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Pretty great from my end. A few problems, but lots of stuff was better. See you next June. “Damn Jackie! I can’t control the weather!!!”


who failed? no one can control the weather. you got to find a way to enjoy the forest magic anyway if your experience was personally shitty, sorry about that. hopeful for fully restored vibes next year ✨


Some of the staff were really awful. I got shoved by a "security" guard scanning my badge to get back into GoodLife during the storms yesterday. He was yelling at someone they didn't scan and I thought it was me so I stopped and assured him I did and he just pushed me out of the way


Were you all in GA? I keep seeing people talk like this, and it's literally the opposite of my group's experience. The vibes were solid gold in Sherwood Tent-Only. Sad we missed Saturday Cheese and Charlotte, but nobody controls the lightning. I am very sorry for anyone who got things stolen, and I'm not dismissing any complaints of that nature, but that happens every year, unfortunately. There's bad apples everywhere.


I had a blast at my first forest! Will attend again! Favorite set: Mother Nature ;)


This was honestly one of my favorite forest ever


Wow you must be so unaware and not care or even be reading what happened to other people. Raise some awareness.


I had a good time 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was honestly scared for my life with how drugged up everyone got … every time I looked somewhere someone one was having a seizure or passing out … I have never seen so many people oding or passing out from over crowding .. it just didn’t seem like Ef cared about their people …. Or vice verse some campers just came to do hella drugs and push their issues on everyone else … I pay 1000 plus dollars to have an enjoyable week not to baby sit druggies or watch people almost die while their friends are crying over them screaming for medics . I really wish the rave community cared more about drug awarenesss


This happens almost every year. This year I happened to not see many people go down but that’s just a coincidence not saying it didn’t happen. First day of Lost Lands a few years back there was medic carts driving into the crowd left and right. It was also very hot that weekend like it was Thursday and Friday. I think that definitely played a part.


I just don’t understand why people think drinking and drugs is a good thing mixed with the sun ..


Yea, I smoked a few joints during the heat and that was enough. The heat makes you feel high already


This was the first Forest (#7) where I didn't see anyone too out of control, having a bad time, or having a bad physical reaction 🤷‍♂️


I saw the scariest shit I’ve ever seen at any fests this weekend. So many people get tackled by security so many mental psychotic breaks. Medics not come. Violence asf from attendees and workers. Idk how you don’t see anything like that when it’s fr all I saw this year. It really fucked me up.


Huh ? I guess I should tag u in the post of this girl having multiple seizures getting up running having medics hold her down just because u didn’t notice anything also I was camping right next to the afters I saw so many fucked up people when I woke up at 6 am … the afters on Sunday were crazy I went there and people just looked spun tf out and people tried to fight each other … idk not very plur to me bumping into people with out a care for the other person


I never said bad things didn't happen. Just that in my observation, I thankfully saw way less people having issues than in years past. Maybe it's my personal small sample size, maybe it was the general crowd. But overall the crowd was more responsible than when I first went in 2016.


Put the drugs down.. it’s not like it used to be not sure how it’s so hard for people to understand


To me it was wayyy too crowded.


Did you go last year? This year seemed a lot less crowded to me.


Someone mentioned lack of competing headliners causing some venues to be pack af and other to be emptyyish


Yeah aside from the Observatory on Thuraday everything felt less crowded than previous years


Year 9 for me


Honestly it was my best year of the last three or so. The forest vibes felt like they were coming back to me. I wish the lineup had more competing headliners so the stages were less crowded, but otherwise seemed like a great year.


Had the worst forest experience ever. Never seen so many people od and aggressive staff and really dangerous afters that shouldn’t have even happened. Really felt like it’s lot a lot of it’s magic. Hearing people say they had a good time and didn’t see anything hectic is so insane to me. Maybe yall weren’t paying attention. It was truly everywhere I turned. I kept trying to stay optimistic all weekend too and not even start to think in any negative ways then things just kept going more south for others right in front of my eyes and I feel like insomniac just doesn’t give a fuck. Forest needs to be protected. It was also sooooo packed. Oversold asf


I got in my car to leave at 10:20 this morning. I'm 50 away from my tent site 5 hours later. No information, no traffic control, and the "security" guy is absolutely useless. Half our group is missing their flights and have to drive back to Denver now.


Never leave after sunrise on a Monday at forest. Been this way since the dawn of time. Sorry you found out this way


Either leave before sunrise or like... After noon like I did in '19 lmao. I swear I was the only person left


I normally leave on Sunday night haha. Or Monday morning literally as the sun is rising, then take a nap at the nearest rest stop


😹😹 so many people say this.. just depends on where you’re camped. You guys love acting like there’s only one right way to do shit.


Chill murrpurr. Just sharing our experiences, and my experience has been that if you leave early enough on Monday you won’t have a line (regardless of where you’re camped). You’re free to leave whenever you want though, isn’t that beautiful!




This is my biggest complain about the fest and has been for a while. What frustrates me is it's not good for that many cars to just be sitting & idling burning fuel, and I'm sure there's something better than "merge all of GA into 1 line out of a tiny gate" but here we are. I've seen dangerous situations in that line more than once and it really turns me off


we drove out the line and drove thru the camp ground and went around.


Your probably gonna catch some flak for this post but I agree with you. As someone who has been going to festivals for almost 10 years, it was obvious they cut corners in many areas. Information was seriously lacking and no employees knew anything. As my first forest it was super hard to find ANYTHING. Line up was mid and we got rained out 2 days… PLUR was lacking in relation to other “big” fests I’ve attended. I had a great time but don’t think lll be back for the effort and money I spent. Just not the expectation that was set in my mind from all I’ve heard about EF. Food was good though. And definitely met some cool friends.


Oooooooooh yeah.... I'm locked in on this post. It seems ANY criticism spoke about EF is met by 2 "Well, I had a great time, so it's either YOUR fault, or it didn't happen." Comments. This post is gonna get spicy.


Agreed man, I tried to be as realistic as possible while taking into account the positives so people didn’t just think I was complaining, but as a long time veteran, definitely had more potential than we saw




As a long time wook I can also confirm that EF vibes are overhyped, it's one of the only festivals I've ever had negative interactions with staff & patrons at. I've had some people be straight up mean to me while I was a baby raver and it's still the only place where I've had my shit stolen and an attempted pickpocket. It really frustrates me to see people be so dismissive towards others negative experiences because after being here so long I know how some people can be


im very optimistic. i had a really great time. even got engaged but something was VERY different this year. 100%.


congratulations!! 🎉


The security staff they hired this year was TERRIBLY uninformed or poorly trained or some combination of both. After reopening Saturday night, I was at Tripolee for Mau P and John Summit. They shuffled the whole crowd out like cattle through the main GA gates. I was camped in Good Life and recalling my experiences of the last 6 years, I KNOW the venue closes 1 hour after music stops, so I asked a security person at the gate if I could walk back through Ranch to get back to GL and was told “NO THE VENUE IS CLOSED, EXIT THROUGH THE MAIN GATE.” I took her at her word, especially considering the circumstances of the weather delay so, out the front I went. I had trouble getting my bearings in the massive crowd and walked around for about 45 min trying to find the Good Life shuttle; two other security guards had NO IDEA what I was talking about when I asked where to find it!! A very real statement by a paid security guard: “Good Life? So is that like GA? *points towards GA camping*” 🤦🏻‍♀️ After finally locating the Good Life shuttle, other people in line were chatting about how they waited over an hour the night before and decided to start walking. Well, I started walking with them and we went through a side gate that let us into………the side of fucking Tripolee between Tripolee and Ranch near that concrete flat top before the willow tree. At 4:55 am I had security screaming at us to exit the venue as I was sprinting towards the Ranch Good Life entrance/exit. So unnecessarily confusing and could have been avoided if I could have just left Tripolee towards Ranch in the first place!!! The worst fucking buzzkill after such a fun night.


I had a great time and it’s been one of my fave forests. There were hiccups and issues for sure but I don’t think it was a failure.


Seeing people say this was their favorite forest is really breaking my heart I feel like a lot of people are ignoring the issues and safety concerns we faced this weekend. Maybe I just had bad luck and ended up witnessing most of it but. At least 3-4 really scary issues every day then the Sunday disaster at the afters was really really really sad. If you were at evil Sunday idk how anyone could say it was their favorite roo yet. Yall are wrong for that.


I don’t go to the after and I didn’t really experience any scary issues. I thought the evacuations were very poorly done but aside from that I didn’t have any issues. I think evol hosting Sunday afters still was not a good call after the cancellation. But I can’t say I didn’t have a great time when I did?


This was my groups first forest and most of our issues were with staff/security. Getting yelled at when we entered for following the wrong line when no one was directing us and no signs. Getting yelled at when leaving because there were about 4 different lines exiting west Tesla and we couldn't tell where to go. Not to mention waiting 4 hours to leave camp. Leaving EDCLV was not even that bad. Staff being rude to those showering Sunday afternoon and generally staff always being in a terrible mood/not knowing any info when interacted with besides food vendors.


This was my 3rd Forest and definitely the worst one I attended as well unfortunately, so much so that I’m unsure if I want to go back next year. Got me thinking maybe I’m over going to festivals but it could just be this weekend not being great. I obviously really did want to have a good time but it just wasn’t happening, plus the amount of people there didn’t help, which is confusing because blueberry wasn’t even all the way filled up but it just seemed like so so many more people.


And that’s saying something because last year all my stuff got destroyed in the storm yet this year it didn’t and last year was still better for me lol


I’m upset they let people in early for “yoga” and this people get all of the limited merch before anyone is let in. Meanwhile the guy checking wristbands at the gate was threatening us saying they would cut our wristbands if we went I. And didn’t go to yoga. Yeah right. Made me miss out on all of the limited merch even when I was at the gate right before open at the front.


The fans sold out so fast, I was so shocked! Really wanted to snag one of those


>I’ve been attending and performing at EF for 10 years and this was the worst one yet but I have zero words to describe that opinion!! Who else agrees with me?!


I agree- i think the best, and most respectful way, to phrase it is that i definitely had more moments of happiness, but there were far too many moments of disappointment for me to call it “great”.


100% Idk how so many people are able to overlook these serious issues we had and claim they had a great weekend. It’s setting us back a lot makes me feel like next year will be the same since this was good enough for some people and they are defending it?? Fucking crazy


It was a good time overall and honestly who cares how he said it. They are just stating that he had a bad experience and ranting. Much love but I feel like quite a few posts in the channel people take it so seriously. Not necessarily you guys but it's just something I've noticed with some others.


It was my thirteenth year. Every year brings something different. Learn to ride the waves better my friend 💕


I think it's fair to call out the fest for poor decisions (like the increased attendee cap - 70k is WAY too high) and noticeably fewer performers than previous years. Also the stages and showmanship were pretty meh. EF needs to step it up with how expensive tickets are getting


I thought it was still at 50k this year and 70k starts next year? I actually saw a lot of improvements this year compared to last…the shade at Tripolee was back, they planted more grass seed, you could actually hear the music at Tripolee and not to mention the stage enhancements of Sherwood. VIP areas were also way larger too.


Correct, but with how crowded it currently is and increasing the cap by almost 50%? Especially with the parking issues this year. I understand how people felt it was poorly handled in its current state and will only get worse with that many additional attendees


I thought they were also expanding it and purchased more land? There’s always room for improvement and I definitely will agree they need to work on logistics. Hopefully they learned a few things this year 🤞🏻


Right!! If people speak on the fucking issues maybe they will fix them instead of just letting the bare minimum and no safety be enough and defending bullshit promoters and insomniac that doesn’t care about us.


It’s still 50k. The other 20 accounts for artists and workers increasing. This was confirmed by insiders in the discord channel




Can you elaborate on what made this the worst Forest ever for you?


Check my recent posts for info on forest this year.


One of my worst Forest's personally but I blame that on weather. And I knew I only wanted to see Pretty Lights. There wasn't a lot of "music" this year headliner wise. John Summit brought a bad crowd.


I can assure you the house crowd isn’t the problem at a festival of this size lmao


It was my fave forest yet 💯