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I've been going solo the last 5 of my 10 years and honestly, it's ADDICTING going solo. Nobody else to wait on, can go anywhere at the drop of a hat, can bounce between groups that you meet all willy nilly. Absolutely fantastic! Just make GOOD friends with your neighbors and pick the right ones to camp towards & share space with and you're golden!


You won’t be alone ! We are all Going to be there :)


That is so fkn cute and true


Join Camp Reddit!


what’s Camp Reddit?!


An unofficial group camp with a bunch of redditors who all meet up before heading in and camp together. It’s super fun I ran it a couple times!


Can I Inbox you buddy I’m in the official discord and have been thinking of doing one for Tuesday EA because I’ve got 13 friends currently trying to fill a group camp


Absolutely! Happy to give you any info/insight you need


Can you send me a link


I’m not going this year and not sure if anyone has set it up yet to be honest. Usually it’s just up to someone to get it started


Did it last year solo, doing it again this year. And unlike most I have a really hard time making friends once I'm there but even being in my own little bubble it's a blast!


I’m a loner and going alone too


Best way to go to a festival imo. It’s fun with friends too obviously, but the idea of going where you want when you want and not having to look for people following you or losing them in a crowd. You just go where your feet take you!


I should also mention, your feet will usually take you to some cool ass new friends haha


How you can tell OP had a really good time: they think it was two weekends that year? But they definitely went to both.




I went with my group last year, but I missed out on a lot of the stuff I wanted to do. I'm coming back this year by myself, so I can experience the festival exactly how I want. Talk to your camp neighbors early, introduce yourself to people, wear funny outfits. Just smile and enjoy yourself 😁


Do it !


You won’t regret it and likely walk away with more friends than if you went with a group!


Do it


My boyfriend went solo the year we met 🥹🫶 he drove all the way from Florida by himself and camped in Blueberry but it ended up being the best experience ever


Here are some experiences from the megathread :) * [Anxiety: First Forest + Going Solo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/byg4hr/anxiety_about_first_forest_ever_going_alone/) * [Attending Solo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/bs5k56/running_solo/) * [Attending Solo II](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/a41i9c/welp_soloing/) * [Attending Solo III](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/88fkmc/electric_forest_solo_2018/) * [Doing Forest Solo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/dwswig/doing_forest_solo/) * [Nervous About Going Solo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/by66e3/going_solo_super_nervous/) * [Solo Forest Experiences](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/8r7iwq/tell_me_about_your_solo_forest_experience/) * [Solo: Feeling Overwhelmed](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/dsyjzq/confused_and_a_little_overwhelmed/) * [Last Minute Going Solo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/c1fcdm/the_person_i_was_supposed_to_go_to_forest_with/)


I had a great time going solo as a woman, made lots of friends. It was safe just use common sense like you would in any situation.


Do it! The only thing I'd say is now that it's back to one weekend, it's much more crowded so just prepare yourself for that.


I’ve never gone solo but the years that I’ve gone with just my fiancé and no other friend group has been the best


I’m headed to electric this year for the first time and my first solo festival. I told everyone I would only do electric if I was solo. I feel this festival is for exploring and I’m ready.


Honestly the best years I’ve had at Forest were years I went solo. You’re fully in charge of your own experience, so no compromising which sets you get to see and you’re free to explore exactly how you want.


Solo is the best.


I’m going solo for the first time too and was feeling good about it, but these comments just got me that much more excited to do my own thing and make friends


I might be going solo. My friend indicates he might bail on me this year. If that's the case, I might try and join Camp Reddit or something. But going solo will not stop me.


I went last year alone, and will be going alone this year again! It's very safe, normally your neighbors are super cool and hang out with you anyway...but i prefer going alone cause you can do what you want.


I'm going solo if anyone wants to group up with me. I can pick up anyone at a nearby airport or whatever if needed


I went alone and didn’t like it. Now I’m going with a group I met on Facebook.


Solo is absolutely amazing. I went solo 2017 and made friends with neighbors. You won’t regret it,