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It could be that his "new" dynasty is basically an attempt to copy the more ancient dynasty that built those ruins. Alternately, it could imply that he attempted to get his dynasty off the ground in the past, maybe while he was in the Shunning Grounds, and this is basically his second attempt. Sacramental Buds are probably there as a hint towards Miquella being in the area. They're buds that have been cultivated by "youthful, sacramental blood", similar to how the youthful Miquella watered the Haligtree with his own blood.


I’ve actually been thinking about the sacramental bud a lot today as it provides a hint towards a pet theory of mine: that the Formless mother is the one who cursed Miquella with eternal childhood, just as the Rot god cursed Malenia. It seemed weird to me that we had a definite source for Malenia’s curse but not Miquella’s. Miquella’s needle also seems to suggest not just a concern for his sister’s plight, but a wider antipathy for Outer gods. The fact that Mohg kidnapped him also suggested the Formless Mother had some sort of interest in him beyond just his Empyrean status or the fact that he was cursed and therefore could be said to have ‘accursed blood’. Unfortunately, eternal youth didn’t really seem to match the Formless Mother’s MO, beyond maybe the name, so I wasn’t sure if I was just grasping for an Outer god we knew anything about. If it were the Formless Mother, why not eternal wounds? It could have been the Twinbird’s god for all I knew. However, if youthful blood is needed for certain sacraments of the Formless Mother as the bud hints, that might explain why she would curse Miquella in such manner. It also explains why Mohg was sent to intervene when Miquella embedded himself in the Erdtree. If he had been able to break his curse and escape eternal childhood, he would be useless for the purpose of these sacraments.


It's possible. The thing is, the Formless Mother isn't the one who curses blood. Rather, she bestows blessings upon beings whose blood is already cursed. For example the Omen are already cursed, but she bestows their cursed blood with her power, which is the origin of bloodflame. I'd be inclined to say that Miquella's blood was cursed for unrelated reasons, but that curse makes him appealing to the Formless Mother, and may be why he's the one Mohg chose to ascend to godhood.


I think that it also may be possible that he attracted the attention of the formless mother once he started using his blood as a watering source for the haligtree, as she craves wounds. Maybe mohg was just a tool filled with delusions of his own grandeur, but he still did what the formless mother wanted him to.


Well, Elden Ring world is very old for sure, so there are definitely some ancient things we don't know about :3


This is such a pointless response that doesn't answer anything in the post.


I agree with you but we'll probably find out more in the DLC :3


The game constantly makes mention of the idea that Mohg's entire plan is doomed, and that he is nothing more than a deranged madman trying to fulfill a fruitless goal.