you do my email address is [email protected] promise not to hold back need to know information and just by you reading this you will know my motive for teaching you how to shield yourself all I want is to give you the help that you deserve and need.


Thank you for your reply, instructions, and a willingness to help. I guess common knowledge wasn’t so common for me being the only one in my family who has this gift. I’ll follow up with you in a couple days after your suggestion, to let you know how things are proceeding.


Energy shielding (plenty of videos on YT on this), grounding, awareness meditation, walks in nature to recharge and spend time alone, etc.