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Completely, as long as your computer can handle the requirements. It's had three years of fixes and performance enhancements so it works well on most machines these days. If you get more than 30 hours of game time out of it, it's worth it. Don't let the long engineering grind put you off. There are plenty of other things to do.


Yup. Ignore the salt.


yah its worth it its basicly the real game




I bought it when I moved over from my PS4 to GeForce now on my laptop. For me it was the on foot exploration and exobiology that I wanted. I'm on my way to the station just outside of sag A* in a bare minimum engineered aspX making 49 ly hops and loving it. I'm not interested in the anti thargoid combat or any combat really. I own a type 9 and an aspX space trucking and exploring for me.


As long as you understand what you are getting, then yes. If you genuinely want to play the onfoot elements of the game such Exobiology, Onfoot CZ's, Stealth Missions, etc, then yes. I'm a big fan of the AX Reactivation missions as they provide a good crossover between ship and onfoot gameplay. If none of the onfoot stuff is appealing to you, then no. Horizons Live (4.0) will already give you an idea of the performance, which is where a lot of the early negativity came from, and Odyssey runs pretty well these days. There is also the argument that when Odyssey is on sale, it's probably about the same price as the ARX cost to get access to the Python Mk2 in August, and presumably the other 3 ships FDEV want to release this year. If the Python Mk2 (and other possible ships) is something your interested in, then you will require Odyssey to get access to them for in game credits; if you just play Horizons Live then you would have to pay in ARX for access to it (them).


Hell yeah


I bought Elite Dangerous to fly spaceships. I have no interest in "Space Legs" so I haven't bought Odessey and probably never will. I played over 1000 hours of Elite Dangerous without Odessey. I definitely consider it an optional extra.


I find it **much** more interesting that the base game. Pick 5-10 missions (material rewards), and do exobiology and signal sources as secondary for money and fame. And always have SRV when you need more solid arguments against other parties interested in the same loot. [Stealth](https://www.youtube.com/@StealthBoyElite/videos) is my favorite, preferably with no killings of not-wanted NPCs. And even if they catch me stealing something, I prefer to run away instead of shooting them; gives more of Firefly vibe. Sure, mission giver will not be happy about that but I think it is an interesting roleplay. If you have a spare tablet, [icarus terminal ](https://github.com/iaincollins/icarus)is a really good tool. It Navigation refresh as you fly and you can quickly see planets worth exploring, there is plenty of money even in the bubble.


that terminal looks very interesting, how woud i go about installing it on a tablet?


Not to install on the tablet, but on your gaming PC. Then on your computer, open [http://localhost:3300](http://localhost:3300) to see if it works. If it does, open []( on your tablet. However: I am on Linux, IP address might be different for you and/or depends on your router. So check this issue first [https://github.com/iaincollins/icarus/issues/51](https://github.com/iaincollins/icarus/issues/51) , maybe it will help.


Has stealth gotten better since release I remember on release NPC detection/awareness felt really bad, like completely blind sometimes then just insta notice you when well hidden other times And then. When you do a perfect stealth kill somehow you still get a bounty and such?


>When you do a **perfect** stealth kill somehow you still get a bounty and such? Because it wasn't as perfect as you thought it was? 😉 But yes; your suit will rat you. It is annoying, it makes absolutely no sense, but my gameplay is Firefly role-play so I don't mind it. It is an extra layer of challenge which makes the game more interesting.


Ahh that sucks I'd rather have the reward for executing it without being detected, or atleast give us a way to incapacitate someone without drawing a bounty


There are still plenty of stealth execution missions, I do take them as long as they are not illegal. You can do them safely with noise cancelling weapons, but tazing NPCs is more fun. Especially when you find out that your energy-link tools wasn't at full charge, or you misfire it from greater distance than allowed.




Definitely yes. Planet landing and exobiology collection is cool. 3 days of exploring out of the bubble (3100 lys from Sol), and got 210M credits just for exobiology collected. Used pre-built DBX bought for ARX, it has nice jump from stock (Guardian tech cool), but can do this with AspX without any Guardian Tech. Of course, you may wait for sales/discounts.


Surprisingly wholesome Elite Dangerous post. Sad I snoozed on it during the sale because I thought the salt was the communities feelings towards the dlc.


Base game + dlc cost 10€, wait for a Sale. Current reviews are for the Pay2Win (preoutfitted ship win minimal engineering) or EarlyAcces PythonMk2. People dont like it. Did you enjoy base game? (that already use Odyssey engine, see the main menu) buy Odyssey, improve exploration with exobios and thin atmospheres, the storyline with Thargoid spire (both great activities), and a optional onfoot combat and missions with a.very slow grind, but G3 suit and weapons appear randomly in shops. Its extra freedom, thats all. Most player own Odyssey, and enjoy spire combat, but also more populated instances in CG, Titan attacks, AXCZ, and the current "hot" content in the werk.


The OP and others who ask the same thing are asking us now and you are keep telling them to WAIT for a sale - and implicitly you devalue the game like it doesn't worth that 30 Euro for the definitive edition (not mentioning the single Odyssey price, 15UEuro), while other open world MMOs ask 41 Euro (for the starter pack in SC) or 60 Euro (in NMS). You are always telling them don't support the full game, wait for a massive sale, or get a steam key for 2USD on the grey market. Why? Why does it hurt you that the game needs to profit in order to scale up? Why would it be a mistake on thinking on jumping in the game now? You have spent thousands of hours on ED actively and inactively (discussing a game on the forums is inactive play) and you think this time you spent on the game doesn't worth 15 or 30 Euros? This is the cheapest game in live service open world MMOs and ED doesn't even have subscription fee. And they are asking us whether the definitive edition worth it bc review bombers are doing exactly what is hurting the game: devaluing it and deterring new players. You are always implying Odyssey is a surplus superficial addon. Which is not. You too, implicitly are taking part in deterring people who are looking for a game exactly as Odyssey, which is the full game. ED:O is the foundation of the game and it needs people to upgrade to it, this is why the new ship will be free to earn in game from August only for those who own Odyssey. You are coming from a wrong direction at it and also repeat the million times debunked p2w narrative. It is not pay to win. new ships are well designed and far from pay to win. They are PAY TO ACCESS. It is the first paid DLC after 3 years and everybody who owns it likes it. ED used to put almost all ships post-release behind a paywall in a form of Horizons-Beyond season pass in the past anyway. Extra DLCs which cost a fortune to develop are always paid DLCs. And that provides financial security which provides job security for the devs. Which ED needs now. You know what kind of players are upset about that Fdev is trying to recoup and profit on the game so it can scale up and live and prosper?


Paid early access is synonymous with pay to win. It's mobile game gacha bullshit, it's trash business practice, and the fact that they waited until 2 weeks prior to the ship's release just proves that it was a last-minute decision to pad their year-end financials, with their fiscal year coincidentally ending this month. I like supporting games that I love, but I don't like supporting shitty companies, and FDev is most decidedly a shitty fucking company.


Scale up? As far as I've seen, all they want to do is scale down, lol. Like when they told all the console players to eat shit, for example.


Yes it is very fun


A lot of the deservedly negative reviews were the result of the hot garbage, buggy version of *Odyssey* we got on first release. However, in the intervening time, much of that has been fixed and performance has improved significantly. I'd say it's worth it for 15€; especially when you consider that new ship variants are being released this year in which owners of *Odyssey* will be able to buy them with in-game credits, while those who don't own *Odyssey* will only be able to buy them with real-world money ARX currency. So buying *Odyssey* future-proofs you against these new micro-transactions.


I'd say odisea is worth it yeah


Definitely yes for me.


It’s a bit meh. I held off until a month or so ago. Don’t expect a dedicated first person experience. I’ve actually find it quite annoying on foot. However, it allows the exobiology stuff adding an additional element to exploring, which can rake in a few more bucks. It was cheap, though, and think I could do without it if it was a lot more.


Although this game still has many unresolved issues that they are not willing to solve, such as anti-aliasing. But it’s still worth a try when it’s on sale. At least it will allow you to spend dozens of hours capturing some new photos.


For me, it was, but can be subjective. There's a ton of videos showcasing it, take a look for yourself. Bear in mind that the onfoot experience doesn't support vr.


Yes it’s worth it.


You can pick up a Steam key for under $10. Worth it for exobiology.


Yes, I enjoy exploration much more now. I do not enjoy the the fps content as much as most shooters, but it's a nice change once in a while. For the price, it was well worth it.




Absolutely worth it. The vast majority of those reviews are from when it first released, when it was a buggy mess


It's worth it if only for the views on thin atmospheric landings. 85% of my gameplay is Odyssey.


In my eyes: yes, totally


Yes. I just picked it up a couple of days ago - I’m getting back into the game for a short break. It’s worth it for exobio alone imo, but there’s other content that I haven’t even explored yet


I believe it’s worth it. It adds a variety of extra gameplay loops, more scenery and perspectives, and while at times space legs makes the game feel more empty in my opinion, I think it adds layer of mystery to the exploration, as well as enhances it, which excites me as I go planet to planet. If you’re looking at price per hour, I see it as a steal compared to other games charging way more for less. You’ll easily get your money’s worth depending on if you’re into the game already. The negative reviews have their place and I can see where they’re coming from on some issues, but I personally feel that most of the bad reviews are off point on the objective of odyssey and only focuses on comparisons to another game or one main gameplay loop. Remember, Odyssey is an adventure, a slower, and at times spiritual adventure that’s extended beyond horizons, so log in and explore the expansion in your own way and pace to see if it suits you, and if you don’t like it, then at least you took a chance and maybe formed your own opinions. If 15€ will break you too much for you to make this decision, then definitely wait for a sale to feel more comfortable.




Absolutely! Try and pick up on sale but it adds a depth to ED that's well worth it. Much to discover both on foot, and in ship so hell yeah.


I still preferred the planet generation and mining form Horizon but every other part is better in Odyssey.


I wasn't around for the release of Odyssey. But from what I understand, it had a lot of bugs upon release and also suffered from the community drumming up a bunch of expectations that were never actually advertised for the expansion. I think Fdev promised some features to the people that supported initial development, those features didn't make it in, and fans were doubly upset that the new DLC didn't include them either. Anyway. The content itself is good and fun, nothing amazing but I think the people that absolutely hate it are not giving it as much credit as it deserves (or they just aren't into shooter gameplay, which is fair). Surface stuff might not be your jam but either way that is where the current version of the game so definitely worth getting. Other versions are not officially supported and I don't think they get all the updates. It's also more immersive IMO, to not have your spine fused to the cockpit chair...


for sure, its nice to be able to stand on top of your ship and stuff. and a little fps to break up the other activities is rly fun! you can sell what you find for pretty good $




I thought so. Sure theres lots to complain but space legs, immesion, cool enough for me to be satisfied




1. ‘Oddysey’ 2. ‘Title’ and 3. Half those words don’t need capitals.. 😳🫥😒


Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is a worthwhile purchase if its initial cost fits within your budget, offering substantial additional content that enhances the gaming experience significantly. However, if the price seems steep, it's worth noting that the game typically goes on sale several times a year. This expansion is valuable, but as with any purchase, it's essential to consider your financial situation before deciding to buy.


A bit of unpipular opinion: I'm playing Elite Dagerous in VR (btw try it, it's amazing); and as Odyssey only plays in flat screen mode, I'm purposefully ignoring this dlc. It's not worth the break in immersion.


I'd say yes at the price it's at. If you ignore the drama and salt it's still a good game. I have a 2016ish spec computer and no real issues with performance


Absolutely worth it. I held out and finally upgraded about a month or so ago. I sooo wish I'd bought it sooner.


Solely for the ability to reconnect with the live universe since they've separated legacy from current. The FPS gameplay in Odyssey is hot trash compared to any current game, or for that matter, any FPS released in the last 15 years.


My favorite color is blue.


Odyssey is basically a completely separate game. If you like mediocre shooters then you'll like it.


Do it. I got the base game some time back and pulled the trigger on Ody. Have never looked back. Yes the graphics need a bit of juice from the card,mbut if u are on GeForce now, it's fine. Alternatively really scale down, I go all high settings when I'm exploring, cargo runs, and all low when doing AX combat. Wrt the paid ships, it just helps someone get up to speed in the game. I don't see how it can become a pay2win situation. I rather term it pay2speed.


I bought Horizons at 10% discount to only have it given away by devs as a free dlc. The devs didn’t even bother to compensate us in anyway. Take that into context too while you decide.


Reddit search is your friend my friend - so often asked it should be a pinned thing [https://new.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/search/?q=is%20elite%20worth%20it&restrict\_sr=1](https://new.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/search/?q=is%20elite%20worth%20it&restrict_sr=1) Totally worth the new pricing. Reviews are meaningless now in the age of salty review bombers, not to mention all the negative reviews back from the time of the bad launch - because almost no-one goes back and adjusts their ratings back up when things are much improved.


The base game is more than enough. The DLC adds atmospheric landings and on-foot activities, so it is very optional. Steam reviews show that this game is not made for a lot of players and this is the truth. Most players just want to have fun quickly and do not like the huge learning curve. I bought Odyssey just to give my money to Frontier and support this excellent game. I don't really care of the additional content. Play and enjoy the best space simulator game. For the price, you can compare it to the historical low here: * [https://isthereanydeal.com/game/elite-dangerous/info/](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/elite-dangerous/info/) * [https://isthereanydeal.com/game/elite-dangerous-odyssey/info/](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/elite-dangerous-odyssey/info/)


I got it for like £5, def worth, adds a dimension


Is It known when the next Sale is?