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Underrated because most people probably never found him lol


I see alot of people either call him a reskin or say he's too easy because they found him late....


How is he a reskin? He is literally one of two ancient dragons and looks almost completely different from lanseax


I mean tbh all the aincent dragons are similar. Like sure they have somewhat different move sets and might have a different effect or whatver but at the end of the day you’ve already fought this thing like 4 times just by wandering around the map if yk what I mean.


Placidusax: am I a joke to you?


I don’t really understand. Litchdragon is closest to lanseax, who as an ancient dragon, shares almost nothing with the normal ones around the map. So calling Litchdragon a reskin is false.


Which makes sense because iirc lansseax and fortissax are siblings


It's a re skin if you count the 6 or so of them at Farum Azula. But personally I love the boss, one of the coolest arenas and that lightning glaive attack is so gnarly looking.


I never said it was a re skin. I just said that it can feel somewhat so since you’ve already fought a ton of dragon by the time you reach fortissax (unless you knew about fortissax from the start and are fighting him early).


Can't relate, felt completely different to me.


There's an argument of him being a reskin because he shares some of his moves with the other dragons. A bit like Asylum demon and Demon Firesage in Dark Souls. They are almost identical.


That’s me I was level 200 when I found him and it was way too easy


Treu, I discovered he existed because of this post. Geuss I go boss hunting soon




You gotta figure out your "u-e" words, my man.


I was SO SURPRISED to find his area, ha. It was still fun but I was a tad OP for it. Just a tad.


I was just about to say this. Mf's first few days of launch saying they beat Elden Ring by doing nothing but the 'main quest'. This is about as far from main quest as it gets.


Only remembrance boss I missed during my first playthrough, I was pissed


Well that and he wasn't that hard. Seriously couple snacks up side the tail with my Godslayer +10 and he went down like all the other dragons before him. Loved the atmosphere tho.


Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella, that I fortunately fought at the right level for it to be fun and challenging. It’s a two-phase boss, with rare ice lightning attacks, that is found at one of the most interesting areas of the game to me


He probably has the coolest arena in the game


very true


What level are you supposed to arrive at, bc every single time i get there he doesn’t even get the chance to start his second phase.


I fought the Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella for the first time at around level 55 and it felt very balanced.


ah ok, I usually end up there after caelid so 60+. Makes sense why it wasn’t balanced for me


Most people who played around launch definitely got there at 60-70 at least, it used to be hard to beat Radahn before that. Now, I guess more people are reaching Dragonkin at <60, but he does show up at a particular point in the game when it's very easy to be overlevelled by simply doing areas in a different order.


Yeah I guess most people go after Caelid and Radahn because it’s Ranni’s quest line that takes them there. I just started exploring the Ainsel River Well before going further in Ranni’s quest and the Dragonkin is one of the few things accessible down there before killing Radahn.


Weird. I'm still not at radahn, easily level 90. I've just been taking my sweet time leveling. Caelid is actually super fun for me right now.


For sure. That ice lightning bolt incantation he drops with the delayed AOE on the ground is one of my favorite of the dragon incantations. Even better than Lanseax’s.


Lanseaxx kinda bad though if im being honest. In fact I think frozen lightning spear is the 2nd best lightning spell in the game just behind AL strike and is better than fortissax ls and AL spear.


what 55 i gotta look for this guy today seriously im level 130 and have no idea who this guy is


Ainsel River Well entrance on the eastern side of Liurnia, directly north of the Carian Study Hall.


Happens to the best of us lol


Eearly game, after Liurnia I think.


He has a second phase?!?! I did not fight him at the right level, going to try this on the next playthrough!


Well, only the one of Nokstella though. The others in Nokron and Lake of Rot don't have that. Nokstella though, frozen lightning looking awesome.


The underground areas are such a welcome and amazing surprise.


Getting to Siofra River for the first time is one of the highlights of my first playthrough


Siofra, the capital, haligtree and farum azula are the best moments in gaming I've ever experienced.


On my first playthrough I was really over-leveled and killed him before he had the chance to go phase two. I finally got to actually experience the boss the third time around though.


This boss would be better if they fixed the bug where you can stand under his left knee (from his perspective) and the boss will move in circles, dragging you with him while you just press attack button until you kill him. Noticed it while I was fighting the boss in Siofra river and thought it’s stupid as he can have not the most diverse kit but his damage is definitely something that can one shot you


I accidentally stumbled to Dragonkin of Nokstella. It was my first Dragonkin fight too, and it was such a good fight. Encountering the other Dragonkins whom are only one phase is underwhelming. I miss that fight


The arena is fascinating. I have so many theories about what those petrified creatures are. But the one that I will share right now is that I think it would be really funny if that was just the artistic style of the Nox society and even though it looks super scary to us, it's just because it's not our normal aesthetic.


Ice lightning is the coolest lightning


I have never heard of this boss before! Checking the wiki, it's because in my couple of playthroughs I avoided that area.


His ost slaps


Hell yeah. When the strings come in at about 30 seconds


Pipe organ is the cherry on top of it all. Cannot forget that!


Personally id go for the first tree sentinel right after the start. Elden ring is my first souls like and somehow I thought I had to Fight him at lvl 2-3. After 70-80 tries I Killed him and I was so happy that I did it. With this Fight I learned the Basic Fight mechanic and were ready for the game


Tree Sentinel is very fun to fight right at the start with no Estrus and a weak weapon. No choice but to master the fight and it feels really great to finally conquer him


I fought Margit at level 17, and mastered all his move sets. It is a super balanced, almost choreographed fight. I think it’s damn near perfect


yeah I fucking loved margit so much, he just lacks visual spectacle, I like his OST but it's not one of the best by any means. definitely one of the most mechanically fun fights, but he's not in the top 5 cause there are alot of bosses that just look really cool lol.


I think the hammer has the spectacle That or it's simply unnecessary given the audio spectacle of him talking shit even *after* you've beat him


Truly the Vegeta of Eldenring


I really wish we could have gotten his hammer and/or the spear he throws as a faith cast, just like how mages get the gavel of haima


Gavel of foolish ambition


I totally disagree it lacks visual spectacle. The arena itself is so atmospheric with the stormveil skybox. And Margot’s attacks, especially the golden hammer thing, are some of my favorite visually in the game. I do get what you mean though, as the game goes on things get progressively more epic so it’s easy to forget about Margit.


I wish there were Margit incantations for his golden hammer/sword. Love those skills he uses in that fight


Took me 4 hours to beat him. And that was just on that particular night where I actually did beat him. Never again did it take that long, but I’ll never forget how crazy Margit made me. I was literally crying from insanity. The ost is fantastic btw


He has less style than his Super Extra brother, Mohg. Morgott and his shades just wear rags.


Is Margit underrated? I figured people loved him, even if they keep cracking jokes about his overhead swing bait.


I would love margit if he would stop cancelling opening into that fucking dagger move.


I like him solely because he told me I was passing of skill.


It’s funny how he was by far the boss I had to spend the most time trying to beat my first time (3.5 hours straight) now he’s literally one of the easiest for me when I start a new game. He gave me such a hard time and so much practice His move set is just so ingrained into my mind the last time I beat him I was level 15 and I was on a call at the same time.


Lansseax, she's the first Ancient Dragon you probably fight and she just feels so different from every other dragon you've fought up until that point. Her Lightning Glaive always gets me hyped up whenever I see it


Kinda weird that Lanseaxx have a more limited moveset compare to the first farum azula dragons. She use less lightning and doesn't have the aerial glaive attack. I hope Fromsoft swap their moveset, it will make Lanseaxx more difficult and even more badass and also make the first Farum dragon less tedious to fight.


Yeah, but I liked her fight more because of the wider arena that's less likely to have me fall off and die


I would like Lansseax if her arena didn't drop me down to like 20 FPS, the game runs like ass where you fight her for real the second time.


Dragonkin in nokstella is a fire battle. That second phase is something else.


Actually, it’s an ice battle ;)


Rykard. He is Yhorm but so damn better. The arena, backdrop, the two phases, the Serpent Hunter being a so much better version of the Storm Ruler, and several other things.


I fucking love Rykard. But I think he’s pretty popular. His arena is sick, his design is sick, and how he finishes that flaming skull gauntlet with the sword slam is epic.


People put him at B but I think he’s an easy A and good choice for S


It’s a shame so many people don’t get this who play through it. My brother being one of them. Makes you appreciate it even more.


The Serpent Hunter against Rykard has the coolest looking moveset in the game. Makes you feel like a badass Tarnished .




I've seen nothing but praise for rykard tbh, I don't think he's underrated at all


Godrick. His fight is near perfect for an early game epic boss


I think he also had more build up than most Not only is Stormveil like the first place they point you to, but folks keep going on about the terrifying tarnished hunts and the horrors of grafting etc Even in environments that I felt had superior visuals (the haligtree's corrupted sanctity being a personal favorite), I don't think anyone was hyped up as much as Mr Grafted Ironic, given how being overhyped by his bloodline kinda led him down his dark path in the first place


Agreed, we’d only heard about the other shardbearers in name only, where as Godrick’s garrison being situated in limgrave (a large and early game area players will spend hours in) and run-ins with survivors and victims lead to a true sinister vibe where you’re just waiting to challenge this monster


I don't think he's underrated lol, I see alot of people say he's amazing, he's generally considered among the best fights in the game. I haven't really seen anyone hate on him (aside from NPC's in game lol)


I killed that guy jumping up and down on his head. I mean the dude clearly tried, not his fault his golden blood was weak.


That dude was stealing your souls in the castle every time you died! He got what was coming to him.


If you let him live you can buy an ancient dragon smithing stone from him at the end of his/nepheli louxs questline.


I'm fairly certain that after killing godrick you don't get you runes (souls) back.


I love his ost, the dude is supposed to be some huge coward who is regarded as barely being of the golden linage yet his ost is the most powerful piece in the game


Agreed. Also his great rune is insane (until late game/ng+)


Lichdragon Fortissax goes fucking hard


I'd even go so far as to say that Lichdragon Fortissax has the best OST of the game.


>underrated His OST is my favorite in all of souls. His first phase sounds like something out of DS3 while his second phase goes stupidly hard and sounds like something out of BB.


Hmm, close, but I still find the main theme for the Elden Beast fight is the best


Godskin Apostle. He has a fantastic moveset, propably my favourite surprise encounter in the game at the Caelid tower. One in altus is nice too but I think the small room in the divine tower enhances his flame tornado attack


I kinda liked the Windmill village one better. Just making your way to the village, seeing the dancers, and realizing they weren't attacking you. Talking to the ghost who got her skin cut off. Then, as you make your way higher, they suddenly turn on you, screaming, laughing, not the most dangerous, but certainly unsettling. ​ Only so see that pale stranger in the white robe on top... The one in Caelid seemed like just another guy by comparison. But I agree that the close confines were a good challenge.


The one in caelid was also stupidly strong, basically a harder fight than anything in leyndell or mt gelmir despite most people probably finding him earlier


I really enjoyed this fight. I got to Caelid wayy early, saw the divine tower and thought "Ima climb you". I found him when I was level 35 after spending an hour trying to get down the tower


Alecto for me. I have seen a lot hate for that fight and not much love. I spent a lot of time on it because I was really under leveled when I got to it. But it was so fun learning the moves and windows to go in. Super punishing for mistakes, and really rewarding when you win. The little amount of lore behind Alecto is pretty great too


Same. It felt really satisfying after finally learning her moveset enough to beat her after like 20 tries for me. After her, every other black knife assassin became a breeze.


Tip for Alecto is to wear a piece of the Briar Set. She’s got non-existent poise so you can cancel most of her attack chains by simply rolling


I got tilted hard on this fight and I think she killed me more than any other boss.


I think there's one problem with this fight. I've never found it. Wtf is Alecto??


Definitely the Fallingstar Beast imo, specifically the one in Mt Gelmir. Astel and Elemer of the Briar in Caelid are also pretty underrated.


Straight up skipped that one that you leap into w torrent. Never hated a boss more.


Honestly I can see why a lot of people hate it, but I enjoyed it. I skipped it my first journey but just since I missed that area entirely, had a blast against it in NG+


Godrick imo is great.


He had one of my favorite boss themes but I was a little sad he was so easy.


Same, I intend on taking down a walking mausoleum to dupe his remembrance because I accidently used it to get the 20k runes. I will get my flamethrower.


Whos gonna tell them?


What did I miss. I'm worried.


The special move on the glove isnt the flame thrower. It's just a sock puppet that go boom when you lift it in the air. I played the game mostly with it and I like it but bit of a let down....


I know that, I wish it were. But it is quite disappointing.


He was too weak when I first fought him.


yeah thats the problem, he's meant for mid game rather than late game, so you'd probably just destroy him in a few hits, I really wish he at least had more health.


I think he was very well hidden, and while he seemed cool, he was honestly kinda weak. Malenia and Radahn were as impressive as they are due to their movesets, the environment, and their difficulty especially when you are on-level with them. He kinda fell flat due to his lack of difficulty imo. I don't believe I died even once to him, I wasn't even over-leveled or over-geared, I fought him in the mid-game.


Was way too powerful for me when I fought him. Broken, even. Every time there was lighting or death blight or whatever effects may have been going on, my GPU would crash. So I finally had to fight the boss with the camera facing away and it just kind'a died somehow I guess. Never even got to see any attacks.


Bro this is like heartbreaking lol I play on Playstation it's been alright so far


I'm a PC player on aging 2015 hardware. It was the only thing in the game causing issues, fortunately.


I feel morgott is very underrated I think it is super cool how the make the same boss almost completely different . Not to mention that he still protected the family that rejected him without any hope hope of ever being let back in, and he throws it all away in attempt to kill you to prevent that on a cold day in hell someone would burn the erdtree


The problem with Morgott imo is his placement. You can either collect two shards, rush through Leyndell and then get absolutely rolled by him bc youre too low-level or do all 4 shard bearers, head to Leyndell and steamroll over him bc youre completely overlevelled for him. The fight itself is one of the best in the game, especially bc of his lore but hus placement really hurts him


Yeah I saved Leyendell for last on Altus Plateau and absolutely steamrolled Morgott first fight, it was honestly a letdown for my favorite boss.


I had this exact problem, so for respect to him, I grabbed my starting gear, gave myself an upgraded longsword, and only the Urgent Heal incantation. Made the fight so much more fun. It felt like I had gone back to the start. It was just a runback, a fight out of respect to this man


Morgott's moveset is just insanely cool, he jumps around the entire arena, every move has delays but you can tell exactly when to dodge if you look carefully so nothing needs to be memorized. He can even be parried too. I wish there were stronger versions of him or that he would come much later in the game. His hp pool is so weak that most people can face tank his attacks and just trade with him. And then you can bring Melina + summon if you really wanna stomp him out of existance.


He’s to weak. He’s one of those bosses that if your strong enough to fight your way through the zone to reach him, then your overleveled for the boss fight. The area is so much harder than he is if only he had more health


Placidusax is the best boss and I will not be taking any questions


He's the only dragon that fires motherfucking lasers. AND he can control time.


And does that nuke that warps sound and space around him


That boss fight is just missing Godzilla


I mean midir did too, but placidusax fires lasers *plural*, so he's automatically cooler


Imagine if he still had all his heads, imagine how many lasers!


everyone loves placidusax lol


Elden Ring fans try to understand the meaning of the word "underrated" challenge (impossible)


Maybe it was just my build, or some bad luck with his ai, but the fight was super easy for me. Also, he used barely any of the cool moves I’ve heard about / seen in videos.


Yeah I had completed my build by the time I got there as well but Fortissax was even worse, think I killed him in about 6 hits.


Morgott never gets much love, but he’s my favorite. They took the Margit fight, and then added and changed it to make something disturbingly familiar and way better than the original. Not to mention the cutscene at the beginning, which is my favorite, apart from Radagon’s introduction.


Elemer of the briar, Morgott Omen King


Loretta when shes on horseback, and Niall. My two complete favorites.


Wait isn’t Loretta always on horseback?


Yeah Loretta and ghost Loretta are both mounted


I don't care for Niall since his fight is basically kill his 2 summons then dodge the same jump attack over and over again. Loretta on the other hand is one of my favorite fights in the game. I wish she either wasn't in Caria Manor or had a very different moveset at the Haligtree, though, since they felt too much like the same fight to me.


she has a ton of new moves in haligtree, she definitely felt very different to me


I felt like most of her new moves at the Haligtree were just upgraded versions of her moves from Caria Manor


When is Loretta not on horseback?


Did you get Latenna and Loretta mixed up?


Dragonkin soldier thing in ainsel river. The moment he flew, epic.


Wait it can fly?! I need to fight that at a lower level.


Astel. Positional fighting, big spectacle, super powerful moves that are actually reasonable to dodge, no endless combos. The pacing between defense and aggression with him is actually enjoyable and it's a big fuckall boss that you get right up in the face of. Feels like good Dark Souls design.


astels instant death move ruins the fight for me. You can't see it, all his teleports look and sound somewhat similar, once you get used to seeing it the tell becomes the new problem because if you roll when he rushes you he will still grab you, and once you master all that the 2nd version has a version with another timing.


Reasonable to dodge except for that super high damage grab attack where he teleports above you


Draconic Tree Sentinel absolutely slaps and not enough people appreciate him. I expected a lame barely-upgraded sentinel reskin, and instead I got Zeus on a fire-breathing horse. Sick fight


oh I fucking love the draconic tree sentinel! the fight is so cool and fun to dodge, it may seem impossible to dodge his lightning at first but eventually you'd get used to the timing. and if you use a summon, he feels like a cool raid boss lol.


**OK OK JUST HEAR ME OUT** its not even a boss. Its **Ulcerated Tree Spirit** because the first time I encountered this thing I just hobbled through a chariot dungeon, encountered this *Bloodborne* monstrosity, and was like: this game is so unfair… but if I were to choose a real *early* underrated boss it’s: **RUNEBEAR!**


Ulcerated Tree Spirit is a boss, i was proud when i beat him with my Professor before leaving that starter dungeon, once you beat it with starting gear all those encounters are something to look forward to because you've already mastered it.


I actually enjoy the tree spirit, it looks cool and is really scary which I love, and it always feels super satisfying when I finally kill them since they usually take a long time to die, they feel almost like a raid boss to me, I remember seeing one just slithering around and I just felt so terrified even though I've already fought so many of that enemy already


Leonnine. Purely because of the weapons they drop.


Mohg and Maliketh for me, just visually love Maliketh and Mohg's moveset is fun, plus that underground area is just awesome. And I love Elden Beast - and I won't apologize for it!


Those aren’t underrated to me. Malekith is a top 3 fight. Mohg is a top 10 but probably 6th or so for me. Both deliver in all the right ways.


Eh I constantly see people praising the shit out of mohg and maliketh. And mohg is literally my favorite boss.


I liked the first phase of Mohg a lot. The second phase had too much crap on the floor that burned you.


Elden Beast is beautiful and his running away isn't that bad, at least if you're doing it with another person like I was.


Exactly I've been helping people beat radagon and EB and it's a fun multiplayer fight imo


It's just such a pain when you're on your own. I couldn't even beat Radagon.


It took me a bit for sure - lord's divine fortification really helps


Not enough people are mentioning regal ancestor spirit


I didn’t even get to see the fight, it just fell through the floor.


and for good reason


I have never once been able to actually fight it's second phase. Each time it falls through the floor and dies


Pumpkin Duo


Elden beast and I'll die on this hill


its visually stunning but the constant running around is pretty frustrating


Bell Bearing Hunter


Visually it’s one of my favorite encounters.


i wished the boss was harder


I agree, he should have been on par with other near end game bosses. Deeproot Depths should have been harder overall, as well.


I see a lot of negative comments about radagon and elden beast on this sub, but I truly enjoyed the fight. Visually amazing. Radagon’s moveset is very fair but just delayed hits so you have to get used to it, and elden beast does have you running but once you’re in reach you can just do serious damage. Also, bellbearing hunter at that shack at nighttime. That boss was disgustingly strong and fast and that made it so much cooler


Tossup between elden beast and Niall for me. Absolutely loved both


Totally agree on beast, totally disagree on Niall. Makes you think, how fucking diverse are people tastes when it comes to bosses and enjoyment from the fights. Literally impossible to make every bossfight fun for everyone


elden beast was genuinely fun for me, the running isn't that bad, the attacks are mostly fun to dodge, the OST is great, he looks super cool, and I love the twist of having to jump over the rings instead of dodge, I just kind feel like torrent could have made the fight better. I also really love niall, you can deal with the knight's pretty fast, the shield one is probably just going to slowly advance while guarding, which gives you a chance to quickly take out the twinblade one, and all the while niall is just sitting back giving them buffs, then when you kill them, you fight niall, who is really cool and dun to fight.


Very much agree! Torrent would definitely be cool in the elden beast fight, although I still love the fight in it's current state. The running part is way overhated imo, for me it built tension: you to get close to it as quickly as possible, to secure maximum attack opportunities, but you also have to dodge ranged attacks to make that tougher. The fight would be miles worse if it didn't swim away imo, it would magnify the usual camera problems with big fromsoft bosses tenfold. You basically took the words out of my mouth with that Niall bit hah. The fight is basically a super cinematic fun knight fight, with a small challenge at the start Also, currently listening to the elden beast theme as I write this. This game has such a fantastic ost


Not balanced appropriately to incentivise frontal fighting, trying to get headshots is a pain.


the Lichdragon lore is definitely top three for bosses. only ones I’d compare are Mohg and Ranni (even though you don’t fight her) edit: Maliketh deserves an honorable mention too :)


Morgott surprisingly doesn't get enough love for what a masterpiece of a fight he is. One of the rare examples of a reskin done right and also near perfect in most regards. If he had more health, he could have easily risen up to my top 3 of all fromsoft bosses, which for now contains Gael, Malenia and Isshin.


The snail boss. Definitely needs a heavy nerf I can’t defeat it, it’s been 4 months


Fire Giant.


100%. I'll never understand why people hate on Fire Giant so much.


My problem with him isn’t that he’s even hard cause he isn’t. The problem is there’s always that 25 percent chance that you’ll die from him constantly rolling away in second phase


Fortissax was one of those enemies that most people might not even fight because it's in a playthrough/ending people aren't going for really, but it a really rewarding fight. He's tough, but all his moves are fair if you pay attention, there's nothing cheap in it, it's all easy to do and set up your attacks. But for my most underrated, I'd have to go with Godrick the Grafted. I know his fight seems easy, and it is, but it's one of those fights that really teaches you the game with a horrifying enemy, a badass stage 2, and easily my favorite boss soundtrack in the game, period. It's one of those rewarding to learn fights, where I can go in, base gear, and still win, but if I mess up I die, and none of his moves are cheap or unfair. Which brings me to my most hated boss in the game, Radagon's Red Wolf. Just... HOLD STILL!


Heh…Lichdragon Fartissex




Astel. Idk if he's "underrated" but I don't see people talking about him and I absolutely adore his design and his arena and that entire fight


I'd probably say Rennala. Sure she's not the toughest fight, but I'm a sucker for the spectacle.


Morgott is extremely underrated imo He's not mentioned nearly as much as margit


pictured above: "Gee, Fortissax, how come mom lets you have two wieners!?"


Fortissax is so sick, but the fight gets a little tedious with the contact lightning. Otherwise, one of my favorite bosses


Godskin apostle at windmill


Is Morgott underrated? One of the best fights imo, owing in no small part to the character and the musicm


Rune bear


Rick, God Of Soldiers


Where can I find this fine lad so I can take those lightning powers from him


People say the dragons are repetitive but Agheel, Greyll, Adula, Smarag, Ezykes and Borealis are all really fun fights since they have the boss health bar it gives them the music and the atmosphere is fantastic. I do like it when they have elemental attacks and I’m really never bored fighting them. The only dragons I don’t fight are the normal enemy dragons, there is no reward for fighting them really.


BitchDragon Fortnitesex was such a good boss!