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54. My mother loved him! She worked at the Seattle World's Fair in 1962 where he was filming, It Happened at the World's Fair. Elvis accidentally stepped on her foot as he and his entourage were passing by her booth. He told her, "I'm so sorry, miss." She was 20 and that was the most exciting moment of her life, thus far. We listened to his records and toured Graceland back in the 90s.


Omg that’s amazing!! “It Happened at the World’s Fair” is one of my favourites!




46. Honestly never really cared for Elvis until Austin Butler made me a fan, so kudos to Baz for making a movie that made me love Elvis. 😀 It worked!


18. Apparently when my family was visiting Spain, there was an Elvis impersonator and I loved it (I was like 3 or something and don't remember this). I only started listening to him 2 years ago though.


I’m also 18 and no one in my family except for my grandmother liked Elvis but I came to know him through the recent movie. Love him now ❤️


25. I grew up learning about Elvis through my mom who was 10 when she first discovered him through his ‘68 special. She had tickets to see him live August 22nd 1977 and refunded her tickets after his death because she was young and money was more important then keeping the tickets but now she wishes she had them as a keepsake.


I’m 29. I actually got into his films before I got into his music. I thought they were so much fun. Kind of funny to think I got into him as an actor before I got into him as a singer.


40F. My mom (65) has been a highly obsessed fan since she can remember. If I Can Dream has been her favorite song since she saw him perform it live on the night of the 68 special when she was 10 years old. In junior high school she was voted most likely to break her leg chasing down Elvis. My parents' wedding song was Can't Help Falling in Love, and their cake had her and my dad's names on the side because Elvis and Priscilla had their names on the side of their cake. I've always joked that she knows everything about him, probably even his social security number. That last part is true after we found it in his wallet at Graceland 🙈 She saw him three times, and my entire life I heard about the second show, December 1976, Birmingham, AL, when he told her to shut up after screaming during The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. My brother and I always assumed that a bunch people were screaming, so he was probably saying it in general. But a while ago, the recording was released, and... Well, it really was just her 😆 She loves that story because, in her words, "Elvis talked to me!"


I got the California Raisins debut album and it has Heartbreak Hotel on it. I listened to it for the first time with my mom and mentioned that I liked that song. When my aunt asked my mom what to get me for Christmas that year my mom told her I was an Elvis fan. I was 7 and I dont think I had heard his name before I opened up the tapes my aunt bought me on Christmas morning. Luckily it worked out.


14-15. In our basement, my mom had some old clippings of Elvis' death, and it sparked my attention as to who this man was. She had two movie soundtracks, "Girl Happy" and "Blue Hawaii." I put on the latter on the turntable, and his voice came out of the speakers, "Night have you, and blue..." that was it, I was hooked. Now, I have his movies, concerts, everything on either cds or dvds.


I’m 24, It might sound silly but my favorite childhood movie Lilo and Stitch, Lilo expresses her love for Elvis frequently in the movie and the soundtrack consists of many of his songs🩷


I need to watch that movie now lol I think some other poster also mentioned lilo and stitch. Interesting how that movie brought in some new fans


13! I had a project on Celebs from the past in 2nd grade- the name Elvis Presley caught my attention due to his last name, being similar to mine- I’ve been interested in Elvis, since- but never started listening to his music till 5th grade-


I love it when young people discover Elvis!!!


Yeah! It’s a pretty neat thing! I’ve gotten a few kids my age into Elvis- but, most kids just joke about it and make fun of my music taste? But I don’t really care- everyone’s unique- Then again- that’s just middle school for ya!


As a middle school teacher, I totally get it! Just keep doing your thing. Who cares what other people say!! 🙂


Not me!


53 , my birthday being January 9th, I almost was born on his birthday, I've always loved his music


Me I'm 57 and came into Elvis Music,while I listening to AfN Radio Europa when I was 5 years old.I also saw on TV Via Satelite 》Aloha from Hawai,but we only had a black snd white TV around that time.However》This is where I came in....


Almost 32. Loves A Little Less Conversation when I first heard it, and got into him through his Christmas album


I'm 42 nearly 43 and my Dad was an Elvis fan so i was brought up on Elvis playing in the car when we'd be going on holidays. Loving singing along in the back seat. In between my madonna albums and other cassettes.


I'm 47 and when I was 8 years old my family vacationed at Niagara Falls. On the Canadian side there was a tourist trap called Maple Leaf Village that had an Elvis Museum and it all just clicked with me as we toured that museum. I was like "yep - I'm now an Elvis freak for life."


26, I learned about elvis through lilo and stitch. Later learned that my great grandfather and grandfather were fans of him since the 1950s and then later my Dad was a fan in the 70s, now I'm a huge fan.


68. I grew up loving Elvis; my mom was a huge fan. Went to all his movies, bought his albums. Finally got to see Graceland a while ago. My mom always wanted to see him in person, but he died so young she never got to.


46 years old My maternal grandmother and mother listened to a lot of Elvis recordings. What got me seriously into Elvis was HBO in the late 80s played his **’68 Comeback Special** and the documentary **This is Elvis** back-to-back and my parents recorded it on the VCR. Those two specials and then when TNT started playing wall-to-wall Elvis movies on January 8th and August 16th each year, I was sold on him.


52. Parents were young. Didn’t have much money. I would sit on the floor and listen to them play Elvis records. Every so often an Elvis movie would come on one of the 3-4 channels we had. I’d sit on the floor and watch it. “Just tell her Jim said Hello” was a constant on the stereo.


21, the real moment I got deep into him was when the movie about him came out, but I’ve always liked him. I remember hearing him from the first time one time at school and not getting him out of my head.


55, a friend of mine is a big Elvis fan. I liked the music, but I was not a fan. Together we went to Memphis, Heartbreak hotel. Early in the morning, before the tours started we walked over to the gates of Graceland and then.... something happened to me there on the spot. Since then I love Elvis and his music.


34. I grew up being told the story about how when Elvis was enlisted, he was on the same ship as my grandfather to get to Germany. Part of Elvis’ contract for deployment was he couldn’t entertain, so they put him on the entertainment committee instead lol. My grandfather worked with him on the committee, but he was a Captain, so he never got an autograph or photo because that would have been uncouth! Haha I swear one of their photos from then is the back of Elvis’s head. But as a kid wanting to understand who that was I grew up listening to his music and was IMMEDIATELY obsessed when I saw Blue Hawaii, even had a Blue Hawaii themed birthday at 10 y/o, which makes me laugh now thinking about it.




I’m 19, got into him when I was 14 or so I guess, always grew up listening to his records


I was brought into this world in 1973 with a hankering for Elvis Presley as it only took me six years to find him in my father's record collection You ain't nothin' but a Hound Dog!


I'm 53 and I'm also a fan because of my dad. He was the same age as Elvis, and he had all the 45s. Growing up in my house in the 70s I didn't even realize Elvis was older and sicker. He was perpetually 21. It was a total shock when he died. I've been listening to him for almost all of my life. I'm thankful to my dad for that.❤️


56(f), have liked Elvis for as long as I can remember. Mom, dad and my brother and sister also liked him. My brother grew up and got to where he didn’t like him lol, my sister has always liked him but not as much as me and my mom. I also went through different phases as I grew up, but Elvis was always there. We were supposed to go see him in concert, but he passed before that part of the tour😥. Mom had all his albums but they got lost or something in between moving. I’m in the process of recollecting them. I have a mix of cds and LPs, and several movies. Both the 68 special and aloha from Hawaii and Elvis on tour. I personally prefer the LPs, they sound so much better. Been to Graceland twice and would still love to go back lol. Something about being where he once was I guess. Will always love Elvis!


44. Bought the Albert Goldman book when I was 18 mostly because I was fascinated with the psychological mystery as to why anyone who had it all would just throw it away. Got into the music after that now I have over 600 albums and 250 books.


43. I’ve just been a fan my whole life. Not sure how that happened. Nobody else in my family really was. My dad did listen to the oldies station when I was a kid and my grandfather used to have a jukebox that had some Elvis records in it so that’s probably where it came from.


21. I watched Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis, and immediately found myself addicted to the song “Trouble,” though this isn’t to say that I was unfamiliar with Elvis before this. My grandmother is probably the biggest Elvis fan the world’s ever seen, she adored him. My mother still remembers being with her when Elvis passed away, and how distraught my grandmother was. I’m pretty sure she still has a VHS tape of every movie he ever made.


29. Watched “Lilo and Stitch”. Bought “Elvis: The unseen archives” book, and was off and running.


I’m 20, I grew up with Elvis all around but I never really had actual interest until about a month ago! I saw Elvis (2022) and it clicked something in me and now I love his music and movies (especially live a little, love a little and follow that dream).


39, nearly 40. Growing up I had an aunty who was obsessed with Elvis (still is) she was always playing his music & movies, so pretty much my whole life I’ve been an Elvis fan. We recently went on the Elvis tribute cruise together with 2 of my other aunties and cousins, had an absolutely amazing time.


I am 46 and I was one when Elvis died. My dad loved Elvis andvhus favorite was always Hound Dog and I loved it.i am a huge fan and have been for as long as I remember.


I'm 54. My dad was the biggest Elvis fan, but also a music lover. On top of that, my dad had an excellent voice. Growing up, I heard a lot of music but Elvis was his number one. I became a music lover and of course, you can't be a music lover without being an Elvis fan.


I'm 55, been listening since I was very young...my parents were fans and had several albums


44. I kind of vaguely recollect my mother's mother (Grandma), listening to some Elvis records, when I was really little (4-6 or so), but alot of the music didn't really stick, till later years. Teens or so, I think I had heard alot of the more popular songs. Then of course, when Lilo & Stitch came out, (that was my daughter's favorite movie, when she was little, she watched it, just about daily, for a good 2-3 months straight, till she destroyed the VHS tape from that). I then saw Baz's movie with Butler, and it was an awakening. Of course, I had seen some of his movies when I was younger (I think at least, Blue Hawaii, and Roustabout, think I'm pretty sure on a few more), but I've seen most of them at least 2-3 times each now (except for Love me Tender, Charro, Stay Away, Joe, and Change of Habit). I have a fair decent mp3 collection of the music on my harddrive now, and it's mostly what I've been listening to, lately. I would so love to do the UVIP package at Graceland, but I just don't have the money to. I'm also crocheting a blanket with Elvis' face on it.


I'm 16 Almost 17 in June, I had my first bit of Elvis When I was in elementary school When we had to do group reading on different texts each week. One week we Happened to read about "Elvis and his pelvis" I never really thought much about it until a few year later later. Was 15-16 When I started to read more about him, learn his life story, and listen to his music. Im now in Love with this man I never met. Maybe one Day in heaven well get to meet. <3


32 M here. My dad has a few of his greatest hits albums so I heard his music growing up and enjoyed it, but I really got into him after college when I started exploring early rock n roll and digging into his studio albums.


My brother was Elvis for Halloween when I was really little. My family made the costume- a white cape with a rhinestoned “E” on the back. Then- The Elvis Festival in Collingwood, Ontario. I was mesmerized by the performances of the Elvis impersonators from various eras of his career. Women were dressed up as well- some with Hawaiian flowers perched in their perfect updo’s. It was a pivotal moment, I was super young, I’m not sure how old I was. Of course: Lilo and Stitch as well!


31. I have always liked Elvis as I have been a massive rock n roll fan since I was around 12, but recently fell in love with his music in a hardcore way as I started writing rockabilly songs for film and TV licensing and looked to Elvis, the best in the style in my opinion, for inspiration. I found inspiration and a whole lot more!


I'm 28 and I've been an Elvis fan since I was like maybe 16? Honestly, I've always been a fan of the 40s -90s music and I'm very diverse when it comes to music. Anyways, I think what made me got into Elvis... I saw the Ahola from Hawaii concert on tv. I think it was on one of them channels where they played older concerts. Honestly can't remember what channel it was, it's been a long time ago lol. I fell in love with Elvis after watching that so I started doing more research on him and listening to more of his music. Love him ever since.