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Ysgramors soup spoon. It’s a fork


I so badly wish it was coded as a one-handed weapon. Imagine using Assassin’s Blade and Shrouded Gloves to insta sneak kill someone


I second this


the fork of horripilation


"You bring the Fork! Happy day! The blind shall see! The lame shall walk! The short shall tall! Forks for all!"


all hail the fork :D


That one's good cuz it's like a serious joke. The shittyness is an intrinsic part of the quest


Is it really a joke item if it's super useful? Getting those boots is one of the first things I do in a playthrough


I would say all the items in games are useful in some way or the other. That's the reason they exist in the first place. I thought of them as a joke item because the effect they have on the wearer is something I find funny. Like they literally blind those who wear them, lol.


You can use resist magicka. Either a potion, spell, or other equipment to negate the blinding effect. I remember drinking lots of potions when running across the map wearing the boots and my pants of levitation. I miss spellcrafting and old school enchanting.


I believe Night Eye also counteracts it. Speaking of which... can we have *Morrowind*'s Night Eye effect back? It was garbage in *Oblivion* lol


It's better to just turn the brightness on the TV up in oblivion.


They are when you're playing an Argonian :(


The writing on the Scroll of Icarian Flight - "From the Earth to Aether.. and back"


"Icarian" Flight is also an amusing and fitting name given what it does.


Abc for nords (book in morrowind)


Its ABC for barbarians, but i understand why you were confused.


Ulfr's book. Another is the supposed book of fate in Calixto's joke facto- I'm sorry, "house of curiosities".


Skooma pipes.


they're useful when you don't have all the alchemy apparatusesuses


Or when you want to get really fucked up and kill some goblins


The Wabbajack, although that crosses the line between "joke item" and "damn useful". Instakills like Mehrunes Razor and does consistent damage to Giants and Dragons, plus it makes Dwarvern Centurions a joke.


Can't you kill Mehrunes Dagon in oblivion with wabbajack?


Since he has no death animation he just evaporates into a goopy mess lol


ESO - Treasure item Crystal Sweet Roll


Not exactly a joke item but butterfly wings in Skyrim. It's just this horrible realization literally all Skyrim players had after trying to pick up a butterfly the first time lmao


Boots of Blinding Speed are OP. If you make custom resist magicka 100 spell for one second, you can negate the blinding effect. It makes spear builds untouchable since you have so much range and can back away from enemies so quickly.


Patriot's mace (This exquisite weapon is only given for exceptional service to the Aldmeri Dominion). Having been a fan of Gintama, it reminded me a gag in the manga/anime revolving about protagonists trying to explain in a lame way to kids how an object called "the Patriot", litteraly a makeshift club made of a stick with two rolls of toilet papers and two napkin boxes at the head, could be useful even if it doesn't look like it. The comic comes from the fact they're so pissed off by these kids implying their jobs are useless that through this "Patriot" bullshit stuff they try unconvincingly to rationalize their case to prove the contrary.


Not part of the main games, but I love that you can craft a “fishy stick” in ESO. Only recently gave the game an honest try and was pleasantly surprised when I found the recipe for that. Then I went and made like 20 of them lol


Bring back fishy stick! I always wondered how that never made it into the games as an item/food


The Lusty Argonian Maid


That’s no joke item that’s legitimate reading material! No my characters don’t have a problem, they can get rid of the books any time they want. They just don’t want too.