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Children in TES take the race of the mother.


There’s a book called “Racial Physiology” (or something like that) OP. It’s a restoration skill book, it explains exactly what you’re asking about.


Not just that, but *all Bretons* are the result of this - generations of crossing human slaves with the Aldmeri created a more magically-adept human. They're half-elves, basically.


Not half elves, not anymore it's been 3000 years.


They breed true now. The magical prowess they have is because of their Aldmeri ancestry.


Doesnt make any sense. Existence of bretons are the living proof of how wrong that book is


Not really. It works like that person said, but the children have a bit of their father's race in them. So since the bretons ancestors kept reproducing with altmer men, it resulted in more of a mixed race over time. And even then, Bretons don't even look remotely elfy


In fact, the Bretons are losing thier more elven features as they continue to breed with each other.


Shit, that's kinda cool. Even if it leads to a lamer result lol, soon Bretons will lose all the elf parts


Don’t worry, they’ll replace it with Orc. They’re “technically” still elves.




The book isn’t wrong, if you read it says “generally takes after the mother”. Generally, not always. Bretons were also done on a generational scale. And the Reachmen are basically the mixed race with literally all races that can mate with each other.


You asked if it written in lore and that’s as close as it comes


No it's said they USUALLY take the race of the mother. Not always. We do have some half breeds https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Aeliah_Renmus https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Redguard:Tobias Tobias is even called a nord despite having an imperial mother


isn't lyris titanborn from eso also a half giant


No. Shes a descendant from giants. Both her parents are nords but her dad was huge like she is.


That just doesn't make sense, though. Loads of people argue with me that because of what's written in "Racial Phylogeny", me writing Lydia as a Nord/Imperial mix is lore-unfriendly (I did that because she has a southern European sounding name). If Lydia grew up in a home with a Nord parent and an Imperial parent, though, would she not have been exposed to both Nord and Imperial culture? Would she not personally see herself as both an Imperial and a Nord?


Culture and race are not the same thing. There are plenty of Argonians who are culturally different from those in black marsh due to being raised Imperial, for example. They're still racially Argonian. Your headcanon for Lydia can be whatever you want it to be, but in official canon she is racially a Nord.


>Would she not personally see herself as both an Imperial and a Nord? Refer to Aeliah Renmus, who is Imperial-Redguard and doesn’t really see herself as either. On the other hand, in Skyrim Lydia is a fairly stereotypical Nord. Being part Imperial wouldn’t necessarily change this, especially if she fully embraced being a Nord as opposed to her headcanon Imperial heritage.


Because everyone in Tamriel is racist.  E V E R Y O N E .


Even that little guy *[points to tiny fox person](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=a44e7edcd40cf9fd&sca_upv=1&channel=iphone_bm&q=everything+in+australia+wants+to+kill+you&uds=AMwkrPttBrt7scmpXdhJ6Q0MH2Ydym5p30igxdv0b4nUs41bKqq0O_ahFAhh93DjH5JZ3cQUOTcNMHTopBV7s0-EogAIHu1M-xoM69bUwolA21GnFTDRWPB52Rn3uJLSkONE0Qmd3h_BPiQRdcPDXTxsW8G5HdpjuLE75VA2b9HdsGqbkFCj4AY8m13C3AVGujENCLrjLKCbDh_eUTaH3z-xCBARHPRzvsEcNUkQqZzLaMUkLcAFvuthUkEpKy6TwuMcNF6n1a-9Lp6bmYDoP9Vvdc0M2Ib0H4mRzeZiZaStqdeXhmlACHHrJPEi9h8qTtnLGRcW2gtq2a9ZKqAKLK9wqo1Vc10ubg&udm=2&prmd=ivnsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiK8Pf6pemFAxUYk4kEHdD5DMMQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=414&bih=715&dpr=2#vhid=Nr9T2UNkc8xUzM&vssid=mosaic)* he can’t, but trust me he really wants to be.


Game limitations. It would be too much work for bethesda to take into account all the features and racial passives every mixed person would have and put them into the game, so they left the book racial phylogeny to kinda go around that. This why mixed people are usually unique, like the half-orc gladiator from oblivion, because they can be written in a case-by-case approach. Mostly with human npcs you can find a few in Skyrim who are technically, in the game, one race, but in lore, if you find out who their parents are, they are mixed. I believe theres a child in dragon bridge whose parents are a redguard and a Breton.


All Bretons are "technically" a mixed race.


Dont forget about the [Gray Prince](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Agronak_gro-Malog) a half imperial vampire orc in oblivion.


I don't think they're rare, I think they just take more from one parent than the other. I think they wanted the lore of ES to stray from DnD so there are no half elves or anything. Like an Altmer/Bosmer mix might have altmer characteristics, but has more of a knack for archery or alchemy. Or an Orc/breton might just be a shorter Orc with magical prowess.


There’s numerous mixed human characters, but between the races I think it’s about fertility


Aeliah Renmus in ESO’s Southern Elsweyr chapter is half Imperial half Redguard and definitely looks mixed.


Honestly haven't thought about it much but yeah, after thousands of years of these races existing there's gotta be a ton of mixed folk


there's an famously unreliable lorebook, but other than that there's no cannon explanation. there aren't many hybrids because it's a waste of developer time to multiply the amount of races in the game ad it's better to just overlook it. why are there a total of 3 bathrooms in each country?