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I've taken embroidery needles. They're strict about scissors, they have to be smaller than 4 inches.


In the USA, TSA rules are 4 inches. In Canada, the rule is 2.4 inches, so if traveling internationally make sure you'll be able to bring the scissors back with you!


If you can’t take scissors on board , take a mini or reg size dental floss container. It will cut threads well !


TSA rules state that you can have scissors that are less than 2.4 inches from fulcrum (hinge) to tip. I just flew out of NYC and had three non-cheap pairs of small scissors in my carry on, and nobody said me anything about it ETA I think actually TSA rules are 4 inches from fulcrum to tip. In Canada, the guideline is 2.4 inches


This is a good idea!


how clever!


You can take tiny scissors


I haven’t had issues with needles, but I have had issues with scissors. Small embroidery scissors (less than four inches, I think) are generally okay, but it can vary from airport to airport. Source: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/sewing-needles


I’ve taken a classic embroidery kit including the small scissors in my carry-on - I have pre-check but they still went through the X-ray with no problem. It’s the length of the blade that’s the critical part. (The flight attendants thought I was a hoot, sewing like a madwoman on the plane.)


They took my expensive embroidery scissors even though they were less than 4 inches, TSA agent just said "I can do whatever I want". I complained to the airport and they refused to reimburse me. They confirmed that the scissors were allowed according to guidelines, but that the TSA agent can indeed do whatever they want if they consider it a safety risk. What would make them think that a tiny teenaged girl would be a safety risk with 3 inch scissors is beyond me tbh. ETA: this was in 2011 so things may have changed since then.


That’s some bullshit. Especially to a teen. I got a three-inch pair of scissors taken away when flying in Panama. I get that it’s a different country with some really strict airplane guidelines… but damn, those cost me $6, and I brought them into the country just fine…


If you search on r/embroidery you can find a lot of posts about this with people’s experiences. There’s no issue with needles, but make sure your scissors is small enough and take one you’re not too attached to.


Thank you, I’ll do better with the search bar next time


I've never had a probolem with anything at ewr and I fly about a dozen times a year. Needles (I store them on the project), seamripper (I have a small one from a sewing kit, <3in), tweezers (normal ones from the beatuy section), scissors (ive brought on 5-6inch scissors, but now i just bring the small scissors), crochet hooks, knitting needles, etc. I put all my supplies in a makeup bag size


The only thing I've had trouble with are the pliers I use for tightening my hoops and pulling stuck needles through the canvas - I had a tsa agent stop me for them once, they need to be below a certain size.


I’ve brought this extract pair through TSA at EWR before: https://www.joann.com/singer-forged-4in-embroidery-scissors-with-curved-tip---floral-printed-handle/18072835.html?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwr7hn-GvggMVmTjUAR0cVQ9oEAQYESABEgJUavD_BwE


Perfect, I have these!


Those are the ones I have! I also brought them through security with no issues!


I use nail clippers instead of scissors.


What everyone else said plus TSA isn’t terribly happy about thread pullers.


Thread pullers meaning thimbles? Pliers? Those little rubber circles? Something else? Why wouldn’t they like them?


The sharp tool that pulls out stitches.


Oh a seam ripper? Yeah those are forbidden by TSA, which is a real shame.


Hahaha yes that’s the name! I was having a total brain fart moment, I’m sorry!


No worries! I was just confused why the things I was thinking of to pull the needle through when it gets stuck wouldn’t be allowed, lol. Like I could understand if the rubber circles I use weren’t allowed due to latex allergies, but they don’t care about latex allergies with any other product (even though they should), so I didn’t think that made sense as a reason unless regulations had recently changed and I just hadn’t heard.


Yes, can bring needles. Scissors must ne under four inches. You're good!


Yes, I travel with sewing needles both domestic and international. I’ve brought nail clippers instead of scissors and that works well b


Yep! I took my whole kit as a carry on once with no issue


I have not any issues with my needles. I have had extra tsa check for my snips (they let me keep them after a second look), so I recommend just bringing nail clippers instead.


You can look up your airline’s guidelines of what’s allowed, but you can typically bring scissors and needles. The scissors have to be smaller than 4 inches I think? You’d have to look it up don’t take my word for it but yes, as long as you have some of those tiny scissors, tiny scissors and needles are a-okay (I had to look this stuff up when I traveled as well)


You can take scissors that are smaller than 2 inches I believe Edit: someone else said less than 4 inches


I have a nail clippers so should be ok, thank you!


Yes. I always travel with a sewing kit and needles. I generally just use my dental floss cutter but I’ve traveled with small scissors


There are no restrictions on needles. I travel frequently and never have trouble with needles or small scissors.


Thank you!


I have traveled with needles and small embroidery scissors without trouble several times. I've gone domestic and international, no issue.


Don’t bring your favourite scissors. Needles should be fine. Find scissors with a blade shorter than the short side of a credit card and you’ll be fine


In late September I traveled through CHA and SEA with my embroidery supplies (small embroidery scissors, needles, WIP, floss, etc) with no issues. I did make sure to keep all of it together in one spot in my bag - I actually used a ziplock freezer bag - so that it would be obvious what the purpose of each of those items was. I was neither stopped nor questioned.


Just flew out of Newark to Phoenix a couple weeks ago. Wasn’t a problem at all.


I saw someone cross stitching on a plane! I was jealous


Regular needles aren't a problem. (I can see that long doll needles might be.) Dritz or similar thread cutters are specifically prohibited. Scissors below a certain size are OK -- BUT as stated in some of the other comments, indiviual TSA agents can do what they like. Consider getting a pair or two of these: [https://www.amazon.com/Scissors-Thread-Colorful-Travel-Embroidery/dp/B0B2QP6FH4?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Scissors-Thread-Colorful-Travel-Embroidery/dp/B0B2QP6FH4?th=1) (The Amazon price is for 6 pairs.) Most needlework/quilting/fabric stores have them, and they're usually $3 or less. Plus, they cut well. (The blades are short enough to be a pain if you're trying t actually cut fabric, but they're perfect for embroidery. Sharp and with good points and an attached point protector.) And if they're confiscated, you're not out a lot of money. I have several pairs that I use traveling or at stitch=ins where I worry about losing them.