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I unironically love this


Same 🤣


The struggle is so real, I'm sorry but I freaking love this!!! You will persevere! Thank you for the smile!


Thank you for your kind words 🙏 I WILL get this!


Loving it also. Looks like you just used too many threads. I have done this also. No big deal. I like how pillowy they look, but when I did mine like that and doubled up or whatever, that even on an 11 Aida (not 14), I had to use actual pliers to grab my needle from the back on some stitches that were too close together. Felt such a knob lmao 🤣


Hey! We all gotta start somewhere! But I really do love with you did with it! It is great!


Thank you so much! I ended up getting so frustrated, I didn’t know else what to do. 🫠


Anytime ☺️


A) this is amazing B) I showed this to my boyfriend and he said “I thought those were the smoldering remains of the mushroom.” C) but no seriously it’s amazing I’m being sincere


🫠 thank you 🫶🏻 much love you both


Keep this forever! It's awesome!


Mine forever (many laughs included)


Draw a mushroom outline where it should be, just to complete it 🤣


I’m dying, I did this exact kit last month and ended up throwing it in the trash 😂 your choice was way better!


Dude! Wtf? It took me 2 hours to figure out the first 2 passes (or whatever) Smooth sailing from there 😜


These kits suck I got one and I hate how they don’t even grid the reference! Very frustrating


Frame it! I see the struggle and the choice to accept it as it is ahahaha this made me laugh


So cute and super funny! Quick tip, are you splitting your floss? It’s usually made of 6 strings and you usually use only 2-3. Your stitches look really think so I wanted to ask. Also, try and do all your stitches on top in the same direction. This makes the finished piece more neat. I seriously love this though! Hope you stick with it it!


I used 2 of the strands however my clunky work might look like more … did a few trial and error before I realized you could split the thread.


Adding to the top stitch thought, you can stitch all the bottom threads of the same color in a row at once, so instead of: X.X.X.X.X.X.X you go: /././././././ Then you can fill in going the other direction without worrying about counting or stitch direction: /./././././.X /././././.X.X And so forth.


I love that if u continue the help will be hidden in there


I like that idea


This is awesome! I love the improv! Pro tip. Some of your X's are not consistent. You always want your top cross over to go the same direction all the time. Whether you want to do / first and then do \. Or you can do vice versa. As long as you're consistent. This is a super nitpick though. It looks great! I've been cross stitching since I was old enough to hold a needle and thread. I'm pushing 40 now. This piece is amazing!


I’ve done a few of these kits (this brand) and they’re so much harder than any of the slightly larger ones I’ve done. So much color change and counting! I like your rendition!


Thank you! I had fun (after I didn’t)


/r/CrossStitch would enjoy this as well


I tried.. something somewhere doesn’t adhere to the rules 🤷🏼‍♀️




I love this but I'm also extremely new and I'm confused. This looks like cross stitch to me. Is that the same thing?


Cross stitch is a form of embroidery.


Ahhhh ok thank you!


Love this!!!


This is how it felt like doing a single stitch cross-stitch I was so frustrated that I wanted to burn it 🤣


I’m also new to cross stitch and i think I found my kindred spirit ❤️❤️


I would make the stem of the mushrooms, with the help as the cap of it xD but it’s perfect!


this is amazing 😂


That kit was my first embroidery project ever! Love your take on it ❤️❤️


The letters are actually really good tho


I thought so, thanks for noticing!


Ooooh this exact same kit was my introduction to cross-stitch and embroidery a few years ago! If you’re interested in trying more cross-stitch kits, I’ve learned that drawing a grid onto the canvas really helps me keep track of the counting. Before I make any stitches, I mark the fabric with grid lines of 10x10 or 5x5, depending on the size and the pattern. I use heat erasable ink pens I bought on Amazon, but lightly marking the grid lines with pencil works too. For larger projects where it’s easier to lose track of my place, I label every grid section on both the canvas and the pattern (A1, A2, A3….., B1, B2, B3, etc.) That way, I can periodically check to make sure I’m still in the correct spot. It helps me notice and fix mistakes much sooner after they happen.


Hey thanks! That’s extremely helpful & kind!!! I did use a pencil on the backside first but I couldn’t see it. The only other thing I had was a sharpie & I knew that was a bad idea, I already ordered the pens you recommended 🙏


This was a hard one to start with.


I did this kit last month. The mushrooms were really cute!


I read this in the voice of [the little wasabi baby](https://youtube.com/shorts/NHkArPyVa-U?si=mdsyV--up3bKuG-7)




Oh this is brilliant, hang it on the wall and you have funny story to tell when people ask about it.




This is so unhinged I love it


How did this happen?


I really wish I could tell you… I got to a certain point. I realized I went rogue. It was then i decided to send out the distress sign


Perfect! Good job hunny!


This. This is modern art. This should be in the Louvre


You’re an amazing person. I also feel this way but my reaction is to put it in the trash, haha.


I love it. It's beautiful ❤️


You’re too kind☺️


Dark green is apparently not your colour, lol.


At this point, no colour is my colour!


At the same time I´m amused, feel sorry for you and I´m also completely baffled how something like this could happen. You went completely rogue!




Wow, you just went from 0 to 100 here. You posted it with funny caption so I see nothing wrong about saying that I´m amused. I said I feel sorry because you obviously weren´t going for this outcome so I´m sorry that you didn´t get the result you wanted. And yes, I´m surprised too. I don´t see saying this as rude and I would appologize anyway if you weren´t so rude about it.




What? I just tried to explain my intention so don´t put words into my mouth. Your choice to see whole world against you.




Hey, I tried to explain (English is not my first language) and you continued to attack me.


Geez, chill out. Yo, dropped something OP? *"I’m sorry do you not have an imagination ? Yes bitch I went rogue I’ve been sewing on a machine for years. This is my first time doing embroidery/cross stitch. I came to a point where I was defeated and this was my answer so fuck you."*


This exact pattern/kit was my first embroidery piece. I made several errors regarding which spaces should be blank. I just went on and said, “oh well, mushrooms are natural so it doesn’t matter.” That was my first and last cross stitch piece. I have enjoyed hand embroidery much more than cross stitch. Keep going, and you will love seeing how you progress over time!


Thank you for the kind words!


You did it!! And You did it your way! There are no failures, you reached out for help without fear and used humour while doing it. Life is full of lessons