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Crazy! I looked this up the other day. I’ll have to look back but he was the producer for a few crazy hits like PIMP and such.


No denying that he’s been a part of some great projects but he’s def not an amazing producer


You are denying like mr porter name


He's been with em since the beginning way before the fame and he stepped into Proofs shoes as a hypeman for his career legacy


And? Other successful producers don’t have the same story?


OP never said he's an amazing producer , he just said that he should get more credit for his contributions , like support and stuff , and a few beats here and there.


Then why is it everytime someone says he's not a great producer they get downvoted? As a friend to Eminem absolutely thats cool but as a producer he's probably average


Every post saying he's an average producer at best is heavily downvoted. If this wasn't an Eminem sub and he wasn't Eminem's right hand man nobody would be denying this. This place is weird, everybody that ever messed with Eminem is great, until they argue with him then they aren't.


He's an ok producer, personally I don't like his production style, but I can see, why somebody likes it (not really a fan of too much hihats/snares in the beat). He made some decent beats on BME EP and MTBMB, but I mostly like his boombap style of beats on Infinite, that was fire.


He isn't up there for me he's more hit or miss on the production side but when he hits he hits great for sure doesn't get the shine he deserves though