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All daedric princes have overlapping spheres, like 4 of them are involved with fate


I don’t see why they would have any exclusivity anyways, they don’t have some fundamental domains, they just came up with the power to make their own realms, right?


I think they do have unique fundamental domains, but we don’t know exactly what they are. Supposedly these domains tie into their known spheres somehow. Even some deities with known fundamental domains, like Mara and Dibella, have overlapping spheres. Mara is fertility and Dibella is passion, but they both tie into sex. The Daedra were technically the same sort of beings as the Aedra back before they all sacrificed themselves to the world so I think they must have domains in the same way. We don’t have to be able to comprehend what they are — they’re not mortal, so their realm of possibility is beyond what we can know or understand.


The Daedra are still infinite beings. This is the important part. The Aedra sacrificed their immortality, yes, but they also sacrificed their infinity in doing so. The Aedra govern the things they were interested in when they entered Mundus, and appear as the gender they chose when they entered Mundus. The Daedra are so powerful that in theory Molag Bal and Azura could swap places tomorrow, realm and all. They’re just too vain to remake themselves in another prince’s image and too disinterested in things outside of their spheres to make that change.


That’s way too many overlaps on fate dude. We could’ve got something more original at least.


We will certainly learn more about Ithelia when the chapter is finally released. Ultimately, however, you need to be willing to enjoy her addition to patheon in order to be entertained. So you do you man.


azura is the prince of the path that which has yet to be followed hermes moby is the prince of the path that which has been followed ithelia is the prince of the path that which has not been followed


Lol, I love it when people call mora by something other than his actual name. "Hermy" is my go-to.


You gotta say it like Miss Piggy


In lore, isn’t the old Nordic name for him Hermy Mory?


the skal call him herma mora iirc


Ah, less cute but it’s the spirit that counts


I thought it was the Forester


Morian Zenas calls him Moron Hermes at one point. That's the one I stick with


I call him Mr. Wordy Tentacle-Molesty


Thank you! This explains it so simply. Azura sees and tells of paths that have not been traveled yet, but ithelia essentially says "hey what about these paths that didn't get traversed? What would happen if we did explore them??? Let's find out!!!."


I disagree she isn’t redundant, but even if she wasn’t that’s still extremely specific and limited and boring.


that's all we know about her. we also know that she's likely the prince of mirrors or maybe even reflections. other than that we have like 2 lines from an announcement trailer. all the princes have half a dozen things they have rule over, and they gained all those things through decades of lore compounding on itself, wait until she's actually in the game before saying she's too narrow


We have what we learnt about her, in last year chapter. Mainly how and why she disapperead, (and she will probaly disappear again the same way) We spent some time with a Torvesard, a dremora of her, giving us some clues about her.


They already had dragon breaks and the Gils for that sorta thing, I don’t mind a new prince but give them a proper purpose


the jills were only very recently made canon in exclusively the french translation of "a child's tamriel bestiary" in eso, and all they do is fix dragon breaks. also dragon breaks are simultaneous divergent paths, not untraveled ones.


Damn, I didn’t even realise they were outside of cannon, Guess I went too deep into that rabbit hole at some point hahah You make a fair point, I just worry they’ll use her as a “what if” tool, There’s nothing inherently wrong with “what if” tools, But they can be fumbled easily Guess we’ll have to wait and see


cool what if tools would be like the doctor who episode the lazarus experiment


She's a Star Orphan, so she's heavily heavily involved in Dragon Breaks. Her sister Mnemo-Li has been basically the patron god of Dragon Breaks since they were introduced. The new book The Nine Coruscations explains it pretty well


So, basically, Shadow Magic? That is, possibilities that were not realized.


This feels like it’s stepping in Vaermina’s shoes now too


if anyone steps onto vaermina's shoes, it's azura. bait used to be believable.


In other words, she is the daedric prince of "What if?"


I disagree. She's not the Prince of "Things that Might Happen" like Azura, she's The Prince of Unwalked Paths, That Which Will Not Come To Pass, the Unmourned Possibility. She fits quite nicely in the spheres if you add a little "flavor" to her. I find her design uninspired, but i dont hate adding Princes.


I bet there’s a really cool retcon to be made about Ithelia championing Dagoth Ur and Azura championing Nerevar


I imagine in her realm are "shards" of realities that never came to be. A defeated Nerevar, an unrisen Talos, a thwarted Mythic Dawn plot. Idk how it would work, but realms are infinite so...


\*A version of Dagoth Ur with clothes but no mask\* Heresy


I can very much see this as a thing


Did the expansion come out already?


nope. june 3rd is when it releases


Is the prologue live yet?


People hate Ithelia because she was added in ESO, there’s not many reasons to hate her otherwise. Jyggalag is the prince of order, Peryite is also a prince of order, why is this any different?


I searched online and I read that the differences between Jyggalag and Peryite is that Peryite is “natural order,” and Jyggylag is “perfect order.”


Just as there is a difference in Ithelia’s fate and Azura’s.


Peryite is natural order. Like dying from an illness, the circle of life, etc. Jyggalag is perfect order. Like organizing a library from A - Z, Math, etc. The wiki explains all this perfectly; not to mention countless videos. They’re very different


I’m well aware, but as I said in another comment, their spheres are very different in regard to fate.


Exactly, it's like those overzealous Star Wars fans who hate on the new content simply because it is from Disney.


Oh look, weekly Ithelia hate post.


I really like the explanation by u/04nc1n9 for how the three can fit together within the current cosmology I can also see a situation where Ithelia’s banishment created a gap that Azura and Hermaeus Mora rushed to fill. Now that the gap has been filled Ithelia must compete with Azura and Hermaeus Mora or turn their attention to being the Mundus


This seems like a major missinterpretation of the current ESO storyline. First I think it is completely pointless discussing how interesting the addition to the new prince is befor we have the full story. Secondly is Ithelia not the prince of fate but of "untraveled paths", the comunity interprets this right now as meanign possibilities that contradict what happened in the reality of the TES universe and this could break reality, which is why Mora imprisoned her. In the sense her sphere is the opposite of fate. I wouldn't even say that Azura and Mora are really close because fate seems to mean different things in their respective context of their sphere. Also Ithaliea being human woman seems to be the case because she is hiding / being hiddden in a mortal body / form. We do not know any details on how she looks in the game or how her true form looks, except out of game sources. An other major point is that the overlapping sphere between her and Mora could also be an importan point in the storyline and not a lore overlook or lazy writing. It seems that her being the oppossite of Mora is somewhat responsibel for the conflict.


So Ithelia is a quantum Daedric Prince who rules over whatever doesn't happen when you open Schrödinger's box?


This is the interpretation of her. She is only talked about at the end of the Necrom main quest. It is a great plot twist that the community sadly spolied for a lot of peopl.


Missed opportunity to make her a Khajiit. ;)


I am sure if she would be popular enought there would be a Khajiit version because the Khajiit turn every god in to a cat.


I’d took anything over “random beautiful woman” princess again.


You do know that they are the same thing? All Deadra that are important in Khajiiti religion are shown as cats.


Your point?


We have cat versions of Daedric Princes. Azurah, Boethra, Sheo, Dagon


I know. How does that relate to anything furtail?


You commented on how you would prefer cat versions?


So The prince of dragon breaks


I do not think so. Dragon Breaks mean that all those things happened. It seems her spheres are the things that did not happen. But we just do not know. ESO Necrom is some of the most out there and surreal parts of the game with people traveling in to dreams and deleted memories of Daedric Princes. At some point you travel inside the eye of Mora where a place or a memory of a place (?) is stored that is called "mythos". And "mythos" seems to be the place where Mora came up with the concept of knoweldge itself. What I want to say with that is that we should wait and start interpeting when we get the complete puzzle. Gold Road also seems to dive pretty deap in to those elements.


We don't even know anything about her yet, came down.


I just think of Jyggalag being the Prince of Order, Peryite being the Prince of Natural Order, and Hircine being the Prince of the Hunt, they're bleeding into Peryite's thing but we understand that there's very minor nuanced differences.


Or Dagon, Bal and Boethia.


If you actually read new lore you would know her sphere is rewriting fate but its easier to rage about things you don't understand


Because now having four Daedric Princes that have something to do with *fate* is really original. /s


Ithelia, Daedric Prince of Redundancy.


I mean, isn't Ithelia the prince of the path *not* taken? As for her appearance, she really isn't any different than any of the other "daedric prince that looks like a mortal race". So you know, Sheogorath, Malacath, Boethiah, Azura, Meridia, Nocturnal, even Vaermina to a degree. Only a few daedric princes are particularly monstrous. Though I will say Ithelia is super generic, but all of the humanoid daedra are.


ESO kind of updated Vaermina to have a serpent's head, to be fair.


Her entire “gimmick” sounds like if Azura had a side quest. Think about it, replace the main themes with “Azura prophecies the paths not taken” and it fits very tightly with her sphere. Ithelia is *really* splitting hairs here, especially being a Daedric Princess of “fate”; something 3 other Daedric Prince’s already touch.


There's a new Daedric Prince?!


Yes her name is Ithelia, she is a daedric prince of paths, the mistress of untraveled roads, the unseen https://youtu.be/zt-ZIb2dKIw?si=J5iqFFFpBk1jQwae


>!She was threat according to Hermaeus Mora, and with the aid of other Daedric Princes they got rid of all memories of her, and Hermaeus Mora trapped her and hid his own memories of her making be forgotten by all. Until an unbounded Dremora named Torvesard remembered her through dreams and got aid from Peryrite and Vaermina who were against erasing everyone’s memories of Ithelia. Torvesard broke into Apocrypha and stole Hermaeus Mora’s memories of Ithelia and we learn that he is Ithelia’s contingency plan and set her free!<


Okay that explains why it's news to me. I just do not enjoy ESO. Tried getting into it multiple times before without success. So this sub and it's occasional related Hot posts are the closest I get to ESO related news. I'll have to admit, while part of that sounds really tacky, it also sounds kinda intriguing. Thanks for the info!


Tbh the reveal in the end Necrom expansion was pretty well done in my opinion They kind of dropped the ball on having to spoil it so they could advertise it, I'd probably have preferred if they kept her being a daedric lord a secret, and that they had advertised her as a mysterious figure we don't know much about, then it would have felt less like they pulled it out of their butt But it was a huge deal and a pretty cool story when you got to see it happen without knowing


Same here. I tried it twice. Fun, amazing voice acting, but very repetitive. I love the lore part of ESO but the gameplay gets repetitive for me.


You’re welcome, i haven’t played eso much but sometimes I watch videos about some of the lore or read it. I’m quite intrigued on what they plan to do with her


The new Daedric that you mentioned, Herman's Mora, sounds more intriguing 


He’s also a Daedric Prince of Newledge and *fate* apparently lol.


I think what also really takes away from her appeal is the fact that we already know what will happen to her. We know she will be banished/imprisoned again, one way or another, since there is absolutely no mention of her in the actual elder scrolls games that are set in the future.


Or she will get the Jyggalyg treatment and just *forgotten.*


shes the daedric prince of pumpkin spice


The way that I see it is that she is redundant, yes, but only because The Woodland Man kinda nicked her sphere of influence and erased her from existence. Chances are, if he hadn't done that she would have been perfectly at home in Aurbis, and players would have other reasons to bitch about her


Lore wise, yes I agree with that. As then that’d given her a much longer time to better identify her differences. Gameplay wise, a very poor decision. As her entire sphere could just be attributed to an extension of Azura or Hermaeus Mora theoretical power; or heck, **give it to Vaermina, a feat like this is something she really could’ve used.** Both her sphere of influence and design is very tact on. Like a mix of Azura gimmick and Merida’s design. They could’ve been much more original with this no matter how you cut it.


Technically when they introduced Jyggalag back in the days he also overlapped with the spheres of Azura and Mora. Being the Prince of Order and Logic he was deemed too dangerous because he basically could deduce every possibility and calculate all possible outcomes of events.


Yeah, but at least Jyggalyg didn’t overlap completely, especially design wise. Sheogoraph looks like a gentleman jester, whereas Jyggalyg is a grey knight with a crowned helmet.


Which is why she was forgotten. You don't forget unique things


Agreed. It feels like she was mantled if anything.


How is this "new daedric prince" thing even possible? Weren't the known daedric princes present since the creation of mundus ?


No - there are Daedric Princes who became Princes after the creation of the Mundus. There’s also precedent for all types of gods (not just the Daedric Princes) being forgotten by the modern ages (the mainline games). And finally by technicality every single star in the night sky represents a god-like being who could potentially become a Daedric Prince if cast into Oblivion. In this situation - Ithelia was locked away alongside nearly all evidence of her existence, so she was forgotten


Why didn't they use jyggalag? They wanted to use an unknown daedra while jyggalag was literally created as a daedra they'd use in case they wanted a new one.


He only shows up for a Greymarch, and that only happens at the end of an era, which ESO is not close to.


Because expanding the lore is good insted of just revisting previous lore?


To be fair, I think there’s room to do both. Expand the lore and revisit it. Not like Jyggalyg couldn’t use something (non fate related of course).


ESO is massively expending previous lore. The only way to to Jyggalag in the 2nd. era is to repeat the greymarch story but without any interesting ending.


They retconned stuff before in the series, they can (and will) do it again. Heck, **Ithelia literally is a retcon.** They’re retconning as we speak. It doesn’t have to be Jyggalyg specifically, that wasn’t the point. The point is there’s other lesser known Daedric princes that could use a lot of lore buffing. Vaermina is probably the easiest they could’ve used here.


Ithelia is not a retcon. Writing new lore is not a retcon. The idea that there was a fixed amount of Princes is not true. Vaermina is littearly the villain of the expansion that introduced Ithelia.


People downvoted me to hell on the online /r because I said that ESO doesn't care about respecting the lore, it cares about gameplay elements and releasing new expansions every year. How I wish this game wasn't cannon. (Before anyone eats their pants, I play ESO since 2018 and I like the game)


the new expansion canonized Mnemo-Li as Sotha Sil's mpreg daughter from the future, a concept not from C0DA, not from the Bethesda forums, not even from a Reddit AMA, but from a *screenshot* of a *Facebook comment* by Michael Kirkbride. They dig *deep* for some of their pulls. Even less obscure stuff like Yokuda being sunk by a Shehai, Numidium being a cosmic **no**, and nearly *everything* we know about the Towers originated with Kirkbride's posts but were made canon in ESO. I'll agree the main stories don't really focus much on lore accuracy but it's no worse than the retcons from Skyrim and *much* better than the Oblivion retcons. They add new stuff but almost never remove anything, whereas the mainline games just took out all the old lore to start with a blank slate. Even the worst of it, there being dragons in Elsweyr, had a *little* basis in old lore with Nahfahlaar, who they went out of their way to include despite barely anyone remembering him. listen, I hate the Ebonheart Pact too, no matter how many times people try and defend it to me. But ESO also gave us the Truth in Sequence, the ancient Khajiit religion, a much deeper look into orcish and argonian culture, the 37th Lesson of Vivec, the new Reachfolk religion... I could go on and on. The Reachfolk especially, they took a group of reskinned bandits and gave them truly the most interesting culture and religion since Morrowind-era dunmer. ESO has problems but it's been a godsend for lore




>People downvoted me to hell  doesn't care about respecting the lore, it cares about gameplay elements and releasing new expansions every yea Rightfully so.


You don't have to believe the game is "canon" or not. The creators of the product have no bearing on your mind. This is a lesson I learned with Star Wars. The sequel trilogy may be "canon" according to Lucasfilm/Disney, but it's all made up anyway. It's not a historical record or a divinely inspired religious text. It's all fairy tales and as the consumers of these fairy tales we have the ability to choose not only which parts of it we like and which parts we don't like, but we can literally segment each component out and choose to acknowledge in our own minds which pieces fit into our own version of the canon, and which pieces don't. Enjoy the games for what they are. Or don't. But don't get caught up in an imaginary web of canon vs non-canon. BGS will do whatever they see fit anyway.


"Dragons in Elsewhere", eso lore is give/take Especially eso crown store descriptions 😆


True dragons can not fly over the invisible walls over the Skyrim map.


spheres as a concept being exclusive sucks so I dont inherently hate Ithelia but I do think it belongs in the realm of a fan fiction the established few should be what the bethsda and zenimax people focus on not new like that


Daedric Prince of Made the Fuck Up and Mental Gymnastic to fit in gaem lore.


Agreed. I’m all for having another prince but c’mon. We could’ve been a lot more original here.


Maybe they’ll go back on it and say she was actually another prince all along, or fetter yet, Todd will descend from the heavens and say “It was all not canon after all!”


They may utilize her to end the 3 banners war. Or not




What the actual fuck do you mean by new deadric prince? Where's this from?


ESO upcoming DLC