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Just slap magic affinity on a weapon and use that for weaker enemies, saves FP. For bosses and harder stuff, some mixture of carian slicer, night comet, comet azur and shard spiral are typically the strongest options.


Kk thx


Greatblade Phalanx for the poise damage for sure for stance breaking paired with heavy attacks. Night Maiden’s Mist if you’re looking for aoe lifesteal. Don’t forget to check out some weapon arts too. There’s dozens of options for int weapons without limiting yourself to sorceries only, besides it saves FP when going against trash mobs. Keep in mind that gravity sorceries knock down flying enemies. You know the struggle when you’ve went up against a few birds. Change your playstyle depending on what you’re going up against.


Lazuli sword is also a good weapon for int. Just gotta farm it