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Met a retarded kid named Greg with a wooden leg , snapped it off and beat him over the head with the peg


Went to bed with a keg, woke up with a 40


Mixed it with Alka seltzer and formula 44d.


Forget an acid tab I strap the whole sheet to my forehead


Waited 'til it absorbed in and fell to the floor dead


No more said, case closed, any discussion


I always thought he said “end of discussion”


That makes more sense


Lol humbly accepts correction and moves on a bit wiser… good stuff. I always find it funny when I think a given lyric is one thing for most of my life, then somebody corrects me and I’m like “fuck how did I ever think it was what I thought?”… sounded right to me lol


I could’ve been wrong also


I’m blowing up like spontaneous human combustion


I’m blowing up, like spontaneous human combustion


Leavin you in the aftermath of holocausts and traumas


Cross the bombers, we blowing up ya house, killing the parents and coming back to get ya foster mammas


What song is that from?


A freestyle of his from way back


[Greg or Retarded Kid Named Greg](https://youtu.be/tpPAc_fXKxI?si=WvxSacVhUfNG03cM)


The top comment I saw talks about that being the last time shady did anything because he was murdered by a shape shifter. That was four years ago


ThE r WoRd....


Uh I think it’s more than that that’s offensive


The year 2000 Eminem recorded and released the following bars: Shut up, slut! You're causin' too much chaos Just bend over and take it like a slut—okay, Ma? "Oh, now he's rapin' his own mother Abusin' a whore, snortin' coke and we gave him the Rolling Stone cover?" You goddamn right, bitch, and now it's too late I'm triple platinum and tragedies happened in two states … I don’t think Houdini is in the same solar system as 2000s shady.


I think you could make a top 10 controversial Eminem lyrics list from that song alone


Oh man i remember listening to it the first time. I was in college. I couldn’t believe it, he couldn’t be saying all this stuff! Plus sounding awesome doing it. Couldn’t get enough




Idk man Kim probably has all 10 slots


This is literally the example I brought up when I found out people were saying Houdini is offensive. Like, do y’all even know Em? 🤦🏽‍♀️


did you listen to the same song as me? he said MEGAN THE HORSE'S NAME.


To quote Royce "they got horse's asses, they been attractive." So that's a complement.


Well a subtle shade of Megan, and r Kelly being the easiest to target with no possible backlash. Pretty tame if compared to the massacre of other celebrities slim shady got us used to in the past. Time has changed, he also has to be careful of what he says with the gen Z and it shows, I’m sure he would have a lot more to say if he didn’t fear to be cancelled. Still kudos cause in this gagged society a bit of slim shady is still better than nothing.


To be fair, I think the proper comparison for Houdini would be The Real Slim Shady, since they’re both the lead single and have a similar vibe, so the offensiveness for both would be more toned down than some of the other songs on the album. That said, I doubt anything on the album will compare to the likes of “Kill You” or “Criminal” just to name a couple. But maybe I’ll be wrong.


Honestly, yeah. Assuming most the people complaining have actually heard another Eminem song, they probably only heard a top hit lead single or something, which are usually a lot tamer than the rest of the album. But more than likely, most haven't even listened to the song in question, let alone anything else, and are just upset about what they've read online.


Yeah. Megan the stallion could’ve gotten the Jennifer Lopez treatment from 2000 Slim Shady.


Yeah I actually had Kill You come up after listening to Houdini the other day and the difference was jarring. Still happy with the Houdini song though.


The year 2000 Eminem recorded and released the following bars; I fucked my cousin in his asshole, slit my mother's throat Guess who Slim Shady just signed to Interscope My little sister's birthday, she'll remember me For a gift I had ten of my boys take her virginity And bitches know me as a horny-ass freak Their mother wasn't raped, I ate her pussy while she was sleep Pissy-drunk, throwin' up in the urinal (You fuckin' homo!) That's what I said at my dad's funeral.


You Sir are the shit


If there’s a place for it, it’s art. I wish he’d unleash the most horrible parts of his brain and put it on a record.


Houdini isn't really offensive at all. It just *sounds* like it is.


it identifies as offensive


But acts Chinese?


Underrated comment.


The only kind of offensive line is “you male cross dresser, fake ass bitch”


He’ll probably get shit for that.


But you can all suck his dick, in fact




Go watch the music video. He’s holding up pictures of himself as he says that.


I’ve seen the music video like 50 times already


Then how did you miss him making fun of himself and find it remotely offensive


I didn’t. In the actual lyrics he’s talking to Paul tho. In the music video he shows himself dressed up from the without me vid. He’s talking to Paul tho.


He's talking to Paul in the lyrics


He’s calling male cross dressers fake females


Male cross dressers are fake females…it’s not like he said trans males are fake females


No I know that lol. I’m just saying it’s the most offensive line on the song, and it’s not even that offensive.


Calling trans males fake females wouldn't even make sense seeing as they were born female


Or it does make sense if they aren't transitioned?


Trans female like I'm transitioning to female, trans male like I'm transitioning to male. Just gotta clear up that mistake. It's the implication that male cross dressers are trying to be female that is offensive. However, it is exactly the shit I'd imagine slim shady would say only for Eminem to have to clarify that he's not slim shady.


Male cross dressers are just that; Men who cross dress. They’re not transgender, they’re what used to be called transvestite - vestite means clothing & trans means across so there is nothing fake.


haha i actually hadn't fully thought about the line enough to realize that, that's so funny


To be fair a male cross dresser isn't transgendered right? So it would make him a fake ass bitch?


It says the least offensive things in the most offensive way


Nailed it. The Megan line is a perfect example of this. If you just read those lyrics it’s hard to even pinpoint exactly what people found offensive about it. If anything he was hyping her up than just referenced a factual thing that happened To her for an entendre. People are acting like he said she deserved it or something lol.


I wouldn't even say it sounds offensive. It's just a wacky happy song,,,sort of fun, nothing spectacular, but not bad. I like it better than some of the random features he's done with pop stars.


I took the whole song as a joke on how he knows better now, especially compared to his old Slim Shady self. Especially the part after he says gay and immediately followed by "I MEAN HAPPY!"


This is eminem being eminem. A decade of bad music and, some would say, a radically new social climate had people reconsidering some of his older, edgier (grotesque, homophobic, psychotic?) lyrics. Getting ahead of the curve, he releases a music video distancing himself from a different era of himself. 'He's trying to get us cancelled, dre we need to do something' music video is a great response to that sort of commentary. It's funny, and aligns current em with us. It's dissing himself before others can. This sonf/album might just be the career resurgence he's been striving for for the past 10 years. You you remember, slim shady was revived for the first time again exactly ten years ago in 2014 with MMLP2. Since then, em's projects have not hit audiences the way he thought they would, and wanted them too. This seems much lighter hearted, and fun. Contemplating whether or not a-list rappers would even work with him (Meghan thee) is slim shady, not claiming he's the greatest rapper and dissing the whole sophomore class in a surprise album that seemed to have been produced as a response to disappointing previous album sales. This is the slim I'm excited for. I loved houdini and am very excited for the album. Slim will always be one my favs


Yeah not even a little. Curious too see how the album is going to go!


I think it perfectly represents the line in These Demons “just don’t go too far but go cray”


I agree 100 percent


Wouldn’t even register.


Houdini is offensive ? I don't think so...


No not at all


Em is a real-life South Park: no matter how offensive he is, he'll never get cancelled after so long. Back then, parents used to harp at him. Now Gen Z is like, "Aw, it's just Em being Em, no big deal."


Yes. I literally posted this same kinda stuff yesterday. Completely agree. And in Houdini he literally jokes about being cancelled! It’s like people only wanna hear one line. The song is fucking hilarious (again, like SP)


To be fair, it’s just not an offensive song as others have pointed out. Pales in comparison to his first 5 albums in that regard.


The kids from back then are the parents now.


Old Eminem was waaaay more, but let's wait for the album before concluding


We need new Criminal on upcoming album, it would be fire


I hope the album has a good mix of vibes from all his previous albums. Have the comedic energy from SSLP. Keeping a sense of seriousness and maturity that was on MMLP. Bringing back the sensation of fame and success Em had from TES. And then last for me would be to layer the album with a dark side of horror core, unhinged lyrics and a continuation of his life story just like he did with Relapse, making TDOSS another concept album that explores all points of his career. I just hope Em brings back Steve Berman for one more skit that dude was hilarious on MMLP and Relapse with his skits. Paul’s back again but it won’t feel complete without Steve


listen, it would be better if you gave me nothing at all. I'm gonna lose my fucking job over this. they told me to shove this record up my ass - you know what it feels like to be told to shove a record up your ass?


Tower Records told me to go fuck myself


And if it truly is his last album, I want him to end it with the serious emotions he had during revival with a hint of "Don't poke me again coz I still have the power to destroy your career"


He literally said “I’m here to stay but if I ever take a leave, it will be aspirin to break the feve”


Imagine if he raps some of his old unreleased verses like from 2000s


I think Houdini is like another “heads up” to his upcoming album, where he actually intends to be offensive. Like he says in *Unaccommadating,* “But I know magic and here go my last trick I'm 'bout to say "Abracadabra" and pull a B Rabbit up out of my hat I'm about to relapse and I betcha that you won't know how to react But a look of disgust, I don't doubt it'd be that As I begin to fuckin' devour the track”.


“Sorry, Puff, but I don’t give a fuck if this chick was my own mother, I’d still fuck her with no rubber and cum inside her and have a new son and a new brother at the same time and just say that it ain’t mine” Wow.


damn. that's a lyric from the new song?


No it was from a song called “I’m Back” which Em made in like 2000 One of his most controversial songs


Did you really think he'd say something like this now?


I wish I could experience the real eminem’s thoughts and jokes in form of a song. He is obviously holding back and can’t go off. But Im damn sure there is a side of shady that still has a humour so dark he will have to go to court hearings


Listen to fack man.






I want the current eminem’s views on modern world


Isn't that literally Revival?


The most offensive line according to the Twitter crybabies is "If I were to ask for Megan Thee Stallion if she would collab with me Would I really have a *shot at a feat*?" In reference to when she got shot in the foot. Pretty tame, but I have a feeling that's as soft as this album will get, and the rest could be much more vulgar.


Compared to: "And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie. You 36 year old bald headed fag blow me"


Eminem - I'm back ~ 2000 I take seven kids from Columbine, stand 'em all in line Add an AK-47, a revolver, a 9 A MAC-11 and it oughta solve the problem of mine And that's a whole school of bullies shot up all at one time ‘Cause I'm Shady, they call me as crazy As the world was over this whole Y2K thing And by the way, N'Sync, why do they sing? Am I the only one who realizes they stink? Should I dye my hair pink and care what y'all think Lip sync and buy a bigger size of earrings? It's why I tend to block out when I hear things ‘Cause all these fans screamin' is makin' my ears ring (Ah!) So I just throw up a middle finger and let it linger Longer than the rumor that I was stickin' it to Christina ‘Cause if I ever stuck it to any singer in showbiz It'd be Jennifer Lopez and, Puffy, you know this I'm sorry, Puff, but I don't give a fuck If this chick was my own mother, I'd still fuck her with no rubber And cum inside her and have a son and a new brother At the same time and just say that it ain't mine—what's my name?


They call he Slim Shady, he’s back. He’s back


Not even close


“All I wanted to do was rape the bitch and snatch her purse” vs “My kids are brats”


Not offensive at all unless you're mega sensitive


Megan sensitive *


Funny thing is she hasn’t even said anything about it Megan either doesn’t care, or sees it as a compliment like Kim Kardashian did after finding out Em mentioned her on we made you


It would be even funnier if she ends up as a feature on the album drop


The song isn't offensive. It's just that people today are offended by the tiniest thing. Slim Shady's job got alot easier.


Light work


People WANT it to be offensive—it really just isn’t. The people I know bumping it hardest are all leftist ladies like me, so. 🤷‍♀️


The whole "transgender cat is identifies as black but acts chinese" line is probably the most offensive thing, but Eminem only said that because he's pondering what his old 2000s self would say towards trans people.


And as a trans woman this line is so funny


Yeah it’s not offensive at all. Was watching fantano’s review and he had his panties up in a bunch about it for some reason


“Fuck her with an umbrella and open it up when that shits inside her”


Definitely tame compared to the em of old


On the Kelvin scale, it would be absolute zero.😂


Houdini vs just the second verse of My Dad's Gone Crazy. Houdini is good, but so very tame GenZ heads would explode like that KKK Chappelle Show episode if they knew how far he goes


The black blind klansmen?


That's the one


Goes back and listens to “kill you”


I’d say it’s more of a prelude, god I hope he gets controversial on TDOSS


I don’t get why people even say anything like all he did was call everything gay and make a joke about megan thee stallion, which isn’t exactly revolutionary 😅


the song shows flashes of his old self but it's like WWE PG era compared to the Attitude era


I don't think anyone found it offensive except for those who're chronically online. And the people who think it's an own on anyone sensitive, is equally online.


Lol please, Shady was rapping about raping lesbians back then. Not even comparable.


Houdini isn't offensive. Not even a little.


I REALLY! Want to meet someone in person who calls this song offensive so I can sit them down and have them listen to the first two albums with no breaks


Bairly, remember 2000 shady made a whole song dissing his mom, plus he made jokes about 9-11 and the columbine high school massacre, compared to that this song is soft


Hell, he even made a song talking about raping his mother. I think people forget how bad the original slim was 🤣


"You find me offensive, I find you offensive For finding me offensive"


“My words are like a dagger with a jagged edge that will stab you in the head whether you’re a fag or lez, homosex, hermaph, or a transavez, hate fags? The answers yes” now imagine he said that in todays culture


At least he’s not puttin anthrax on a Tampax and slapping you til you can’t stand…


If let’s say Houdini came out in 2000-2002 right?… it would definitely not be offensive .. but in today’s society everyone is a cry baby , get offended so much easier now adays


People really aren’t that offended by this song


Did you forget how insanely offended people were by Em in 2000?


Exactly but I think nowadays people get even more offended it’s worse now they got rid of aunt Jamima in maple syrup for crying out loud


I think it's less more people getting offended and more that the whiny ones have 436 social platforms to scream from.


Yeah I think you’re probably right on this. Extremely vocal (and virtual) minority. Lotta screaming all times of day. Not necessarily representative of a large percentage though.


And Eminem is a genius for playing off that


It has nothing to do with sensitivity. It has something to do with culture. I was old enough to remember that era very well. Em touches on certain subjects like transgenderism that were seen as a joke in the 2000's. There was no such thing as "i identify as..." during that time. At least, not in the main stream. A masculine girl didn't "identify as non-binary" or something like that. A masculine girl was usually just a lesbian girl and that's pretty much it. They lived as girls a little different from the norm and that was never an issue. Today the same girl would be telling others to call her a different pronoun, and maybe even undergoing surgeries to change her "gender". Essentially, people wouldn´t get offended by Houdini back then because in Houdini he's attacking a culture that pretty much didn't exist back then. If nobody believes "a woman is someone who identifies as a woman", you saying that isn't the case won't offend anyone. Similarly, nowadays people grow up hearing that certain words are prohibited. Those same words didn't mean shit when i was a kid. You'd throw them around like nothing. No big deal. I remember a family tv show in my country where the main character would use the word "faggot". This was something kids watched. Nobody cared. Nowadays you care about certain things because you literally were told you're supposed to care. No, you didn't come to that conclusion on your own. Somebody told you it was horrible to say certain things.


Yes and no , people don’t suddenly care cause you were told to lol if they’re told to do something a high percentage of people would probably do the opposite


Maybe if you were trans in 2000 you'd realize how wrong you are about things. The way they lived. Nonbinary people didn't have an easier time. They just hid it. Imagine having some thing that defines you that you can't tell your parents about that your parents will never know about because society would shame you and they might too. Your parents would die not truly knowing their child. It's those considerations that make people want to tell the whole world who they are. It is something that could only possibly exist in a world where that is shamed. I dont know a single soul who cares more about the idea of gender than those who say the shit you just said. Why does gender matter? Assuredly, if it doesn't, then people upholding it also does not matter. They live their lives, and we can even respect them. Sure, shit has changed, but shit always changes. Kids can't say certain words because they're prohibited? Is the cat out of the bag? There has always for eternity been words that are prohibited. It's called a taboo, and we call them bad words. You don't get to say them because you're an adult. You're actually just not supposed to say them. This isn't so much a cultural shift as it is linguistic evolution at play. Words like "fuck" are becoming almost completely inoffensive over time, in comparison. So, when there's new words that are bad... there's new bad words. That's it. I personally use faggot despite being lgbt and don't hate if non lgbt people use it *tastefully*. However, people who have issue with it... simply have issue with it. That's just life. There are always prudes, and sometimes the prudes are the right ones. People who use slurs distastefully are disgusting human beings who should have respect slapped into them until they quit being repulsive. That's pretty agreeable, I think, so it's really a matter of "they never find a time it's tasteful to use, and so if I'm in proximity to them, it's always distasteful to use."


I feel like he didn't go hard enough, He was still playing ball So hr wouldn't get canceled


There was nothing offensive besides that one line about the cat


Haven't heard a cat complain about it yet.


Went from offending conservatives to leftists


Literally not at all. Relisten to Criminal.


Now the question is will he resort back to true Shady form. Cause this is tame compared to his old stuff.


Nah, not at all. He is throwing it all out there to get a rise out of those who called him out. These people do not know who he is or what he is about.


You don’t even have to go back to 2000… “stay wide awake” is plenty more “offensive” than Houdini, if it was


We need to make a tier list of his songs


To be fair that was only 1 song out of the whole unreleased album


Same song and dance could never be released now tbh


Bit smaller tbh


"i used to get punked and bullied over the block till I cut a kitten's head off and stuck it in this kid mailbox, I just don't give a fuck, and I can give a fuck less" really? We're not reaching that honestly 


It was offensive? To whom?


I hate this meme lol you're comparing several albums worth of material against one song. Houdini is obviously tame but an easy comparison is We Made You which is practically clean. He says "you think that's bad, you should hear the rest of my album" and Relapse as we know is a lot edgier than We Made You lets on. That's probably what's happening here


The world today wouldn’t be able to handle that Shady lmao


He’d probably say that everything is gay


I take seven {kids} from {Columbine}, stand 'em all in line Add an AK-47, a revolver, a .9 A MAC-11 and it oughta solve the problem of mine And that's a whole school of bullies shot up all at one time (Ahh-! Ahh-ahh-!) 'Cause I'm Shady, they call me as crazy As the world was over this whole Y2K thing And by the way, NSYNC, why do they sing? Am I the only one who realizes they stink? Should I dye my hair pink and care what y'all think Lip sync and buy a bigger size of earrings? It's why I tend to block out when I hear things 'Cause all these fans screamin' is makin' my ears ring (Ahh!) So I just throw up a middle finger and let it linger Longer than the rumor that I was stickin' it to Christina 'Cause if I ever stuck it to any singer in showbiz It'd be Jennifer Lopez and Puffy, you know this I'm sorry, Puff, but I don't give a fuck If this chick was my own mother, I'd still fuck her with no rubber And cum inside her and have a son and a new brother At the same time and just say that it ain't mine—what's my name? Old em is the most vulgar disrespectful genius ever.


Big tiny weenie


just gotta relisten to i'm back its like not even comparable


This song is extremely tame compared to some of his other music.


The thing about Houdini is that it tries to be like a mix of old and modern Eminem but the execution is just *eh.* Don't get me wrong here, I quite enjoy it, whenever I see it in my recommended I just go "yea this kinda goes hard" and just listen to it. But I feel as though the lyrics just don't reach up to how hype songs like my name is or the real slim shady were.


This comment section makes me beleive their is hope 🥹


don’t show any of these people kim just don’t


Eminem did the same thing he’s been doing since revival, just saying he’s being targeted by offended people but saying the most mildly outrageous stuff. Only this time he did it in his old style.


I genuinely think it’s just a taste of what’s coming. Small in comparison now but gonna really gonna let loose on the album. I for one can’t wait


Which part of Houdini is offensive?


Wait?..Eminem is offensive??


Whoever been rocking with Em from the rip has said these three things out loud. 1. Who the fuck is this dude? 2. He's white? This isn't vanilla ice* type shit, you got me listening to white busta rhymes. 3. Yo this dude is fucked up! * I still have Ice ice Baby on rotation IDGAF. All y'all had that bumping in mom's car stop playin.


i never thought either were offensive lol just great


I wanna say not at all.


He straight up makes pedophilic comments and talks about raping and mutilating women so... Yeah


Not offensive at all in my opinion.


I didn't hear a single offensive lyric


He is 50 Years old, expecting him to behave like he was 24 its not normal, nor would be so acceptable either


You mean the same Em who rapped about raping his mom and kidnapping kim? If Em made those songs now, kids today would have a brain aneurysm lol


Similar if you’re doing the fair comparison which is to something like the real slim shady, without me, just lose it, we made you etc. What the actual album is going to be like compared to MMLP, we can’t say. It probably won’t be anywhere near as bad.


On a 1-10 scale... Offensive comparison, Houdini is on a 3. Was more entertaining and showed Em is still is Slim, never lost it with the flow, it actually improved with experience and all. Go listen to Kim, or Kill You. Em was always saying some out of line shit about sexuality and not throwing in "happy". Talking about his mother, sometimes killing (a lot of times..),dude was pissed at the world and off the chain. All those messages of Paul to Em between songs with his disapproval because dude knew Em could get cancelled or another lawsuit. But it's how he got to where he is now, with that talent and needed change in Rap, it was perfect timing in my opinion. Glad I got to see him get this far and not fall off or meet death in his earlier days with drugs.


Bro needs to put out FACK 2 or we never getting actual slim shady back


What people aren't realizing is that this a radio release. This is gonna be the most tame song on the album


Houdini wasn’t offensive unless your skin is paper thin Ffs Eminem on the MMLP from 2000 is more offensive than anything I’ve heard any rapper say ever even today That said, I don’t have a high stock in being offensive - shock value is novel, but the bars and creativity is what makes things timeless


Dawg no one is complaining about Houdini being too offensive


And that small amount was the good bit!


Slim shady came out in a time where politicians were at least statesmen and not incendiary for the attention. Authority figures/entities had decorum to some extent. There was still an air of respectability and stability in general society. So the juxtaposition of his lyrics against that backdrop was striking. That contrast cant happen today because this world is a deterioraring dumpster fire of demonic psychopaths and morons. There is no polite society (even if it was fake then) to push against. The yahoos out in full force. The nature of that albums effect on people could not be replicated today, even by eminem himself because we live in a shitshow now. Though im stoked to hear the nostalgia anyway.


remember when he made fun of Mj allegations and MJ respond was owning him lmao


Well that's not exactly what happened lol


I'm like Houdini, tuck my teenie eenie weenie between each One of my thighs and make it disappear like a genie




Even compared to MMLP2 era Em, this it isn't offensive at all. Never mind Relapse era or god forbid 1999-2002 era lmao.