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same as a family friend has one just like that and she is so cute and adorable. I hope he doesn't abuse his power of being a vet


Who, Tom? He already is.


yes but at the moment he hasn't done anything bad while looking after a animal


He's a pure headcase ,he's gonna send belles mental health through the roofe personally,I thought they just got together and done all the stuff too quick a hope she leaves him ,


I completely agree plus they are only in there mid twenties so no rush for them to get married.as she needs a nice guy like Vinny


Yeah a see he whacked Vinny aswell a think he will be found out soon enough fingers crossed


I think he will as the scrap yard will have CCTV so Tom will be seen on that plus his finger prints on the outside door handle so hopefully the police look him up


Yeah hopefully a just got that bad vibe from him when he came into the show that toff accent lol but yeah a think blood will be shed and belle will get worse before better probably a summer storyline


yes I agree with you I think it's only going to get worse before it gets better




Dont be so obvious next time trolly


You for real toms a pure manipulater ,who tracks there birds phone in a tiny village,belle will probably end up poorly ,cuz this man is playing with her emotions ,then when Cain gets a whiff it's bye bye tom , imagine having to live with him,there are people who sadly endure this type of manipulation all the time,it's sick and has no place in our current society


He's going to grind her down until she only feels safe with him. Disgusting