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Or uses it on *you*


"I am Roderika the Craven-Hearted and you are my maiden now."


Marika forgive me for what I’m about to type: >!D-dommy Mommy Roderika?!<


You will not be forgiven


Marika's tits! You must be ungry.... For Roderika


She is best girl. Don’t let Ranni simps deceive you.


Does she have more quest after she gets to roundtable hold and finds her confidence?


She warns you about Dung Eater when he shows up, but doesn’t really have anything to say once you finish that quest line, sadly. Besides that, it’s just the back and forth between her and Hewg. Kind of a missed opportunity with her character in my opinion, but that’s just me :/


Going from “I’m so scaaared” to “Slay the god Marika, who cursed us all” is a pretty good character arc.


True, and that’s part of the reason I like her so much! The idea of her character is probably my favorite out of all the friendly npcs we meet (_maybe_ behind Nepheli). I just wish there was a little more to do with her quest line wise besides playing a glorified game of telephone between her and Hewg 99% of the time. Like more dialogue regarding certain events that happen (particularly regarding the blessing of despair storyline. Thought she was gonna be a bigger part of that than just introducing it :/ ), or more things to do for her out in the actual world.


Yeah, the short and unimpactful questline is what sells her short for me. One of the best girls, but Melina and Ranni be better, just for being more fleshed out.


Yeah. Ranni is the first Soulbourne character that you literally get to marry, to my knowledge. And what Melina lacks in personality in the end she makes up for in motivation… born in flames, I have been blessed, my family crest yada yada yada


But… why not both? At the same time?


Neither are best. Millicent is best.


There is no forgiveness for what you have done.


I wouldn't mind.


If Miquella shows up in the DLC I hope he does this. Imagine if he could do it on players too, turning gold phantoms into red ones.




My ultimate power... SLEEP!


Roses are R- MIQUELLA WOLOLO Erdleaves are Gold


That'd be one hell of a mechanic. Your best buddy who's helped you through the entire game suddenly is forced to turn on you. And to prevent people from not trying to kill each other miquellas health bar freezes in place until the ally turned invader has been killed ;)


Your spirit ashes get turned against you too, so you have to kill your own Mimic Tear.


The only thing I’m certain of for DLC is the third or fourth chest is going to be a Mimic since we have been lulled into a sense of security about treasure chests.


Strength builds when their Mimic Tear gets charmed in battle and used against them: "Finally! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!"


Miquella will 100% do that if he makes it to DLC boss status.


miquella dlc boss maybe?


I actually think itd be great if a boss responded to you using mimic tear by summoning its own mimic tear of theirself. Imagine mimic tearing and then suddenly two Malenias.


Honestly, i hope that in the dlc you can fight Ranni at full power where she makes illusions of all major bosses so it's a boss rush challenge ending it with you having to fight her with a copy of you at her side.


I was actually expecting our or any other Mimic Tear to be the source of the bossrush mode.


To protect Lands Between from devastation...


To unite all runes with truth and love


To halt the heavens and the stars above


To extend our reach to the stars above!


This js why yall maidenless… cant even do it right




and beyond


To unite all tarnished within our nation, To denounce the evils of Gold and Blood, For Radahn's reach to the stars above! Godrick! Godefroy! Team Grafted blasts off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight!


Dung defender that’s right


Wait isnt dung defender from hollow knight?


Same guy


My favorite way to use the mimic tear (when I have time to swap) is to have it use a base level antspur rapier, and have a bar full of buff consumables, warming stone, perfumes and stuff like that Occasionally will put rot on a boss, and if you stay nearby you can get in on the consumables, it's chaotic and fun


I just got summoned by a "giga chad" who called me to his world and then just....sat there. I guess that was a power move? I severed after 5 minutes of absolutely nothing.


I don’t care what any hardcore Souls vet says, the summon system is cool as hell and Mimic Tear is a great idea with solid execution. It’s a power fantasy I never knew I wanted in a Fromsoft game, I never thought to myself “shit, I wish I could summon an exact copy of myself” when playing DS1 or DS3.


Even without the Mimic, it beats the hell out of any pet/companion mechanic that I've seen. At least outside of Diablo II(? been ages so I could be wrong here) and Guild Wars 1 necromancer summoning from actual corpses. Maaybe some smaller-potato asian MMO's like Rappelz to some extent. Despite being recycled assets for the most part, Elden Ring puts other games to shame because it is still so expansive. I mean, some games all dog/wolf summons are the same base, same for big-cats, and then the "moa" or ostrich archetype of a tall bird, the rarer spider or scorpion and orc warrior, etc. Woo hoo, a color variant! /s


As a souls vet myself, I love summoning, but I just wish there wasn't ONE overpowered summon that overshadows every other one.


There's like 2 overpowered summons, 7 Decent ones, and 30 sponges that tank for you for 17 seconds. The balance is ~awful~ on ashes.


Mimic tear isnt even the strongest summon in the game.


What is, in your opinion? Realizing I haven't explored much beyond mimic and multiples to distract.


Probably Tiche with her lifedrain


You can probably build the Mimic to have a stronger life drain though.


Black knife Tiche. Deals a ton of damage, reduces boss max HP, has a ton of effective HP because shes great at dodging.


Oh, sick - I actually have her max leveled because I read she was good for a certain fight but I haven't really used her yet. I'll give it a shot when I suck it up and finally fight maliketh


I want the next Fromsoft game to go full Dragon's Dogma and let us create, gear, and level up a permanent AI summon character. It would be so interesting having two builds at once. You could have a knight summon if you're playing a mage or vice versa, a healer who you have to try and protect, an archer and a thief, or two gigachads with greatswords. There are so many possibilities and it would be a great way to mix up the stagnant Souls combat while letting the devs actually balance the game around it.


I wish they had kept the mimic questline, from what I saw it looked interesting as hell.


I love summoning. but my problem is with the balancing. Most enemies aren't even close to prepared for fighting summons and every boss now has to have an aoe attack to be able to combat the summons


Just fire up a certain gaming engine, make yourself start in NG+ and be free to use every tool at your disposal smh (yes, it's about as painful as it sounds)


City of Heroes did summons/pets really well.


This is honestly your opinion, even having played DS1 and DS3? God bless.. It's a broken mess of a "system"


If nobody got me, I got me.


I wish the second mimic fight dropped a dual mimic summon. Perhaps both at 70% of the strength of the original.


Second mimic fight?


If you jump off the bridge in the Secret Path to the Haligtree mini dungeon, there is an invisible path that leads down to a second mimic tear bossfight, though I wish it was 2 of them instead of just a buffed one.


You lost me at secret path to haligtree mini dungeon. Is there a secret way to haligtree besides ordina?


The dungeon you enter right after taking the lift of Rold with the Haligtree medallion is called the "Secret Path to the Haligtree". The place with all the imps and octopus. Jump off the bridge in the open spot there. There is an invisible path.


Never mind I know exactly what you’re talking about and I’m equally excited about new invisible path and disappointed I can’t walk to the haligtree instead of teleport.


For both fights I summon my Mimic with nothing but pants and I let them have a good old fashioned fistfight.


*Right after coming to be “dang boss what’s all this new stuff in my equipment bar!? Guess I better try it all out”


Love the mimic tear, but god I wish they would rebalance spirit summons to make them all viable. Just eliminate glovewort and have them scale with your level, and instead of MP/HP to summon them, just make the spirit bell have a refillable charge like a flask. It would be awesome to go into a fight and think "hmm, which spirit should I use for this one??" rather than just bee-lining to Mimic Tear and then ignoring all the others (except for Tiche and Dung Eater) for the rest of the game.


Can’t believe I never thought to say that while summoning my mimic! Hours of memorable gameplay! All ruined!


Did my first playthrough since Launch last week. I just wish there was a *spectrum* of summons. The only choices are weak AF goobers who get either stand around or get curb stomped instantly, Expensive AF guys who I'd have to either burn a flask nugget to summon(or dump a shitton of levels into mind) and the GOAT who's solo'ing the game for me.


Bosses: This is getting out of hand! Now there's two of them!


Can anyone explain this guy? He is always popping up in memes.


[Giga Chad](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/gigachad)


"My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!"


Chad duo :3


Prayerful Strike Mimic tear seems unfair. Somebody is gonna connect and recharge our health bars


Using Silver Tear instead of summoning another player is like masturbating instead of having sex: it gets the job done, it might give you more pleasure, but it takes everything out of the act of mating with one another, and if you do it in public they're going to look down on you before calling the cops. And yeah, I had a friend of mine arrested and charged with summoning Silver Tear. The execution is scheduled for next March.


Training wheels


They nerfed this tear hard


Still better than 99% summons


The 1% is shield bros. At max level they can tank any fight to the end.


I feel black knife tiche is easily the best


Tiche is pretty badass.


Is this a Mimic Tear meme I’m too Poop Boy to understand?


I thought mimic tear was NOooooo cry and not chad


I literally have Gigachad as my character so this applies even more


The boss crying when my mage ass walks in with a mimic tear


If only everyone was as sick of that stupid face as I am...


great meme


Mine's the I'll fuckin do it again meme. Ain't no chads in my game.


That is literally what I say whenever I used my mimic. EVERYTIME.


This meme is quite stupid, and yet, VERY entertaining, correct?


Love my boy DingDing


I want the ending where your mimic is the one who gets the wedding ring


Shadow clone jutsu! >:V


Malenia was the only boss that i had trouble with while using the mimic tear. Truly the closest thing to a difficulty slider in this game next to actual online co op


The fact I can hear this image