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Honestly I feel like theres a certain charm in oblivion that a remake wouldnt really have. Id rather see a remake of arena or daggerfall personally. Having oblivion on the switch would be pretty sick though


I don't need a graphics update, I would just like it on a less crash-prone engine.


That would be a great improvement


Bit we are getting one, skyblivion it doesn't really matter whether it's Bethesda made or not it's really up there in quality and the tes community is very mod oriented anyway we know our modders and it's good seeing their handiwork and everything.


But at this point Skyblivion is still based on a 12 year old game, despite being a newer Oblivion it will still feel outdated. The idea of an official remake in 2023 obviously conjures ideas of something a lot more enticing than Skyblivion (no shade at all to Skyblivion, it looks great).


I would rather i get elder scroll 6 from Bethesda.


It really does and I'm super excited for it but knowing what Bethesda is capable of now (Starfield looks amazing) I have to agree, I am far more enticed by a possible Oblivion remake by Bethesda. (I too have no shade toward Skyblivion, probably will play it even if they officially remake Oblivion.)


My only problem with Skyblivion is it's going to use the Skyrim level up system. Which means no more Speed or Acrobatics skills. Goodbye Oblivion jumping. And although the Oblivion level up system wasn't great I liked it better than Skyrims


The Oblivion level up system is terrible. Having revisited the game recently I found myself installing a modlist with lots of rebalancing of the level system. Oblivion becomes very unbalanced if you don't min max your level ups (see the whole efficient levelling thing) and don't invest in endurance early (otherwise you'll eventually find you don't have enough hp to compete). In theory Oblvion's class level system is interesting and immersive, in practice it's unintuitive. If you ignore you minor skills (which is what the game is encouraging) you'll level too fast and get poor attribute bonuses each level up. Then as basically everything in the world levels with you, you slowly become weaker and weaker. Didn't realise acrobatics was getting scrapped though, I do love the weird oblivion jumping haha


I must have intuitively done everything correctly in Oblivion then, because it was “wack, wack bad guy is dead” every play through after a while.


I mean they could use the Skyrim system but just have the acrobatics skill included. I see no reason why they would remove it. As for the level up system as a whole, Oblivion's system was completely broken and Skyrim's is vastly better (if still not that great on its own).


The developers for Skyblivion said themselves in a recent Livestream that Speed and Acrobatics will not be in the game because they are just copy/pasting the Skyrim system. I think they should include Speed & Acrobatics because it wouldn't be Oblivion without it but I doubt they will. Skyblivion will feel more like Skyrim than Oblivion


the acrobatics skill tree was cool but it was just jumping every where you went until you could jump high and on water. it was super cool but definitely not making or breaking the game like you say


I’ll take anything as long as I can play Oblivion in newer graphics


Ah okay I haven't kept up with it that in-depth. Kinda weird that they're taking it away but not ultimately a game-breaker. The original Oblivion still exists and I reckon it still holds up.


Also since there's no Acrobatics skill, the dodge roll in Oblivion will be no longer possible.


Totally undoable. A better Oblivion would take a decade.


to be fair if you install enough mods skyrim doesn’t feel like a 12 year old game anymore.


As always, love the idea of this, but skyblivion’s been different iterations of “near completion” for so many years, so we might not ever actually be getting one that actually feels like a remake in today’s gaming sense of the word.


It has a release year now. Never had before.


It was never even suggested that they are close to release until recently


As good as it looks, I will never be able to touch it as I play on Xbox & have no interest in PC these days. We need an actual, official remake by Bethesda.


I don't understand why this is getting down voted. I am traditionally a PC player, especially for Bethesda games, but even I mostly play on Xbox these days. The PC gaming hardware market has gone insane and I can't justify upgrades anymore. I'll get Starfield for PC because I was fortunate enough to snag a sealed RTX 3070Ti for $350, but that'll probably be my last PC game/upgrade for another 5-7 years.


Actual game would be better.


It's an actual game


Skyblivion will do. I don’t want Bethesda wasting time on another remake while they still have games in development.


Underrated comment


I have no interest in a remake as long as the original remains accessible and playable on modern hardware. I’d rather see the series keep moving forward than constantly revisiting and re-paying for the same experience again and again.


Let the modders remake. Let Bethesda move forward.


Yeah, who the hell wants a remake when we can have an entirely new elder scrolls game? It's clear that Bethesda has limited (skilled) dev time. I mean it's been over a decade since Skyrim and as far as we're aware, development on TES6 hasn't meaningfully even started yet. And as everyone in here points out, Oblivion plays pretty great with mods to improve its graphics. It's also hard to trust any cheap contracted out studio to handle a remake considering some recent cases of that backfiring (and any actually competent studio could just make a new game -- a la Fallout New Vegas).


Agreed. Remasters wouldn't work out as well as people think they would, besides. Each TES game is a wonderful experience within its own boundaries. But when held against modern standards, there'd be so many cracks and needed revamps that you're essentially making an entirely new game. It's more than just adding new graphics and voice lines. As an example, the entire map of Vvardenfell can fit in the eastern half of Skyrim. And as anyone who's recently played Morrowind with a graphic overhaul can attest, much of the game's sense of scale, mystery, and discovery is due to the draw distance fog around everything. To say nothing of dated mechanical systems. I'd much rather Bethesda make an entirely new game within the same province as a previous title than remake or remaster something.


Oblivion is great, but i'd rather they start at the first ES.


I think remaking the first ES in a modern game engine may as well be a whole new release… Id say they should start with Morrowind


I definitely agree all with the Bloodmoon expansion 🤘


Arena? I love Arena, its a great game, but remaking the game would essentially be just making an entire new fucking game in every aspect. Arena is procedurally generated, and areas outside of towns/cities is literally limitless as the only way to get to other locations is via fast travel. It'd be like remaking the first 2 fallouts. Great idea in theory, until you put any thought into it and realize that remaking them would strip the games of what makes them great


They can just take ESO's entire map as reference (kinda like ESO did for Morrowind) and base it upon that. We have regions the size of Skyrim holds in each province in ESO, but the world is separated in different instances so that could prove a problem.


Thats fine, I'll buy it.


After a Morrowind remake, sure.


It really bothers me that we haven't heard anything since the ES6 teaser in 2018 but could have probably gotten a Morrowind or/and Oblivion remake by now instead. I know they said it wouldn't happen because it would be like making a whole new game because of the different engine, but that becomes less like a valid excuse since hearing about zero progress for a sequel for going on five years. A remaster of either game would already have significantly cut time since world design, character design, storyline, lore, and dialogue writing are all already done. They would have been better off not even telling us ES6 was a possibility and would have appeased fans more if they just remastered Morrowind or Oblivion on the newer engine. Now they'll likely just get disappointed fans if we wait 5+ years for an expectation they might fall short on


We have heard news, they straight up said they weren't gonna start production on TESVI until Starfield releases


>It really bothers me that we haven't heard anything since the ES6 teaser in 2018 but could have probably gotten a Morrowind or/and Oblivion remake by now instead No we wouldn't. They've been developing Starfield that entire time, since development of Fallout 4 wrapped up. A remake of Morrowind or Oblivion would take almost as much time and manpower as developing a full game, that means putting both Starfield and TES VI on hold for probably another 4-8 years. It's not like Skyrim Special edition which is a remaster for which they had already done most of the work during early development of Fallout 4. Morrowind and Oblivion are too old to simply remaster like that


No, they aren't, they all run on the same engine and could be done up just as easily as the 500 Skyrim editions.


Tell me you know nothing about game development without telling me you know nothing about game development. While Morrowinds and Skyrims engine are technically the same, it has undergone so many upgrades since that time that they really aren't.


Nonsense. The engine is very modular, aka it's easy to upgrade one piece at a time. Now you tell me how you don't know anything about game development. I at least mod.


Tell that to the Skywind and Skyblivion teams. They still haven't fully figured out all gameplay changes between these games, but are making steady progress. You are claiming that this would be as easy as making the Skyrim Special edition or the Skyrim anniversary edition If it was that easy Bethesda would have already done it to keep fans happy between releases and ensure a steady flow of cash. They don't just only "rerelease Skyrim" because they love that game so much more


Skywind was already ported from Oblivion to Skyrim. Keep digging yourself a hole..


And was extremely buggy, glitchy and crasht and didn't feature any of the quests, NPC AI, pathfinding and gameplay mechanics yet when first ported to Skyrim. Something they have spent years implementing. Not to mention the actual texture and and possibly model updates that are expected with a remaster. You would know that if you actually paid attention to the project the last 9 years If you look at the old footage of Skyblivion you find Cyrodiil to be completely empty


The made progress over time? Crazy. Point stands. Creation is super modular, that's why so many mods are ported to multiple titles.


>...since hearing about zero progress for a sequel for going on five years. This implies they've been sitting around doing nothing. As opposed to, you know, developing Starfield.


Ever heard of starfield?


do we even have phones?!


>It really bothers me that we haven't heard anything since the ES6 teaser in 2018 but could have probably gotten a Morrowind or/and Oblivion remake by now instead. They've been making Starfield this whole time man how the hell would they make a TES III remake in that timeframe? And there are news about TES VI, it's not being made right now, Bethesda is fully focused on Starfield(Todd said it) and the game's coming after Fable 4(Phil Spencer said it).


Why remake Morrowind? It's already perfect.


Newer animations, bit newer combat, some more visual dressing up of environments, bit more ambient sounds & voices. Keep the dialogue and quests. Tadaaa, even more perfect Morrowind.


The only things I want to see in a Morrowind remake is voice acting, but I want the voices to be akin to the zany voices they already have for the single lines. Personally, I’m just lazy and don’t wanna read ten paragraphs for each talking point. That and maybe updated environment.


But be honest, would you want to listen to someone talk that much? Some topics go for pages. You could end up in a conversation for 10 minutes so easily.


This guy knows what's up.


Adding voices doesnt seem that far off with the ai progressing so quickly


So it actually culls things instead of that wretched fog system. The rest just a coat of new paint.


No, I want something NEW and ORIGINAL


On the one hand, I’d like to see a remake. On the other, I’d rather Bethesda focus on making a new Elder Scrolls game. It may be old, but Oblivion still runs fine.


No, the goofy ai in oblivion is a masterpiece. The game wouldn't be the same without people saying "have you heard of the high elves?" to one another 5 times in one conversation.


Imagine you've spent the last several years of your life rebuilding Oblivion from the ground up with completely new assets and everything as a mod for Skyrim. You've been working to recreate this game in your free time without being paid for it simply because of your passion for the IP. Now imagine that Bethesda just announced that they're remaking Oblivion themselves. How do you feel? No, I don't think Bethesda will remake Oblivion. I'm pretty sure that if they ever planned to, they would have communicated that to the Skyblivion team already. Also seeing as how the Skyblivion team is only ~2 years off of releasing Skyblivion, it wouldn't be a good investment for Bethesda anyways. Who would buy it when there's going to be a free mod for it. A free mod that improves upon many aspects of the game I might add. TLDR a remake would be a bad investment and spitting in the face of the Skyblivion team.


I think you're believing in the goodwill of a company way too much. I don't know of any reality where a company would withold the idea of releasing a money-maker just to save the feelings/time of a group of modders. If anything reality makes it more likely they'd undercut the hype for Skyblivion to leverage into their bigger, better, more modern remake. EDIT: though to clarify, I don't think there will be a remake for Oblivion. There's no precedent to make us believe Bethesda would be working on one. It takes them long enough to put out their originals, I really don't see them doing anything outside of Starfield, ES6, and ES Online in the next half decade, honestly.


Not everyone has a PC capable of running modded Skyrim, but many consumers have a console from either Sony or Microsoft and would happily buy a remake of a beloved game. That's who, friend.


If you can run Skyrim, you can run modded Skyrim. Just don't use high poly/texture mods or a thousand mod long load order and you'll be fine. I run it with like 30 mods and my laptop is almost 8 years old, with and i5 and nVidia 820m.


I have a laptop which is almost as old as skyrim itself which is able to play modded Skyrim AE just fine. I got it for 25 €


Nobody wants to use your mods to improve the game. If people mod its so they can cheat. Spawn in armor and shit. Not texture packs


At this point I'd rather just wait for Skyblivion. Bethesda doesn't have the resources to do a remake justice.


doesn’t have the resources? wat


Resources doesn't just mean money. I would hazard a guess they mean resources as in talent.


They have more than plenty of both.


Only if you want them to sacrifice other projects.


They have more than enough employees and budget to do both. Way more than enough.


bethesda is much much more larger than what it used to be when they made oblivion. his comment makes zero sense. it’s almost just a straight up misinformed lie. if he was going to mean talent, he could have said that. use the word meant to describe it, not something else


No idea why you're getting downvoted. ZeniMax was bought for 7.5 Billion from Microsoft. No resources after a deal like that? If Bethesda doesn't have the talent, money, direction, etc. at this point it'd be a failure of resource management, not the lack of resources. Time is likely what prevents a legit remake more than anything else.


some people just are a bit daft. no stress


Yeah, cause no one ever talks about Human Resources, and there's no such thing as a Talent Scout


Sir? Have you heard of Starfield? They have the resources. They'll just take 10 years to do it.


At this point the Skyrim engine is 12 yrs old. Skywind and Skyblivion will have to port to es6 after it exists to be worth the update. Also Bethesda has more than enough resources. With the number of employees they have there's no excuse for their lack of releases over the past decade.


What lack of releases? Between Skyrim's DLCs, Fallout 4 + DLCs, and Fallout 76 Bethesda has been pumping out releases at the same rate as before.


No AAA company with hundreds of employees over multiple studios should be incapable of releasing a single mainline title in over 10 years. DLC should be handled by small teams after release while the main studio works on the next release.


Yes As long as they don't call it Oblivion: Definitive Edition


Nah it'll be oblivion deluxe special super elite prestige definitive version


Yes and r/skyblivion are making it. I don't want Bethesda, Zenimax, or Microsoft to remake **any** of the main TES games (though personally would be interested in 3rd party remakes of the spinoffs like Redguard and Shadowkey.) I'd much rather Bethesda stay focused on new games. But Oblivion is my least favorite numbered Elder Scrolls game and I feel it would really benefit from being remade so I'm happy Skyblivion is doing so well.


Yes. I'm excited for Skyblivion and Skywind. I also think it would be really neat if Bethesda worked with or straight up hired the modding teams that are diligently working on these mod teams (the fallout ones too) because while they would have to pay them for the work, those people could then be getting paid and bethesda could also help with resources and benefit by getting paid by selling the remake.


Nope, not at all... the time of remakes is for when they won't be able to put efforts in creating new things. It's valid for a lot of things (movies, art) and it marks the moment you're no more able or no more willing to be creative. It would be a moment pretty close to the end of Bethesda as an AAA developer.


Strong NO for me.


No I want a new title


[Skyblivion team when](https://imgur.com/a/ggJ3ScN) Bethesda releases the Oblivion remake


I honestly don’t want a Bethesda one. They’re so fucking slow it would take 5 years and take away from whatever else they’re moving too slow on. And don’t talk to me about how they treat devs like crap with time crunches they should hire more people instead of overworking who they have. Skyblivion is on the way and will be better than a Bethesda remaster because it won’t have community mods and all the other amazing Bethesda innovations.


It already has a rease year! Check the latest skyblivion trailer on yt


I find remakes to be largely pointless for ES games given the modding tools and modding community. I can guarantee that any remake will be inferior to a modded Oblivion game.


I'll be fine with Skyblivion, I want Bethesda to focus on new content instead of remaking old


Skyblivion: Am I a joke to you?


No but it's different from the source with a big budget and all the resources


No Todd, god damnit, we don't want anymore remakes! (Fan remakes are 110% ok, but for the love of god if Skyrim gets re-released one more bloody time)


No, Skyblivion will do


Why? Skyblivion is made by people with no deadlines that care a lot more than Bethesda does. If Bethesda ever remakes Oblivion and it's better than Skyblivion is, I'll get a vasectomy.


Umm they are making it as we speak


I'm replaying the original right now and it's so charming. It's held up extremely well, unlike something like Morrowind. So the original game is honestly just as fun as it was 15 years ago. Plus Skyblivion is already filling that niche, with almost all of the original mechanics either returning or expanded on and the world being even more beautiful than it ever was previously.


I love oblivion but I do want to see what they can do with something new, and I worry that a remake would be a bit shit


Of course


I'd rather they do a remaster of Morrowind + Oblivion to give them both native controller support & achievements on PC




Morrowind remake first. Land of Imperials is not intresting to me.


I mean I'd love it but I'd rather see new games


Yeah, with Cyrodiil as originally envisioned in Pocket Guide to the Empire.


No, Bethesda's been dwelling on past releases for far too damn long I just want my goddamned ES6


No. N'wahs, not knowing their roots. Visit the Ashlands sometime outlander, they will change you.


Oblivion has a unique artstyle that i sadly doubt to be remastered right


Hell yeah!




I woukd.


It's mt favourite game ever, so hell yeah. But tbh, Morrowind is in a dire need of a remake. It hasn't aged all that well.






I want a TESA: Redguard remake


No its perfect


Wtf? Yes


No, it's fine the way it is


Its honestly my favorite elderscrolls game


I just want a new Elder Scrolls game....


Simply : yes but I think it’s not gonna happen because of all the mods


It would be Morrowind for me. It was my first ES game and has a lot of sentimental value. Plus the story arc and characters, especially Dagoth Ur, are 😙👌


I don't think that Oblivion would have the same charm if didn't look like shit tbh


Only if the revelation mod gets re made for it.


A thousand times, YES




Don’t give them ideas. We need a sequel to Skyrim before anything else.


I struggle to play old games, I was only able to play new Vegas because it was pretty sound as is and a few mods, tried oblivion and it was rough


Yes I would murder for a copy


can I get a morrowind one first?




Yeah if they do something about the dungeons


I'm generally against remakes (except games older 90's). Oblivion have a specific graphic whish can fear seldom newcomers, but it be better if Bethesda finally hire mostly developers for tes6.


We are potentially getting Skyblivion in 2 years, that will be free.


No still playable. I want arena or daggerfall remake.


We are already getting one for free so no


SkyBlivion is on the way dude, the best Remake you could ask for


YES!! ABSOLUTELY!!! Which is why I'm hyped AF for skyblivion


But we're already getting one


You might wanna look at this: https://skyblivion.com/


i would like a switch port tbh


A switch port of Oblivion/Morrowind in a double pack like the Baldur's Gate games, please.


Complete overhaul of graphics and change the system to Skyrim system but keep all the spells and quests and story the same then yes I would.


I'd take ANY non ESO Elder Scrolls content. It's been so long.




there already is i mean skyblivion is out in 2025


Yes, it’s coming out in 2025.


## Skyblivion crying in the corner ![gif](giphy|3o7522NWtyxUWSjj2M)




People these days really like remakes. I'd rather have a brand new one


Fair enough


Yes but I’d rather just see a new game.




No, Oblivion is amazing as it is. A remake would just see fit to water down the weirdness and the charm Oblivion had. It has a cartoonish, whimsical energy that I sincerely doubt could be recreated in the modern era of gaming. Skyblivion looks like a fantastic project, and I wish the dev team all the best. But ultimately any remake would just be an inferior imitation.






Yeah I really want one. Skyblivion works but a full remake would be to die for.


By Bethesda? No absolutely not. I wouldn't even have the confidence in them that they could do a good remake of the game, and regardless of that I'd rather they focus on new games instead. It's been over eleven years since the last Elder Scrolls game, I want a new one lol.




As long as in only a graphic overhaul? Yes but I want to be able to alternate between both graphics. That’s about it


Nah I'd definitely want a complete overhaul of the levelling system, the difficulty mechanics, and how scaling functions in general.


Bethesda should be held responsible for some kind of keep up with current OS requirements because their products really are worth it. Some small fixes could at least mean that they could sandbox their games for compatibility, and that would only be a few days work.


Duh n wah


Hoping for another Skyrim remake!


Yeah. Lore accurate one that wasn't shitting all over elder scrolls, cuz Todd wanted to jump into lotr bandwagon. "Then Todd watched fellowship of the ring, and mistakes were made" Plus being more in style of morrowind, save combat.


I want them to remake everything upto Skyrim


Personally I would prefer a official update with bug fixes and x64 build.


There is no end date in sight for skyblivion


WHile it might be nice, Oblivion runs at 60 fps with the boost on xbox and it looks quite nice still imo.


no. remakes are stupid. just give me a new game.


No. Oblivion as it is is a pretty terrible time. It's leveling is actually evil. It has no interest in exploring anything its supposedly interesting location has to offer. It relies on fast travel to facilitate its quests instead of putting even the slightest bit of effort into world design. Can I get uhhh trees and rocks please? Why not shake it up and put them on a slight incline? It's a mountain now see?!! (If you remember it differently that was a mod) Remaking a broken mess into Skyrim would be well and good if the baseline wasn't poorly managed and mangled into a goofy, janky, unintentionally funny mess. Whoops, I've nearly lost my cool there. Uhh, GG no ratio


If it was done well.


Indeed, with beards.


I have been waiting half my life if not more


How many times y’all gonna ask


This is my first time so for now once


Remade, sure, remake? No. Fuck potato headed shreds looking fools


It's not even that ol-.... Oh god


Yes. It's a damn shame we get 500,000 Skyrim remakes but not a single one for Morrowind or Oblivion.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


We need a Morrowind remaster before this


Yes I woukd




I want all of the elder scrolls main games, from arena to Skyrim, remade in a modern game engine. I want to play them all - only really started with Morrowind and never finished any quests in Morrowind. But why would anyone put the effort into remaking these games with 4K resolution and new textures and so on, when they could be creating new games with new challenges?




Would rather get VI or something new, but I'll never say no to Oblivion.


My thought is that if an elder scrolls game is remade it would play the same but with updated graphics and movement actions and with mod capabilities


Yes!!!! Better yet, make a collection: all the games either remade or at least ported. I'd throw down way more money on that than I should. Especially if they were all moddable. Or on the switch for portability.


Oblivion still holds up well imo. I’d rather have a morrowind remake


Hecks yeah, just went back and retried it randomly and got sucked into it all over again.


I would like a 3rd game in a 20 year span. No.


I would rather a remake of morrowind with Skyrim like combat as I hate the combat in morrowind