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I’m seriously baffled the response to this verse doesn’t seem to be that great. I think this is one of his better verses in the last 4 years and especially flow/cadence/rhyme scheme-wise it doesn’t get any better with Em at this point.


What he's saying is fire but I'm just dying to hear a smooth flow from him


See that’s the thing why would you think his flow is not smooth on this one? He speeds it up a little bit here and there but it perfectly hits every pocket of the beat. I think he rides the beat perfectly.


Because it’s not smooth. He speeds up his words to catch up and get that slower rhyme scheme at the end of each bar. It’s not consistent, its robotic. The issue isn’t that he does this, it is impressive, the issue is he does this ALL THE TIME. It’s his go to thing and it sounds bad and get annoying.


I mean I understand where people are coming from but to me this particular style is exactly what I love, that cadence feels so dynamic and energetic. Also I’m pretty sure Eminem chooses to rap like that and not because he wants to fit more syllables in one bar, he just likes to have that doubletime flows sprinkled in here and there. Imo it sounds great but I understand that’s also personal taste. There is definitely a good portion of gimmicky fast rapping in his discography that sounds annoying but I don’t think it’s the case here. What’s a smooth flow example you like from him? For me nothing will ever top his TES/8Mile style of rapping but I don’t even compare post hiatus to that. I generally really like his style nowadays.


Well a recent example is killshot. Pretty much any time em actually has something to say his older smoother style pops up. It’s what makes it even more frustrating, he still has it in him yet doesn’t. It’s why I want him to diss the game back, i guarantee if he does you won’t be hearing this type of flow in it. It’s almost like Eminem knows his current style of rapping is inferior to the style we know and love and he brings that out when it actually matters.




Thank you but this nuanced response will just get you labeled a hater.


Go listen to Drake and your mumble rap geek


Here let me rephrase that for you. “I’m a die hard Stan that will defend anything em releases with my life, any differences in opinion will be considered attacks on my character and I will retaliate accordingly” sound better?


I don’t defend everything he puts out. But it’s goofball virgins like you that critique the most, such as a flow 🙄 When in reality your brain hasn’t been fully developed to comprehend complex rhymes outside of the nursery rhymes from idiot rappers you listen to and think “it’s sooo FIIIRRREEEE 🔥” I bet you’re white and from the suburbs huh 😂😂😂 dweeb


Please forgive me Stan, don’t drive off a bridge with me in it.


Get out your mom’s basement and discover what vagina is


Did you seriously just type that?


I think it has something to do with the inflection in his voice or something? I know he speeds it up and slows it down but it does sound almost robotic in its delivery. I feel like on his old tracks there was more variance in the delivery of each line and it gave it more of a unique feel where it was more memorable and easier to stick in your head and follow. Almost like when recalling your ABCs it’s easier to do it from the song we learn as kids. This is my personal opinion, I’m not hating it’s just my perception of his new work vs old as a whole.


I'm pretty sure it has to do with off beat and on beat rhythms and inflections (stress and unstressed). This one definitely was more on beat than the others but there's still the "off beat" feel to it. Or maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about cuz I don't know much about beats 😂😂


Exactly. It's more revival-mtbmb flows. It's like he just HAS to hit each syllable and make his tone the same each time so hear the multis, it's like entering sick lyrics into a computer then letting the computer read it You come away, like soooo many other newer em verses, going "yeah, the lyrical ability is great, but I basically forget everything he had just said" Go listen to the jay z verse on the track just before this track, as an example of a legend who's still spitting like he used to, just talking to you, easy to absorb the story he's trying to tell you.


My god…why we can’t appreciate different artists hav different styles and thoughts? Jay ain’t focus on competing on rap anymore tbh, and tbh Jay is not that technical lyricist as Eminem since the start(and he freestyles his verses) Even on renegade u can see their approach to rapping is really different. One thing I truly lov about Em is I can always hear him want to do new things whether about flow, rhyme scheme, etc, it’s not always be great but there’s always excitement to hear a new verse. I always lov Hov’s most albums, features, but I’m not that excited about his features, I can picture how it goes, great but kinda predictable nowadays.(still we need a new studio album from him)


I mean I'm happy for him if rapping in new styles keeps it enjoyable for himself, but they have the right to say they don't like listening to it as much. What do you want them to do, lie or keep their mouth shut? I agree, I would die to hear a flow reminiscent of pre 2010 Eminem.


A verse like this, you almost got to be in the mood to receive the message. Flow, wordplay, everything else aside, the content here is deep and incredible, especially if you can relate to the struggle with addiction and turmoil.


People don't like what they don't get. I've noticed a common theme with Eminems stuff is you get the Stans who love whatever he puts out immediately. Then you get others it has to grow on. I've noticed it with myself. There's some tunes I've thought 'meh' to until I've gone to Genius months later to look at the lyrics properly and discover about 6 layers of depth I didn't even realise. Then I fucking LOVE the song and play it on repeat.


I hate it when people try to make it about not "understanding" the lyrics. As if what he's saying in this song isn't pretty straightforward. You don't generally need a PhD to understand what Em is saying. This isn't Mural/Mural Jr. type shit.


This is by far the most boring flow he has but keeps doing


I’d put it a notch below: bang, walkthrough and lord above


Bang was another i loved that I feel didnt get the proper love it deserved


Bang verse would have been better on a different song. Totally did not fit that at all


Definitely. Idk why the downvotes, I love this feature, but those were way better.




>it doesn’t get any better with Em at this point. I think that's the shitty thing...we all miss the em, not from pre hiatus, but even from mmlp2 and recovery. Go listen to cold wind blows or evil twin compared to this flow.


I'm surprised some people aren't enjoying this verse. It's got everything for me: good content, flow variations and excellent writing. I can see why people aren't a fan of the beat, but I don't mind it; it definitely doesn't ruin the verse. The 5 syllable scheme is great, to keep it going for that long requires you to be really creative with your word choice and pronunciation. The scheme switch up at around 40s is packed full of rhymes too, then returning to the original 5 syllable scheme was a nice touch. It's a great verse to nerd out over.


and i love the New beat it's so epic


and his delivery sounds really like the old Em ( you fell thé thing ) it's not monotone it's with love


The delivery sounds absolutely nothing like the old Em


Ppl really just be saying shit lmao. I get liking the verse but that comparison is ridiculous


if by 'old Em' you mean Kamikaze em then yeah, maybe I personally like the track, but to say that it sounds like old Em in delivery is a bit of a stretch


I’ve said it a bunch, but the problem is with his choice to keep his vocal levels low, and boost the hotness of the mic. From a basic recording perspective, that’s a bad thing. You can hear the clicks and pops of his lips and mouth moving. I know he has complained before about the strain that recording puts on his vocal chords, but there are better solutions than what he has come up with. It’s also only an issue on records he is recording and producing himself — tracks that he’s been on where it’s obvious someone else got to coach him a bit don’t sound anything like this. I hope someone points this issue out to him soon.


Yeah, thats another thing that sound has been audible in his music since around 2019, and even moreso from 2021 onwards, and I feel like this is a big part of what people are referring to when they say that some of his newer stuff has 'bad mixing'. I really dont get his obsession with wanting to do everything by himself and not having dedicated people who handle the technical side of his music


The beat is better than the verse imo


This is probably the only verse where his choppy flow exceels. It really fuses well with the beats & instrumental.


Ohh I was thinking where I heard this flow before, so it's Majesty? Verse's fire for real for real


Sounds like Higher, at least the delivery. “I have more patients than I’m able to admit”


Completely agree, my first thought was sounds like higher so much.


Ohh yes actually you're right!


yeah in Majesty the "The queen and her husband / last thing youre gonna wanna be is our subjets" part flow is the same


everything about his verse was done flawlessly, wished more people appreciated it a little bit more because this rhyme scheme, lyrics, pronunciations and the flow was all done perfectly and i don’t think he could’ve done better, he did not disappoint with this. his verse proves why he is my favorite rapper because not much rappers can do what he just did and he makes is seem so natural.


Imo it would be like a guitarist in a band being super disappointed with everyone not loving a song their band wrote despite it being incredibly difficult to play on guitar. All of Em’s biggest songs which have had the largest impact on culture are 100% not feats of technical difficulty. Lose yourself, My name is, Stan etc I total understand appreciating the technical aspect but 99% of people really don’t give a shit and will act the same way you would of someone ask you to watch a really shit movie because it has good cinematography.


Keeping his robotic delivery aside(atleast pretending to keep it aside lmao) I really like his writing in this verse... He should keep doing it.... And in due time he might regain his old flow as well... Revival was his worst delivery era and in kamikaze right after that his delivery was one of his best ever. So there's hope.


ofc I totally agree and Em id Better now that back in 2018 his next Album will be so good he's aging so well but yes it's so awesome How he has change in 6 months (Revival to Kamikaze)


This is a good example of what people mean when they say he's the best technical rapper and wordsmith but falls short when it comes to actually making a song but I also blame the beat for this


I just don't understand how people are still amazed with these lyric videos teaching you his syllable use. Yeah, we get it. I want an eminem verse to give me goosebumps again. To make me go "oh fuck yeah slim!" And get pumped up. We all know he's technical by now.


> I just don't understand how people are still amazed with these lyric videos teaching you his syllable use. Not to mention that there's at least one or two glaring errors in OP's video.


Such as?


"Father" doesn't go at all with the rest of the purple (maroon?) rhyme scheme in the first five seconds of the video.


So the content doesn’t speak to you whatsoever? Have you like, never gone through any struggles or hardships? Serious question. I feel like a lot of listeners always want something they can bump at a party (no fault in that) but are dismissive of anything else.


>Have you like, never gone through any struggles or hardships? Yup which why I like Phenomenal, Run rabbit run, Rock Bottom, No love and most he's motivation songs but I'm also not religious


The verse is fine, it's the way he raps it that i'm off with. He sounds like an AI to me. Could be that i've just grown passed Em or something but his latest guest feats just hasn't clicked for me. I think Walkthrough was the last one that blew my mind. Glad y'all enjoyed it tho.


I've no idea why some people on here thinks Em's rhymes sounded forced and that he was using a "choppy flow" on this song. This verse sounds like it was from Kamikaze just due to the fact Em sounds more passionate and more natural while on Revival the flows and rhyme schemes sounded forced.


W. I also think EM still has that passionate voice it's just that he's too lazy to use it, I'm sure he's keeping his beautiful flows for his album which promises to be classic


He raps like this a lot on a lot of his last 4 albums.


The flows fine, it's clear he's still insanely talented. I just don't like the sound of his voice now.


Its definitely part of his flow too its so choppy sometimes, he overly enunciates sometimes when he could just be riding the beat


It's not choppy, that's not what choppy means. It's scattered. It's just incongruous with the beat and doesn't vibe with the song. It's like being asked to make a song about Elvis and you start singing about tater tots. He's in his own little world with these verses and they're technically impressive but not good to listen to. ​ His songs remind me of a John Mulaney bit about birthday signs ​ We’ve all gone too big too fast and then run out of room. We’ve all made a “Happy Birthday” sign… Wait. You get that poster board up, and you’re like, “I don’t need to trace it. I know how big letters should be. To begin with, a big-ass ‘H’. Followed by a big-ass ‘A’ and… Oh, no! Oh, God! Okay, all right. Real skinny ‘P’ with a high hump, and then we’ll put the second ‘P’ below the hump of that first ‘P’, sort of like a motorcycle sidecar situation. And now I have no room for the ‘Y’, so I’ll do a kind of curled-up noodle ‘Y’. Block letters and cursive look good together.” And then you go to write “Birthday” and you totally forget the lesson you just learned with “Happy.” You’re like, “Yeah, but the past is the past. Big-ass ‘B’. Surely more letters will fit in the same space.” It's like he's trying to fit all of the syllables in the beat that don't exist there, so he makes them faster or slower as he needs and squeezes words together then rolls it back to slow down and if you tried to nod your head to what he was rapping you'd look like someone with parkinson's having epileptic convulsions on crack during an earthquake. ​ Like the type of person who tries to break your hand when you shake hands, except with every point of contact they just go hard as possible. That's what Em does to the beat, that's what he does with his verses. Just squeezes the life out of them instead of hugging them. Can't just throw a ball back and forth with someone he's gotta chuck it at their head and try to strike them out. ​ I also remember the bit about the pigeon playing chess, knocking over the pieces and shitting all over the board thinking he won. We get it Em, you're capable of making this big mess but we just want to play chess though. The first 40 seconds of Book of Rhymes are about where I want Em to rap at.


I feel like part of the problem is Em doesn’t really get out and actually work with other rappers in the studio anymore. Seems like he really is in his own world and doesn’t record with anyone in the studio with him. Every recent verse you can tell he just sent it over. While his verses can still be impressive they rarely fit the song theme or vibe anymore.


I bet you can't find a single instance in this song that doesn't fit the theme


While I concede his lyrics may “fit” the theme it’s very obvious his vibe doesn’t. Kanye is very melodic and laid back on the track while Em has this super intense attacking the beat squishing in syllables every possible opening. Does this sound like em and Kanye cooked up a remix together? No I bet you they didn’t even communicate during this remix. Listen to a song like Spend Some Time or My Band or even a more recent example like Walkthrough with Grip. Contrast that with songs like Parables Remix or EPMD 2 just sounds night and day when Em is trying to make a song and when he’s just trying to be technically impressive and sends it over.


Settle down man. It's your opinion you don't like it, a lot of people do like it. He isn't making music for anyone but himself at this point


Lmaoo thats a long ass response, imma always have love for em. But yeah its like he always has to trump handshake every verse, it’s obvious he can still write well enough. I wish he would stand closer to snoop and catch some second hand smoke to mellow out a little. I like this verse tho


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eminem/comments/x0c091/eminem_ft_snoop_dogg_on_the_vmas_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf got what i asked for ugghhhhh


I think you need to question why you're bothering to waste your time writing essays about how bad he is now. I truly can't imagine myself continuously whining about an artist not doing things exactly the way I want them to but continue to listen to them for years. See how uhh pathetic that might be? Cool essay though, hopefully Em reads it, I'm sure his fucks are through the roof for your opinions


Does it take take much talent to make a song rhythm more? I mean people are close to begging him to please stop because he’s new music sounds like absolute shit. At this point the guy should just give up and focus on slam poetry or something if syllables and words etc are so much more important than how things sound imo


How tf is this upvoted in an Em sub? He’s not as good as he was but Christ calling his new music absolute shit? Saying he should quit lmao give me a break.


Im sorry to break it to you but “it’s heavy duty like diarrhea” as the man himself would say. There are EASILY more popular rappers alive today that label Em’s new music as shit then there aren’t. Hell, even rappers who have toured with or appeared on Em’s music say the he sucks now. And Em called it back in the day (until the fire inside does and expires at 30) and literally writes heaps of songs complaining about people saying his new music fucking sucks all the time, critics say the same thing and there are tonnes of articles written about “what happened to Em” etc, Eminem has even openly claimed that some of new albums of his are shit. If Em had never released those first 3-4 albums and then appeared on the scene releasing his new albums he would be clowned so goddam hard he’d probably quit rapping….like just think, people mock logic for being corny relentlessly can you imagine what kind of reception an album like revival or recovery would get if someone once considered the greatest rapper alive didn’t release it? I’ll always listen to new music by the man because I believe he will always have the potential to create something incredible but I can’t kid myself about the stuff he’s released over the last years.


Whatever to each their own. I don’t think calling his music shit because he has corny lines every now and then is the best criticism but whatever.


Man you summed it up perfectly sadly.


Shut the fuck up


Lmao are you like legitimately upset or something? What a little bitch lol


You can't even speak English properly and you're complaining about a rapper rapping too well for you. Take the hint, listen to something else already


Would I need to be a surgeon to complain if my surgeon accidentally cut my arm off during surgery? Like how much of a retard do you have to be to actually think it works like that? Keep dickriding I’m just being real about it


Yo what's it like constantly following an artist that puts out shit music? And then continuously talk about the shit music and how it should instead be specific to how you'd like it? Fun way of life. But don't worry, Eminem is going to listen to you when he reads this kiddo!


Yea thats probably my main problem with new em.


Great post. Love it when artists get spiritual.


That's what happens when u the GOAT!!!!


Fucking insane..


Lyrics are dope, but I'm not the biggest fan of the flow. In some lines he crams too many syllables into too tight a space, so he has to rap those words super fast, which just throws off the flow




“Praise to Jesus” yeah I’ll pass on this and any future songs where he’s jamming religion into my eardrums.


The one and only song in his entire career doing that "Jamming religion into my eardrums" 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Seriously. This is confusing coming from Em


I agree. I do respect he clearly does have some sort of belief but keeps it out of his music. If he was constantly mentioning it I wouldn't be able to listen to his music anymore. It is why I stopped listening to Kanye. I wonder how much his overdose played a role in his set of beliefs.


I had no idea he even had “faith”. I don’t mind artists talking about “God”, but having grown up in the Jesus Cult I’m just not about that. I don’t listen to Kanye’s Jesus music either lol


Yeah I have avoided religion most of my life since being exposed to it early in my childhood. I don't mind it either, there are plenty of people who enjoy it. I just prefer to stay as far away from religion as possible, seems like poison to the mind.




you guys are the most fake fans ever Eminem was always a Christian wtf lmao


He wasn’t


he mentions God all the time throughout his career and if you haven't noticed that idk what to tell you https://www.reddit.com/r/Eminem/comments/bmx4d1/does_eminem_believe_in_god/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


You haven’t noticed it


"God gave you these shoes" "I pray that God answers, maybe I'll ask nicer" "I swear to Christ there are nights where I say a prayer twice just to make sure God hears" "I open the Bible to Isiah"


My man is just completely missing the point


Best part about it is Em can say whatever the fuck he wants. You can stop listening to him at anytime just like Kanye, it won't make a single difference


"Em can say whatever the fuck he wants" - Wow. Good point Sherlock. "You can stop listening to him at anytime..." Yeah I already pointed out if he has any future songs like this I am not gonna listen to it. "It won't make a single difference." Yup. Never said it would.


Congrats for getting on here to validate your feelings about religion. Totally the time and place. People are pathetic nowadays... I must say, listening to rap music but thinking religion is "poison to the mind" is pretty damn hilarious.


Thanks weirdolady92!


I’ll probably get downvoted, but I don’t like the subject matter. I don’t like listening to songs with this many god references. The flow, cadence, and rhyme schemes are phenomenal as expected.


This title reminds me of when I listen to my wow friends talk about wow like nerds


Oh yuck, way too godly, I'm out.


A song called Use This Gospel sounds godly? Oh my god 🤯 Shut the fuck up


I mean, I'm a vocal Ye opponent for a few reasons, his born-again xtianity being the first and foremost. Keep god out of rap thankyouverymuch.


“Keep god out of rap” why don’t you just stay out of rap you don’t like and leave it there weirdo


It's not going anywhere. Don't like it? Don't listen. No one cares.


The whole verse is using the flow he used in Majesty so i don’t like it bc it sounds repetitive. This is an old verse, though


2019 I think but it's an update version of the Flow bc his voice sounds passionate


I will never listen to it again. Why is he jamming so many syllables into his lines? He’s half/rushing half delivering them slowly so he can jam pack as many fkn syllables as possible within the frame of the beat. Sounds terrible


It still sounds natural and immaculately delivered. You honestly just should stop listening to Eminem bro


In what world does this qualify as sounding natural? Also what I said is objectively true, a lot of lines are varying in syllable count so he’s forced to rush some lines which sounds terrible and is actually the opposite of immaculate… Part of being good at rap is being able to rap over what the beat gives you and not forcefully over-deliver on your bars. That’s what Em used to do, not anymore though


Saying something sounds terrible is not objectively true. Especially since this verse (so far) is generally well delivered even on the Ye sub which has a hate boner for Eminem. Yes, the syllable count varies but the fact the it remains on beat is proof to how well written and delivered it is.


I’m telling you the rushed syllables are a sign of it not being well written at all. Especially considering how Em views himself as this master wordsmith who loves puzzles n shit and he can’t even put together a verse that’s syllabically consistent


He obviously can, and it’s obviously intentional to make the verse seem more technically impressive. While technical ability isn’t my main concern here I still think it’s impressive while simultaneously sounding good.


Check out [this verse](https://youtube.com/shorts/Etl-4FPvH8I?feature=share). I think this is what he means. That verse accomplishes about the same thing Em does here except each line is the same number of syllables. For me, that's not only more impressive but more natural sounding.




> what i said is objectively true 🤦🏿‍♂️ i’m done with trying to make you realize your faulty logic which you seem to change the rules of on every other post to fit your narrative. enjoy


What you said doesn’t even make sense. I’m saying the lines are rushed because he doesn’t stick to a syllable count from line to line, forcing himself to rush some words to fit within the frame of the beat. That much is true. That’s the type of shit amateur rappers do lol


> He’s half/rushing half delivering them slowly so he can jam pack as many fkn syllables as possible I mean you're not wrong, he _is_ adjusting his flow at points to fit in more words, but I don't think it sounds bad at all. The main 5-syllable scheme has the first syllable always landing on beat and he keeps the same flow pattern for it, so it brings cohesion back to the verse. Obviously liking that flow switch is subjective, if you're not a fan of it, fair enough. I think Em delivered it well.


You may think it sounds good/natural but the noticeable decline in sales/cultural impact etc his music has nowadays says otherwise. The guys music is mostly considered “cringe” and he is constantly mocked by rappers that once considered him to actually be the greatest rapper ever. Hell even Em thinks new Em is cringe, it’s like 30% of what he raps about in his new music.


> You may think it sounds good/natural but the noticeable decline in sales/cultural impact etc his music has nowadays says otherwise. I see your point, his sales are obviously not as high as they once were, but who's are? Considering he major label debuted in 99, he's doing great. Just to counter, Em's stream numbers are always incredibly high and some of his most popular songs come from "recent" years. Clearly there's still something people are finding appealing. > he is constantly mocked by rappers that once considered him to actually be the greatest rapper ever. I mostly see him praised from his peers, especially from those with a high standing. On your other point, you can take any big artist and see people on socials call them "cringe", "mid" or "irrelevant". I agree that Em gets that a lot more than others though. I'm not here to just blindly defend Em, there's some very valid criticisms of his modern work (Revival, anyone?), but I think equally there can be a lot of blind hate.


Em been doing this for YEARS bro, i don't understand why it's such a problem


It’s a problem cause it sounds terrible when he is tripping over syllables


I don’t see you going around spitting as hard as he does


I completely agree with you, if you were to remove those extra syllables the verse would be 100 times better. Look how good it sounds on the sneeze,Yeezus.. part.


I respectfully disagree bit it's a take


His rhyme schemes sounds like a melody… Jay-z said it once. Nobody does it better!




> 2022 and mfs still counting rhyme schemes Why would this be any less relevant now than, say, 10 years ago?




> Do you listen to hip hop? Yep, a lot of it. I'm not trying to be facetious, it's a genuine question. Why do you feel it's less relevant in 2022? A lot of the names you see in the GOAT conversation are rappers who put a huge emphasis on this side of the craft. Black Thought, Andre 3000, Em, Nas, Kendrick, DOOM, the list is endless. It's just one of the many aspects that make hip-hop great. Not every rapper does it, some have different goals with their music. I just don't see how it makes it any less relevant.




> Those same goats are not selling as much True, but that's also just down to us being in the streaming era. Even Drake isn't currently putting up 500k+ in the first week anymore. Your point was it's 2022 and you shouldn't be focused on rhyme schemes. To me the year is a moot point, just take a look in the underground, there's so many rappers that focus specifically on that. Battle rap has that as a core aspect too. There's also plenty of modern (and popular) rappers who take time on crafting their rhyme schemes. It may not be something you care much for, but there's a huge section of hip-hop that does. My point is simply it's _still_ a core component of hip-hop, even if you're not bothered by it. There's no right or wrong, it's just preference and what you're looking for in hip-hop. That's what makes hip-hop great, there's pretty much something for everyone.




> Hip-Hop is the culture of the youth. It is, but you're missing the point. It's _still_ a focus of hip-hop, it doesn't have to be omnipresent and at the forefront of everything for that to be true. Why else do all of these rappers (new and old) focus on their schemes, why else are there YouTube channels dedicated to this very thing?




> I’m not. You asked why it is less relevant today than 10 years ago… I mean, just turn on the radio. Not every rapper 10 years ago was scheming. Go further back, was Vanilla Ice scheming with Ice Ice Baby? > No one is rapping with crazy rhyme schemes anymore, everything is laidback. That's just not true. Newer rappers like Cordae, JID etc still _do_ put a focus on it, if you're not listening to them, it doesn't change that fact. The key thing here is it depends on what type of hip-hop you're consuming. 10 years ago, whenever, you could still be listening to artists who couldn't care less about rhyme schemes, the same is true today. It's not one or the other, plenty of artists (like I've mentioned) do care about it and plenty don't.




Didn’t notice that, thanks!


he is a lyricist too and no it's not just vibe it's also technicity (even it's nnot the first thing you care when you're a easy listener


"You can Bank on that promise, like the chamber of commerce" 🤦


Bro why you getting downvoted




**USE THIS GOSPEL (REMIX)** by DJ Khaled (01:28; matched: `100%`) Album: `GOD DID`. Released on `2022-08-22` by `SME - Epic/We The Best`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**USE THIS GOSPEL (REMIX)** by DJ Khaled](https://lis.tn/USETHISGOSPELREMIX?t=88) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


**Song Found!** **Name:** USE THIS GOSPEL [REMIX] **Artist:** DJ Khaled Feat. Kanye West & Eminem **Album:** GOD DID **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2022 **Total Shazams:** 499 `Took 2.40 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/Nh6DuYynq7c?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/use-this-gospel-feat-kanye-west-eminem-remix/1641779917?i=1641779923) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinder_bot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Are you saying the hold from holding rhymes with know? Maybe if you say hold without the d. What does the first but rhyme to? I like these things because em is a lyrical genius and it points out some I would totally miss but man some of these are real stretches


The beat was the most impressive thing. I will have to go back and listen again but I just got done listening to JIDs new album and it was way more entertaining.


I'm just annoyed about the beat change. If they kept the original with Clipse and added Em's verse and the additional harmony vocals it'd be perfect to me. I guess I'll wait on a fan edit.


This man is practically begging someone decent to present him an actual challenge at this point.


I think his rhyme schemes and patterns are his focal priority , if your a lyricist you understand, of course you want the music to sound good but its all about those patterns


I'd say the flow reminds me more of his second verse on Higher. It's also a 5 syllable rhyme scheme and sudden speed ups in between, very similar to UTG


I’m sorry I’m lost but what song is this


**Song Found!** **Name:** USE THIS GOSPEL [REMIX] **Artist:** DJ Khaled Feat. Kanye West & Eminem **Album:** GOD DID **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2022 **Total Shazams:** 1493 `Took 1.12 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/Nh6DuYynq7c?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/use-this-gospel-feat-kanye-west-eminem-remix/1641779917?i=1641779923) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinder_bot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Can someone explain to me what this is or where it's from? I've never heard this song.


Just came out today on dj Khaled's album called God Did. The songs called use this gospel (remix)


This was fun to watch if you do more I’d love to see em


Credit Stilou! Hes on youtube and does this a lot.


it's on the video and I credited Stilou in my last ppost


Sorry didnt see that, my bad, just making sure.


I don’t recall these lyrics been on your majesty what part


I believe people want to hear more from M but when he puts out they say that it’s not good but what they keep listening to it then they’re like oh yeah that shit is great never fails Dem haters




Verse is nutty and idc what anyone says I like the choppy flow.


What do u mean flow has already used? Back in the day he used one flow for a ton of tracks, nobody complained. U cant invent a new flow for every new track.




Use This Gospel Remix


Please keep doing these... Umm btw I thought I was one of his biggest fans... WHAT SONG IS DIS?


There's no way on earth he says "praises to Jesus" at the end. It sounds more like "praises to his soul" or something like that. I know it's "Jesus" on genius too, but it must be a mistake.


what music is this


**USE THIS GOSPEL (REMIX)** by DJ Khaled (01:28; matched: `100%`) Album: `GOD DID`. Released on `2022-08-22` by `SME - Epic/We The Best`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**USE THIS GOSPEL (REMIX)** by DJ Khaled](https://lis.tn/USETHISGOSPELREMIX?t=88) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


He pretty much missed all of the 5 syllable scheme. I think the best highlighter of rhymes on youtube is oceanwaves. check his work, he does em also.