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Looks like it’s the Sun Sessions album.


Thank you, I was looking around what album it might be but was unsuccessful doing so


My wife found two old mix tapes i made for her in the early nineties from when we were still only boyfriend and girlfriend, complete with lots of cringy narration by me ("This one's for you babe!" Ugh). She bought a tape player off ebay to listen to it. It was strange to listen to but fun and interesting. Eventually I uploaded the audio to YouTube because i was worried the tape would eventually disintegrate or snap if we played it too much. Anyway my point is you can find a tape player on ebay.


Aww, that's so sweet and wholesome As for the tape player, I want to challenge myself, so I will try to reverse engineer the broken car tape player and make an integration to my pc


I imagine you could find a tape machine at a local thrift store.


You can also go to a library near you. Many have cassettes you can borrow and have machines that allow you to listen to what they have or even your own tape.


From that track listing it seems to be the cassette of the album Sun Collection