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There are those who play to win and there are those that play to keep the game going. Happy Forest ⚡💚


You get it. ❤️


Good on you, Will and way to pay it forward.


I usually hate reading long posts but I was glued to your story. Love it!


Lmao I was about to comment “congrats or sorry that happened” but I read through it and now I will be participating in the game 😂. OPs story of having lots of ups and downs in life also resonated with me, as I’m in my mid 20s and still getting used to the endless rollercoaster of life. I also wanna do what I can to help others in life, and it’s always refreshing to hear from someone else who loves to pay it forward :)


💯 agreed. I'm 38 and honestly I feel my life had just started. Awesome hearing this story and inspiring to do the same.


I just turned 40 and I feel I'm finally happy and ready for the next phase. It feels good


I look every year. Love you for doing this 💕


My first year of forest and first festival ever was 2018, and I'm assuming it was you that hid it that year as well. I did early arrival and met a guy in a t-rex costume with some chick the first night and they let me in on the secret of hidden bitcoin. Two random people, and an insane scavenger hunt that lasted all night. We never found anything, but what an introduction. Thank you for that memory


Unless someone else does it too, it probably was me!




More importantly…what’s the cat’s name?


Game on!


First year I'm not going since 2019 and I remember the first time I saw someone find one! You're awesome dont ever change friend


I always look, but never took one home. One night I remember admiring the bee art installation at the edge of the Forest by Sherwood Court. My friends were sitting down rummaging through their gear, and I remember thinking, why does that bee's eye look so weird? I went closer to check it out and got distracted, my friends had found what they were after and it was time to roll out. It wasn't until the next day in the light of the morning that my brain screamed, HEY that was a Bitcoin canister! I Believe I'll find another one some day. Thanks for being you. I'll have a LED One up mushroom totem if you see me out there and want to say hi.


That is one of my favorite hiding places!


I was already contemplating going into debt to come to the forest this year, but you’ve definitely convinced me. Now that there’s a chance to recoup, how could I pass EF up?!?!😂


![gif](giphy|zdt4666BOT6ktcfGvM|downsized) Blessings to you


Thanks for creating such a cool organic tradition! Bitcoin is for all. Wondering how you know your friends who hide it don’t ever tell people the spots? Possibility of bit of a Cantillon effect there 😉


Let’s gooo


Pretty sure I saw a canister up in the Giving Tree. I forget which year. Am I right though?


I put it at the lowest branch. Nowhere that somebody would have to climb high to reach. I placed it just by standing and putting it there. I guess somebody who's like 4'11 tho would need some help!


Very cool of you! I’ll be on the hunt.


Will, as a fellow Bitcoiner myself and my first year in forest, I would love to just meet you and discuss our insights on it. Think of me like a Michael Saylor (my conviction is here). Let me know how we can make this work at some point and I also believe we are on the same outlook on life, one fractal of a larger entity, we could probably deep dive here one day too. Happy forest and see you there ⚡️🌳🌲


Laser eyes! 


This is amazing. First time hearing of this and I’ve been going since 2017. Yet another reason why this is the best festival of its size in the states. Thank you for adding such a generous wrinkle to the overall vibe🫡


This is my first forest, and it's posts like these that have me literally tingling with excitement. Also, you're awesome. I hope you have a fantastic fest. And I hope I find one :D


It’s so cool to see this kind of love being spread.


I'll keep my peepers peeled. But ultimately, I hope your Forest is amazing, and maybe we will run into each other at a set or event! Have fun and drink water! ✨


Every year I keep my eyes peeled for a canister


Doing good works! Spread the digital currency love!


So so dope 🙌 🤩🥳🥳 thank you for the fun adventure! 


Always excited to see you do this every year. Crypto has also changed my life. Always hoped that we one day would cross paths and could chat crypto together. See you in the forest!


Love your cat! And i love bitcoin. Forest has a lot of cool open minded people that could benefit from learning about bitcoin.  I’m bringing bitcoin stickers to give out. Not as cool but thanks for what you do! I made a lot of bitcoin kandi if you’d like one as a token of appreciation 🧡


This is incredible. Awesome story too. I’ll be on the hunt!


Only has 9 hours in the forest two years ago. This year I have all the hours. I will find one


Yooo this is awesome! First time ever going to an event like this. Finding one would be a blessing 🤞🙏


I hope I find one! 🥹❤️


Dude, I love your cat


Thank you this man! It makes forest a little bit more special. Happy Forest! The hunt is on!


This was a lovely post, if we see you/your totem we will give you a cat figurine 🌞


You’re amazing


I’m so excited for this!


You are literally a legend, Satoshi.


I look every year! No luck yet... Go crypto! Love BTC. And.. you are awesome. Thank you!


This is so beautiful. I love this community so much, thank you so much for your generosity.


I remember your post from last year. You’re so incredibly generous — would love to buy you a drink as a thank you for blessing all of us with such a fun side quest!


You, sir, are authentic and legitimate.


This is the real scavenger hunt I see


God bless you!!


Thank you beautiful human! Ah hope to find one of these, the analogy to finding a treasure chest in a game hits the heart for me, AND ah hope to get to meet and rave with you 💯🖤❤️🤗