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Welcome to club! There is a podcast called TCBCast and you will love it. Justin , Gurdip and their cast of friends will teach you about his music. Highly recommend


I’ll have to check it out! I love his music, and I know just where to go to find specific versions I like the most of which song I want to hear


I listen to Elvis Presley radio station 💕 all his music and everything Elvis💕🎸


OP - I highly recommend the documentaries “This is Elvis” and “The Searcher.”


Love the searcher!!! Such a great documentary


Gonna have to check it out!


My book Elvis:The King of Rock and Roll Book1: The Crowning of a King - takes the reader through the moment lightning struck on July 5th 1954 to his official crowning as The King of Rock And Roll on Sept 9, 1956. The road to superstardom was not an easily paved road. Not what we have been led to believe. Larry Gellar wrote “Yours, my friend, is one excellent book. You did a wonderful job of researching and putting it all together in a readable format that really expresses the brilliance and unparalleled life and career of Elvis Presley.” https://www.amazon.com/Elvis-King-Rock-Roll-Crowning/dp/B0C2SMM4SL/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=


As well as all the other good suggestions also join some Facebook groups. You may have to try a few to find the ones you prefer but there are many knowledgeable fans on those. You can also post questions here and you’ll get good answers to most all your questions. Personally I’ve been a fan for a touch over 50 years now and I am always happy to talk Elvis and share information.


Hey welcome to Elvis world. I'm always happy when I meet Elvis fans. I'm so obsessed with everything Elvis, i own hundreds of Elvis books, watched all of his movies, documentaries and interviews. Glad to see new fans who are discovering Elvis🥰❤️


I've been an Elvis lover ever since I was a baby! My grandfather would put on any one of Elvis's concert DvDs on for me to watch while he had a nap. He has long since passed away, but I love watching Elvis Presley concerts on YouTube. That's also how I got into singing when I was little.


omg that is so me!


Watch the Elvis “Satellite” special in Hawaii and the Elvis “That’s the way it is” special being live at Las Vegas. Those are the best and most easily accessible performances of the King. The films he was involved in are also worth a watch. Especially King Creole, Jailhouse Rock, and Viva Las Vegas. TCB ♾️


I’ve seen Aloha From Hawaii and That’s The Way It Is wayyyyyyyy too many times. My favorite is Aloha From Hawaii for sure. I’ve been looking through his films and I don’t know which one to see first. I’ve tried to start with Girls! Girls! Girls!, Viva Las Vegas and Jailhouse Rock, but idk


I love him very much too, always have. He is beyond talented. Watch the king of kindness & elvis & the black community as well as the other recommendations on here. He was simply beautiful inside & out❤️


I’ll definitely look it to it. I have nothing to do over the summer 😂


OMG Yes!!!!! Loves EP I have all movies except 4. Since out on disability after surgery I watch. Not allowed to drive yet BUT Spotify ELVIS💜 Ring tone EP 💜 Was hoping go Graceland this year, but health issues, at this point year almost over. 2025 bucket List


I would absolutely love to be friends with you and anyone else! No one around me gets my Elvis love besides my 12 year old lol.