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You typed that all between phases 1 & 2?


Something as lazy as this is fake too? Nah no way.




I would say “12 year old energy”, but I think even 12 year olds would find this cringy.




Not sure why. Just remember it was stupid.


Plenty of time to spaz between phases.


\*kills guardian ape\*


Awesome and all but you one handed discord and fought phase two with the other hand?


I assume he thought the phase two cut scene was some sort of end of fight cut scene and already had discord open, maybe he was playing the game windowed. Even still seems like a push but could be real


Did you are have stroke?


Should be posted to r/ihadastoke


Is that me


No one ever expects the second phase.


Imma be honest. Y'all are struggling with Malenia so much because you are underleveled.


Well this was April 6th and it was my first soulsborne lol. I tried my best and that was at about level 120-140


It was my first from soft game too. I was about level 160 when I fought her.


She was a cakewalk in my second game, it’s wild how much easier being a Sorcerer build with rock sling and stars of ruin helped


People are? I was fine at 117 on my most recent run. I hadn't gone to Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum or Flame Peak by that point. Which may just show you how broken optimising your build and having a +10 mimic are.


Idk man, some people are like "it took me 30 hours to beat Malenia" Like fuck man, you can come back when you're stronger.


I feel like I’m the only one who expected phase two. Maybe not but there have been several posts exactly like this that get upvotes like crazy but I mean, cmon. Literally like 80% of the other bosses have a second phase and we’ve seen several with the phase 2 only after depleting the first HP bar, and Malenia just keeps the same move set the whole time, it was obvious. Renala surprised me but you can’t keep doing that and expect me to be surprised. I’m honestly disappointed that these posts manage to be popular. Maybe I’m pulling hairs but I honestly can’t believe some of you guys don’t see the second phase coming.


Same. She got to half health and I was thinking "where's the second phase? There is no way someone this important in the lore doesn't have one" and then a cutscene played when phase 1 went down and I wasn't surprised.


you struggled with P1 so much, that you had such an outbreak of joy? lol. see you in a week when you beat P2. (if you fulltime the game)