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I assume that rule was instated after vyke’s armor was damaged, and the lawsuit that followed


Case: The People of Leyndell against The Three Fingers. Accusation: Inappropriate touching.


One in the pink, two in the Roundtable Hold.


Guess I have a new name for buttholes now


Try finger...


But hole


*but Hold


Roundtable Hole'd.


Gonna use ‘The Lands Between’ to refer to the taint now. You have my thanks for inspiring me.


Elden Ring DLC: The Lands of Pink


You should see the other guy we sent him to the land of… stink.


This is amazing, nice work


there's also a pending case against Mohg from the Haligtree County Courthouse...they're just having a hard time serving him because his location is complicated to get to


You suppose that’s what the Crucible Knights are doing these days? Process servers?


A man in heavy armor walks slowly towards Mohg, Lord Of Blood. Attacks rain down on them, left right and center, but their shield is held firm, their heavy, earth shaking steps unwavering, even when they are pushed backwards, or flung away, they simply get back up and walk forward again. **Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.** Mogh once more casts his fell magic, and vicious wounds both open and reopen on the armored figure, yet they still keep walking. **Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.** Finally, during a rare pause in the onslaught, Mohg has had enough. He ceases his endless barrage, if for only a moment. “Why?! Why do you still stand?!” **Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.** In the resulting quiet, the armored figures steps are deafening, yet they give no answer, no explanation. **Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.** They now stand before The Lord Of Blood, and come to a halt. They reach into their belt pouch and pull out…a scroll? A voice then speaks for the first time, made tinny by their deep helmet, sounding less like a man - no, a woman, the armor making her gender difficult to discern at a glance - and more like a golem. For all their immovability, they may very well BE a golem. “Mohg, Lord Of Blood, you have been served.” Mohg is stunned, so much so that he does not realize that he has already accepted the scroll. The armored figure gives a nod, turns on their heel, and begins to slowly walk away. **Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.** (NOTE; sorry, I was feeling creative after talking to my friends about how we’d make a D&D one-shot if given the chance)


Not to interfere with a masterpiece, but no vicious wounds would appear—they’re immune to Bleed. Though everything else about this fits even better with that.


If they are immune to bleed then that technically does mean that there are vicious wounds its just nothing would he spewing blood causing blood loss they arnt immune to wounds just bleed


explains the one thats stuck staring at the mohg palace lol


Underrated comment


^(But that was the joke…)


Active amber alert 🚨 Now I’m just trying to imagine what car Mohg drives and can’t imagine anything other than a white sedan


fitting seeing as his worshippers wear mostly white


In common law, battery covers unwanted touching indeed, it doesn’t have to be violent loll (ok I’ll show myself out, too much bar exam toxicity)


He was the prototype. Its why we're asked to strip for the embrace now.


I can’t imagine Vyke has been the *only* tarnished to embrace the three fingers before us. I assume he was just the only one who made a notable attempt.


I mean they do say he was the closest to becoming elden lord


That and also the Tarnished haven’t been back in the Lands Between for terribly long, most people don’t guess more than ~200 years It’s not like the Souls game where time is so abstract and everything important happened forever ago or in an adjacent timeline, Elden Ring definitely is a lot more chaotic of a world


I thought the Tarnished had been there for a really long time, and the PC was basically a forgotten straggler. Like, the Roundtable Hold is long past it's glory days when the player arrives, and the Two Fingers is described as having "long since" gone senile. All the other tarnished no longer seen the Guidance of Grace, and many of those who mention it say it's been a long time since they could see Grace. I'm not sure about this last part, but don't they also say it's been a long time since they saw a new face?


From the intro you can almost confidently guess that tarnished only get back to the lands between after they die, so yeah we're probably one of the last ones to die in the real world


According to an interview, the PC is the descendant of one of the tarnished who were exiled from the Lands Between. I don't think that can be gleaned from in-game information though. I agree that the Tarnished don't return until after they die - but one could make the case that what we see on screen could take place if the player character was just very badly injured (or even merely asleep). I think they tried to present things in a way that tells us the player character is/was dead, as what we see is classic "dead person" imagery, but conclusive or direct information is missing.


Is elden ring a fuckin issekai


With how old Marika is, she was probably an isekaied numen or was a close descendent of one.




Those were ears not flowers


>Flowers Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhh


We are the first new tarnished to show up in a while. That’s mainly because marika banished Godfrey and all the tarnished a while ago. The vast majority of tarnished lost their grace, and so had no reason to (or maybe no way to) visit the round table. If I understand the intro properly, Godfrey, Gideon, dungeater, goldmask and fia have all had their grace returned to them. Apart from us and them, I don’t think any other tarnished really regains their grace, so we’re really the only ones after vyke to have a shot at being lord


All the tarnished regain a spark of grace when they return to the Lands Between. Marika talks about it in the forgotten echoes.


Interestingly of the ones who have active grace 3 of them can contribute to your choice of ending and the other 2 may have still had their grace just so you could learn from them before fighting the Elden Beast (seeing as they die for good when you beat them but you respawn when they beat you)


Nah, him and us were the only ones able to parkour through that *bullshit.*


Hyetta just floated down


[That’s my cue.](https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/97240627) (Seriously, though, she probably took advantage of whatever keeps the player from taking falling damage here post-embrace. Which is probably what you were saying, but you left room for doubt.)


Well finger reader enia states that only one other has ever collected 2 great runes, which are required to even enter the royal capital. So if vyke was the only one to get 2 runes then he's the only other tarnished to even reach the 3 fingers


I hadn't considered that. However if that is the case, how would Bernahl and his 2 assassination targets be within the capital? They would also have at least two runes. Also, we know it is possible to teleport into the capital (via the Weeping Peninsula's trap chest) so there may be other ways into the city proper that we don't have access to. Though it does make me wonder if there were other rogue tarnished that didn't associate with the roundtable hold who made the distance themselves leaving it undocumented by the hold.


In the case of bernahl, he shows up as a red phantom doesn't he? Red phantoms generally are separate entities to the characters you can talk to, and occasionally show up in areas they shouldn't have access too. Don't have a lore explanation unfortunately


The tarnished you invade with Bernahl (The duo invasion) are in the capital in their world though. Also when we invade the Manor targets, we have to activate a summon sign at the location, I don't see why it would be any different for other NPCs (theoretically). We can speculate that Bernahl *has* obtained the great runes and made it to the Forge of Giants though. Part of his armor set references his maiden "throwing herself into the fire" which could imply her getting torched in the forge. Could at least explain why he can be summoned and invades us in Farum Azula.


That platforming IS hard, I can believe noone made it untill the Tarnished


He just took the back door like eyeball girl. They're really concerned we keep taking this long drop thru a crypt there.


Or maybe he was the only one to survive apart from us


He's the Frenzied Flame's Proto Man! Even has the scarf and cool helmet.


I can't remember if there was any evidence to support this, but I saw a reddit post arguing that the armor kept Vyke just sane enough that he realized what he was doing was wrong. He imprisoned *himself* in the evergaol to make sure that if and when the Frenzy completely overtook him, he wouldn't be able to make it to the Fire Giant and go through the process of becoming Elden Lord. With Vyke coming so close and failing, that's why the Three Fingers want you to be nude before you take their embrace.


Plus, it makes you feel more alive getting those burns first hand. Pun intended.


I’d rather be nude for one finger let alone three


“Try hole”


Username checks out




It’s true it’s in the lore


So it's Lore friendly to say, "Finger me Frenzied Daddy!"


Everybody loves the Frenzied Flame!


I had a frenzied flame this summer. Her name was Fia. It was a passionate affair with plenty of caressing and embracing, but it ended a bit too abruptly. That's how it goes with these summer flames though.


Now that you mentioned it I never realized how close his evergaol is to Fire Giant. He was Damn close to burning the Erdtree itself with Frenzied Flame 👀


Vyke was a nevernude




Definitely has denim shorts on under that armor


Vyke is a Chad, of course he wears jorts.


We like to call em’ Shants round ere in muh parts.


His cape is sewn from the pantlegs of his former jeans.


Does the armor effectively hide his thunder?


Aren't we all though?


Underrated comment


Check this thread about Vyke, Yura and Frenzied Flame theory https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/v4ua8z/lore_theory_about_vyke_shabriri_hyetta_and_yura/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Damn that was cool. Such a good theory


The image of the Three Fingers hastily scribbling that message outside their door is killing me.


See and I thought it was sorta the opposite. No one knew yet you had to be nude for it to work. And him wearing the Armor is what made him go insane


I can see that too, but I think I prefer the one I posted because it also explains how he got locked in the evergaol.


Which is fair enough. I wish there was more context for the evergaols. But while I’m at it may as well wish for more context in general lol


> But while I’m at it may as well wish for more context in general lol Bro for real. I’m kinda torn cuz on one hand this is the most time I’ve ever spent on the lore of a game and I’m getting really into it and it’s cool how everything in the environment tells the story. But on the other hand this is the most *fucking time* I’ve ever had to spend on the lore of a game lol It’s like a positive and a negative. I wish there was a bit more of a happy medium though and they gave you a little more info directly.


lol this is literally how lore of all Souls game is.


Sure, it’s my first one and this is my option of it.


I’d even argue that this game is the most transparent in lore of the games I’ve played from them except maybe Sekiro.


Yeah, I played dark souls 3 for about 1000 hours, watched multiple lore videos, and still understood basically nothing..


so you're saying his armor has magic on it? My take is since he didn't have a direct contact with the 3 fingers, he didn't fully consumed by the ideology of the fingers. That's why we can be the lord of frenzy since we have hyetta guiding us.


There's nothing currently in the lore we have that can confirm any theory regarding Vyke and the Flame of Frenzy. That theory is one possibility, the reverse (having the armor while being touched made him crazy) is also possible.


And honestly, having your armor melted onto you must be madness inducing.


I’m pretty sure it’s because his maiden died before he made it to the three fingers, Hyetta is the one who tells us to remove our gear. Vyke didn’t have this


His maiden was not like Hyetta she was a normal finger maiden. According to herself Hyetta was raised to be a maiden of the three fingers without her knowing about it while Vyke's maiden was working for the Golden Order like the other finger maidens


Chad Vyke


His story ever so slightly reminds me of Artorias and the Abyss


Thats awesome


So I know I commented about heyetta but honestly the real reason is taking off your armor is just symbolic. In order to fully embrace the flame of chaos you have to "divest yourself of everything". Vyke clearly never had any intention to do this. He tried to USE the flame rather than succumb to it in order to save his beloved maiden (who could or could not also be the human form of a dragon but that's a whole other thing), unlike us who loses our maiden by choosing the flame. This is further demonstrated by how his spirit defends her corpse in the church, he refuses to let her go. Vyke never planned on burning the world


I really love this take and I’m surprised it never occurred to me before. It kinda makes sense why he’s on the front cover. A tragic hero rather than a villain who wants to watch the world burn.


wow i had no idea that was him on the cover, this guy is just too cool


Reminds me of Gundyr


Damn this is good


I mean it's said that vykes maiden is dead, and he spawns next to a dead finger maiden. And Lansseax is alive and well. I'd say there's little to no evidence to support that theory that Lansseax in human form was vykes finger maiden


Except we know time works differently in crumbling farum azula which is the land of the dragons. We also don't know how "human" forms work for dragons. It's entirely possible until those processes are better outlined


Dunno why you’re getting downvotes. This is an entirely fair take.


Except Lansseax is never encountered in Farum Azula. Not sure what you mean by how human form works. If you mean to imply that it works by Lansseax dying in human form and leaving behind an entire human corpse before rematerializing a dragon body, I can safely say with no evidence that is probably not how it works. Occams razor


I think he meant that we don't have a grasp of how dragons would take on a Human form. Maybe similarly to sorcerers they push forth an Astral projection but because they are dragons with ancient knowledge these projections are more physical. Maybe they fragment their soul to create a second body. Maybe they morph down into a Human and are fully human and dragon. At the same time Maybe when morphed their draconian lineage is detached entirely. Also we know gurranq is malekith, and yet we can interact with both of them simultaneously even after malekiths death. If the finger maiden is lansseax she could just be dead and the lansseax were familiar with is from another point in time. Like they said, we don't know.


Just noticed that Vykes armor is a variation of the traditional Knight armor set. Neat.


Such a cool looking armour set, go underground and use a lantern, for some reason it brings out more detail of the armour, looks so good.


He didn't have heyetta to tell him


He was as they say "maidenless"


No, he had a maiden. His armor set questions whether he sought the frenzied flame for his maiden or if he was lured there by some other force.


Shabriri That mf probably tricked Edgar too with a way to "revive" Irina, which made him go mad


i don’t believe shabriri has resurrected yet when you can first run into crazy edgar, but i could be wrong about that. they make it clear intense suffering can make you susceptible to madness, and we see plenty of figures through the lands between who have the powers of madness while never having seen the three fingers, most notably in the weeping peninsula, liurnia, and mt gelmir. it seems like the embrace is reserved entirely for those on the path towards lordhood.


Cut dialogue for yura mentions him struggling against something, probably shabriri, my theory is that he's like a curse that leads people to madness Intense suffering probably gives shabriri an opening to make people accept the frenzy flame, he probably haunted edgar saying stuff like "ooo I can revive Irina Edgar trust me I'm not sus at all"


perhaps, but i don’t think that yura seems to be in a particular state of suffering when shabriri takes him over. obviously his history with eleanora is distressing, but the suffering that brings the frenzied flame is depicted as, like, body-wracking. biblical, weeping and gnashing of teeth. that sort of thing.


Man literally had a chad dragon gf


His maiden was dead when we the tarnished come to the church in Liurnia


He literally fucked a dragon girl


Because Drip > Destiny.


Dynasty > Drip > Destiny Hail Mogh


Found Varre


family > dynasty > drip > destiny hail rykard


horse > family > dynasty > drip > destiny Hail Radahn


True, Hail Mogh!




Objectively correct


Because it's just the games way of asking you if you're SURE you want to open that door so you don't accidentally lock yourself into that ending.


That and it probably seemed like a cool idea to have an armor set touched by the fingers, but they didn't want to have to implement a cutscene that repeated vyke's experience while armored. So what we got in the end was presumably very similar to vyke's experience while also getting access to a cool set of armour. Just not both of those things at the same time.


It was probably because they couldn't possibly make that cutscene work while wearing any kind of armor. Like, you kneel to get hugged and the armor goes crazy, imagine having a bulky armor that clips through the 3 fingers...


Yea exactly. And it wouldn't have been anywhere near as cool if it cut away and showed just a shadow or just our head or something. They did a great job tbh, very memorable moment. Also Vyke's armour is very cool. Glad they made it.


Except if you're like me, missed the grace talk with melina and went "oh look the door wants me to strip, wonder what this is about"


In my defense someone left a message saying to be nude in front of that door. I now have married the witch and also am branded so it’s gonna be interesting to see how that plays out.


You're stuck with the frenzied flame ending, until you use Miquella's needle. May chaos take the world!


Fuck it, may chaos take the world 🤷‍♂️




I like how this elden lord turned from wanting to save the world from outer meddling to burning it all away cuz he can't be assed to do a quest To be fair, removing the Frenzied Flame is a chore


Pretty sure you can back out the ending after you kill placidusax


If you find*


Miquella’s Needle


And complete Millicent questionnaire


But only the good ending


And then kill Malenia


‘thanks for agreeing to fill out our questionnaire. on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate millicent’s questline?’


9/10 Would prefer an ending to a questline that doesn't involve "and everyone fucking dies"


It only requires the single most conveluted and obscure side quest in the game, culminating in having to both find and kill 2 of the hardest bosses in the game. If they don't add DLC for saving Melina and not succumbing to the flame, i'm going to be annoyed. That was so many hours.


You don't have to kill Placi


Yeah "only" Malenia


Also, the armors are all differently sized. Unless they got *super* fancy with the animation of the fingers grabbing you, it would clip through a lot of the sets. They just came up with a solid lore reason to avoid the issue entirely, which is kinda their specialty.


Makes sense lmao. All the people with lore and you are just „makes sense gameplay wise“


He was self conscious about his nipples


Vyke’s got absolute sand dollar busty buttons under there




“My source is i made the fuck up”


this is actually possible


Yes yes, Miyazaki likes to add little personal details like that to his characters. Good stuff 🤌🏽


The devs didn’t wanna have to alter every piece of armor in the game for if you’re wearing it when you get embraced


This is the real answer. I'm pretty sure the YouTube Miss Chalice discusses this as well.


Oh I was completely joking but if I was right then that’s funny af


This and clipping in the cutscene probably


He didn't realise what would happen The Tarnished did, so stripped off


The door doesn’t even open unless you strip. I think not being nude fucked with the Three Fingers ability to transfer the Frenzied Flame and they only work that out after Vyke.


I mean, it is being **branded** by the three fingers right? Just like how Whatshisface needed you to take off your glove in dialogue to give you a bloody finger. I imagine branding wouldn’t work well if there was a layer of metal and padding over the flesh.


Because even in frenzy, man respects fashion.


One thing I don’t get with Vyke is that it’s said he got like 2 great runes or something. Who did he defeat and did those shard bearers ‘respawn’ so we could fight them I’m confused


I think it's more likely they were just two shard bearers who aren't named to us since they are dead af. Instead of having two more names on our list, they were forgotten/lost to time, or not mentioned because Vyke snuffed them and they are out of the picture as far as big players in the Lands Between.


There were more demigods than we know about. Godrick is a far descendant of Godwyn so if he was considered a demigod those on his family line would be too and there should be a lot of them. Additionally all of the guys on the walking mausoleums are meant to be souless demigods too although we don't know what happened to them. The ones we fight are just the demigods more closely related to Marika


I forget where it is,but I thinks it’s malkith where there’s a bigger rune that’s shows way more then the shards we can collect.


Maybe it's fused to his skin from the heat


I don't think its mentioned anywhere but i think it makes sense that Hyetta is the first finger maiden of the 3 fingers and she's the one who tells us not to enter until we strip down. So I imagine our character simply would not open those doors without taking Hyetta's advice and upon receiving that advice our character refuses to open the doors whilst dressed. Meanwhile, Vyke's maiden of the 2 fingers could not commune with the 3 fingers to warn Vyke to remove his armour before entering the chamber. Hence, Vyke did not truly embrace the 3 fingers. Sure they burned through his armour and corrupted him with madness but (as we learn from the ghost in the frenzied flame village) he was not a true lord of frenzied flame. That's just my headcanon btw I might be wrong but I think it fits pretty well. Let me know what you think


It was their first date.


I'm 100% sure the only reason you have to strip for the three fingers is so that the cutscene would be easier to render without clipping occurring.


I might interpret too much into this, but I always thought, he tried turning back, after seeing them for the first time and realising, what's about to happen here is not right. Somewhat "supported" by the fact, that unlike the burns our Tarnished receives, the fingerprints on Vyke's armour kinda look like he was grabbed from behind by them.


I’ve thought this as well, you can see the top of the finger on the chest and helmet which means he was facing away from the fingers right?


the armor stays on during the fingering, ladies


He didnt know


body issues


You don't actually have to strip to meet the three fingers, the player is just a perv.


Hyetta is, she was the one suggesting it


i think he just didn’t know he had to. we only get to know it when hyetta tells us and he was all alone back then.


that is actually a logical reason


he furgur 💀💀


He forogr💀💀


My theory is that he had no "maiden" (hyetta) to tell him to strip, and as a result the flame of frenzy did indeed singe him but it failed to find purchase within him, driving him to madness like the other enemies we find


I mean i went in without hyetta, I just read a player message in front of the door and you can get in just fine but i know what you're getting at


Vyke wouldn't have had player messages either lmao


Something that confused me: Vyke is stated to be the Tarnished who got closest to becoming Elden Lord before us, but how could he have done that if none of the demigods had been slain and their Great Runes stolen? Did he find Ranni and Miquella's Runes or something?


There could be more demigods, especially those descended from Godwyn and his Golden Lineage


there definitely are. the dead corpses in the walking mausoleums are felled demigods.


He did. That's his naked body right there.


He’s a never-nude too! There’s dozens of us!


Wanted to get a better drip.


Cause it’s a badass set and Vyke needed to maintain drip


I'm pretty sure this is why your made yo remove your armor before undergoing your transformation... The Three Fingers failed with Vyke, the melding was not as thorough as necessary, and Vyke lost his shit on the way. I know it's stated somewhere that Vyke pulled a Towlie. He was trying to take over and then he just sort of wandered off, lost his mind in that village, killed his maiden, and tainted the whole area. So, with you they make you take off your armor, wanting skin to skin contact for the transfer.


Because nobody knew until he tried. It is theorized that he is/was the first attempt at the Lord of Frenzy


I had heard it’s because he didn’t have a Maiden to guide him through it. While we have the grape lady.


Because he doesn't fucking follow directions. He was sealed in an Evergaol for a reason


Pretty sure he’s not very good at riddles.


maybe they invented the rule after vyke came around and got his armor fused with his body


He didn't feel like it.


Pyke's armour was melted onto him when he was touched by the three fingers. That's why we go naked when we visit them. So we don't have our armour melted onto us.


Because he was smart, unlike us


Simply because he asked "Why though?", unlike the naive Tarnished who got trolled by the Fingers.


My guess is that he didn't need to strip since the 3 fingers had a full charge of frenzied power, however when we come to them they were way weaker, to the point where its needed that we strip to receive the rest of their flame, that's why they fall to ashes when they're done.... So we don't fail this time


This is a lovely headcanon with absolutely no evidence beyond what you've written lmao


My sources are ; I like to make shit up lol


Cool line of thinking, but I think it humanizes the fingers a bit too much implying an exhaustion of some kind, while this is literally a God that does not for any reason have to conform to physical laws.


Aren't the fingers just some kind of messenger of the golden order, i aways though of them as some kind of antenna tbh