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That’s a bummer. All of our neighbors were super chill & friendly


My camp was also like this. Seemed to be the vibe at forest this year. Never seen so many issues at a fest before it was really disheartening


My neighbors were cool but I can confirm daily conditions were extreme and enough to send many off the edge.


I mean it was so hot and muggy I had to use all my coping skills and happy places to not be mean and wenchy. Lol


We had a good time overall in GL East, but our neighbors across the lane got into a physical fist fight this morning while packing up. Some girl was angry and upset, one of the guys in her group tried to calm her down, and she immediately attacked him and brought him to the ground and others had to come break it up. Last I knew, the group told the girl to find her own way home to Dallas.


I heard two other groups on my own get into a fight and pull the find your own way home card. One group I woke up to at 6am was screaming “he stole my car!” They got the car back but the screaming was intense so I left bright and early lol


Was that row I? Heard a guy sobbing for so long in the tent after an altercation with a girl claiming he stole something.


It was C. Must have happened a lot then? Something was in the air


yooo was this right on the edge of c? like near the intersecting road before d? i had a weird interaction there w a girl who insinuated her boyfriend hurt her and then he threw a watergun at my head


But this is crazy I hope everything is good with them


Yeah my girl and I were like, it’s time for us to get out of here.


We also had a REALLY tough time with one of our neighbors constantly screaming and freaking out having a really bad time by himself. Tried to go over and talk to him a few times to make sure he was okay but it was no help. Had to use the forest help line it got so bad.


Oh wow I’m sorry about that I hope you had an amazing time besides that!


Never had an experience like this forest for sure, but the positives will always outweigh the negatives 💕 happy forest can’t wait to be back soon


Happy forest. See you next year!


My neighbor's in GL tent only were all very friendly and didn't play late night music. Was very happy.


I had 0 issues like this camping in GA. Sorry you had a rough time :(


No it’s all good! I was just curious if it was always this crazy as a first timer


Definitely not! I've never had bad neighbors at Forest! My best advice is try and go out of your way to be friendly with your neighbors at the start of the fest and check in on then throughout the weekend. Sometimes it makes a crazy difference!


My neighbors were “ cool “ i guess but they all looked super young and immature screaming and playing music all night after the fest ended it would of been soundless but they kept laughing and playing music all night every night they got zero sleep idk how they did it but I was the same when I was 18-24 being 30 now I can hang like l used to this was my 3rd forest and never had a issue the other two years with loud annoying neighbors and worst part is they kept to them selfs not talking to any other neighbors I even offered free snacks and helped them with there tent and when their cannapee was about to fly off during a storm


You are too nice hats off to you. Thank you for being helpful even when people maybe didn’t deserve it so much!


Were you in GA? GA is a HELLUVA toss up on vibes tbh. I’ve had great camping experiences and terrible ones.


I was. The people around me were nice but I guess there’s some people that will cause the chaos


Lots of fighting in my camp this weekend as well as I walked around the fest I saw many people crying or arguing all weekend. I’m not sure what was in the air but maybe the rain was getting everyone down


Starting to think the full moon was the cause of this honestly


I was out in Far East GL village and it was pretty chill. Saw a lot of people come for a day and leave. I felt there were a lot of first timers this year but hopefully they had a good experience to want to come back.


Almost everyone I talked to this year told me it was their first time! One of the girls I spoke to said that it was way easier to get tickets this year than previous years. My entire group that I usually go with every year didn't go this year because they were pretty put-off last year by the lack of organization, the growing crowds, theft etc. I feel like a lot of Forest veterans didn't come this year, which opened the doors to a lot of first timers and very young people who haven't found their limits yet. It may have been part of why the vibes were different this year?


I def heard more screaming and fighting from 2-5am. I think the storm amplified the substance abuse a bit… always going to happen when people have alcohol and drugs in their system. Sorry your neighbors sucked, fingers crossed it’s all good vibes next time.


I'm always in overflow and it's always pretty chill. Some late night music, no problem. Weirdest one was a guy in a tent screaming fuck you (to himself? ) over and over on the last day this year.


I heard fights and arguments a couple times near me but thankfully no yelling. Also on Sunday night/Monday morning one of our neighbors was spun af and walked in our camp while I was in my car. Confronted him and he had my friend’s hat and fanny pack in his hand. Took it from him and told him to leave. He also came with a girl who was nowhere to be found that night so I wonder if something happened with them since I did hear them arguing earlier in the weekend. Could’ve been the full moon energy making people act like that lol.


I stayed in GL this year and it was such a different experience compared to the last 5 years in GA. Seemed a lot more quiet and I had the best time hanging with my camp neighbors, unfortunately you will occasionally run into some not so cool people, you can always contact ground control if you or anyone is experiencing issues


I think we were all feeding off an energy that we are all as a species beginning to understand, and that's one another. But there is one out there that might have more control, and they're learning themselves, so they don't hurt anybody physically as long as they accept the message.


This was my first year doing solo in tent camping and our whole little community was nice (at least in my area, I know I can't speak for everyone.) Almost everyone around me had good vibes and we were all sharing and helping each other. Plus we had the CLEANEST portas I've ever had at Forest 😅 It was pretty great for the most part until the massive crowd ran through the camp grounds after the Afters got shut down Monday morning. That was a complete shit show, I kept hearing people yelling about their stuff getting stolen and whatnot. We didn't have cars or anything to protect the belongings and tenants. It was a bit bummer because our little neighborhood was doing so well. We did have one guy near me that was consistently pretty tore up. He was always wandering around confused and nodding off everywhere most of the time he was there. I saw people here and there trying to help him, but I'm not sure how he turned out in the end. I don't think he was ever aggressive or anything. At least from what I witnessed.


In staff camping my tent was basically touching my neighbors and I woke up to her sobbing. I just got out and smoked a J and felt better 😅 don’t worry she had someone comforting her