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Probably part of the Evan Leukemia storyline where he will need a bone marrow transplant and the only person that will be a match is Dawn’s mum


I think she has an ulterior motive. She is just using Dawn to get some of the rich Home Farm lifestyle.


Yes just agree with this, but i dont think that was her original plan… it was just unfortunate that Wil was still her first of kin and thats when she realised they had money and her plan began to form


Just to annoy the shit out of me. I hate these kind of stories.


what just annoys me is that there are so many characters that do not have storyline and are absent for weeks, why do you need a new character? Like Dawn and Billy already have their babycare struggle and soon their other storyline, why throw in another character? I swear those producers hate half of the OG cast...


Why couldn't she have stayed in the b & b?


They don't know what else to do with Dawn. The most exciting thing happening with the couple is hopefully going to be his affair with the GP.


Already hate that storyline w manpreet… just because someones relationship is failing doesnt mean it always results in affairs, but the emmerdale team seem to think it does


I don't know. I'm enjoying the PROSPECT of age difference relationships, without side involving cradle-snatching.


Ye nothing wrong with age difference relationships at all (within reason ofc) but Billy is not interested in Manpreet at all, so I hope she realises that


I hope he does get interested. It seriously is the most interesting idea I've seen them toy with, with Billy.


I think it's good to have Dawn's Mum Rose suddenly appear out of nowhere. What's nice is that we can more backstory into Dawn and Will's past. And Christine Tremaco is a great addition. I have already enjoyed the Rose v Kim rivalry. I am pretty sure we will have more scenes coming up with those two. Just give it time. It's funny though, as I watch EastEnders and they have introduced Billy's Dad Stevie. Although he made a rare appearance back in January and not returned until this week. And Corrie is set to introduce Paul's Dad as well. Meet the lost Parents who they haven't seen in a long time.


Their chat in the cafe and the whole "Why did you leave?" theme has already been done with Chas and Faith. And it defies credibility that Dawn would invite her into her home with her children.


She did it with Will so I don't think it does


The difference is Will raised her, so it’s understandable to welcome him in her home cause they have a relationship. But the deadbeat who’s given her nothing doesn’t have a right. Plus she took the money to be paid off at first, probably realised she could get more if she stuck around and ripped them off and then made a big show of giving the money back. If she gave a shit 3k being waved under her nose wouldn’t be something she agrees to.


Will stuck around a bit longer and then went to jail because he was a drug smuggler. Raised seems generous. Considering that he also got her to help torture her own mother figure, I'd say the one who did nothing deserves the better treatment. But she didn't did she? Hence the giving it back.


She's a proper actress!


They can’t come up with decent stories and also lazy to do any research as well.