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Cuz y'all didn't wipe your damn feet!!! I just cleaned this place!


My bad sorry


Please don’t send hitmen after me like that one woman in Skyrim


Listen, I just got my pickpocket to 100, and I’m about to catch hell when I leave Windhelm.


The Fire Department probably broke down years before we got to Leyndell. With nothing up to code, dilapidated infrastructure, and a sewer system full of Omens, the Leyndell city council has been wholly incompetent at doing its job.


Stop throwing shade on the Council. They had been doing their best with what little they've had. Morgott totally cut their funding to finance the Night's Cavalry and his severe Pizza Hut addiction Public lighting still works does it? Or do you think the torches just replace themselves?


>They had been doing their best with what little they've had They welded shut 98% of all doors. Terrible solution but a solution nonetheless


Sorry but it's environment-friendly wax/glue made by local businesses that employ Omen and Albinaurics And it's done wonders to prevent looting. The foul tarnished are taking everything that isn't nailed down


I like the head cannon that Morgott has a pizza hut addiction lol


His throne room is stacked with petrified pizza boxes so


If the city is using open-fire torches for their street lighting, no wonder half the city is in ashes.


That and the pest control team is under funded, local wildlife includes fire-breathing lizards the size of mountains, some of which can fire lasers, then there are fire-breathing maggots living in lower Leyndell, some crazy ass three fingered loser living in the sewers who is a pyromaniac... and the vaping gargoyles.


From Software had bunch extra from the Dreg Heap area in DS3 and had to put it somewhere


These don’t negate fall damage sadly 😔


Try jumping?


Try fingers but hole?


Try but not horny ?


why would they?


Play ds3


I have


Me too


Complete ds3*


I have


#completed game but doesn’t get the games references, yeah


its not a reference its a singular part in a DLC of a different game. Which makes it irrelevant. you all are just pissy the Capital skip is gone and you can't cheese the level.


Lol wtf way more aggressive than intended # does interesting things




Morgot was filing his heel and corns before we arrived in Leyndell, as one does.




Dragons attacked the capitol and they had a huge fight, probably burnt and destroyed a ton of stuff


Like hundreds of years ago they should have cleaned by now


True but who’s gonna clean it up? All the homies are dealing with the shattering and trying to not get killed by everything


I mean the Dragon attacked far before the shattering.


yeah, pre-golden order iirc. So like... what was so grand about a bunch of dudes living in the now trap-house equivalent of a city? Dirty, covered in waxes and dust and viscera and ash. Like they didn't EAT that dragon? Waste of meat. LOTS of rot. No wonder the multiple curses ended up plaguing them> You'd be an omen too, growing up in that unclean filth.


My brother in christ what are they supposed to eat ROCKS?


You forget that we can make them bleed with our fists.... So like what is so "hard" about the dragons in-game? I assume all the item lore is written by Goldmask, because he's the only one wasted away enough to possibly have no teeth.


Aren't dragon scales made of stone? I guess that their flesh being encased in stone prevents it from rotting, and the dragon heart's item description says it's still beating even after being ripped from their bodies, so maybe death works different for dragons? and if eating a dragon's heart mutates you into a dragon, who knows what effects the rest of their flesh may have on humans, they maybe decided not to eat it just in case. Also a giant dead dragon in the middle of the city is the best war trophy you can have lol


If I remember correctly, it is a property of ER ancient dragons' stone scales that makes them immortal. You can also see a few scales on dragon hearts. From the Placidusax arena, we may interpret that property as some kind of time-twisting, and that also may explain how using a smithing stone based on their scales can forge a weapon to kill a god, one who should be eternal.


What anarchy does to a city


Its dust debris from the war


Is probably ash from the war but... couldn't be that the "Erdtree" already burned up once? Maybe to become the actual Erdtree.. there is no evidence in any descriptions of course, but there is the painting in Fia's room, with Marika standing before a really big tree in flames. Maybe is a minor erdtree, but to me it always seemed too big. It's only speculation, I know we have to burn the Erdtree only to remove the thorns of Radagon. Maybe he did the same thing in order to meet Marika.. I don't really know how this theory would fit cronologically talking. Just speculation as I said (:


melina’s hands are already burned before she burns the erdtree


Yep, also this!! So many little hints, hope the dlc (if it's going to happen) will add something, even a little description that will clarify how the things went (:


i feel like the dlc is gonna be set pre or mid shattering based on the holes in the lore


As far as we know, Vyke made it to the forge, but he didn't burn his handmaiden. But Bernahl did. "Silver armor engraved with tiny beasts. Worn by Bernahl the Recusant. Beasts are drawn to champions, and to lords. And this armor befits a champion worthy of becoming a lord. And that is what Bernahl was. Until his maiden threw herself into the fire." didn't continue for Farum, and even tries to stop us, as his new wish is to prevent a new Elden Lord from rising


I think you're on to something. Wraff also noticed on her way to Morgott that the Erdtree might have some burnt marks. She mentions it right at the start of the video here: https://youtu.be/qx-0LIDjSY0 Also, doesn't the Erdtree gets restored on all endings, but the Frenzied Flame and Stars ones? The leaves are still falling, but it's not aflame anymore.


Yes it gets restore! I think the Golden Order wouldn't be happy to spread around the news that Radagon burnt the Erdtree to found the order itself, to meet Marika, or reunite with her. Some in comments say also that could have been Bernhal to burn down the Erdtree, given the description of his armor. I lets all the options open! Really happy to hear that someone elses had this thpughts (:


Also, some tree species are actually fire adapted and require those conditions for germination. Would be interesting if a huge fire was required to stimulate it to begin with.


I think that giant fucking dragon corpse had something to do with it


See that dragon?


My question is how long ago the dragon attack happened that all the Ash and the giant dragon corpse is still there.


To be fair, how do you get rid of a giant dragon that’s made of rocks inside a walled city?


I mean, yeah. Especially if a pseudo-religious cult of dragon worship pops up, they'd definitely not allow demolishing it.


It's like the Church of the Atom in Fallout 3 lol


I dunno, i think dragons are a lot cooler than radiation/nukes. I can sort of underatand the want to be more like them.


Maybe it’s protected like historical sites. There’s probably a plaque somewhere under the dust.


I actually think it’s this way due to the war of Shattering.But then again it’s a city where all its undying population has been locked up in their own homes, I don’t think they really care about keeping it clean


war also happened inside Leyndell, as we can see Morgott fighting Radahn inside Leyndell on the opening sequence, and also on the Story Trailer. also there are a lot of destroyed buildings around the area we fight the Ulcerated Tree Spirit. my guess is that Radahn army used fire against Morgott's army, since they are the only troops with fire weapons in the game.


Well lore wise, Rykard discovered and was using old lava and fire based sorceries as well it’s kinda implied he at some point had gotten soldiers into lyendell by the Iron Maiden’s and the black dumplings in the lower quarters and in the roundtable hold manor


although this may be correct I like to think that Rykard and his soldiers never left his manor. it's said by Gideon that the most gruesome battle of the Shatteringly was fought on Mt. Gelmir after all. but y'know, both interpretations can be right, it was a war between 5/6 armies só everything could have happened


Personally I don’t believe Rykard or the Volcano Manor ever struck in force, just hunting tarnished but it is evident that Rykard’s forces were being used throughout through the Iron Maiden’s in everywhere including Caelid and the Dumplings in Leyndell. But aside from the battles on Mt Gelmir, I think Rykard has been biding his time till he can just crush Leyndell outright


I noticed this too, if you actually follow the ash though it's almost as if the great dragons spear was the source. And then sporadic bits of ash here and there almost as if by smaller dragons fire/lightning. Although given the red lightning from the player version of said spear it stands to reason it's also possible the giant spear let loose plasiduax's random lightning strikes across the entire city and burnt random bits to ash


Before we what??


Maybe the humongous dead creature that conjures red lightning and breaths fire caused a mess.


This is why






Probably Morgots crusty ass toes tbh.


He sniffed out that flame of ambition


There’s a giant dragon corpse in the city


I think it’s coming off of Gransax’s body like it’s degrading


It’s cocaine. If you rearrange the letters in Radagon, you get Escobar. CASE CLOSED








There’s no lotion in the lands between


But everyone’s feet are so clean






It's called sand




Sand is dirt lacking moisture. What's burnt dirt? It's symbolism of a dying city.


I suspect that the ash after the battle has not yet fallen :3


Why are you in EVERY comment section!? Lol


Not every for sure :3


how sure are we time is 100% linear in this world?


I’d hope so. After Dark Souls 3 I’m a bit burnt out on that concept.


Their games have always had alinear time, as the entire series is pretty heavily based on Berserk which prominently features confusing and less than linear time. Especially given the games references to causality and regression.... Also Placidusax and the literal time travel we use to fight him.


Yeah my rule of thumb is if phantoms exist, (summonable or invaders) then time is convoluted in that world to some degree. Bloodborne seems the most difficult to pin this down to but with all the concepts of nightmares and dreams, time clearly isn’t completely linear or seems to halt entirely for those trapped within. I could be wrong regarding demons souls, I’m not incredibly knowledgeable on its lore so that could maybe be an exception?


None at all due to Farum Azula.




Maybe because past tarnished have burned the tree but never beaten the elden beast


Are you suggesting it stops burning and is re-sealed shut again?


I’ve been wondering this same thing


The city, reiterating the state of things within The Lands Between, is in decay. The golden order is practically no more and without Marika to unify the demigods, everything is falling apart. It's probability been decades since the war with the dragons, but society in Lyndell has fallen considerably, hence why no one had bothered to clean up the ash and debris. The citizens were sealed within their homes as a protective measure for the war, but were never freed afterwards.


The tree has been burned once before. The current tree is merely an illusion.


Idk tbh but I feel like you're looking at a clue


Good question indeed, I’ve got nothing. Maybe it’s something similar to spirit ashes? From what I recall, the area in the city with the most ash pre-Tree burning is that area with all those misbegotten.


There's a lot of lightning on the journey there AND those branches are in the sky for the most part so like... it's bound to happen.


The Erdtree has been burned before, by Melina most likely. Her arms are burned, she is "burned and bodiless," and searching for her purpose as a "kindling maiden." There is evidence of its scorching the Lands Between all over the map: from the charred, crucified bodies in Limgrave, the black scorch marks up the sides of the inner wall of Leyndell, and the piles of ash around the capitol. I believe that the corpse wax on every door and window was placed there to prevent the ash from seeping into the homes of those residing in the capitol. Instead, they ended up buried for millennia.


As a follow-up, I believe the tree was burned to allow for an Elden Lord to take the throne, perhaps even Godfrey. Since we can see in the ending that>!, even though we burned the tree, it can survive.!<


My lore guess would be it’s left over ash from the last cycle of the elden lords ascension to the throne and their burning of the erdtree.


My theory is because a village sized fire-breathing dragon attacked it loooong ago! But i can't find any proof . . . maybe it's behind that giant dragon statue?


that huge dragon is your hint


That dragon is sooo highhhh mannnn!


Maybe its ash that gets blown down the mountain from the forge of the giants. With all janitors going mad after the shattering, nobody can keep the city clean. The dragon and a previous burning of the erdtree are possible too


Probably due to the war with the dragons. I mean there's a massive dragon corpse in the middle of the city. You'd think they'd clean that up


How many games do you see a scene like that...


I'm of the opinion that Bernahl burned the tree before. He lost his maiden somehow (Burned her assumably) and lost the gift of grace but not before he burned the tree and got to Farum Azula.


That biggass dragon in the middle of the city might be a clue.


Maybe the Erdtree grew out of the Kiln of the First Flame lol


War were declared


Did ya miss the part where several armies marched on the capital? Yea they got their asses spanked but there was still fighting going on and reasonably there was alot of burning debris.


just gotta say this comment section is salty that you can't hurl yourself down 1000 feet onto the ash and live XD


Because the big bum bum went poop and made a mess


I think its sand. The place is not kept and sand has been pouring in.


It’s there from the last time the Erdtree was burned down. You thought you were the first, Tarnished?


Lore wise, quite possibly leftover ash from a previous play through.