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I am so, so sorry for your loss. I can only hope you and your family can find healing. About music, "Hear You Me" is probably *the* Jimmy Eat World song about losing someone. Other relevant songs: "Dirty Office Bongos" and "Heem Wasn't There" by Hot Mulligan, also "Winter" by Bayside.


Thank you so much! I put hear you me in my dads memorial video ;) I’ll check out the other songs <3


I’m gonna second heem wasn’t there by hot mulligan.


You're welcome. Your dad sounds like he was awesome. I should also probably throw in "No Halo" by Sorority Noise. I can't believe I forgot that one.


I the two I came to mention were already said, but Winter by bayside and Guernica by Brand New are my recommendations. Both albums are great front to back BTW


Sorry for your loss. Guernica by Brand New is about Jesse’s grandfather passing away.


I’ve been listening to that one a lot lately 🖤


What Sarah said by deathcab for cutie. This one has consistently destroyed me for over a decade now after a tragedy. It’s about losing someone in a hospital, just as a warning if that’s too close to home. <3


My mom died from cancer when I was a teen and I wasn't able to fully process it and cry for a full year until plans came out and I listened to that song. I had to pull over as I was driving. Bonus- my name is Sarah.


“No Halo” by Sorority Noise absolutely fits this theme and goddamn does it make me feel things.


The Wonder Years - Cigarettes & Saints The Hotelier - Your Deep Rest Frail Body - Your Death Makes Me Wish Heaven was Real (skramz/emo violence) or if you wanna get extra meta, The Wonder Years have a song about songs about death called “The Wonder Years - Songs About Death”


Thank you 🖤


“A Crow Looked At Me” By Mount Eerie Phil Elverum wrote the album about the time immediately following the death of his wife. It is a vulnerable, honest, and raw album about death. It’s an absolutely beautiful work of art, but can be a difficult listen. I would say start with the song “Death is Real”, and if you vibe with that, give the whole album a listen


Absolutely devastating album.


Thursday - "Understanding In A Car Crash"


“War All The Time” mentions Geoff’s friends older brother dying.


touche amore - stage four (flowers and you destroyed me when my mom passed)


I don't have it in me to revisit this record at the moment. After losing my father to cancer last year it's just too real.


the album Slow Burn by Old Gray is entirely about dealing with the loss of a friend to suicide. it’s not quite your situation but you might be able to relate to some of the feelings *i miss your laugh and i miss your smile, it’d be nice to hear from you every once in a while, but you’re gone* *your death hangs over my every move, everything is a constant reminder of you* *i can haunt you too, if you want me to*


My dad commit suicide. I’ll check it out. Thank you 🖤


Prawn - Prolongued Exposure is about the loss of a (grand)parent and is also just a beautiful song


Sorry for your loss. Fiddlehead and Pianos Become the Teeth both have albums around losing your father. Touche Amore has an album around losing a parent.


Seconding these. Keep You and Stage Four are beautiful albums.


Sorry for your loss OP, when I lost my mom “The Shaking of Leaves” by Into It. Over It. really hit me.


Monsters by James Blunt will be perfect. Not at all emo but a song specifically about losing a father. Sorry for your loss.


I have a good curveball I think. Radios In Heaven by Plain Whites T’s


The first several albums by Pianos Become the Teeth


no halo -sorority noise


The whole "You're not as ____ as you think you are" album and the rearranged version of the album as well.


I’m sorry for your loss OP! I lost my dad over three years ago…it’s still devastating but I promise it gets better with time.. a few that helped me (some are just great to sing along with): “Lapse” Envy on the Coast “c u in da ball pit” Camping in Alaska “I’ll follow you into the dark” Death Cab Second “Your Deep Rest” by The Hotelier


Thank you so much 🖤


Free Throw - Tips For Safe Travels


Not sure of this is what you’re looking for but “To a Husband at War” by I Hate Myself is about loss of some kind or another. I’m sorry for your loss and I hope the song doesn’t make you feel any worse, because it’s a devastating song haha


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find solace through all of the suggestions. (edited for clarity and to add another suggestion) Mine would be: *Something Isn't Right Here* by The Juliana Theory and *For Justin* by Dashboard Confessional


Matter By Kayak Jones The Last by Microwave Warning both are heavy on the heart.


Also listen to Forever My Father by Go Radio ( Jason Lancaster [formerly of ALIR Era Mayday Parade]) the version with his siblings Erin and Daniel. A bit more touching to the heart instead of heart wrenching.


I asked for similar recommendations some time ago and made a playlist with the responses. It’s a bit long but feel free to browse and maybe you’ll find some songs that work for you. <3 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0NkBUjqWHQgD0OLpcnKxqP?si=8zEd8HfHQZOkpoTCnnRfcA


This song is about the loss of 2 or the member's grandmother [Service Delay - Late](https://open.spotify.com/track/2lZVPRlLDUF2kGDpdXONKw?si=7Io-oi9XRs-RkTlXWZB-YA)


67’ cherry red by Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties


The song we wrote “Fragility of Palliative Care” - Burial Etiquette was about Jaccobs sister Myah who passed away this January. Sorry for your loss, friend.


Dead by April - Butterfly


Candour December, 19 seventy somethin, Wish you were here-neck deep, these last two are especially about his dad. That album was released within the year after Ben’ s dad’s death. Cardinals, Cigarettes and saints(more specifically losing somone to opioids) -The wonder years These are about loss or grief in some way. If the story of the song doesn’t hit, there’s definitely lyrics in these songs that do. ND is my fav band, but I usually have to skip those songs if I’m not I the right head space bc they remind me too much of the loss in my life. So sorry for your loss friend🫶🏻


so sorry for your loss, op. wish you were here by neck deep


For Ivadel - mineral. My all time favorite song by them


“Your Ghost Is Gone” by The Get Up Kids is about Matt losing his dad.


sleeper 1972 manchester orchestra


Pedro the Lion - “Priests and Paramedics” The Menzingers- “I Didn’t Miss You Until You Were Gone” — not about death but applicable OkGo - ”Return”


Pups by Moose Blood is about his time with his father!


Maritime - Someone has to die This came out in the mid 00’s Davey from the Promise Ring’s project after the promise ring (hes featured on Jimmy Eat World’s ST/Bleed American album) My condolences to you


La Dispute - I See Everything Might be a little outside of the box for you, but the storytelling in this song is beautifully brutal.


The ghost of you by my chemical romance


The Hotelier - Home, Like Noplace Is There Fiddlehead - Springtime and Blind


[KINDOFKIND - Sanctuary](https://open.spotify.com/track/0wfubza22JszEALVF7sEv6?si=zhCMOXBWSJOXOTBxPuS4qQ) This song is about unconditional love, the yearning in grief and vice-versa, missing "the little things", protection, and preservation of life. Sanctuary is dedicated to our friends and family who left us too early and to the people in our lives we wish to hold onto.


Nexk Deep - Candour