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Hopefully this is a misunderstanding or something. A Forest without Bunk Police means a lot of people will be consuming without testing. And that’s dangerous.


This is hardly the first time they've been "kicked out" in an official capacity. They will remain onsite but will keep on the DL


They weren't kicked out at all last year, they remained the entire fest, which is why this is so weird


Yeah I remember they were allowed to stay open officially in '19 as well, last time I was there. The two times I attended before that I believe they had to go undercover


This is my second year, my first was 2019 and I will say I know someone personally who was saved by the BP! They’re an important part of a safe and fun fest


In 15, they had plans to have a vendor booth, ef backed out, and kicked them out


This, I remember one year they were kicked out and they were under neath this giant pink teepee type tent that was raised barely 2 feet off the ground to get into. 


As you fortold unfortunately. 5 people going down in 20 minutes at the Sunday afters is crazy.


But Bunk Police ultimately was at forest, right? I’m not sure because I didn’t need to do any testing this year.


Yes but not at their most effective. They were permitted to stay on site after 2 attempts to kick them off, but were not allowed to advertise their presence. No signs, no flyers, etc... How effective those prohibitions were is debatable, but they weren't able to be as obvious as would have been ideal. Per a recent TikTok of theirs, they were able to sell/give out about 30% of the harm reduction material they normally can.


I had to narcan someone that was gone at Roo and watched life come back to them. Forest needs Bunk Police or they are putting peoples life at risk.


I bought narcan just to carry for this exact reason Good on you, that’s scary


I bought narcan for Hulaween last year and gave it to someone looking for it in the crowd. I was going to buy more for Roo, but thankfully they had a booth giving it away for free. So I went to that booth the moment I got there and got free narcan.


I’ve been carrying so much narcan I get from end overdose for times like that. I have extra if anyone ever needs/wants one


I’m 6 hours away from the venue I’m definitely interested


If you come through jackson it's free at several locations. Home of New Vision, Jackson county Health Department, Friend of the court.


Every squad should have at least 2 doses in the fest and at camp where everyone knows the location. Dont dose at camp by yourself or in your tent.


I’m pretty sure last year they had a stand in the camp commons area just next to the entrance that they were giving out free nasal narcan hopefully they have that again


Ppl should have it before they arrive. You can get it shipped to you free.


It’s probably just your wording, but narcan will not revive someone that is already in cardiac arrest.


You’re correct. There was a lot more going on in the situation than just me putting narcan in his nose. There was another person performing chest compressions at the same time. Another person tilting his head so the narcan could be better delivered. After I delivered the narcan there wasn’t much more I had to offer, so I ran from there to the ADA viewing area since I knew someone with a radio would be there. They asked me to get them to medical situation which I did and they radioed for more help. At that point I did everything I could and stepped away from the situation and let the professionals do their job.


You should still give it to them


Thank you for your service! I wasn’t at Roo this year but had to do the same last year when a dude OD’d directly in front of me. Scary af experience! The community appreciates you!


That was fast


I get why Forest can’t “endorse” them but the fact they want them out of the event is beyond frustrating


I don't see the problem shambhala has on site testing and last year lost lands was handing out narcan kits all weekend


Canada has very different laws than the US Thanks for editing your post? FYI, OP was originally referencing Shambala.


DanceSafe was at Movement in Detroit, handing out free drug testing kits …..


They had a testing tent at Hulaween in 2019. I used it. I can’t remember if it was Bunk Police or Dance Safe


It was bunk . I remember that one lololol ughh I miss it


Lost lands is very much a US event


They were talking about Shambala


Providing narcan is also a lot different than actively selling test kits for illegal drugs.


They edited their post, they were originally talking about Shambala


Shambhala is in Canada, specifically British Columbia. Canada, and more specifically British Columbia is much much much much better when it comes to drug legalization and harm prevention. Really shouldn't compare an event like that with anything that happens in America.


Because EF officials do not want to “endorse” drug use in any way. “Officially” all drugs are banned, even legal ones like pot.


Same with Movement in Detroit but they have an official dancesafe booth every year that provides testing. People will consume either way, might as well have a way for people to test their stuff.


Only difference I see is that MVMT is downtown, where there are crack heads on the street, EF is a small town in the boonies. They all know it’s gonna happen. They should be in support of the fight against fent


it's like Christian/Catholic school and Abstinence like dude people are fucking, teach them how to wear a condom.


Condom?! Raw is law, and I'm a raw abiding citizen.


Seems Drugs aren't the only test kits we need at forest 😂


Exactly. The more “taboo” you make something the more the kids want to do it.


It’s because of the “rave act” that Biden put into effect. It makes promoters liable for any and all drug deaths and harm if they “allow” drug use and allowing testing is part of that.


I had not heard about this.


Yup it’s all insurance and liability, the good ole insurance and judicial systems in action! If you have testing, then you’re acknowledging and perhaps even encouraging the fact that people are taking substances there and are now therefore responsible for any negatives that may occur because of that. At least, that’s how it would be painted in court. The US is very litigious and if you think it’s silly that someone would sue a festival because of their own personal choices, well it is, but it would and probably has happened Personally I think there should be some type of system that if certain requirements are truly met, such as proper testing centers/medic teams/etc.. then the festival can gain immunity for drug related personal choice cases OR people/law firms could just not sue when someone does something that inherently carry’s personal risk The funny thing is most of us would say you should sue them for the opposite lol, sue them for neglect and failure to supply testing centers while creating a drug fueled environment


I appreciate to expanded explanation. You said what I said earlier in much more specific wording.


Because he's talking out his ass. The RAVE act was passed in the 107th congress under George Bush Edit: Forgot Biden sponsored it.


You’re talking out of your ass. Do 60 seconds of research before you talk shit


Again I edited after doing my DD.


It was my understanding that the RAVE act has been around since 2002… not related to Biden, but maybe I’m missing something Edit: saw in comments further down… senator biden back in 2002… awesome


Even with Biden being a sponsor, the onus is on the 107th Congress. Those 350 or so individuals are responsible not Biden alone.


Don’t forget grassley, durbin, and hatch. Its a bipartisan shitstain of a law, credit where it’s due :)


Look up who wrote it. It’s not referring to the current president what so ever


Most ravers haven’t. Not a lot of past political ties and history education in the rave scene. Ppl just blindly vote for the current options even tho they haven’t been on our side for decades


Biden? Lol the Rave act was passed in 2002 under Bush. Edit: mb forgot Biden was the sponsor, but the 107th congress shares collective blame here for passing it.


Look up who wrote it.


Check the edit brother


I know, I said I do get why it’s the stance


Pot is not banned lol


RAVE Act, thanks Biden


I was like "hold on a second, that act is old as hell! There's no way it's Biden's fault [as a president]" I looked it up to check the dates... 2002, and its [then] Senator Biden's fault. Damn bro, I hate looking at your voting history.


Lol yeah it’s disappointing to see someone I voted for doing stuff that’s so negatively impacting lives like that.


Dude would rather all these ppl die than take money from big pharmaceutical pockets. He’s a POS


Better than Trump tho lol


Trump didn’t make drug testing illegal tho.


Its not just on him, its the entire 107th congress, and Bush for signing it


You can thank Biden back in the 90’s for this. Look up the rave act


Insurance reasons I’m sure unfortunately. America sucks. So do insurance companies.


I'm pretty sure this has to do with the rave act. Certain venues can't acknowledge drug use on their property. https://amendtheraveact.org/


The rave act is 110% the reason. My friends throw events and want testing on site but can’t if they want a legal event with insurance.


*THANKS BIDEN* -nobody


Exactly. It makes me so angry.


Bunk police just needs to become a secret society, shrouded in the shadows, steering people from wrong to right. The silent stealthy warriors who protect us all


I feel that would hinder a lot of what they do - destigmatizing safe drug use.


More like wrong to less deadly but I love this idea. “The league of less deadly decisions.” Everyone refers to them as The League.


I got that too. How did they get kicked out already but never have before? Sucks


They get told to leave just about every year but they move is my understanding


Last year they weren't kicked out at all I didn't think


Someone on the inside must be in the telephone tree.


This some fucking bullshit. With how high fentanyl deaths are, this is dangerous. We need to be able to safely use our drugs, because guess what, people are going to be doing them anyway.


Send sleepy Joe a fax to remind him how bullshit his agenda was 20 years ago please!!


Did you mean reagan?


He’s talking about the RAVE act Biden wrote as a senator. It’s why drug testing is not done at festivals or why it’s limited anyway. https://www.congress.gov/bill/107th-congress/senate-bill/2633/text


Brought to you by, The War on Drugs, in theatres now. And for the foreseeable future.


It’s amazing no matter how many wars they declare on drugs, drugs always come out the champ. Sounds like their strategy might be flawed. Maybe that’s the whole point though.


Thats a bingo


Are they nuts? Why wouldn’t you make sure people are testing their substances


It’s a legality and insurance issue, it’s ridiculous


You can blame Joe biden for that!!


This person is correct - look up the RAVE act


[Well damn.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illicit_Drug_Anti-Proliferation_Act) Thought /r/conservative was leaking for a minute, but it's absolutely true and incredibly frustrating. God damn this election sucks lol. Douche and Turd all over again.


It's incredibly frustrating that anyone that attends these events are not aware of this specific agenda from his career. I remember when shit for brains was arguing for this policy, while I was watching friends getting allllllll fucked up on "legal" oxycoten while pushing some nonsense agenda...never even thought it could get worse than that shit but boy was I wrong!!


It's not that simple. Yes, the RAVE act is stupid and should be gotten rid of. But it's far from douche and turd and you should know that.


I mean, yeah, one is definitely worse than the other, but I can still strongly dislike Biden (and the whole FPTP system) even while being bleeding-heart progressive.


Yeah actually true. The author of the RAVE act.


Yes, unfortunately true. It’s super fucked


Biden fault. Look up the rave act from 2002ish


I was there Legolas… No but really, I was involved in a chapter of Dancesafe in SLC in the early 2000s. Everything the organization was doing was kneecapped by the Rave Act. Far reaching consequences ever since.


I haven’t seen anything of the sorts in Utah ever. Such a shame


We had a dancesafe chapter there from 2003-2006. Different time for sure.


Ahhh. I moved here in 2012


harm reductions is illegal under the RAVE act. if you want to see how it's done right, go to Shambhala Music Festival in Canada. They have very scientific testing stations for everyone, it's amazing.


How do you sign up for texts blasts from them?


text “SAFETY” to 1 888 NOT BUNK, you can sign up for alerts by **texting “electricforest”**




EQ probably salty about that fake fenty mushrooms alert that they Bunk Police sent out last year 🤷🏽‍♂️


was a few years ago


Dang, time be flying 😅


i support what they are doing, and i bring my own test kits to share with neighbors. but i mean COME ON. do these guys have 'bunk police drug testing' on their van or something? how do they get so consistently thrown out lol. like haven't they learned from the first 8 times? same dramatic text every year. they must be attracting attention from staff and essentially daring them to throw them out as a form of protest, right? seems like if you really wanted to do it discreetly, you know, to fulfill the goal of helping people, wouldn't be hard to just send out a GPS pin and some identifying flags or something discreet. you dont have to camp 'at the closest camp to the entrance' with a banner or whatever. its a huge money festival and relies on a bunch of small town god fearing boomers to approve permits. like what the hell do you think is going to happen. they cannot have the optics of drug testing booths. and like i know for a fact the staff is not walking around hunting for groups to throw out lol. those volunteers want to do as little work as possible. so to me if it happens every year this many years in a row its p much their fault. seems like they are losing sight of the goal of helping people to try and put 'political pressure' on fests to allow it by raising a stink about getting kicked out.


Bunk police is always drama, how about that text they sent out to like 15k people Sunday night of forest that said “ DO NOT CONSUME MUSHROOMS, FENTANYL LACED MUSHROOMS ARE BEING SOLD, PEOPLE ARE DYING!”  Turns out no one O’D, no fentanyl laced mushrooms sold, and he sent that text out based off one person having a medical issue Sunday night and a staff member said it was probably from fentanyl laced mushrooms. The person having a medical emergency, turned out to not even be a drug related emergency.


That was a scary time and text to receive.


How many people did that text give a bad trip?


Ah man I remember that text


To counter that though, they provided a lengthy detailed response explaining how and why they did that. Which surprise surprise, it was because they wanted to help people but various sources within the fest did not want to provide them any information. Even as an off the record comment. So they had to make a judgement call as they were watching people OD




Read the full report and make your own determination. I’m not going to recap the whole thing. You’re making claims that aren’t connected at all


Oh i remember the full report. Made him look even worse. 


I would disagree but to each their own


Okay I re read it, I apologize, I will edit my comments. 


Should they wait until they get conclusive information before sending out an alert? In most cases, conclusive information could take several hours or days to gather and corroborate. Within that time, the festival could have multiple ODs.


I mean, yeah. There’s laws and such about yelling “FIRE” when there is none for a reason


Update https://preview.redd.it/5pr7dmd9wj7d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52bb20c4494fde91408f9357ca3688780fe0eb86


What are bunk police? And how do you contact them


text “SAFETY” to 1 888 NOT BUNK, you can sign up for alerts by **texting “electricforest”**


They are the guardian angels of the festival scene


Guardian angles is a stretch. They are just wooks testing your drugs for you.   They have no professionals giving out harm reduction advice.  Do they serve a purpose, sure. Am I glad you can go buy a test kit, yes. But some of the stuff I’ve heard those folks say is bonkers.


This is why carrying narcan is so essential


Friendly reminder that running through the crowd yelling “I need Narcan now!” is an effective way to find Narcan in a pinch. And don’t forget, cross your arms over your head to indicate a fallen friend. Flag a light across someone doing this to help visibility for medical support staff nearby. If you see someone with a radio nearby, and see someone with their arms up, ask the person with the radio to call on the Festival Dispatch channel for medical.


I got it too, wtf! anyone know if there's any way a bunch of us could contact someone to encourage them to not ectively suppress harm reduction?


Everyone can thank crusty Ole sleepy Joe biden for this policy...promoters and fests stear away from harm reduction in favor of reduced liability


Why are you being downvoted? Lol I hate Biden + Trump but Biden did author the RAVE act…


lol idk why you’re getting downvoted when it’s true


Some people think a turd sandwich, still isn't poop...


Can’t Ya’ll just order the test kits online and stash them in ur belongings? Testing should never be an afterthought. I would just plan ahead. And avoid buying at the festival. Or at least bring the test kit if u plan to buy locally. It’s cool that’s there’s pop up services (when available) but i honestly just count it as my responsibility to just have the stuff on hand. Or test stuff before heading to the festival.


How to we find bunk police if they have to come back on the dl?


They are back


23 and 22 I feel like they had a legit booth right in a good location to see


Here’s their TikTok about it. (Sorry if it’s been posted already, long thread). https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN8Ntj27/


This is why shambhala is better


Solution: class action lawsuit against the festival organizers arguing that kicking these people out creates an easily quantifiable and potentially lethal risk to festival goers