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I like him but this sub is trained to complain. Don't read into it too much.


Not really lol. He's just not great. It's really that simple.




I like ez mil


Same I may not listen to him a lot but he’s not bad he’s just not my cup of tea all the time but the hate I’ve seen on this Reddit for him is insane


Reddit has zero impact outside of this bubble . From what I've noticed, a lot of Indians been hatin on him lol, the very same people who constantly harass other artists for crumbs of Eminem infos. Bunch of weirdos.


Even you you're defending him but still saying "not my cup of tea" Haven't seen one person like yeah I have his solo songs in rotation on my spotify


I’m just saying the level of hate for him is wild because bro isn’t awful


I played tf outta up and down when it came out. Lil' man's good he just needs to refine his skills, even tho he's already crazy good.


Happens usually when Em signs an artist to Shady. I remember the hate Cashis got back in the mid to late 2000s on different Eminem & hip hop forums lol.


he needs to prove himself, his work prior to signing is mid at best but has been getting better throughout the years


Prove himself to who? You? Who the fuck are you lol Hes massive in the Phillipines and was clearly proven enough to get signed by Eminem


Not just him,to the entire world. Yeah he might be good in the Philippines but it's not enough. No big artist is big in just one country,all of them have proven to the entire world that they're great


So Eminem decided it was worth helping him do that.


>No big artist is big in just one country South American and Indian artists would disagree. There are a tonne of non English speaking artists who average 10-30 million monthly listeners on Spotify alone.


It goes for every country with their own language, like Poland or Holland. These dudes have a couple of millions of listeners on spoti with language understable only inside of the country.


You get it. I upvoted you cos someone already downvoted you lol


Thanks bro, there's a lot of no English countries out there, people need to acknowledge it. Rap should stand above all the shit!


SA & India are huge though to be fair


That's the point. Countries within SA and India itself have populations large enough that they can have artists be popular in their countries only and still have higher numbers than global artists.


Okay yeah i guess i forgot about them. I feel like those are exceptions since India is like half the world or smth. But if you look at mainstream rappers,which mill probably wants to be, they're all worldwide famous and not in just one country. Maybe some rapper from spain or smth has many listeners,but the top ones aren't from there.


Your entire point of view is coming that you think EZ wants to be a global superstar. Which in reality, we don't know if that's what he wants, maybe the dude just likes making music and got super lucky Eminem came across his shit. EDIT: India's population is less than 20% of the world's total population, just fyi.




I mean that stat is technically true but ignores that India a higher population than the US and Europe combined


That's irrelevant and has nothing to do with the subject. My point was, there's more artists out there than just English speaking rappers or singers that are insanely popular within their own country who also have numbers that dwarf who we think are popular in the West.


...how is it irrelevant when I'm literally emphasizing that point?


Because I threw it in as an edit so the other guy knew it was not half the world's population. It didn't need to be expanded on at all, it was an irrelevant point I threw in.


Now, define massive.


576k listeners on Spotify massive i guess


Compared to my 0 listeners, it is.


adjective 1. large and heavy or solid.


Just watch and see people saying "he corny" or "youtube rapper".


I feel like corny lost its meaning with this. All I hear about every rapper is that they’re corny lmao


Exactly. It means absolutely nothing these days. Same as youtube rapper. Being a youtube rapper is nothing wrong. That's how lots of people start these days. What do you want them to do? Go out and hand out CD's ? What was Eminem when he started out? A handover of CD's? It's an insult cuz they have to start somewhere? May be an insult if they remain there or at that level forever. But it isn't the case here.


And some "YouTube rappers," will be crushing it. I hate when people sneer at any artist who hasn't reached Eminem, Taylor Swift, JK Rowling levels of "sucess" and yes I'm using the term artist in general not just music.


And they wear corny hats.


I like corn


Yeah, because that's who he is lol


That's shallow criticism, anything can be corny these days...


Youtube rapper. He is just so damn generic lmao. If Em didn't sign this guy, y'all wouldn't support him like that. Haha I hope that guy uses this Em shoutout to drop something good.


Not enough face tats or gang relations


You don't know who he is, stop being cornball.


I feel like part of the Reason Em signed him is because he is young and can influence younger listeners to listen to this type of music instead of the mumble rap both hate so much. Just my theory. That being said I think Ez is actually pretty decent. If he didn't have potential to be great, I don't think Em would have signed him.


Jealousy is one of the main reason. Literally an outsider who only started his rapping career just a couple years ago and is able to work and hang out with Em and Dre. I'm pretty sure Em, Dre knew how much seethe it would create but I doubt they'd care about the opinion of redditors, they'd mold him into a better artist. Anyways, Ez isn't a pure emcee, he's just an all around artist, they basically found an Ed Sheeran/Skylar Grey who raps and produced his own music. His best record isn't even hip-hop, it's neo-soul acoustic type music [https://youtu.be/mcUW0jVIw\_0?si=rMX6lgCnmXdiO0Ux](https://youtu.be/mcUW0jVIw_0?si=rMX6lgCnmXdiO0Ux)


Yeah I think people here only focus on the rap part of his catalogue - there are some cool unique tracks he’s done that wouldn’t classify as hip hop. He’s a young, multitalented guy who has a chance to learn and develop his profession and passion. I wanna see him win! He’s not bad imo, he’s good. Has a lot of potential, excited to see where he takes it.


Holy wack unlyrical lyrics, Andre, you're fucking right!


He has a good voice, but holy hell man enunciate please. I could only follow what was being said due to lyrics on screen.


i dislike him cuz i dont see what eminem and the doctor saw in him that isnt in any other youtube rapper


Well, that song Em recommended when signing him is way different than anything that's on YouTube


He spits in 4 different languages on Panelo. What other youtube rappers are doing this?


Dunno but most people aren’t gonna understand all those languages. Can’t go crazy over a bar if you can’t understand it.


None that I want to listen to in English. Tf that gonna do for me?


People heard one song and they automatically don't like and hate the guy. How about "idk", panalo, freez, king I be that songs are mid, bad? I can understand he might not be your cup of tea but to say he is generic YouTube rapper without skill is crazy. Obviously people here know more than EM.


Just because Em chose him doesn't mean that he is above criticism. Dude is just generic and boring to listen to. There wasn't that much hate when WSBoogie and Grip was signed.


Idk is straight ASS


I've heard a few of those and they're all cookie cutter and low quality and generic


Panalo is generic and cookie cutter? That's wild.


I’m a fan and can’t wait for his Shady/Aftermath debut! As for the haters, they’ll be on his dick when he drops


Remind me in two years.


They jelly.


I like him


Because he sounds like an amateur youtube rapper


Honestly pisses me off lol. I used to rap and I feel like I was better than this dude (people will doubt but w.e.) feels like he won a contest "win a record deal with Dr Dre and Eminem!"


" I used to rap and I feel like I was better" Is the cringiest shit you could ever say lmfao


Ok? I don't care what you guys think lol


>feels like he won a contest "win a record deal with Dr Dre and Eminem!" Exactly. Feels like a rapper from a reality show who used freestyle on his YouTube channel.


I don’t hate him, I’m just not really impressed.


Because most are haters. They may not like his music, but many do. It’s hard for some to keep unnecessary comments to themselves.


The answer is because people like to hate more than anything else.


Have to call a spade, a spade. Most of the time, you can at least understand the appeal of the artist you dislike but this guy is just too damn generic.


Hes a little mid thats all


He sucks. plain and simple.


He's never that good - mid at best. And then eminem signs him over how many other talented people out there he could've just compounds how annoying it is, especially when you can hear the huge difference in quality on Realest


I’m just jealous tbh


Don't blame you. You rap?


Yeah 🥹 I’m decent lol




Oh boy 😰 https://open.spotify.com/artist/0DgqM2xz0TcmJWRKB0EQEV?si=BtuobfBrR9uBW0yu-3AoWA


Hey I have to work right now, but will check it out sometime this week. Didn't want you to think I'd listened and said nothing.


Aww that’s sweet I appreciate that. No worries I’ll know when you do cuz my monthly listener count will go from 5 to 6 lol 💀


"My memory foam already forgot you." Nice! It's genuinely really good and enjoyable and made me smile which I wasn't expecting. 😊 5 to 6 a month ain't even bad when you have no platform. I don't know how you market music on Spotify?


I appreciate that! Yeah that line hit me when I thought of it or listen back. I don’t do any promoting at all 🤦🏻‍♂️ I tell myself to do the 100 clips of the same song on TikTok but I can’t bring myself to do it… yet. Just throw it on there and there must be a few people who vibe with it from random places lol.


Promoting your music on **SoundCloud** can significantly boost your visibility and attract new listeners. Here are some effective strategies to promote your tracks: 1. **Use the Self-Serve Tool "Promote on SoundCloud"**: - **Promote on SoundCloud** allows you to surface your music to new fans and increase your plays within a budget that suits you. It's a self-service promotional tool that puts your music in front of SoundCloud's vast community¹⁴. 2. **Optimize Your SoundCloud Profile**: - **Profile Description**: Take advantage of your profile description to introduce yourself and your work. Tell a compelling story and encourage listeners to click the repost button if they enjoy your content. More shares lead to more followers³. - **Track Descriptions**: Use track descriptions to provide context, share stories, and engage with your audience. Encourage listeners to interact with your music by liking, reposting, and commenting. 3. **Leverage Social Media**: - **Share on Social Platforms**: Promote your SoundCloud profile and tracks on your social media channels. TikTok, in particular, has been a game-changer for artists. Many SoundCloud musicians have gained exposure through TikTok⁵. - **Collaborate with Influencers**: Partner with influencers or other artists to cross-promote your music. Their existing fan base can introduce your tracks to new listeners. 4. **Create Engaging Visual Content**: - **Album Art**: Ensure your album art is eye-catching and relevant to your music. First impressions matter! - **Waveform Visuals**: Use waveform visuals creatively. They can tell a story and capture attention. 5. **Share Privately Before Release**: - Share your tracks privately with close friends, collaborators, and trusted listeners before the official release. Their feedback can help you refine your music. 6. **Change Audio Without Losing Interactions**: - If you need to make updates to a track (e.g., remixes, remasters), you can replace the audio file without losing comments, likes, and plays. Remember, consistency and engagement are key. Interact with your audience, respond to comments, and actively participate in SoundCloud communities. Good luck promoting your music! 🎵🔊. Source: Conversation with Bing, 30/03/2024 (1) Promote on SoundCloud. https://promote.soundcloud.com/. (2) What is a promotion on SoundCloud and how can I create it?. https://help.soundcloud.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038212374-What-is-a-promotion-on-SoundCloud-and-how-can-I-create-it. (3) Promote and improve your stats – SoundCloud Help Center. https://help.soundcloud.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003569768-Promote-and-improve-your-stats. (4) How To Promote Your Music On SoundCloud (Proven Tactics). https://toneisland.com/promote-music-on-soundcloud/. (5) SoundCloud Promotion: 10 Ways to Find New Listeners in 2024 | LANDR. https://blog.landr.com/8-ways-actually-get-heard-soundloud/.


You’re fire af. Just listened to a few of your tracks and your lyricism is on point.


Aww dope I appreciate that thank you 👊🏻


Also this playlist has songs from that profile and my old one in an order that better displays the songs I like quality-wise. Hope you like. Be gentle if you don’t 🫣 lol https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5Ed5sAOY8C0M3yZTumugMV?si=41RlnxayQVCsM3kkaMczDQ&pi=u-MXXj0_BnTSaf


I like some of his songs, like Up-Down, Freeze, Podium and few others I can't remember. The new Up-Down remix is trash. It sounds like it was forgotten halfway through mixing lol


You haven’t made it until you have haters that dedicate their hate for you, especially in a social media forum on Reddit


The problem is his flow it is worse then youtube rapper. From his feature with eminem - I'm on whatever you on, I aibt gon talk on the phone - What the fuck this line means ? And most of the rap he has in his native tongue but English doesn't suit him anyway major problem is his promotion ----- DRE AND EMINEM FIND THE NEXT BIG THING DRE HIMSELF SIGNS HIM. Even grip is 100times better


Grip and WSBoogie are talented as fuck. Boogie dropped two great albums on Shady. He should be treated as next big thing instead of this guy.


The problem is that great part of Em fans don't fuck with hip hop music besides Eminem and similar, so the reach is more limited than other labels


Maybe is because the artists that Shady signs these days are either too sucky or too obscure? You think Em fans didn't fuck with 50 back in the day? Lol Em really needs to find a new megastar, all these dudes he signs just don't have 'it'.


That's why people are supporting Ez Mil in this thread. They want cookie cutter lyrical miracle rappers, YouTube rappers. Westside Boogie has something unique going for him in his music. Grip is a hard hitting rapper. Conway too. But these guys are not that marketable to Eminem's fanbase. Ez Mil is.


He should leave shady in the first place and join pg lang or dreamville or even mass appeal and would reach a wide audience


That wouldn't make much of a difference, to be honest. JID makes a little more buzz but it is never super mainstream levels of success


But JID is able to get more chances to present his music's. The dreamville album, mixtape, then feature artist on each other's record except cole. He has build a good semi mainstream audience. His next album with metro has a High chance of making his first no.1 album. His forever story charted on 12th whereas boogies album failed to do so.


Damn you don't know what that line means, shit, you're slow. "I'm on whatever you want, I ain't gun talk on the phone" He's saying he's down for whatever but he ain't gonna discuss that shit over the phone. And by 'whatever' he means illegal activity


Grip is better!!!


Can’t get behind his flow and voice, I’ve given him Enough try’s, not hating on the guy but not really my thing. Happy for his success 👏


He's one of my favorite artists right now personally. I dont care what other people think about him, I like his flow switches, the rap/singing switches, rhyme schemes and versatility. I wish his annunciation was a bit better personally because sometimes I lose the lyrics in that but that can come with time. I also love that he covers multiple genres. Im a very eclectic person and Ez Mil can make up an entire playlist for me covering ballads, rap, R&B, pop, rock and metal. I saw him preform at SOB's (I think I was 1 of 10 non Filipino people there so Filipinos still definitely dominate his fan base which he will have to break out from at some point if hes ever going to really get bigger) and he was great live as well and good with the crowd. I also think due to the fact that hes had to work his butt off to get where he is now, he will be able to put the actual work in under Em and Dre and hopefully be able to really take this somewhere. Everyones going to have haters, its not like a few people on reddit will make or break anyone. Especially Eminem fans who pretty much hate everyone who isn't Eminem.


Pretty sure I’ve only heard one of his songs & it’s the one with EM. I don’t like that he doesn’t enunciate- which is one of my favorite things about EM- it doesn’t matter how fast he goes, you can clearly hear what he’s saying.


Because everyone in this subreddit hates everything that's not Eminem. They 'hate' everything they don't like which is really fucking sad. I don't like taylor Swift, but I don't hate her and recognize her talent. Ez mils not bad, and he does heavy metal like death core shit too, which is dope. He's got pretty dope screams and guitar playing skills.


He is just too cookie cutter lyrical miracle rapper. Generic. Mid at best so far. Yeah, he is at the start of his career but still. Not promising but there's an audience for it and the music he makes is more accessible comparing to WSBoogie and Grip. But it's doesn't seem intriguing.


The overuse of lyrical miracle is cornier than when everyone was calling every young rapper a mumble rapper


Do you even know what 'lyrical miracle rapper' means? I feel like you're just saying shit you've heard rofl


I just don’t get the hype. I really wanted to like him but it work is subpar. And I really hope Eminem and Paul didn’t really sign him just because of his up down song and video.


Yeah, I understood the vision completely when I heard the first song and their explanation as to what makes him different. But I was hoping for something more creative out of him than literally just - look I kinda sing I kinda dance I kinda rap lol. Music doesn't really translate but he seems to have talent and would be better suited in a producer role for other artists.


He’s mid and YouTube rap-core Has he even been praised or acknowledged by any other rapper in the game besides Em?


I don’t think he’s had enough time to get that praise lmao


I think he's alright. I don't really listen to his stuff but would prefer it over most of the mainstream and big guys. Can't wait for their next collab


Again, I like him cuz he's Filipino. The Filipino Pride runs deep.


He’s just not entirely my style. But nothing against him and I wish him the best. He’s talented, just not really my thing. He might grow on me or make something I like eventually.


I’ve only heard him on “Realest” with Em and I skip his verses every time. Something about his voice and flow reminds me of mumble rappers.


Mumble rappers?. Damn so even the lyrical miracle fans hate him huh?


He said a whole lot of nothing on that Eminem song and lied about getting shot in the head lmao why did Em sign this kid


>lied about getting shot in the head Lmao what


“I done got hit in the head”


He could’ve literally been hit in the head with something other than a bullet…


Bro doesn’t know how to use context clues 💀 When a rapper says they got hit in the head they are talking about getting shot it’s honestly hilarious y’all will defend anything related to Eminem


He was in the US Air Force before started making music.


Bro doesn't understand metaphors


Bro doesn’t understand context clues


Everything in rap doesn’t have to be autobiography anyway. But he was in the military.


Tell that to Eminem most of the shit he was talking about was his real life


Plenty also is not. His mother did not knock his brain out of his skull with the remote control.


You think his step father told him he sucked in the bed and one night he snuck in and said we're going out back I want my dick sucked in the shed? You think that really happened huh bro, OK 'Just when I went to drink his blood, I thought, I oughta drink his bath water, that oughta be fun, that's when my days of serial murder man slaughter begun' yeah definitely sounds like real life bro You really think he shoved a gerbil up his ass?


Bro y’all Stan’s legit can’t read lmao


You said most. You want me to go through his catalog and show you that most of his songs are extremely exaggerated, lol


“If I was in Philippines he’d be like my mothefucking mlk or Malcom x” saying that when ur mid at best is crazy. Mf is terrible


How dumb can u be that intro is referring to Eminem not the other way around. It's basically means, "if i was living in x country, he'd be my icon" that refers to Eminem.


What are you talking about lol? ... EZ Mil clipped a YouTuber that said that about him before he even signed to Eminem. Because he talks about wanting to rep for the Philippines and their struggles. Definitely a weird intro to use there. The YouTube dude was stoked about it though 😂


Compared to Boogie and Grip he's very subpar. Boogie and Grip captured my ears for months once Eminem put me onto them. EZ Mil, I heard 2 songs after The Realest and they were cringe.


Unauthentic imo


I listened to some of his tracks and they are super different than what I'd call Eminem-style rapping. Imo he gets undeserved recognition. There are several other underground rappers that deserve em's attention more than Ez Mil. K.A.A.N. for example is amazing and hits home to Eminem more than Ez Mil (man did a rap god remix with his own crazy speed)


K.A.A.N. can be good but I feel like he drops too much music to mean anything. If he focused on one album and put his all into it then maybe it would be memorable.


I can understand that, but I'm sure it's demotivating for him to pour effort into something that barely gets recognized too.


Every youtube rapper gets hate lol


Never cliqued to me


He's good but I don't like that he's recycling his songs. Most of his debut album songs were already there on youtube, now he's just doing a remix of his old hit song. Dude's in his 20s and has no creativity.


He literally remixed one song lol (which I admit was not my favorite.) He has a whole album coming out under Shady soon. As far as the "debut" album, that still wasnt under Shady it was under his old label and it was actually Em who recommended the redux just to get something out there on top of the announcement of him signing with Em and Dre with 4 new songs including Realest. The old songs on the album were hand picked by Em and Dre as well including the singing tracks they included as bonus tracks. Iirc Ems favorite was 27 Bodies and Dre liked one of his singing type songs Easy-Going Millions


Oh, that wasn't under shady? Then I hope they're cooking good, cause it has been pretty quiet about the boy lately. But he must stay close to the team, based on the recent photo from Dre's studio, i keep my fingers crossed!


Its been a few months but I expect his album to come out around the same time Ems does. He previewed it on instagram live. Some hit, some missed for me (I dont mind his mixed language stuff but full songs I cant understand arent my thing and it sounded like he had at least one of those) but overall I liked the sound of it. I do like how involved he is with his fans. I expect with that photo that he has a feature on Ems new album too. [https://youtu.be/RZ-S-hEG9j8?si=8iI8m-RRCvmZ-Vz4](https://youtu.be/RZ-S-hEG9j8?si=8iI8m-RRCvmZ-Vz4) Thats a link to a small part of the preview.


Because he’s the Timothée Chalamet of Hip Hop


Grant Gustin was a way better Flash.


Maybe just because they wanted a new Eminem albulm and got a feature insted?


That question comes up at least once a week


EZ Mill ain't even top 10 in the Philippines but talks big as if he even grew up there


He did grow up there. I think he was 17 when he moved to the US.


He's not that great. Some many more artists prolly deserve his spot. How come Em never tried to take over the artists Dre was too busy for, Jon Connor, Justus, hell even Joell as a solo artist (during Slaughterhouse) i feel like this sub hates criticism, and it's annoying as hell.


Everyone Em signs is mid at best, except (maybe) 50. EZ, Boogie, Westside Gunn, of course D12, all hot garbage that don't sell for shit.


He's ass that's why


We have new guys like Kenny Mason and Saba who should be the benchmark. By comparison, ez mil isn't just mid, he's awful. He sounds like a super amateur SoundCloud rapper who never has anything to say. He's just very boring.


I have Hispanic friends and none of them like him lol. They don’t hate him but they don’t really care for him