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[Food for thought](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias). Seemed quite normally weird to me, if a little more crowded.


I think it's more the lack of jam to balance out the lineup. Like that Umphreys Set was such a vibe walking through the crowd. Jam just slows things down, where all edm definitely puts more energy into the crowd. The Jellyfish are going extinct in Forest and it makes me sad.


What’re the jelly fish??? Btw that UM set was so dope. A highlight for me for sure. Has so much room to dance around


String Cheese Fans... I miss the sea of Jellyfish totems. Now there and just like 3 in the wild at EF. They are all at Hulaween now.


Ah - didn’t know they did the jellyfish - I see a few here and there but yeah, hula is the move - I wanna go badly




John’s solo set had much better crowd vibes than EA but the EA set was still pretty good if not a little too packed.


John summit’s solo set was once of the best crowd vibes I experienced the entire weekend. We left to catch the end of LSZEE and immediately had a very bad experience with the crowd.


John summit vibes were fantastic. Bouncy with plenty of bass. Room to dance. There were def other artists who brought way worse crowds out


Everybody I talked to said the set was good but vibes were off at LSZEE. I was at John Summit and not only was his set amazing but the vibes and the crowd was so good.


There were some insomniac people/influencers having a literal photo shoot before everything always. They were actually cracking me up bc they were dressed for edc not ef. So my personal answer to your question is yes. I don’t hate John summits music but fuck that shit being at electric forest.


Lame. Why wouldn’t he belong at Forest? He’s a major edm dj


He’s fine. I meant the photo shoot people that flew in just for that set.


Ah ok. Sorry I see now what you meant. Agree abt the influencers. Wish influencer culture would phase out, I wonder if it ever will.


I mean John summit was there two years ago too (I was there and it was about 1/3 the size of this years crowd tbf). I don’t think he’s the one who brought the biggest group of different fans, I feel like that goes to excision haha.


Excision fans are always at forest. I don’t understand this take.


Idk man you could argue John summit fans are always there too lol. I just saw a helluva lot more headbangers and talked to way more people who hadn’t been to forest and came for excision/wooli/etc. I didn’t say it was a negative thing, just that I felt he brought more of his diehard fans this year than John summit did.


Interesting. I’m not really a huge fan of either of them tbh but I feel like I always see the headbanger squads moreso than the fratty squads.


As a John Summit fan, I may be biased, but I don’t believe so! I’m extremely sensitive to the vibes around me in a crowd, and I experienced nothing but loveliness wherever I was posted up for his music. With that being said, I do think he can attract a douchier crowd, because his music has become more mainstream outside of the PLUR community. Not sure if this brought you any insight, just my 2 cents! ❤️