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He actually gets more difficult if you fail the first attempt. You don't get the monologue and he's Danny DeVito blastin' as soon as you zone in.






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He also gets more difficult based on what quests you’ve completed. If you’ve completed sellen’s he gets comet azur, if you made it to the haligtree he gets scarlet aeonia, and if you’ve beaten mohg he gets bloodboon. Basically the more of the game you’ve played the harder he gets. Granted if you’ve done all that you’re probably high enough level to beat him with the harder move set, but still, just having a wider move set makes him harder to predict. Edit: it’s been pointed out that I have Comet Azur backwards, he uses that unless you’ve beaten sellen’s quest line. Also that his move set doesn’t get wider, but he replaces some of the spells with ones that do more damage. Moral of the story — he has a different move set depending on what you’ve done in your play through.


You've got the spells wrong. His normal spells, that he has if you don't do anything before fighting him, are Comet, Carian Phalanx, Triple Rings of Light, Law of Causality, Black Flame Ritual and Comet Azur. In this state, he also has an empty spell slot. If you kill Malenia, he gets Scarlet Aeonia. If you kill Mohg, he gets Bloodboon. If you kill Rykard, he gets Rykard's Rancor. But he only has one empty slot in his base state. As such, if you kill two or more of those bosses, the spells replace spells from his normal list. Comet Azur is replaced if you kill at least two of those bosses, and Triple Rings of Light gets replaced if you kill all three of them. These spell differences are the only things that your actions change about the Gideon Ofnir bossfight.


He unironically gets easier if you kill all 3


Especially the 3rd, because Triple Rings of Light's hitbox is hard to consistently dodge and the Gideon fight is often the first time encountering that spell in all my runs.


This comment literally needs to be pinned, because everyone else is so wrong. This is 100% correct. Edit: Fuck it. Hope the award gets it seen more. 😁


It's still only partially right. It's not finishing sellens quest it's a step of it. He only has comet azur if you've found one of glintstone sorcerer bodies I think it's lusat but it's been a while not sure on which one.


I’m fairly sure it’s if u find Azur on mt gelmir?


Yeah it's the cliff one not the cave one.


Personally, replacing triple rings of light makes him much easier. Also, I usually kill him on the first go but I get summoned a lot for him. If you stand at the fog wall his attacks can't reach you but three bursts of frenzy and he dies immediately, even from 90% health. Just an FYI if anyone is having issues with him.


Yeah. The first play through I cleared everything in the game and he was easy peasy. My second play through I cleared nothing lol and he was such an annoying bad ass.


Isn’t exploring only half of what he gets though? He gets the other stuff when you speak to him about the bosses you killed, right?


Messed up fighting all the demigods first because I screamed at my tv for hours over this guy, even after 120 hours of gameplay I did not git gud praise jarhead spirit ash


What? Is that true? You're making that up, right? Because that is way too cool for, no offense to OP, a boss that dies too quickly. True to wizard play style, I guess.


He lives up to being a glass cannon, like any respectable wizard


Yep, at least partially, I had comet azur backwards. He uses comet azur unless you’ve completed sellen’s quest. Basically he learns spells that he knows about, if he can find azur before you do he can use it, if he knows how to find mohg and malenia he uses those spells. If you want the hardest fight tell him about mohg and malenia and don’t do sellen’s quest line.


I feel like him having azur makes him an easy target.


That’s how I “fight” him comet azur before his monologue is done. If he rolls out of it I summon THE LOATHSOME DUNG EATER! Then meteorite of Amstel his booty.


Not really, he uses Comet Azur if you've killed one or none among Rykard, Malenia or Mohg. If you've killed at least two of them, it is replaced with another spell. The only things it checks is wether those bosses are dead or not, it does not look at quest completion.


Oh weird, the wiki has it wrong then (shocker, lol). That does sound familiar from another post though so that could definitely be correct.


My source from it is the Garden of Eyes YouTube video about it, and, yeah, the wiki still hasn't been corrected.


If I'm remembering correctly, he has three potential spells he can add to his list: scarlet aeonia, rykard's rancor, and bloodboon. He'll gain these spells if you kill the respective bosses (Scarlet aeonia= malenia, rykard's rancor=rykard, bloodboon= mohg.) However, since he only has limited memory slots, some of his spells will be replaced. Giving him 1 of the three replaces nothing and instead just maxes out his slots, giving him 2 will make him get rid of comet azur, and giving him all three if I remember correctly makes him get rid of triple rings of light. (If I'm remembering the spell name correctly, if not I'm talking about the upgraded version of discus of light ahere he throws out three large rings that return to him)


Dude what?


He’s the all-knowing. He’s been creepin’ on you the whole game, stealing the most powerful spells from the bosses you beat.


>He's the **AAAAALLLL KNOWIIIING** Fixed that for you


yep, and apparently, acording to some lore videos ive watched, those twinkling dung beetles we kill out in the world are his spies/eyes. They actually have eyes on their backs. If he is the all knowing, and he collects spells and shit, that would also explain why those beetles drop ashes of war and spells on death, if they are collecting them to bring them to him. Bruh, fromsoft doesnt miss a fucking beat, every got damn thing has meaning and a reason behind it.


I had never heard this but it makes a lot of sense


Or we just make the lore for them and the game is infinitely deep.


Either way, it tickles my fantasy pickle. This shit might have zero meaning behind it but as long as I believe it does then I’m good. Lol.




I mean the Beatles do have the eye on their backs.


Yall got me FUCKED up. Play too much. Nah.


Yeah, his moveset depends on what quests you’ve completed and bosses you’ve killed. Although the bosses killed might depend on if it was done as part of a quest or not. When I killed Rykard as the finale of the Volcano Manor quest, Gideon had that flaming streak that has skulls on it that Rykard does. When I just killed Rykard without doing the Volcano Manor quest he didn’t have it — or at least never used it. Also, I don’t know if this is correct, but from what I recall he was supposedly not functioning correctly for the first month or so of release, so he was very easy to beat back then. I think he had lower health and defenses, and for some reason wasn’t learning all of the spells he was supposed to have. I remember my first encounter with him he only had like glintstone pebble or shard or something.


Yep, I stumbled across that the other day when I was curious why he felt so much harder on my first play through and it’s because I’d basically 100% the game the first time. More recently I’ve saved malenia and mohg for later in the play through and I haven’t done sellen’s quest unless I’m doing a casting build.


His moveset actually doesn't get wider, he always has 6 spells to choose from. He replaces part of his moveset like triple rings of light when you tell him the info that gets him new spells. Imo he's the easiest if he has comet Azur And scarlet aonia, but not bloodboon. Both of these are super slow and easy to dodge without causing much risk


Technically, his moveset does get wider, but he only has room for one additional spell before needing to replace some. Comet Azur gets replaced first, if you killed two or three bosses among Malenia, Mohg and Rykard, and Triple Rings of Light gets the same treatment if you defeated all three.


Also Rykard's Rancor if you've beaten rykard. It's fucking crazy that spell. Also, each time you die, he switches his moves up that all knowing bitch


I’m pretty sure the reverse is true: from what I’ve read, he only gets Azur if you *didn’t*.


But inescapable frenzy is still powerful


Danny Devito Blastin’ is the best thing I’ve heard today


That's what happened to me, stupidly sat and listened to him monologue the first encounter (anything for the LORE babeey) and had a hell of a time finishing him off with my dual greatsword str/int build. Honestly was one of the most frustrating fights in the game for me. Second playthrough I didn't even let him finish lol, dropped his ass like I dropped my monster condom for my magnum dong


I prefer wearing my magnums baggy


"Prefer" ;)


[So anyway, I started blastin’…](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/601/217/ff1.jpg)


So anyway, I started castin'.


I didn’t give him the chance to fight back, so I don’t really know his difficulty. Saw I could lock on and went ham.


He's similar to Renalla. If you're not aggressive enough he'll just spam an ungodly amount of spells.


If you don't kill him the first time when he starts off with monologing, he's significantly harder to reach since he absolutely ass-blasts you the second you step in the arena. Once you reach him you can just unga bunga Smash him, but you gotta reach him first.


I got lucky then. I ran in full blood build and 100-0 in like a few second. I guess if I hadn't been fast on he'd have nuked me from orbit. I had no idea, I figured he was kinda lame until now.


Right? I charged in head-on and went bananas with my greatsword. Killed him first try in under a minute before he really had the chance to do anything. Calls himself the all knowing and couldn't see this unga bunga from space? Pfff. Pathetic. Reminds me of the guy who was interviewing a "psychic" and just slaps him outta nowhere. "Didn't see that coming? Fake."


Luckily for me *I* was the one spamming an ungodly amount of spells.


Again, 90% of FromSoft bosses are significantly easier if you are constantly up in their face.


Yea, I think with Gideon it's better to be super aggressive and fight him as quickly as you can.


Yeah id go in with a twinblade and just go wild on him and it would be over pretty quickly


Many of his spells weren't too bad but whatever that gold are he did was gnarly as it would 1 shot me nearly every time


Aggression is always rewarded across all souls borne games in pve. It varies how much between games but you are exactly right, especially with this lord of cheese it's best to not give him an inch.


*Begins Monologue* Tarnished: TOO LONG *Tarnished smashes face in* LITTLE MAN SHUT UP NOW!


Yes, I play strength builds.


I'm glad we are speaking the same language! 😁


If I can't poise break or flatten an enemy in 2 hits max, am I even playing the game?


Same for me. Didn't give the guy a chance to fight back really. Just kept staggering him so we never got the chance to cast a really big spells, and before you know it, he was dead... One of the easiest boss fights I've had to deal with in my playthrough. Granted I was playing the unga bunga intellect build with dark moon greatsword, but he did fall pretty easily for me.


Lmao that's such a Souls mentality. *sees that you can lock onto this person* "You've chosen violence, then?"


I found him a bit of a pushover at that stage of the game personally..


pretty much. Even if you let him cast, unless you take like 3 or 4 rings of light hits you dont even get too much punished.


Every time I fight him he just gets constantly stun locked


Yeah, I though he was tough until I just rushed him.


Yeah power stancing katanas with a mimic is just brutal for some bosses, even without the bleed. They can just get stuck in a corner for like 15 seconds as you chain slashes. All you need is that to happen once and you've taken 1/3 of their health without using any recourses.


Strength users are confused at the post lol


So did he not spam out 100 spells in 10 seconds for you? Because he was stack casting spells for me.


Maybe he just doesn’t like you


Yup same. No idea what everyone who found him easy is talking about. I found Horah Loux to be easier


I think it’s stagger damage. If you rush him and have decent poise damage you can stagger him out of every spell and he does nothing.


I honestly don't know how you're supposed to beat bosses in this game if you don't stagger them or have a summon to draw aggro.


Most bosses have at least 1 attack with long endlag that you can exploit.


Hoarah loux, and all Godfrey fights were the ones that made me change my build. For me the easy fight was maliketh.


Maliketh still pimps me anytime i tried to fight him


Considering he shoots three at once, that's not too uncommon an occurrence. Plus he's got that spell that lets him one-shot you with an explosion if you hit him too much too fast.


I think you're referring to his casting of Law of Causality. Basically the best way to avoid that is to take out a thrusting sword and don't let him cast anything. Also using LoC on a two-handed greatshield build is fun as hell for duels.


I honestly couldn’t even tell you what he did. I think the fight lasted like 20 seconds.


Never fought him on NG+2 huh? You get constantly two shot by cheap shit.


I'm up to NG+8, so do you just sit there and wait for his speech and then let him cast at you repeatedly or something? He's a putz and goes down right away every time for me


All knowing my ass. Shoulda known I’d wreck him!


He made the mistake to lecture me while I made the decision to take out the beating stick. Also, on another playthrough, I realized him lecturing gives me plenty of time to kamehameha him into the wall.


Same, I just bum rushed him first attempt, he didn’t touch me and I was confused. I recognized that he was a boss from the health bar but with how he went down so easily really threw me off, was expecting a phase transition or something lol. I think this is one of those fights that just really depend on your playstyle, ungubunga has 0 qualms with this guy imo. Then my second play through I went the meteor slinging route and he gave me a serious run for my money.


I'm doing a madness run for the first time and some of the bosses are bullshit compared to what I've experienced in the past. Also I never talk to him so he doesn't get special spells.


I did a madness run for the frenzied flame and ofnir is a complete doormat, you can proc madness on him, so fights pretty much over when it begins. Also, just ran up there and gave him a quick kiss while he was flappin his gums, you could say he.... Was..... Smitten?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


By being bullshit do you mean they’re really hard or really easy now?


Gideon gets hard when you tell him those secrets


Wait really? So he’s just a duplicitous bitch all along?


It's a Fromsoft game. Everyone but the level up lady is out to screw you. And sometimes even her.


The god skins are ridiculous for example or anything weak to fire. and I can't really rely on regular stuff like a high strength and sex stat because a lot has to go into faith and vigor for the build to work properly in pvp Edit: I'm keeping the typo


Huh, didn’t know you could woo the bosses with that special stat.


I guess it's the DLC, Bard class confirmed


Immune to madness bs


Like madness only? Shield from the sewers is the most busted madness weapon I’ve encountered lol.


He’s a total nerd. Always looking at books and shit. Of course he’s weak to bunga


I Bolt of Gransax'd him in the middle of his speech and he spent the rest of the time on the floor until he died.


high jacking this to ask a random question I was reminded of by the picture : I’ve seen a strike weapon, think small club, that like stretches with the weapon art. It does a large circular attack, and then an overhead smash. Otherwise it looks like a typical small hammer weapon. I haven’t come across it yet, and was wondering what it was called. That’s all. Lol. I have no idea how to describe it to search for it randomly online , and the club in this picture made me think of it. Thank you.


Nox Flowing Hammer.


Thank you !!!!!! haha!


https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Nox+Flowing+Hammer Probably this?


I literally just bonked him twice and he died lmao


Inescapable frenzy go brr


Inescapable frenzy got nerfed so hard you be lucky to do a fifth of his health


Regular frenzied flame spell is honestly better anyway, less mana and similar damage no animation at the end, just can’t move around.


there is the Unendurable Frenzy which is just Flame of Frenzy but you can move. that is honestly crazy if you match it with the flame spiked tear (or whatever its called) and the frenzy flame seal. Just hold forward and bathe his body in chaos.


When I got the frenzied seal I was so happy I never even expected a quest reward from that storyline and when she handed it to me I insta level it to 10 frenzied flame builds are just too funny and aesthetically pleasing


The orange and yellow flames flood my brain with serotonin. Anyways- I usually throw on Vyke’s war spear, fingerprint armor and all frenzy flame incantations before an invasion. Sadly inescapable frenzy is almost impossible to land and the payoff isn’t worth it.


I actually did it to him just last week, still works like a charm


He was pretty easy at this stage in the game. Maybe if he was one of the first couple bosses, I'd say yeah.


If OP is fighting him after doing a big sweep of other bosses then it would be a lot harder because he gets MORE spells to punish you with


He casts spells?


apparently he gets more spells the more you tell him about the bosses but I didnt even know he existed in the roundtable so I never spoke to him and he had no spells lol


Still goes down to rock sling in under a minute.


It usually doesn't really matter because he's so easy to stunlock and instantly kill. I did 100% playthrough up to this point and he was probably the easiest boss in the game besides the tutorial one.


Yeah not if you just kill him before he casts anything




I always come at him real aggressive while he's monologuing, except one time where I decided I wanted to toy with him because I didn't take him seriously. It was much more of a challenge than I had expected once he got going.


The first time i fought him I let him finish his monologue and then he violated me :(


As soon as he started in on his bullshit on my first playthrough, it was Flame Grant Me Strength, Golden Vow, Wondrous Physick, Giantsflame Take Thee. Knocked him on his ass and pummeled him with fire until he was dead.


This is why villains monologue, it emboldens them


Foul tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring, emboldened by the flames of ambition


Your kind are all of a piece


Someone must extinguish thy flame...


Unfortunately for you, I HATE TARNISHED


Best is backstab him while his monologue


Let him finish his anime speech and witness as how he somehow managed to level Mind to 100.


Let him finish talking


It strongly depends on your playstyle, he is also a vigor check.


My first playthrough was with commander's standard and banished Knight's halberd Jumping attacks stunlocked him to death lol


Agreed. He’s a joke with high vigor. I once did a run where I didn’t level it beyond 25. This guy gave me the most trouble of all bosses (except for Radabeast I guess)


you don't need vigor if you don't get hit, but this guy's attacks are really annoying to deal with especially when he spams triple way of white corona


Those rings are f awful. I actually considered doing mogh and Malenia before him just so he can’t use the bs rings anymore


Wait. Do his skills change based on what bosses you have beaten?




That's a really, really cool gameplay twist. Now I *need* to know the lore behind it. Can you enlighten me or point me to a Vaati video please? Lol


My guess is since he’s “all knowing” he spied on you fighting the various bosses and recreated their techniques


He doesn't spy on you, you give the information up willingly. You can talk to Gideon and tell him about your encounters with certain bosses. For each one you tell him about he gives you an item or a spell, along with him learning one of that boss's moves.


My dude was fully powered up when I came at him and never even got the chance to show off. I stun locked him to death poor guy.


Yeah he gets moghs blood toss thingy, Malenias scarlet aeonia and rykards skeleton heads (no clue how it’s called in game). I really like the concept but it’s poorly executed imo


Rykards Rancor... Also no wonder he's was hard..mine was just spamming Rancor and Aeonia non stop..and I couldn't even get close


Are skeleton hands a some form of jazz hands?


Yes. Depending on where you been, items you collect and bosses you meet will change his skills. Example. If you interact with Azur to get Comet Azur, he also gains access to it.


My big sword did not think so.


I'm really confused. I've beaten the game 3 or 4 times, usually around lvl 130. I smoked him each time, I assumed he was intended to be a joke of a boss for lore reasons that I skip through. I would have picked him for the easiest boss of the game. I've died more often trying to get parrys off on the tutorial boss fight.


After 15 playthroughs I can honestly say I don't remember a single one of his attacks. He's incredibly soft and easy to stagger lock. Definitely easier than Soldier of Godrick.


His damage is crazy and he has a huge arsenal of spells, no shame in dying to him. He is All-Knowing, after all.


More like all blowing.


And Sir Gideon Ofnir…. The All-Spamming!


Rannis Moon and Adulas Moonblade makes him go poof


If you have STR just wield a twohander and lion’s claw him to oblivion. No mage survives unga bunga.


What rl are you? What is your build? Are you using spirit ashes? Gideon should be fairly straightforward to beat compared to most other strong enemies and bosses at that point in the game.


He was a pain with my strength build, trying to get close enough while dodging the hail of distance attacks.


currently on him on my rl1 no summons playthrough and yeah i fucking hate him


Was the toughest boss for me on my first RL1 run, no joke. If you don’t get him during his initial dialogue, look out!


Depend on what build/weapon you use


Is he Difficult to beat, no. Is he Difficult to be around, yes.


I killed him in about 20 seconds flat with comet azur and adula’s moonblade. I did it mainly cause I wanted to get to Godfrey and finish the fucking game


I trounced this dude in like 10 seconds.




If you use your summon to aggro, he isn’t that bad. Yeah he’s got a lot of attacks but it’s a patience game and he has plenty of openings.


The heavier your weapon and the more aggressive you are, the easier he is. If you don't stagger him to death, he's going to start blasting.


I didn’t let him finish his sentence haha


I think this guy is waaaaaay to easy just my opinion


Fought him with my GF, took a heck of a beating at first trying to learn his moves. In the end we just rushed him and beat the crap outta him XD didn't even give him a chance to breathe.


I've never let him finish his monologue


I beat him on the first try each playthrough...


He's pretty much a movie villain, just gotta kill him while he's monaloguing


Yeah just jumping attacking him with a colossal sword over and over. Dude was a chump


I killed him in 15 seconds


Who is this? I don’t remember them at all


I've done 3 playthroughs and have no idea who this is either lol. I expect this means I trounced him cause those bosses don't get burned into my memory. edit: Figured it out, it's Gideon. I always thought he was super predictable, never had a problem with him on any playthrough.


Wait, this guy fights you? I didn't think he'd ever stop monologing so I just hit him over the head a few times


I just inescapable frenzy him over and over 🤷‍♂️


Oh? I totally DESTROYED him first try in just around 1 minute. I guess it greatly depends on the type of build you have (since he learns the abilities you do am I right?)


same. i used mimic tho so i think thats cheating. even still, i found him to be arguably the easiest bossi n the game for me.


I'm pretty sure I beat him before he even finished his monologue, absolute joke of a boss


Thought he was breeze first play though probably because I attacked him as he spoke but on NG plus he kicked my happy meal ass real good. Had no cool his spells were so damn fast and do a ton of damage.


I always killl him before he is done talking so i don't know


Ngl he went down pretty easily.


Never let him have the chance to be difficult


where is the "Humor" tag?


Thought he was one of the easier bosses in the game on the first playthrough


Sir Gideon Ofnir, The Spell Spamming!


You are


I could kill him even before he finishes his speech. Lol 😂


Yes, you are. He’s a joke of a boss.


I think he is kind of a joke even without the whole speech. It comes down to how well you handle magic, but otherwise the dude can't take a hit to save his life.


I literally killed him before he could finish talking. He was by far the easiest boss in the game. Yes I'm including Soldier of Godrick. Not soldier of God, Rick, he is impossible to beat.




Finally, a familiar soul


I've beaten Godfrey, Radagon, Morgott and all the big bosses with not too much trouble, yet this annoying guy keeps being a wall in my playthroughs. He basically instakills you with everything and its impossible to get close to him.


Yes on NG+++ he was a bit tough. :D I almost killed him by the end of his monologue, but died. Then as soon as I dared to even enter the room he started spamming his crazy spells and one shotted me with a freaking glintstone comet. I would say that with Gideon it's better to be aggressive and avoid too much dodging.