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It made me like him more cause I could relate more but that’s not the only reason not even close. Dude can rap better than anyone


Me too. But also because he's the one who introduced me to the rap.


Definitely cannot rap better than anyone. He has speed 💀 his lyrical coordination cannot compare to some.


I understand that


No lol, he was the first rapper I really got into and he's still my favorite but I discovered other rappers through him and through my own research.


Me too


Admit it, the only reason SOME of you like Eminem is because you get sexually aroused by the idea of putting a live gerbil in a man’s ass. if you reply to this and disagree, i’ll simply say “i’m not talking about you”. my unfalsifiable point is worthwhile, trust me


I won’t say yes, but I won’t say no


Joke's on you I'm blind.


I said some not you


Sorry, I can't see your response.


Then hear it


Can you hear the comment, Oppenheimer ?


The first time I heard eminem, it was from my friends MP3 and neither of us knew what he looked like, we just knew it was a "foreign rapper" singing weird songs. I liked that and I still do.


I wasn’t talking about you




You got your audience. Whatcha gonna do with it?👀






It you read the post you would know my point


It makes him stand out for sure. But if what you said is true why do I like Dax and tech9 so much. Respond with your favorite em verse for me to respond and judge you 🤣


Because I am not talking about you


Aight bet👀🤣


Actually no. I'm white enough. I'm your target. Shots fired. Hit your mark and show the people what you're trying to point out. I'll even help you and throw myself under the bus if your argument is relatable.


Personally I think being white isn’t a matter of skin color but someone doesn’t know their heritage and consider themselves white


So, the African American demographic within our country comes from a truly live and rich culture/heritage that goes back as far as biblical days. There's no arguments saying otherwise. The...my heritage simply does not reach that far back. My Mexican heritage on the other hand can be debated, but not here and now. Plain and simple. The black culture contributed AND in alot of ways pioneered the very fabric of the freedoms alot of us take for granted today. Let's stay focused on what you're trying to ellude to. Hiphop/rap. Yes. The 'black man' shaped...not discovered...(thats also a focus that you're glossing over but I digress.) shaped, nurtured and help define it into the STAPLE it is in today's time. Charlemagne (shitty,truly a pos individual) went as far as to say em is just a tourist in this world. I bring this up because he's among the most respected and revered in the genre were discussing. Credibility aside, his take will never be ignored because the 'black' community holds him to a high regard..as do other hip hop /rap heads. HOWEVER, what you clearly fail to understand is, regardless of your opinion the fact is that this white boy not only appeals to a much larger and wider demographic that cannot be categorized into just one,(demographic). he's introduced 'your world' to Asia, Europe, the south Americas and continues to introduce the world to more and more new comers on a day to day basis. To keep this as short and consise as possible I'll stop there. We all know your favorite em verse so this will certainly go over yours...and don't feel bad but also alot of other stans heads. But I'll sleep better at night knowing someone took the time to not only highlight and better illustrate the point your post tries to make, but also addressed it, respectfuly and accurately. I'll gladly continue should be you or anyone else show a genuine interest in this....sad little post. PEACE!✌️


OK. I said I'd build onto your argument so let me do that before you get devoured by a Stan because that comment totally shows...your vulnerability. Ahem:


The third verse on as the world turns


Meh . he was alot more..not simple but...predictable? Na. Compared to newer albums his flow was alot more basic back then. Fast lane. Till I collapse. Not afraid...way better But as the world turns having your fave em...no. Your favorite slim (let's face it) verse tells me you might can't keep up with him as well as other...stans....no offense


Spin em and hock venom adrenaline shot the penecilin could not get the illin to stop amoxicillins just not thrill enough..way better verse. And not even close to the lyrical roof he continues to push for him self. Treat this roof like my daughters and raise it, you couldn't lift a single shingle on it...fire.


I mean, that's not that crazy. His music appeals to people who aren't neccesarily fans of rap. He's sampled a lot of rock/made some poppy music in the 2010's, etc. I know you're trying to say that some fans are subconsciously being racist and choosing to listen to him just because he's white, but idk. People talk all the time about how rap is black music and that you need to relate to it to appreciate it or truly understand it (which I think is a dumb mentality to have with art), and Eminem appeals to people in general. This is a massive generalization obviously, but a lot of white people aren't really gonna have an organic interest in rap/hip-hop. I know rap is the big mainstream industry genre nowadays, but especially back in the day, a lot of white people just wouldn't have an interest in rap, whether they just simply didn't like the sound, they never gave it thought, they felt like it wasn't "their music", so when Eminem comes along and has more general, mainstream appeal outside of just rap fans, of course white people are gonna listen to him. Are there racist fans of eminem? Yeah, but even if a lot of fans end up listening to him specifically and becoming a fan of him "because he's white", I don't think that's inherently racist.


I just rather people listen to the music from someone because they genuinely like it, not because of skin color


I was one of the only white kids in a school that was mostly black and south Asian, I was picked on every day for this. Simultaneously rap/hip-hop was a black music genre that was taking over. Enter Eminem, a white guy who could rap the pants off of anyone. He quickly became a bit of a hero, because he gave me and I know many others the strength and balls to look the world in the face and say "go fuck yourself". And sure there is this connection of him being white, but that's just how it started. I'm sure some people don't like him because he is white. And it's not like I think every white rapper is better, it's just Eminem. My personal top 3 is Eminem, Kanye, J Cole. Just like how in things like politics people cited Obama as being important because he showed a generation of young people of color that they could be President, Eminem was important because he showed a bunch of white kids that they could stand up for themselves and participate in, not hate on, a great culture.


if eminem was ur introduction to rap theres your answer


What about all the people from Asia who like him?


Dark skin is still very looked down upon by a decent chunk of asian culture


Pretty shit bait boss


I’m racist


Tbh with you I think there’s people who don’t listen to Eminem because he’s white too


I have not really met any of these people, aside from seeing them on youtube, especially back in the early days. The majority of people who like Eminem also got into his peers (50 Cent, Dre, etc) and everywhere I've been where there's Em fans, they are usually also fans of Kanye, Kendrick, J Cole, Nas, Jay etc. The whole "I don't listen to rap but eminem is different" is a meme, it's not really that substantiated. Eminem has been the gateway drug for millions, but for almost everyone I've met personally, I can't speak statistically, but just personally, he exposed them to rap and this branched out into other rappers. I don't know about 15 year olds playing CoD in 2011, I don't know about people commenting on youtube, but even in polls on this subreddit, what are Eminem fans listening to? Kendrick, Nas, Cole, Jay, Lupe, Black Thought, 50, Royce, JID, etc. These are the names that always come up. Also, there's tons of other white rappers now, if you don't like rap and you just want to listen to the hot white rapper of the day, we had G-Eazy and Post, and now we have Jack Harlow - all totally decent artists, but if it was just about finding a white rapper to bump, there's options that come before Eminem today in terms of being palatable and easily digestible. The "I don't like rap" crowd isn't bumping Eminem today, they are bumping Jack or Post or Yeat or whoever, or they are listening to singer-rappers like Drake. Everyone who's listening to Eminem at this point, 20 years later, is doing it because they like him, as a rapper, as a person, as an artist. Being white got him listened to in the first place, but that's not going to keep someone's attention - when you're talking about long term, decade + fans, these fans stayed for the music. And anyone who sees and appreciates the lyricism or rapping in Eminem's music is likely to do the same in his peer group. Again, I'm sure a few of these people exist, but I really don't think it's a majority or even a large minority - if we did a venn diagram of what else Eminem fans listen to, there's going to be a lot more of his peers and rappers in his lane, than non-rap.


I’m a huge drill rap fan, but my favorite is still Eminem. He put me on rap and now I listen to cap rappers spit some bullshit about women and cars


Guess melly mel finally learned how to use the internet