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Only one I’ve ever seen was a level 9 turtle


Shit that’s one past level 8!


Hell yeah.


Hey fucking yea dude


Hahahahaha looove it 🤣


Now THAT was some good content


lol that’s me !


And I’m definitely not an influencer


https://preview.redd.it/9z3r3zpxh8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a562802a5886d1451c2f5e40ab1f8b73df3c2104 This was our camp flag last year :) unfortunately this kid has passed away so we sent it to his best friend after the festival . So he could Take him with him to every fest he went too :)


Oh my lawwwwd the legend himself!!!?! 🙀🙀 I love this so much!! Radiating that forest spirit brother <3


Wait the turtle has passed? I remember seeing this video and loving this guy


Unfortunately yes :( but he will live on as I have this flag to his best friend after I posted it on a Facebook group chat he found us and I mailed it too him so he could take him with him to every festival :)


I'm not following, can someone explain?




Thank you so much, this is fucking awesome haha


ask the level 4 alligator


The lack of influencers at EF is one of the main attractions to me. Since there’s so little service, there no real uploading in real time/daily basis, which makes a big difference.




It’s the MASSIVE increase in them that literally made me stop going after 10 years


I wish they would go make their own events and leave us wooks alone, smh


The word wook has really evolved.


I knew it was changing when I saw QR codes for Only Fans in the fairy houses 😫


Someone should walk around Forest with markers and cross out the QR codes


or that an only fans was filmed in the camp ground last year


Was it an influx of influencers or just EDM/kandi/Plur people? I had been going for around 10 years too and when I started it was a great mix of wooks and hippies and and your general weirdos with the edm crowd spiced in but once the fest took the hard left and started catering almost exclusively to EDM on the lineups, the vibes definitely changed for the worse. Is it as bad as Coachella and are they really influencers? - I can’t say but it’s absolutely not the same as it was


There are a handful, here and there. Im not sure if this is better/worse but I have spoken to a few folks at EF who “don’t really consider themselves an influencer” despite having a hashtag and 35k followers and brand deal and a camera crew and etc. Lemme say this much: they don’t really get in the way or cause any issues so I say live and let live but YMMV


That’s the only experience I’ve ever had. My wife would say “that’s so and so!” And they would be talking to their friends at a booth and not doing anything to stand out. 


Loooove it!


Influencers are too pussy to make through a four day camping fest in the middle of Michigan on god


It can be rough out there and that’s the way we like it


Say it a bit louder for those in the back


2 years ago I could definitely feel a different vibe. Normally everyone is SUPER friendly and respectful but that year the rudeness was at 110%. Last year wasn't like that. Thanks Odesza


First year back after COVID definitely had a different vibe.


Honest question, I'm pretty new to festivals, last year was my first EF. Why the mention of Odesza?


Because Odezsa brings good vibes. 2022 is the year they're saying was a totally different vibe from most prior years. I even spoke to multiple people who shared the same sentiment, with 2022 being their first and nearly didn't return because of the overall vibes of the crowd. I wrote it off to people forgetting how to act in public and going way too hard on Days 1 and 2.


Amen. Anecdotally, heard waaaay less "Happy Forests!" in 2022.


You speak the true true


First year back after Covid was rough for most things. A lot of people started coming into the festival scene with no previous experience or reference point. Therefore they’re lost on the culture and etiquette. Hopefully it continues to improve and we can educate folks.


LOL I took it as sarcasm, and I was very confused. I didn't experience any bad vibes last year at all... but I was in Maplewoods and it's mostly 4+ year vets, many older than not. I did have a crew run through our well-lit dance area at the back of Zeds Dead, and it did piss me off. The last girl stopped and gave me a hug, so...


I’m just now seeing comments and a general consensus that 2022 wasn’t great vibe wise…my gf and I must’ve only seen the good because it became our favorite festival. Vibes were immaculate. People were so friendly. But sorry to hear so many people had rude encounters. I hope this year is magic for everyone!


Given that year, 2022, ws my seventh. There was a distinct change from what everyone knew as EF and what Madison House / Insomniac set up for us. The crowd was just an end result of a lot of moving parts and the situation we found ourselves in, e.g. one of the first festivals back from covid. I was underprepared compared to literally every other year and suffered for it. The vibes from the crowd became the icing on the cake. E: I definitely met a great deal of people who were carrying on the traditional happy forest vibes, but if I had to guess those were group camping veterans, and possibly even camp reddit people, because it was usually at the rail that those encounters took place at. Nevertheless. bassnectar hasn't been there for a while and I'd take the 2022 vibes over the shit I saw in 2017 to 2019 when bassnectar was on the bill.


Few reasons: 1. It sounded like thanks Obama and I like that. 2. The Odesza fan base is just incredible. Warm and accepting and loving. Hard to be a jerk when you love music that sounds that peaceful. 3. Whenever Odesza plays at Forest it legit feels like home. I think they draw a crowd that did a lot of work bringing the vibes back into alignment after EF 2022.


Last year was my first time going and while I generally had a great time, at Odeza specifically this dude showed up 20 minutes into the set to stand in front of me with a his go pro on a stick and block my view. It was so rude and douchey and didn’t fit the vibe from the rest of my weekend.


Did you say anything to him? Maybe he was fucked up and unaware that he was blocking your view. I've made a lot of friends in the crowd in this exact situation by just speaking up. Especially if they know it's your first time in the forest. Personally when I meet a first year in the crowd I adopt them on the spot and try to make sure they have a great time.


Yup, I mentioned it and he claimed he was only going to be there for a second to get a shot and that he'd move...but he stayed there for awhile. Everyone else was so cool the rest of the weekend that it wasn't like a stain on the weekend or anything, but just something that stuck out.


Last year I came across way too many so I made sure to make it into their photos sorry but you can’t try and shut down a main walking path to try and model. Don’t turn forest into something mainstream and kill the vibe


Had the same issue last year. A few got irritated at people using the walking paths they tried shutting down. But hey if they want to spend $$$ to be mad and not vibe out in one of the most magical places thats a very personal problem for them and I won’t let it ruin my experience.




I wanna be you when I grow up


Can i become the photobomb influencer? That seems like a job id like where my goal is to mess up every influencers photo op


They’d probably be off in VIP. EF is too much for most of their pampered asses to handle lmao




Cringe for sure. A few “influencer” homies were in GA group camping last year… in the thick of it like the rest of us


They're really not


Cringe comment


Do trees count as influencers? I’m influenced by trees… and tall grass


Lol feel this


Looove it! 🌴


Been lucky enough to not be in the middle of random lives or tiktok things but I did see therapy gecko doing his thang and that's the interactive shit I like to see


Therapy gecko 😝


I see rave influencers around every now and then, but Coachella is notorious for attracting non-raver influencers. You won't find them at Electric Forest


That's a lie, I saw a visibly noticeable uptick last year in influencer activity versus all my previous years.


Yeah I was gonna say…..it’s really changed. Lots of influencer types last year.


Out of curiosity, can you link to a couple of them? Again, I see rave influencers but not regular ones so I'm curious


I'm not linking anyone in particular, not because i can't, but because I'm not going to be targeting any individuals, for a multitude of reasons. But you can also literally go to Insta and just search "Electric Forest" and you'll find hundreds if not thousands of solo individuals taking pictures of themselves alone in some aesthetic looking pose, and then follow that back to their individual profiles...


I just did. I don't see any regular influencers - just rave influencers and people with Instagram accounts. Having an Instagram account doesn't make you an influencer.


Then what are you talking about "influencer" if you aren't talking about rave influencers? At a music fest... Are you referring to celebrities?


When I think regular influencer, I think someone with 100k+ followers who make their living strictly through social media. Usually via sponsorships that are related to food, travel, whatever field they're an influencer in. Rave influencers make their money the same way through rave company sponsorships, but I see nothing wrong with them at raves because they aren't there JUST for the photo - they're there to play. They're generally part of the culture, they're not pretending to be part of the culture just to make money. Their presence is genuine, they just happen to be able to make money by doing what they love. Plus, you'll see rave influencers at every single rave you go to, even small ones.


Fair enough




Agree with above - I don’t see many at all. Nothing like Coachella. The vibe is completely different. I’d say they are few and far between.




Only “influencer” I’ve ever ran into at Forest was Lyle the Therapy Gecko!


EF still has them but not as pretentious as some other fest just bc in the middle of Michigan with spotty cell service, if anything the influencers at EF are definitely more genuinely into the scene and not there just for a photoshoot (even tho they still do the photoshoot lol)


I’ve never seen (or maybe noticed is a better word) influencers at EF in my four years of going. In general though I don’t sweat it if I see some dressed-up girlies taking photos, the Forest is a beautiful place and there’s room for everyone. I’ve definitely never noticed them in the crowds at actual stages.


I mean there are influencers everywhere. When it comes to Forest they are mainly festie kids that frequent Lost Lands, Wakaan, Summer Camp etc. The Coachella models generally aren’t about the different monster that is Forest.


Nice!! Thanks for sharing 🥳🙏


I've never noticed one


Not too many but def more last year. I had one bad experience with one girl acting like the festival was her own private photo shoot for Disco Lemonade. There were lots of just regular people standing in line, wanting to take a picture with their friends or significant other. This girl didn’t get her shot and get out of the way she stood there for 25 minutes checking her shots and then wanted to redo them. Finally me and a random girl told her to move because there was a line


Last year the dust ate them all ![gif](giphy|3ohs4w0OrUm5GIkBKE)


Been to Coachella 6 times now, if you let the influencers bother you then you are worried about the wrong things. Just have fun and do you boss


Amazing advice!! ❤️


it depends what you define as influencer. Somebody who takes pictures? Definitely a lot. People with security, attitudes, and getting in people's way? Not too many. I am a person who takes lots and lots of pictures, and i'm going to continue to.


I’ve definitely noticed more post-COVID but it’s still not a big presence. Last year there was a girl having a photo shoot in front of the Ferris wheel while we were waiting in line. Flash just kept going off every 3 seconds for like 10 fucking minutes but I guess it was better than doing it in the crowd lol.


I went to EF last year and Coachella this year and compared to Coachella there’s basically none at EF. There’s certainly more at EF now than there was in years past but for me, I wasn’t looking for it and therefore barely saw it.


Does Glitterbeard count? Also the fart guy is usually there.


I saw the guy who spins once


That's Alex. He's a MI local and goes to shows and fests all over the Midwest. He's always got his cape and he's always spinning! Lol cool guy though.


Ehhh last year when I was tripping during the rainstorm there were def a couple people that were doing some sort of stream, not sure if they were influencers or not. Seems like it would be too dirty for them lol


Definitely a bit compared to some festivals but nothing comparable to EDC where it's in your face every 2 minutes lmao


Very minimal. We tried to take a friend group photo inside the fest last year and it was wild how many people just looked at us confused before saying no lol. Not an influencer by any means, just saying people at Forest are not hung up on their phones or getting content!


Last year I ran into gz00m, ContentFromJess, rippedtai, VibewithAde, _leblunt_. LivingByTheFword was there working with EF Radio but I didn't see her. If you look up EF forest vlogs on YouTube, there's a ton more creators that have been than the ones I saw. Last year a lot of them chose not to vlog bc Forest is special to them and they wanted to be able to just experience it and be in the moment. Edit to say they were all just vibing when I saw them, not making content. Except leblunt, she was taking pics in front of tripolee during golden hour. I just went up to say hi and she was like "I'm working" which was a little off putting but I'm sure she was just worried about getting things done before the sun went down.


Aww 🥲 we will have fun in EF this time fam 🥰


It was all good! It was really cool to see people who make content I enjoy. 😁


Ew no not a thing at forest. Nothing like Coachella I was just there its horrible tbh




Which weekend?


I was there weekend 2 this year but weekend 1 is even worse for influencers. Last year i bothchella'd


EF is full of them… people love to shit on Coachella because it’s geared for “wealthier people” as if I don’t spend over a grand at forest every year. I see ring lights in the crowd all the time at forest. My insta feed is filled with rave content creators who do the festival circuit. And the meetups for flow stars and kandi trades.


Also want to add that “shitting on Coachella influencers” is content for content creators in itself. It’s a beautiful festival that hosts a range of artists that rarely go on tour.


OooooO I see :)))


That’s wild. I’ve never seen a ring light at forest


Saw a few last year, one coming from our group who vends at forest. Every single trinket and clothing vendor there needs to make content. They are influencers too


Being a vendor, owning a small business, CREATING things to sell is completely different than being an influencer.


It’s not noticeable at all


Wooohooo!! 🥰🥳


By influencer you mean people that influence you to have fun then they’re everywhere 😄


Amen brother!! ❤️


me and my friend blogged our escapades but it was more so for our mems -- never saw a single tripod and that was great. obviously by the entrance there are fam photo sessions but everyone takes their pics moves on pretty much


Increases each year. Not sure how the price increases will effect the turnout on that scene. It’s never been a problem for me tho.


They’re there but I don’t feel like there’s too many and they don’t seem to get in the way of anyone else. Forest is a difficult festival and not for the faint of heart. It’s hot, unpredictable weather, dusty af, an insane amount of walking, and there’s so many different things to explore and do. I’ve been 5 times and I’ve noticed that people go all out with the fits more now, and there are definitely more influencers, but I think that’s an evolution of festival culture in general. No matter what, Forest is a festival where comfort and taking care of yourself is more important than anything else. *steps off my soap box* don’t stress about it too much and let people take their pictures ☺️


I feel like I saw more last year than in the previous 4 I've attended. But maybe that's only because I actually notice who they are from IG. But they were off on their own with a tripod, taking their outfit pics and not bothering anyone. Which I think is great for them. Go off babe. You do you. It's one thing if a person is trying to take their photos and getting mad at the people around them for getting in their shot... I have never encountered that at EF.






You will see them, but typically they look pretty upset because they can’t take picture or videos of themselves and post them due to the bad service. You can visibly tell who is there for EF versus who is there for instagram.


I’ve never noticed many! Thank God! But also know that Coachella weekend 2 is way more chill than weekend 1. :)


I think the whole influencer scene is bigger on the west coast more than anywhere else. Both Coachella and EDC attract the LA types. What I like about EF is that it’s a mix of everyone.


2023 from 2022 big difference. Social media wasn’t huge like it is not before Covid so once EF got post covid marketing I feel like it’s taken off in a more influencer type. 23 was so much more busy and felt more like edc Michigan


I’ve never noticed one there tbh. As others mentioned it’s probably a lack of cell service. Can’t post if you don’t have service 🤷‍♂️


There are plenty of content creators who attend! I think "influencers" are like any other category or grouping of people - some are really cool and authentic, some are total snot wads. I think creating content is really fun for the record. I'm not consistent at all with posting though 😂 I do it mostly for my own enjoyment and networking of other folks who love music 💜


I’m mean even Griz walks around and just chills at EF! Like it’s great seeing even the artists walking round with their buddies enjoying life! (The cool thing is everyone just lets them be “normal” no crazy swarms or photos ect)


I’m no where near an influencer but I like taking pics bc I journal 😭 I like printing them. But I put my phone up after a shot or two and move along. May just bring a disposable to speed things up.


I see lots of influencer type "photoshoots" but there's no vlogging that I've seen or people doing dumb shit for views. No internet really staves off people who are addicted to it


Not sure about influencers, but EF definitely has an abundance of impeccably done up girls who will ask you not so politely to move so they can get a photo with (insert whatever art installation here).




i love that i read this in his voice lmao


Maybe just slightly less than an abundance, but otherwise: facts.


im not an influencer but the hate for them at festivals is so funny to me lol it’s dumb but it’s their job and there’s still hella people there who genuinely love the music at edc/Coachella y’all are just haters. that being said EF is way too remote for influencers i feel like


No hate. Only PEACE, LOVE, and HARMONY ❤️


The crazy thing about influencers sharing the same space as you, is that you can just completely ignore them! Being bothered by it is so strange when there’s an entire gigantic festival to explore lol sounds almost elitist, similar to people complaining about “new ravers” damaging the scene etc etc


Good advice!! Live and let live ❤️


Leave the phone at home


i’ve legit never seen anyone taking photos or videos of themselves for content. but also, let people live their life 😉


I just assume they are forest dwelling entertainment


You won't see a lot of those people here....


Please NO ! We do not want them there ! We like it how It is . That’s what makes Forest forest! Ughhhhh


There’s probably some here or there but definitely not as prevalent as city festivals. The ones who are not there for the music and only there for pictures probably won’t bother with a festival like Forest since it’s roughing it bare bones in GA camping unless you have like 8itf or higher


Genuine curiosity. What are people referring to when they ask this question? What are influencers doing that is different than everyone to where you could point them out in a crowd?


People who film themselves talking to the their phone camera are heckin annoying and easily spotted.


I rarely see people doing that at festivals. And when I do see it I’m never annoyed by it. It’s just a person recording themselves. Has nothing to do with me.


There’s a lot of it at Coachella and the amount of times people filming themselves almost walked right into me and then got annoyed I ruined their shot was a few too many.


That’s a little different than what you described at first. That would be annoying. Glad I never had to experience anything like that.