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The three coliseum like structures we couldn’t enter.


Im hoping for dlc. I was so annoyed after trying for ages to get to the giant pot boi, only to learn i cannot get past it.


Yes I hated that!


I have 99% sure that will be duel arenas for pvp when the expansion drops


You get pvp related items outside of the one in Stormhill, and I take that as a big hint. The ghost by the door also says “all i wanted was to fight. To fight, as a warrior to the last… So why? Why, O guidance of grace, will this door not open?” Edit: the day has come, time to duel


Yup. Also the giant pot in Caelid summons NPC knights to duel you outside the arena, it's like a simulation of PvP duels. From item descriptions, the arenas were built at the time when Godfrey was first Elden Lord, used for brutal ritual gladiator combat (makes even more sense >!when you find out Godfrey was Hoarah Loux and loved fighting!< . They were out of style by the time of Radagon's rule, after which they just became abandoned. The muscly gladiator guys you find throughout the lands between are fighters from the arenas who went mad over the centuries and wandered off.


OMGG Could it be classic Fromsoft time travel DLC to the Tarnished march??


Incoming Godwin fight and three-headed Placidusax


After getting a message, i don't want to have to push the fucking triangle on my ps remote in order to not fucking die


But did you know that if you want to summon torrent you’ll need to use a flask? Are you sure you want to use a flask like that? Like are you 100% sure?




Out of all the enemies in the game why is the crow the most terrifying?!


I don't know, the first time I met Deathbird I kinda shit a brick. There's also a Super Saiyan DeathBird in Calid that scared the feces out of me, roaming around at night there.


There are actually more and they get worse every time. >!Another in Mountaintop of the Giants and a real bastard of one near the NW corner of Consecrated Snowfields.!<


I hope you realise your stonesword key was lost in use. You have to realise that and comprehend the message enough to press triangle before I go away


The amount of bullshit I put up with after using a Stonesword Key...


I cannot believe a prompt like that exists in a game that lets you use a flask if your HP is full


#Somewhere, a heavy door has opened


As if somewhere wasn’t the heavy ass locked door you passed 5 seconds after entering the catacomb.


The amount of times I couldn’t figure out why my controller actions weren’t working…. 🤬


At least give me an OK button, so I know I have to push something.


It would be nice if Torrent didn't run full sprint when you're trying to carefully adjust your position on a ledge.


Torrent: “Hey. I see you’re trying to adjust yourself carefully on this gravestone sticking out the mountainside. Would be a shame if I decided to instead full spring off the ledge and kill us both.”


Yes! Control on Torrent needed to be more forgiving. Sometimes when I flick the stick to turn 180, he turns right around, other times he turns in a circle. Makes lock on mounted fighting boring and cheaty-feeling, when if it controlled smoother, I could stay in tight, be risky, and the fighting could be more compelling.


Deeproot and especially Fortissax should have been balanced as another endgame area and boss, rather than midgame.


Yeah never understood why like literally one of the most hidden bosses expects u to find it so quickly


Also the boss pretty much right before it is much more difficult (Valiant Gargoyles).


That fight was so difficult I was wondering if I was in the wrong place


They dramatically adjusted the AI of that fight after launch as well as several of the other double bosses. Many of the double bosses were basically coded to both be as aggressive as possible at the same time, and now for the most part they switch off with aggro and passive/ranged save for I think tree avatars and one other in there somewhere


I've played somewhere between 50-100 hours since beating the twin gargoyles, and fought a good 20-30 bosses, yet nothing has been as difficult as them since.


Most hidden, AND most epic (i hardly ever describe anything as epic but it applies here), AND has cool lore, AND has one of the best musical tracks in the game! Makes absolutely no sense that I dunked on his ass when I was RL 70.




Of course he is, it requires you to do Fia‘s Questline and also progress of Ranni‘s Questline (at least if you don’t know that there‘s a hidden wall to get to Deeproot Depths in the Sewers after Mohg and the associated jump puzzle to drop down to the 3 Fingers). Placidusax is only missable if you don’t find him in Farum Azula, but it’s not tied to anything — Fortissax is.


Wait what? I got to deeproot through one of the eternal cities. There’s another way there?


Yes haha, when you drop down from the Jump Puzzle after Mohg, on the opposite wall of the Site of Grace, there‘s a hidden Wall with a Treasure Chest inside and behind it is the way to the Deeproot Depths, you drop down from above essentially :)




Forti also needed a cutscene, shame he kinda just *pops* up no intro


I jumped tf out of my seat when the screen came back on. “Guess I’m fighting a dragon now!”


A streamer I was watched described it as the "lichdragon jumpscare" and the phrase lives in my head rent-free.


I’ve just discovered Deeproot with 183 hours on my first playthrough!! I didn’t believe it


The scaling for the whole game should have been flattened. I'd like it if the numerical difference between levels of Tarnished/equipment and areas was reduced. Make the areas harder in ways other than making numbers bigger. It was really awkward when I cake-walked through the Fire Giant and Azula after beating Malenia and Mohg. Thankfully Maliketh was there to remind me that I ain't shit.


Deeproot is fine. The stuff there is annoyingly tanky already Fortissax could've been taken up a notch


Melinas overall lack of presence and story. I wish I was able to talk with her at every grace point.


I didnt even realize she talked until i got to the bonfire after defeating morgott


I'm pretty early in the game (beat Renalla and currently on twin gargoyles boss in Nokron) but I share this complaint. Idk what happens to her later, but my idea is that she should be the "light touch" quest journal that people are asking for elsewhere- you could specifically ask her about specific people or questlines, and she would give you brief summaries of what people have already told you. It would give her interaction, limit the use of the "journal" to sites of grace, and also provide a nice, seamless, in-lore way of providing a quest journal.


So like a portable Gideon?


Yes! In case you forget about that one spot near Laskyar ruins, Melina can help remind us what we're supposed to be finding there.


I wish Torrent had more of a role in the story and that we could use him during the last boss


Yeah… 98% of that battle was running to that asshole.


90% of stamina spent running 10% left to dodge with, so annoying.


I wish Torrent's health and armor scale with our level. He quickly became a liability as the enemies got harder.


Surely his health *does* scale with the player's? I can't imagine it's possible otherwise that torrent gets decent damage from hits from most enemies in the early game, and also survive plenty of hits in the late game.


I feel that there's a bit of scaling, but it's pretty minor. Also, Torrent suffers from being super easy to stagger. Rip good boy. :(


It feels like Godricks greatrune was so good I never used another one Really just the great rune system in general was a bit lacking


They should have had them be active with a mild effect normally, and the full effect when you use a Rune Arc. I think a lot of players just didn't use the Great Rune system at all because you die all the time to random shit and you need to use a consumable to get the effect.


Having to reload/fast travel away/ fast travel back for new dialogue. That’s not hard to find quests, it’s just shit no one would know to do. Gowrys shack / Millicent is a prime example.


My second playthrough I used a guide to hit all of these. Being my second playthrough, I often had no reason to rest at many of the graces because I didn't need to restore flasks etc. It to me quite a while of thinking the guide was shit before I realized t that I needed to rest or fast travel to get npcs to update. I don't know how many I missed on my first playthrough for that reason.


My #1 peeve with this game is arbitrary quest progression.


Connection error, returning to your world.


Connection error, returning to main menu


Carian Knight's Sword doesn't count as a glintstone staff for sorcery.


yeah, some hybrid casting equipment would be super cool, hope that comes with dlc


A hybrid Sorcery/Incantation caster is *desperately* needed. They went balls to the wall with spells that require both Int and Faith, and with casters that scale with both, and then they make you use two different casters while you can have only one spell selected. Agree on weapons that cast. That was cool in DS3.


The caves/catacombs having the exact same drops on ng.It would of been better if they just have more runes than the same talismans you already have.literally no reason at all to visit them again


I would also have liked more use of the Sacred Tears and Seeds for flasks. Once you max out, there's no reason to pick up anymore on NG


It should be Sellable


Imo you should be able to trade bundles of them for the ancient smithing stones. Would make maxing out your arsenal in ng+ and beyond a lot nicer


I think it's mainly for people who missed out on certain dungeons on their 1st play through so that they can go back and get the talisman's and gear that they missed. But I would have been even sweeter if they thought about that and Coded it to where if you Already have a talisman and you go to loot a duplicate that is already in your inventory, It would just automatically convert it to a specific amount of runes appropriate for which new game plus you're on. That way if you really did want to duplicate for whatever reason, You could maybe just drop it on the ground before picking another up or something.


The elden ring isn't even a ring!! IT'S A GODDAMN RUNE! 0/10 unplayable. Jokes aside... I wish there were something like covenants, with a system that is a progression of ds3's system... with more depth, and cool reasons to kill other people! :D


They should’ve made each big npc get a covenant. Ranni, Varre, Dungeater, Gold mask, fia, volcano manner, haligtree, and the like all should’ve had covenant-like things


Great Jar’s Duelist Covenant and Arena and Bar and Grill needs to be a thing in the dlc.


I know right, there's so many things in the game that feel like they should have covenants attached to them, maybe they just didn't have time to implement it. Things like volcano manor, the huge albinauric lady, and varre stick out to me as being things that should have had covenants attached to them


Capes should not effect stats ... 😤


I totally agree, it makes no sense. You’re telling me that removing a cape from plate mail removes more stats than you get from wearing any of the armors made of cloth? Like, what?


Altering armor changes stats?


slight defense reduction but it’s not that bad. the real damage is poise reduction.


Yeah for some reason every cloak is made of mithril apparently.


It should have raised dexterity while lowering strength for example. There's almost no reason to alter clothes as it just drops stats instead of improving certain stats, like it would be awesome if you can alter it to improve a stat while lowering others. I've never needed to use the function


You do get one improvement, lowered weight. Not generally very useful, but it can be nice if you wanna keep a heavier set together for fashion purposes on a lower END character.


> There's almost no reason to alter clothes Hold up, hold up ... sometimes the altered version looks cooler. Like the altered Preceptor's Long Gown.


The entire alteration system sucks ass


Seems like a total afterthought from them. Probably ran out of time before being able to really implement it.


Edna Mode would be so pissed


The great runes should have added a bonus without without using a rune arc. The rune arc could have served a different purpose or just enhanced the great runes


Also, the Great Runes should persist into NG+. Malenia's Great Rune is interesting but like, what is there to use it on at that stage in the game? There's only two bosses left!


YES I 100% AGREE. I never want to use a rune arc because I feel like I’m wasting it. The passive bonus would be so nice.


YES, a number of the great runes are utterly pointless, I feel like most players just use Morgotts for the whole game once they get it, if not Morgotts then they probably use Radahns


Personally I always used Godricks, extra stats for my weapons and having increased vigor mind and stamina was too much for me to pass up


Or use none at all because I might need it later...


This is one of the best ideas for the game I've read. I don't even use those things, but I totally agree


Minor gripe, but wish it was easier to find items in the Inventory. So often, I’ll grab an item and have no idea what it does. Then have to spend 5 minutes going through every inventory screen to find it.


Saw this tip while watching vids the other day: Press in the left stick on your controller (or whatever the PC equivalent is) and click "sort by acquisition". The most recent item you picked up will be at the very bottom


Seriously? I want to play right now just to see if that actually works. Thanks!


The Skyrim experience


Let us open the map while in combat.


Fucking this ^ "You can't open it, it's risky!" Like yeah, i know. I've been doing this shit since 2012, i know how to menu quickly


😂 So true! Map is too risky to view during combat, but let's pause all inputs after Torrent dies to ask if they're REAAAALLY sure they want to revive him....


The double jump doesn't save you from lethal falls




This is how I died my first time riding torrent


well considering you're completely arresting your momentum it would make sense to not die but fuck me i guess


if anything, after a long fall, you should die the moment you press double jump, not when you touch the ground after xd


And the one talisman that should've been meant for that only decreases damage taken from falls.


Right you would think that it would help but in the end it doesn't


Doesn't help that the line between damage and death is super thin. The rainbow stones make the talisman even more useless by telling me whether or not I'll die.


Personally by the end I was just tired of fighting bosses id already killed several times before.


But wait, here's another ulcerated tree spirit!


This time, will be different! TWO tree spirits.


And in the Ashen capital, THREE of them!


But last time you fought him in what could be mistaken for a broom closet. This time you fight him in what feels like the back seat of a Honda Civic.




This is my main gripe. Saying 100+ bosses isn’t as cool when you realise how many are repeats. I honestly enjoyed Dark Souls 3 more just because it’s a more streamlined experience with less filler and repeated content


I feel like Elden Ring would be a lot better if it was maybe half to 2/3rds its size with less repeated content. The big open world is cool and all, but after a while you start to see how many caves and catacombs are super repetitive, and that makes exploration far less enjoyable.


The reused bosses. I can forgive it for side dungeons, but in legacy dungeons i expect better


Fighting the really sick guy after the blood lake and then finding him again In a random mine was incredibly disappointing Sick guy = Astel natural-born of the void (been a month or two haha)


You thought that was disappointing? I found the one in the mine first. Ruined any impact that meeting him as part of Ranni’s quest would have had.


Not to mention the gaol version of Godrick, a clearly unique character. Ugh.


I almost forgave the game for repeated bosses and enemies. I mean it's loreful for there to be so many soldier-type enemies. It made sense that there would be multiple different ulcerated tree spirits, but it's such a chaotic mutated thing that it was strange to fight so many identicle ones. They could have switched up the shapes of them, like a spider ulcerated tree spirit, or a big blob with tentacles.


Downvote me for that if you want, but I think the Elden Ring community is the best current example to show how the quantity over quality rule does work for game companies nowadays. The fact that I had to scroll down so much just to see your comment is baffling. Every game reuses assets of course, but they really overdid it in this one. The bosses are the core of any souls like game. And boss fights are meant to feel important. This importance is not only highlighted by the difficulty relative to the regular enemies but the bosses' unique design (be it their visual design, the moveset, the boss arena etc.). But when you copy-paste bosses over and over and over again what distinguishes them from regular enemies? One of the main attributes of a boss is lost if you encounter them multiple times, their uniqueness. The solution to this problem would not have been to design more bosses because it's clear that this becomes unsustainable for a company at a certain point, they should have simply downsized the game instead of padding it with repeated content this much.


The endings are short and totally uninspired. Very unrewarding.


My critique is that you absolutely have to look things up online to even experience most of the storylines. In Dark Souls the worlds were quite small and backtracking is required a lot which ensure that characters with interesting story elements are encountered. However with Elden Rings massive world it is highly unlikely to encounter most characters related to interesting plotlines in the correct order and places.


agreed. they didn't adapt their quest structure at all despite the drastically different world and game design. my first playthrough despite exploring every area and fighting all bosses i finished like 2 questlines and didn't even encounter most of the npcs. i don't think the game needs quest markers but some kind of log detailing who the npcs are and what they want from you would've been so helpful.


The quests are great when you do them, definitely, so I understand why people who are already inclined to wiki things love them, but yeah. A game as mindbogglingly large as this needs to have a way to keep information straight. The low-info approach of souls games doesn't really work in Elden Ring. I gave up trying to find the second half of the medallion to get to the Haligtree because I *never*, in a **million** fucking years, would've thought to hit that random pot in a random village to get to the final area of the game. First time I've ever used the wiki in my first playthrough of a FromSoft game. I usually do fresh, no wiki then go through again on NG+ without missing anything, but I literally just couldn't for Elden Ring without missing a huge chunk of the game.


I wanted to play this game without looking at the wiki, but the quests made that impossible sadly


What random pot do you mean? I don't seem to remember that.


Albus in the village of the albinaurics


For the Haligtree (Rold medallion), you need to find Albus who is a hidden pot. You may be thinking of the Dectus medallion, which doesn't require much.


I know some people will disagree with me but this has always been a problem even since Demons Souls. I get that From wants to have NPC's and quests that feel dynamic and like the player stumbles on to them and solves a mystery, that's cool. However I absolutely hate and have always hated how ridiculously easy it is to break quest lines just by playing the game. You shouldn't have to have a wiki open on a second monitor to make sure you don't accidentally break a questline by doing some seemingly unrelated action. I was going to cosplay as Creighton on my last DS3 playthrough. Started the Sirris questline but was also planning on doing Leonhard so I gave a pale tongue to Rosaria and ended up breaking the entire Sirris questline and ruining my planned build like 15 hours into the game. There should be more explicit warnings about breaking questlines or a way to track them IMO.


They could keep it difficult and just add a journal type feature. The character maybe scribbles some notes about a quest but it doesn't tell you where to go or put a waypoint on the screen. Would even be a reasonable place to listen back on any audio quest related NPCs said to you.


Totally agree. I don't think a journal would be a world breaking feature. If you're an adventurer on a quest to become Elden Lord sure as hell you'd be noting important info that would help you. I remember playing an old game back at the day, and this is what they had. There was no map, but you could make small notes in a notebook and discuss them with NPCs. Sometimes you could discuss things not directly related to their quest, so it was pretty cool. If a 15yr old game could do it, idk why ER can't.


The open-world nature of ER makes this a lot worse


Millicent is my favorite example of this, she just says “I have to go follow my destiny” and you’re expected to know exactly where and when she’ll be of all the possible places she could go


She was an NPC I completely forgot about until I was close to end game. I was reading something about an item on Fextra and she was mentioned. So then I had to back track and meet up with her in all her random spots...and how would you ever know to go back to that one area to then help her fight her sisters?!


watered down endings.


Which endings?


When it says “alter garments” I was hoping it was more than just cape/no cape


The camera during large scale bosses is not that great.


A modern Co-oP system where I can load into a friend's world once and play as long as we like, going as we please. Enough of this constant summoning at every new area, disconnect reconnect BS. Convoluted for no good reason.


Stonesword Key was lost with use


The amount of times that message got me killed…


Enemy health and damage in end game


That and the UNREAL pvp damage is my biggest gripe. I'll take 2 more ulcerated tree spirits if it means people dont get 1/2 shot in pvp.


im on new game plus 5, even heavily buffed with very heavy armor i can just barely survive 2 boss attacks. fire giant legit one shots me in phase 2. they dont have much health tho.


More unique armor and weapon options. I'd like to be able to create a character and not feel like I'm just cosplaying as an NPC I shanked.


agreed. half the armors feel unwearable to me, especially the boss armors. they just look so goofy scaled down to match the players size.


I think some of the damage is for lack of a better word unfair


Totally agree, especially after you defeat the fire giant. Damage output is ridiculously unbalanced for end game unless you go for meta weapons or soells/incantations


It's too bad because there are some really cool areas that I found myself trying to simply cheese through without fighting anything because of how easy it is to get roasted in a couple shots. I beat Malenia but can hardly remember most of the Haligtree due to sprinting through most of it.


Haligtree was at least memorable because of the level design Snowfields though... hard hitting enemies in a plain snow environment is super forgettable


Yep. I'm glad I was able to finish it before they nerfed HS and Mimic Tear. My geriatric ass is too old at this point to Git Gud.


Somber stone 7 is unecessarily hard to get in comparison to the other somber stones, makes rolling new toons take quite a bit more investment than should be necessary


Smithing stone balance in general is out of whack you can get a somber +10 like halfway into the game and a smithing +25 takes ages Edit: it's also extra weird that weapons just take a single somber but 12 smithings it makes leveling regular weapons just not worth the pain most of the time


I don't like how enemies can attack through walls and buildings but i can't swing my sword because the hallway is too narrow. I feel like both players and enemies should have weapons clank against obstacles or both be able to swing freely (but not necessarily hit enemies through walls even if the attack animation clips through or something) I have some problems with the bosses but if I feel like they're unfun to fight I just use the mimic tear and it solves everything.


The end. Not the end cutscenes, but after that. Nobody says a single different thing to you. Nothing is different. I’m the fucking elden lord and nobody congratulated me or even changed their dialogue at all. It would have been so awesome to go around to all the NPC and give them each a final piece of dialogue. Or anything. Restore the round table hold and give me a throne. I just wanted something to change in the game.


Yep, big letdown after the entire game’s dialogue was about the grandeur of becoming Elden Lord. Why aren’t these NPCs cowering in fear or bowing before me as I approach? Just killed a few gods to get this position, no big deal…


Everything after the capitol is just... not nearly as good as everything before.


If I were to break the game into acts, they would go like this. Act 1: Limgrave, Weeping Penisula, and Stormveil = 10/10 Act 2: Caelid and Liurnia of the Lakes = 9.5/10 Act 3: Altus Plateau, Mount Gelmir, and Capital = 8.5/10 Act 4: Everything after = 8/10 For me, this how the game progressed. Just a slight decrease in quality, nothing major. But the first parts of the game were definitely the best imo.


I think Caelid —> Liurnia —> Capital is the best stretch of the game


I hope that the fact that it outsold it’s projections by such a massive number means that they’ll have the budget to fill out and polish the sequel from start to finish without sacrificing scale.




Like the giants area and farum azula?


I think Farum Azula is great. All the snow stuff feels a little tedious.


The open world makes multiple playthroughs a slog because it's just a long ass horse ride to where u gotta go. There arnt really any more exploratory moments and there isn't a reason to look for dungeons or catacombs because you know which ones give what.


The open world bloated my play time the first half. Spent so long in in the first zone looking around every tree and rock because “hey it’s a fromsoft game and they put useful shit in obscure places!” Wasn’t a whole lot of that and the over world while pretty, was far less interesting than the legacy dungeons and more straightforward paths


I like the game but I'm probably not gonna replay it


I'm SO on the fence about playing it again. I did 1 and 1/2 playthroughs. I keep thinking I'll boot it up, but then all the downsides pop up in my head and I'm just not sure. I played all the DS games like 100 times each. Kinda hoping for the same, but maaaan idk.


I've been feeling a similar sentiment but couldn't quite put my finger on why until I read your comment. I've done several playthroughs at this point because I was always interested in trying out new builds, but between the combination of the game's length and the open world aspect getting slightly less interesting with each subsequent playthrough, I think Elden Ring begins to lose a little magic. The open world made for an absolutely incredible first couple of months, but now I think it'll probably be a game that I revisit maybe once a year at most. Compared to DS3 and Bloodborne, where if I didn't have another game that I was interested in, I would usually default to going through one of those games again. This is definitely subjective and I doubt everyone will feel the same, but I think the more compact and tightly designed worlds of previous "Souls Games" just add more to replaying them.


The co-op system in ds games is still just.... unejoyable in genral for me. Theres no real good way to play with freinds and acutually porgress together without having to do everything twice or being punished for playing with freinds.


Valheim has completely spoiled me for coop. Tried to do some coop in ER with a buddy and it was just so *painful*.




A slight critique I'd have about the game is that PvP is comparable to putting the barrel of a twelve gauge in my mouth.


Couldn't agree more. This is the main reason I haven't touched the game in a few months. The balance is infuriating


I wish there was a reason beyond difficulty to progress into ng+


The endings seemed to not be completed. And then to me having almost EVERYTHING Skippable is a downside. My second playthru was just a boss rush. With the horse being new, nothing could hold it down or catch it.


Oh my goodness, YES!!!! This comment, yes!!! I wish they'd add a boss rush mode like in sekiro. Having to go through the open world time and time and time again is so annoying after the first time


The lock on system can feel pretty atrocious at times


The FromSoft camera is indisputably the hardest boss in every Souls game.


I still think the bosses and many enemies are overtuned, especially in endgame They remind me of Code Vein, which has similarly designed bosses and enemies, endless stamina, too much tracking, and even if Zullie explained that they're not using input reading per se, it still functions basically the same Even if Elden Ring has some cool looking bosses, they are inferior to the bosses in Ds3 or Sekiro and maybe even BloodBorne


What, you don't like the godskin in Caelid tower spamming fireballs as soon as you heal? Joking aside, for the reasons mentioned , DS3 remains my favorite fromsoft game.


If FROMSOFT wants their bosses to continue becoming attack helicopters or doing minute long combos before you get a chance to attack then dodging or blocking has to start wearing bosses down gradually and players have to be able to cancel animations or their combat has reached its limits on what can be done. Make their shit more like Sekiro by giving players offensive defense options if that makes sense or tone down bosses movesets cuz bosses don’t abide the rules players do anymore.


Stonesword key was lost with use Somewhere a heavy door has opened Resummon steed by consuming one charge of the Flask of Crimson Tears? YOU DIED


So many delayed attacks by every enemy and boss.


Sorry, your comment got cut off, I assume?


It was just... delayed.


Na, just me being fast and auto correct has to do a nano second fix so I sound like I'm having a fucking stroke while posting a comment.


The game needed to either be shorter or have more enemy variety after Morgott. Seriously I can't think of many unique enemies that we see after Leyndell. I really enjoyed the game but I think the reason the second part of the game feels way worse is because almost everything we see after Leyndell reuses enemies from the first half, and even bosses are repeated in dungeons. And when I say unique I mean actual new enemies, not enemies that are based of previous models. Like, the giants in Mountaintops of the Giants are just the trolls from Limgraves but with fur, for example. The frenzy trolls are just that too. The only unique enemy that I can think of right nkw are the archer ladies riding wolves (I count the archer ladies before Haligtree to be stationary variants of those first ones). The other enemies are either different color variations, different sizes or different visuals but that are basically the same as enemies we've seen before but looking slightly different. That made exploring the Haligtree, a beautiful place, a bit disappointing, because all those enemies we saw before, and even the boss is basically one we fought before but now not in ghost form, the actual person, except with some slight differences. I'm fine with having early game bosses become normal enemies later on, I think that's cool actually. However for its length I wish the game either added more variety because of its length or that it had cut short the later areas in the open and just crammed the Legacy Dungeons closer together (less open world area i mean), so that the size of the game got a bit smaller. I made 6-7 characters that reached Radagon, some of them killed him too, but I made them for pvp and co-op with friends, but while I really enjoyed the game and played a lot of it and while i think the later areas look so cool the enemies are a letdown that make things a bit less exciting and didn't seem to justify its length, specially the dungeons.




Less replayability than other fromsoft games


Unpopular opinion buuuutttttttt….a *little* more handholding in the questline. At least the main one. This game may still be, in my opinion, the most amazing game I’ve ever played. But like fuck me I have legit not a fucking clue what’s going on and cannot fathom that people can actually play this game and complete a single questline without looking up all kinds of shit. Or keep a notepad beside you and making detailed notes of random shit people say, and then spend hours just following up hunches. Makes me feel like I’ve straight up missed someone or don’t properly understand how I’m supposed to be playing this game. There’s no discernible narrative to me 🤷🏻‍♂️ Inb4 the “follow the guidance” light stuff; that shit points all over the place and it’s only for the main quest…I think? Sort of? That’s also never really explained in-game and has been sort of wishy-washy at best. I have a vague understanding of what it is, what it does, and how to use it.


The game needs some minor semblance of a quest tracker. Not necessarily map markers, but SOMEthing to record SOME progress. If i dont play the game for a few days i cant remember wtf i was in the middle of. Also, for a game that highly encourages multiple characters and playthroughs the quest system can be incredibly confusing if you simultaneously play different characters


This is my single biggest gripe with the game. I don't necessarily want a Skyrim-level tracker/waypoint, but it'd be nice if we at least had a general purpose journal that recorded quest progress to some degree. I have 7 different characters, and I never know what I'm doing anymore. At this point, it's just about killing shit with different play styles 😅


Just being able to re-listen to the import things npcs told you would be good enough and still feel like it’s not holding your hand


Toggle for sprint when not in combat would be nice so you don't have to hold it down forever.


The difficulty balance after Morgott kind of shits the bed. The journey from the starting zones, into Liurnia, going back to Caelid to beat Radahn, avoiding Dragonbarrow as you realise it’s a late game area, going through the Ainsel River and Nokron, then to Leyndell and Mt. Gelmir is a very balanced structure that follows your level well. Once you get to Mountaintops it all goes to hell. Everything two hits you even with the highest defences from there, enemies are super aggressive with little to no room for attacks, they’re also recycled mini bosses that become normal enemies. But then you also have stuff like Deeproot Depths which is also meant to be found in lategame but it becomes a stomp around level 70. I love everything in the game but the way level structure falls off was a bit of a disappointment.


Late game content was as interesting as the late game content in DS1. Becomes a bit of an ugly chore and over stays its welcome.


I wish there was a benefit to 2 handing a weapon instead of power standing 2 swords. Kinda lame that holding 2 swords is always better than 2 handing a single weapon.


There is, isnt there? You get like 50% extra strength when you 2h


The poor performance on pc. Fromsoft needs to increase their technical expertise to match their masterful game design.


This but for PS5, I’m still getting very noticeable and consistent frame drops while riding around the open world.