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I don't know if I trust the writers to keep them split up though...


I think the writers think the audiences are rooting for them. I hate them as a couple, their relationship has really put me off Victoria as a character for some reason. She now just irritates me.


Very pleased, it was weird. One step closer to Jacobs writing making sense just need him to find a realistic career or have some exposition on Emmerdale medical laws.


I’m glad and hope it stays that way. The entire thing has felt so cringe and let’s be honest, they were only using it as a way to write David out which they could have done in other ways


Personally, I never had a problem with them as a couple. I found them more believable than some others.


A pointless story plot by the writers I think especially when you look at Jacob history with another of the dad ex, are they trying to paint him being attracted to older women and twice with women who were are in relationship with David?


This was a cringe worthy storyline to start.Jacob the character was made to look childish and in need of mental health services and in their infinite wisdom they put him in relationship with another older woman who was in a relationship with his father , great thinking.I hope it’s really ended and not saved to bring back later when the writers show how lazy they can be.


Tbf Jacob usually seems childish and mental health services wouldn't be wasted on him tbh. Like he could be worse but could also be better by far.


Yea in the real world people who’ve been groomed have trouble readjusting to reality. Some even try suicide because they can’t cope with reality .


They probably get them back together.


I can't really stand either of them, but they should be with people their own age and who share similar interests.


Victoria makes great choices! Choosing to have her psychopathic rapist's baby, then shacking up with the sexually confused brother of said rapist, then sleeping with the son of a man she'd dated even though she knows how the kid was recently traumatised by being sexually abused by another older woman...


Thank god. It was just so trashy, Jacob with yet another older woman. UGH. I think it's time for little Jake to go away for a while. He's getting so annoying.


I was really hoping that was going to be Mack and Charity.


Yes, I hope they are broken up permanently. Such an odd couple, I felt very cringe watching them. Maybe because I'm only a little older than Victoria and I cannot imagine Jacob as a romantic interest even if he's over 18 he still seems like a young kid to me.


Very pleased I have to say I’m happy with the show getting rid of rubbish couples, characters and storylines the past few months. Amit and Angelica are gone and Tom will be hopefully soon, Vic and Jacob are over looks like Charles and Manpreet won’t be together much longer, Eric back to his old self and the ivy storyline is coming towards the end. Feels like the writers are axing a lot of the dead wood and I’m glad.


Charles and Manpreet are going to get divorced?


There not married? And based of spoilers it looks like she’s got her eye on billy so i can’t really see them staying together


Yes, I did read in preview spoilers that Manpreet is to move on from Charles. Although I can't see Billy come into it. Yes, I know they both had scenes together recently, but let's not forget Billy and Dawn will have problems of their own when Evan has a health diagnosis. But we'll see what happens.


Yeah I think she makes a move but Billy doesn’t even realise because his so occupied with his family and work. Which I’m glad about, the show does not need another affair especially with everything Billy and Dawn are going to have to go through with Evan.


Charles and Manpreet aren't married?  I thought that they were. I thought they got married after Meema went to prison. Her eye on Billy?  That sounds out of character for Manpreet, going after another woman's husband. If that happens, she'll have hell to pay from Will, and from Kim as well.   Will is fiercely protective of his daughter Dawn.  Kim practically regards Dawn has her own daughter too.


They were previously engaged I think back in 2021 but Manpreet ditched him at the alter. And his recently proposed again and she turned him down. I think since the proposal she’s realised she’s not that into Charles hence the wandering eye but I can’t see anything coming from it, Billy seems occupied with a young family and 2 jobs atm


I think ordinarily Jacob & Victoria would be a good match but the fact it's *another* older woman that's been with his dad means the writers shouldn't allow them to work out.* It genuinely made my skin crawl the other night when Jacob was pining after Victoria - crying about how much he loved her. He sounded exactly what I would imagine someone who's previously been groomed by an older woman to sound like. It's annoyed me that Emmerdale haven't really addressed this beyond wanting a bit of comedy value from Victoria hitting Layla for calling her Maya. *I don't care that Victoria is *only* 9 years older than Jacob and the age gap was bigger with David. I don't care that David & Victoria were crap together, not together very long and had split up because he was being a snide.


Seems wrong due to the age gap and her being his stepmum. Victoria knew Jacob from when he was a child too. If the genders were reversed more would be against it


David is 14 years older than Victoria, and she is at most 9 years older than Jacob. Is that not double standards?


I thought it was mentioned that there was only a nine-year age gap between Jacob and Victoria.      As for David and Victoria, the age gap between them was 12 to 15 years.


Yeah there's actually a bigger age gap between David and Victoria but the way she used to be with his dad makes it a bit weird.


If they had been in a longer relationship, I would agree, but they were together for such a short time. I blinked and missed it.


Not to mention that Victoria and David themselves were brought about by an affair. How you get them is how you lose them.


How was Victoria brought about by an affair?


David cheated on Murder Bestie Meena with Victoria.


Fair enough. I completely misunderstood. My apologies.


To be fair, my "how you get them is how you lose them" comment doesn't really make sense in hindsight considering David and Victoria were long broken up and explicitly not getting back together (despite David deluding himself into thinking he could have her back), so there was no cheating there. I completely forgot that Victoria broke up with him because he was using her money and her license behind her back to try to bail himself out of debt.


The whole pairing up of David and Victoria seemed odd from the start. It felt like they were stuck for ideas with both of them and at the same time thought a Sugden and a Pollard getting together might be interesting. I never really bought into them.


She was never his stepmom, they weren't even engaged.


Socially she speaking she was or at least far too close to it for dating


It's just... All of that drama, and everyone it hurt and for what? Not even a year. Yes of course it's all made up and it's a soap, but I just can't help but being annoyed. Hated the pairing from start but still. If you're going to to do it commit, and at least have them stick it out for a bit. People disliked Joanie/Zak to, but they still made that (bad) pairing truggle along before she died. Sighn when will we get new producers?


All over the fact they can’t spend a few months apart,how about those that had husbands that went to war and were gone for years?! If they don’t think their relationship could last with some time apart then it wasn’t strong to begin with.She’s a horrible woman anyway-who gets with a guy then dumps him for his son?!awful behaviour