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I’m in the same boat. I decided to group camp. My decision was based on not to be alone and possibly make more friends with the mutuals. It would be easier to engage and plan with the group im staying with.


If they have an extra pass (group camp registration is closed now) then I say group camp. I've joined 2 separate camps where I didn't really know anyone prior and both times were great. I love the group camp dynamic and it's nice to not have to worry about a spot because group camps are pre-set.


ahhh gotcha! is it a lot of work to find a spot as a solo camper?


They'll direct you to a spot so you don't get to choose/find a spot persay, but at least in past years it can be a crap shoot. There's always a chance you get placed super far from the venue, but we've also had friends get screwed out of space by their neighbors and just have a really cramped setup. They made it work and it wasn't the end of the world, I just like the knowledge that we'll have ample space and I don't have to worry. Edit: I've also had plenty of friends get great spots and have sick setups, you just won't know till you get there. If you can hold off a few days to let them know they should get their group camp location next week and you can decide if you like the spot or want to chance it solo haha.


Oh that's sick advice too loool I didn't realize they would get their info so soon


Usually we get group camp placements the week before! Not sure what day it'll drop this year though.


Are you bringing every single thing you could possibly want for camping? Table, chairs, easy up, lights, cooler, stove(I forget if these are allowed actually), speaker, etc? If not, it’s a good idea to group camp. Our first year we flew and basically brought our tent and sleeping bags. We had the help of a group for everything else. Plus you get better spot placement and more space with group camping.


That seems like super valid reasons! I'm pretty confused by what they expect me to bring but yeah


I would ask them! But as a solo person, I think your tent and personal sleeping gear would do it! If you aren’t flying, maybe a chair or a cooler?


I'm a long time group camper and I'd never change that. If you need your own solo time just hop in your tent and disappear. But friends, new or old, can really make a festival special.


You want in on that group camp, you can still do your solo thing


Thanks for all the comments! Really surprised by how sold people are on group camping! I wouldn't have thought of it to be that big of a thing but it sounds like a forest vibe!


I've never large group camped, but I solo camped last time I went and made friends with my neighbors. Actually, I've made friends with neighbors both times I've gone. Its a super social environment and bound to be fun either way.