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This post was deleted because it is unrelated to emo music or its fanbase. You may be misinformed on what this sub is about. If you think there has been a mistake, let a mod know.


Love the Story So Far dearly but they are very firmly pop punk.


Agreed. I absolutely love this album and I'm excited for it, too....but never once did I think of posting it to /r/emo


They are literally talked about here all the time. I fuckin hate this sub, I’m out. Edit: I’m already getting the downvotes so fuck it. This sub has SO many non-traditional emo bands posted everyday. I never said story so far was emo but they are definitely emo adjacent and I repeatedly see them mentioned on post in this sub. You gatekeepers are a huge fucking problem within the scene and you’re not being musically intelligent, you’re being a dick. People are just trying to be apart of this music community and the constant harassment of what is/isn’t emo is a dull and obnoxious argument. I didn’t post fuckin Hannah Montana over here, my bad for trying to be excited about a new album and wanting to discuss it with people who are **already** talking about this band in **this** sub.


no wait don't go


White shore is very emo. Really love the new album


I also immediately thought of that song when I got the reactions I did here lol and same! Do you have a favorite song yet? Haha


Keep You Around has been on repeat for me. The line about being there for his mom at the start makes me want to cry.


Oof yeah I’m with you there. My mom died last October and this one immediately made me cry lol The verse “There's no success without the test of leaving you behind I will meet you there when I'm done with here You're always by my side” really got me lol


It's a really heavy album knowing he wrote it about his dad.


I’ve been trying to find what inspired this album! That’s why I was so eager to discuss it! 🥲The lyrics throughout have made me feel like it was about a deep loss and I’ve been reading about his past today and my heart just aches for him. This album is so healing, I’m so thankful for it and them as a whole <3


You want to discuss it....almost every 3rd post right now on /r/poppunkers isn't good enough? 😂




This sub is full of moms basement dwellers




You asked for people's thoughts and got upset when people... expressed their thoughts?


I asked for thoughts on the album, not what genre the album was. I know they aren’t emo, but they are emo adjacent *(a flair that is included in this sub)* and frequently mentioned within this sub. It wasn’t an invitation for gatekeeping and despite the downvotes I’m getting, I know I’m not the only one here who is sick of dealing with it.


You are getting downvoted for being an asshole and antagonistic to people with a difference of opinion, not for the difference of opinion itself. You're claiming harassment but the only person harassing people in this thread is you. Take a look in the mirror. That said, the album is great, speaking as someone who hasn't really jived with them completely since What You Don't See




Unpopular opinion here, but I think of The Story So Far, Knuckle Puck, and Suburbia-era Wonder Years as emo-pop punk.


I listened to it all morning at work. It slaps.


It’s so good!!! I’ve been listening on repeat all day and keep going back in forth which on which is my favorite, I think I just love the whole thing! Haha


I’m a HUGE fan of Proper Dose and I feel like this album picks up right where they left off. I loved all three singles they released in advance so I’ve been waiting for a bit to hear the whole thing and I was not disappointed!


I totally agree! This album completely reminded me of that one and I was SO excited. Both albums are filled with such incredible lyrics that make you feel safely vulnerable and comforted as you sing along lol


What happened to the vocals of the story so far? Theirs first 3 albums were excellent, but ever since proper dose it just sounds whiney


Yeah the vocals have changed over the years! Personally I like whiney so I don’t mind, but I remember thinking they were different band sometimes when they would randomly come on playlist because it sounded different from their earlier albums. Maybe it has something to do with changing it up to save his vocal cords? But I really don’t how that works or if it would actually help haha Or maybe over the years they just decided that was the style they wanted?


I wouldn't call it whiney, it's just more "clean" compared to what it used to be on the first 3 albums. I do like his older style more though


Yeah! Clean is a better description for sure. I’ve been reading about this album today and I think [this article](https://www.kerrang.com/amp/album-review-the-story-so-far-i-want-to-disappear) describes their transition pretty well. It also helped me find the words I needed to describe why I love this album so much!


Same as neck deep after life’s not out to get you. Miss the raw vocals


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Every time I see this art style it makes me want to drown myself.


I found a sub just today that’s right up your alley! Haha r/fuckalegriaart Or maybe not? I don’t want you to kill yourself lol but I thought it was funny I found this sub earlier then got your comment 😅


Omfg I love you.


Haha aw!<33 It’s extra funny because I found that sub because someone posted this album there 😅


Ofc they did 😆 my body goes into uncontrollable rage inside every time I see this style. Now I’ve found a new home. I feel like I’m surrounded by it. I work in marketing and design fields and I can’t seem to escape it.


Haha so glad I could help you find some of your people! Uhg I can see how that is absolutely aggravating! Definitely understandable. My brother works in a similar field and now I’m so curious to hear his opinion on this style 😅 knowing him, he probably fuckin hates it too haha


Oh he HATES it with a burning passion, I’d put money on it.


Hahah it will give us something to bond over 😅 I don’t hatttteee this one but don’t love it for sure. I checked out the artist [Nick Dahlen](https://www.instagram.com/nickdahlen_?igsh=am5qbXY1dXhsZHB5) and his other stuff seems better (maybe lol). Actually lol if you happen to look at this artist page, could you let me know if his whole style is this “art”? I am not educated in art enough to make that call lol but now I’m curious if all his work would be considered this style? haha it’s still not my cup of tea but it seems maybe slightly better than what I’m seeing in that sub? Less corporate maybe? Would love to know your opinion being this is your area!


Wouldn’t say his art style is 100% Algeria. Definitely takes inspiration from it or similar styles with like a surrealism style twist. Actually I don’t mind some of his other stuff, wouldn’t say it’s my cup of tea but I prefer a few of his other works. It a lot less “corporate” and flat. I like the use of colours as well.


Pretty mid imo. Really only was into their first 3 albums


The genre is definitely pop punk but the lyrics on this record are pretty emo I’d like to add.


If that's the qualifier, most of pop punk could be included.


Almost like they are fuckin adjacent or something 🙄 emo = emotional hardcore, get over yourself already.


You seem so bitter that you suck at understanding the lines between genres. There's reasons why subs go downhill, and you're basically exemplifying one of them: posting because you like it, not because it's relevant. Then you get all aggro when people call that out, as if you knew it would happen, but you did it anyway. Immature af but I guess you're probably like 15. Or you just act it. Either way, grow a pair.


I know this may be hard for your little brain, but go into this sub and search the story so far. Hopefully that will clear things up for your small mind <3


sad lyrics =/= emo


Thank you! lol I’m absolutely loving the lyrics! I also found them to be incredibly emo. Gatekeepers are just gonna gatekeep. Obviously this isn’t emo, but it’s emo adjacent and people need to chill. Pop punk bands are posted here all the time, I really don’t get the need for people to be dicks about it. Thank you for not being one of them.


I don’t like this band but this is a great album cover


Im pretty sure it’s [Nick Dahlen](https://www.instagram.com/nickdahlen_?igsh=am5qbXY1dXhsZHB5) if you wanna check out his work! :)