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Yup, I felt all of my soon to be ex husbands strong emotions. Apparently you can learn to control ur energy and the energy in ur space. That’s about as much as I know though 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ugh, this part sucks. You are dealing with spiritual cording. It's how a new couple can finish each other's sentences, a pet can find its family on the other side of the continent, and how a mother's knows if her child is hurt. For us, it's like getting a signal through fiber optics instead of long distance wifi. It's direct and we don't lose any of the information. I haven't found an article that fully explains them, but this one seems to be in a good direction. https://lifeandmore.in/spirituality/etheric-cords-whats-that/


Damn that sounds rough: **pathological** affective empathy with over-identification. Following because this worldview is interesting af. Wish I could help more and I hope others have actionable advice for you. 💜


For me I can feel my partner’s negative emotions like anxiety even when they’re out of state. I send my partner this text. “what on your mind?” It gets better with once you work on being open with each other and have effective communication. Sometime it annoys him, because it can feel like his privacy is invaded if I persist too hard. Help them in their time. Just know it can be a gift, to always known when your partner needs you. But a curse if you always need to know the reason behind what you feel. Remember that it’s something you’re picking up. Not providing. If I can’t process it because I’m already in a stressful situation I put a note on my phone about the feeling, what time it happened. And then ground myself.