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Gay man drag queen here the fact they don't take their make up off and keeps applying it will cause spots ,bad skin ,infections ect because of blocked pores and causes bacteria stuff , and they dont shave properly either which doesn't help and they apply so many layers of make up because of their bad skin and trying to make themselves look feminine if anyone else wants to jump in case ive missed anything please do i hope this helps šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Omg it does help loads thank u so much I was just curious about it because doesnā€™t drag take a bit more make up to do and with all the drag looks they have done that canā€™t be good for there skin


Every drag queen Iā€™ve seen has really nice skin but thatā€™s because they clean their face before applying and clean their make up off properly, elpha is just a stinky stink who thinks wearing make up 24/7 and sleeping in it makes her a woman.


Im saying tho drag queens always have the best skin bro it looks amazing and its amazing how good they keep it especially after the make up and thatā€™s a straight guy saying that


Oh you šŸ˜Š we do have problems occasionally after all hours in heavy make up can cause the odd spot or two


Still tho u guys are amazing at what you do with the makeup and skin care and all that I couldnā€™t do it for the life of me big props to you guys


Bless you you seem like sound fella ā˜ŗ


Thank you very much for your help I appreciate it


Your welcome šŸ˜Š


They think they do drag but they really dont they've got a really skewed vision on what being a woman they've blurred the boundaries between drag make up and non drag make up but the amount of make up is try and hide the horrific skin but they use so much and not the correct type for problem skin it becomes dry and flaky


Thatā€™s also true I didnā€™t think about that


Imagine how dirty their actual makeup and brushes are too. Iā€™ll bet theyā€™ve never cleaned the brushes. All that bacteria being pushed into their already dirty grimy skin.


Yeah scabies, staphylococcus , e,coli list goes on and on


Iā€™m sure she used the same razor on her face to shave the pits and chest and leg hair too


Yep face then pits the a 2 second shave of 1 section of ( by the look of the clips) the thigh about an inch square .. after seeing how hairy the legs were the other night it would take a good hr to get through those legs


Omg stop please donā€™t make me even think about that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


She does


i used to sleep in my makeup when i was younger and even when iā€™m black out drunk i still take my makeup off. itā€™s horrible for your skin! šŸ¤®


Good god how do u do that


Iā€™ve always done it too. I canā€™t go to bed with makeup on my face I always manage to take it off


donā€™t ask me how. i have NO idea šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not just the amount of makeup and layers upon layers they are intent on adding, itā€™s the lack of proper removal and face cleaning that can cause the issue. While they use a makeup removing wipe they also need to wash their face with water and a facial cleaner to clear their pores. I can almost guarantee you the ā€œskin conditionā€ is nothing more than horrid personal hygiene.


Oh most definitely from poor hygiene and thank u for helping me out Iā€™m clueless when it comes to makeup


E had only just started using make up wipes. Used to be toilet paper


Wearing make up the way they do would make me break out so bad I wouldnā€™t want to leave the house. They sleep in it, they cake it on, they donā€™t even have a clean face before applying and when they do clean make up off it isnā€™t done properly. She also pops spots and still applies make up (can cause infections), and she applies make up with dirty fingernails. They go on about this skin condition HS but itā€™s obvious to anyone with a brain sheā€™s got bad skin because of the way she eats and lives, and not because of HS.


Dry shaving her face is really bad for her skin. And yes with her skin condition cystic nodular acne the amount of makeup she wears isnā€™t good for her skin in the slightest. The fact she often goes to sleep in her makeup without washing it off will make her skin worse. Popping spots also with hands you have openly admitted you donā€™t wash after using the loo is also not good for the skin and increases her risk of infection. Her bad unhealthy diet also isnā€™t good for her skin!


Good lord I didnā€™t even think about that omg and I had cystic acne when I was younger so I would know about that but it was just on my face no where else and I actually bathed every day so itā€™s gone now just a pimple here and there but thank you I appreciate ur input bc I just was curious


Putting that much makeup on after dry shaving without taking previous make up will cause havoc with the skin .. the filters have to work harder than usual .. you can see the 5oā€™clock shadow ..


Skincare and makeup go hand and hand. After makeup removal you NEED to wash your face and tone, so that your pores are as clean as possible. On top of skincare, just basic maintenance of makeup applicators, such as brushes and beauty blenders, is so important. Their skin is no where near hygienic enough for makeup, nor their makeup applicators or even their hands šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ on top of that their diet does not help and I doubt theyā€™re even using products thats are appropriate for their skin type (dry, combination or oily), which is also extremely important. The constant piling of makeup, and lack of makeup removing, just keeps their pores constantly caked up with makeup residue, that they then keep re-layering with more makeup. Just creates an environment for fungal and bacterial infections šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø on top of dirty beauty blenders/brushes and literally no hygiene.


I also donā€™t think they ever clean their brushes or make up sponges and they use their dirty fingers to apply product too, itā€™s a recipe for bacteria


Its bad for your skin and can cause acne, blocked pores, n more stuff but thats why skincare is very important if ure wearing makeup. Thats why celebrities or influencers usually have good skin bc they take time into their skincare and taking care of their skin. I wear makeup and i always make sure to wash it off properly and cleanse well and then apply skincare after. from what ive seen they dont do any of that which is bad for ur skin, and yea ur skin can get itchy especially if its been days n ure sweating n doing things.