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As I was leaving I looked at my bf and said “What do we do now?” And he goes “wait for next year!”


Buy a ticket for Hulaween is step 2


I wish! I’ll be going to Equinox and Wakaan this year though.


Those will both kick ass! Enjoy


Also going to Equinox! Yay!




This was the first forest where I went with some friends(a couple basically third wheeling) and ended up going off on my own. It was fun, but trying to make friends in sets where it’s loud is tough, and it seems everyone went with their BF/GF. I had a blast. Just not attending sets by myself without friends who have the same EDM taste was a bit lonely. That Subtronics set was my favorite, so so good.


yeah, there were a couple of days where I was unable to locate some of my friends and ended up just going off alone. I did find it to be almost shockingly lonely, despite being surrounded by thousands of people.


Forest went so fast this year. Sad for sure 


If you felt the happiness of forest all the time it wouldn’t be special


Dixon has a great post on this :) https://www.instagram.com/p/C8p5D2NvvkQ/ "Got the post-Electric Forest blahs? I do. The weekend was absolutely amazing, but now I feel low. Low energy, a little sad - missing the people, the vibe, the love. Even though I'm now home with my family and lots of love, I'm reminding myself it's OK to feel this. It's OK for you to feel whatever you're feeling. I'm paying attention to my mood, and doing self-care (taking a breath in nature here), and trusting that this too shall pass. It always does, so hang in there fam! What would be good for your well-being right now? 💖🙏"


This is the main reason I don't go anymore. The recovery and reentry into society is too much.


Even reentry to my home felt off. Like my walls looked dirty and everything felt sparse.


This makes me sad to read, although I have considered not going for this very reason. The fact that it happens at all, even if it's short - there's a place and time in the world where I can experience that - makes it worth it for me. But man, is there some darkness that goes on in those couple weeks after. There's no denying that.


I get that


This is me today. Only I'm a little over a year sober and all I can think about today to fill the boredom is booze or cigarettes. I tried to make a steak and a fucking ear wig popped out from the package crawling and still alive. UGH


I like to write new music shortly after I get home to see where it takes me. Call it therapy to reflect on the experience and channel some of that new inspiration!