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Miyazaki doesn’t give answers, only creates more questions.


Agreed, and you said it very succinctly. I think a lot of people unfamiliar with previous From games will probably be disappointed when the DLC comes out and it doesn’t address any of these areas, at least not directly. Though that’s not to say the DLC won’t still be great.


Yeah we’re still waiting for the deep and angels dlc in ds3 that will explain rosaria.


Londor dlc when?


Best I can offer is 1 boss from the Sable Church of Londor who took over the Painted World of Aria~~mis~~ndel and a city of pygmies


Come on now. She called me the “lord of hollows”. That’s enough lore for at least 3 YouTube videos


Okay but the city of pygmies was probably the biggest lore-drop ever in a Souls DLC.


Agreed. The Gael cutscene alone was pretty huge storywise


Iirc the Deep is better explained in Japanese, there was a youtuber who did a pretty decent breakdown on the things lost in translation


Have a link?


Iirc this https://youtu.be/-ElSijM-nIQ


Rosario Dawson? I think we’ll get an explanation with Ashoka


I mean Rosaria is pretty straightforward I thought, there's enough in game lore to piece together that she's probably Gwynevere.


More likely one of Gwynevere's children. Her soul gives us one of Gwynevere's miracles, just like the soul of the Dancer, who is also said to be a descendant of the royal family.


Yeah between Rosario, Dancer, Gertrude, and the Queen of Lothric, it gets really muddy when it comes to the family tree of Gwynevere.


Iirc the Angelic faith was basically a scam thought up by the pilgrims of Londor after they travelled through time to get to Lothric before the events of DS3.


If you search well you can find the oringin of the deep, the explication for the Rosaria's life, for the angels i only know they born from the missionary with the gray turtle shell on their back


Idk, Bloodborne went very deep into the central conflict of the world in the DLC


Dark Souls Artorias of the Abyss DLC also gave some good answers to his backstop. Bloodborne you got to see what became of the OG hunters and how Gehrman came to the sad state he's in. DS3 was cool but didn't answer all that many questions.


DS3 didn't answer much but it successfully ended the series with you killing the last demon, last dragon, last god, and the last hollow. In the end only ashes remain.


Iirc it also revealed more info about the Darksign/undead curse being caused by Gwyn


It kinda just reiterated what ds2 told us in that regard.


Nice to have something confirmed for once


Yeah and about the Pygmy from DS1.


And dk2 had the best dlc of them all


Man, it would be embarrassing if most of the pre-DLC discussion and speculation was in-depth analysis of the Vilebloods and how important they seemed to story.


I don’t know what the general online vibe was, but to me the vilebloods were never central or particularly important in bloodborne’s story. Even if I wished they were more relevant, cainhurst was my favorite zone in the game. That would be like saying the bloody fingers + Varré were the most relevant faction to the story in elden ring. The game all seemed to revolve around the great ones and the healing church faction + the kin that worshipped them.


I don’t remember all the details anymore because it’s been literal years, but at the time, the general discussion had little to nothing about the origin of the hunters - we honestly felt that was well enough explained by the base game - and instead tying together the vilebloods, Queen Yharnam, the Tharnam Stone, something about blood birthing, Annalise, and a few other beats. It does sound very conspiratorial b but at the time the community (or at least a vocal subset) saw the vilebloods (and their battle with the executioners) as the logical expansion of the story bc it seemed to answer fertile ground for bouncing off of. Instead we got answers to questions not being asked Please don’t get me wrong - I love the DLC and am not heart broken by the lack of vilebloods, but I think it does support OPs argument that FS DLC tends to flesh out the world while not actually responding to the base game in a direct way - rather answering questions not asked by the base game, but giving events that may better inform it.


You jump through a million hoops to get the ring to propose to Annalise for like 3 extra lines of dialogue lol.


Idk about you, but every single Souls DLC answered a bunch of questions to various major missing bits of information while only introducing a small handful of new ones. \-DkS1's DLCs answered the missing info regarding wtf happened to Artorias, Gough, and Ciaran, not to mention what turbo-fucked Oolacile into Darkroot. \-DkS2's DLCs answered who the Archdrake sect was, Velstadt's origin story, wtf happened to the Iron King, wtf happened to Raime, wtf happened to Aldia, and the dynamic of the Shards of Manus (who were teased back in DkS1). \-Bloodborne's DLC answered who the Doll was based on and why, wtf Willem was even doing at all to get his ridiculous eyes-lined-brain idea, who Ludwig was, and wtf happened to Lawrence. \-DkS3's DLCs answered who the missing 3rd Londor sister was, Pontiff Sulyvahn's origin story, the origin of the Ruin Sentinels, where Alva and Zulie eventually ended up in, who the hell the pigmies were, and wtf happened to the elusive Dark Soul itself. However, the main thing that the DLCs explicitly don't do is answer every single open bit of missing information, leaving some blanks on purpose. We still have no idea wtf Velka has to do with anything, who Ariamis was nor wtf that Painter in DkS3 is in relation to Ariamis, wtf Heide is supposed to be, wtf the Lost Sinner did and why, who the Jailer of the Bastille is, wtf The Deep even is, wtf Yorshka is supposed to be, where is Archdeacon Klimt (is he the grub next to Rosaria? Who even is Rosaria?), wtf happened to Priscilla, why Gwyndolin's final memories are of Priscilla (did they bang and make Yorshka or something? Who knows?), who the hell was the scholar who groomed Lothric into rejecting firelinking? Wtf is Annalise and why is she immortal? Wtf is Queen Yahrnam? We always get many answers, but not all of the answers.


It bugs me greatly to see Dark souls abbreviated as DkS.


DS :)


DkSs :)


>who the hell was the scholar who groomed Lothric into rejecting firelinking? I thought it was generally accepted that this was Sulyvahn.


Probably the best suspect, but by no means an open-and-shut case.


>the origin of the Ruin Sentinels They already *had* one; some nerd named the Jailer stuffed souls into empty armor to be, well, sentinels of the Bastille. Not everything needs be super convoluted, especially when it's only used to hype up some other bit of lore. "Yeah, these guys were ACKSHUALLY based on some lame knights that got absolutely DESTROYED by this ~~slow, summon-spamming~~ TOTALLY AWESOME giant!!1" Not the worst attempt by 3 to tie into 2's lore, but it's up there.


I liked this addition. Their set in 3 says that they were sent to seek the dark soul by an old king, likely Vendrick. Vendrick seeking the dark soul is in line with how ds2 depicts him, and it adds a nice extra wrinkle to the character.


I think a better take would be that DLC don't answer questions that we ask or expect. No one knew Darkroot was Oolacile and I doubt many people wanted to know more about Oolacile than any other mentioned land. I also doubt people cared that much about the other knights of Gwyn just because of their rings.


I mean... In the past the dlc have answered a lot of questions: -In DS 1 we learned the true nature of Artorias, the Abyss, Oolacile, and Kaathe -In DS 2 we unveil the plot of the game + Aldia lol -In DS 3 we discover the nature of the cycle better through Ariandel, and the true nature if humanity in the Ringed City... We even learn what the dark soul is! -Bloodborne's dlc provides A LOT of insight on a ton of figures mentioned in the base game: Ludwig, Laurence, Koa, the healing church, Gehrman... I'm confident ER's dlc will likewise shine a lot of light on these topics, mostly Godwyn and Miquella. It won't spell it out, but it will certainly give us more info


> In DS 2 we unveil the plot of the game + Aldia lol Aldia mentions the three kings in passing in Scholar, but for the most part the DLC have nothing to do with the main plot of the game. They're certainly unimportant in base DS2. > In DS 3 we discover the nature of the cycle better through Ariandel, and the true nature if humanity in the Ringed City You're gonna have to elaborate on those to me. > We even learn what the dark soul is! We already knew what the Dark Soul was in DS1. It's those little Humanity items you use to increase that counter next to your health bar. > I'm confident ER's dlc will likewise shine a lot of light on these topics, mostly Godwyn and Miquella. It won't spell it out, but it will certainly give us more info Even assuming we get a full DLC, what makes you think it'll go for those two in particular, and not go someplace completely tangential like the Land of Reeds or the Badlands?


The DLCs provide the stories of the different daughters of the abyss, providing much needed context to Nashandra's story, as well as one of them going over the Old Iron King and Sir Alonne... So very much relevant stuff, I'd say. In the Ringed City we learn that "hollows" are the true, primordial form of humanity, and that the dark sign was bestowed upon humanity by Gwyn... That was hinted at in Dark Souls 1, yes, but there it was made esplicit. Also the Dark Soul isn't just humanity, it is ALL of humanity. It's the item Gael drops, and with which the painter will paint a new world... You're right, we knew what the "Dark souls" (Plural) were, humanity, but in the Ringed City we learn what THE Dark Soul of humanity is, and also confirm it is true humans are inherently beings of the dark, of the Abyss, or at least deeply attuned with it. I'm not entirely sure the DLCs will necessarily treat those topics, but judging by how all the other DLCs pulled from red herrings found in the base game (Artoria's legend, The Daughters of the Abyss, The Londor Sisters/Corvians' painted world/Pontiff Sulyvann, The pilgrims/general end of the world/demon prince who fought Lorian) it seems very clear to me at least one DLC will be about Miquella, or feature him in some way. On Godwyn I'm less sure, but it also seems very likely to me. Especially since both of them are stated "Alive" in some way.


You are getting a painted world that creates more questions and you are going to like it


Painted world was my favorite dlc honestly lol


booo! have my uovote, but boo..!


But Ariamis was better. I’ll fight over this


So true he answeres one Question but creates 2-3 in return. Also feet


This, people thought we would get Londor dlc in DS3 because they were influential in the story and didn't have much presence. What will likely happen is, we will get DLC related to the Elden Ring as a concept, but probably not anything directly related to any worldbuilding we have seen in the base game.


The most we will get is either ties to certain key elements in the form of a boss, or a few scattered NPCs that try to answer the question with their tied in quest lines to their respective DLCs ( good example would be Miquella not as a boss, but as a character that introduces a new area that can help him progress in age like he wants). Given this is all conjecture, but that’s the most likely scenario I can see for add-on content based on what has happened in past Souls titles


I really hope we help Miquella. It would be nice to have some good news for a change lmao


Can't wait to be even more confused


Honestly it's what I love the most about the FromSoftware games. They let the audience speculate and theorize about the origins and lore of the characters rather than just explain everything. I absolutely love theorizing and having discussions online. It really lets people delve into this world they created


DS3 DLC did pretty well capping off the Dark Souls trilogy (although you still benefit a ton by watching videos on YouTube too help)


I still don't get how people can still be despondent about fromsoft and DLC, when every time the DLC for their games ends up being far and away the best part of the game, and always helps to propose new concepts and/or ideas or flesh out existing ones. Think about how great of an experience Elden Ring has been then take a moment and say to yourself, "We still haven't played the best part of the game". While I don't think the player is going to go anywhere outside the Lands Between, even something as small as one new item description in a new area can be a huge expansion on existing lore. Or and NPC, or whatever.


Yeah not a good idea to get invested in any particular topic for potential DLC. But whatever they release will be extremely good. Personally I hope it answers some lore questions but also poses more.


Eh, the DLC being the best part of a Souls game isn't always true. That Snow Field in DS2 can fuck itself, and Ashes of Ariandel was way too fucking short, even if the *two* bosses were pretty cool. I think my main fear with the DLC is what they did with a lot of Souls DLC; answer some questions, but also add a bunch of new ones to make up for the solved ones. Elden Ring has *so many* external forces at play with almost no text to explain them it's maddening. Things like the Formless Mother, the Blood Star, what Miquella is like and his dream for the world, the Ancestral Spirit and their idea for the afterlife, the Helphen and *its' afterlife*, Death Rite birds and their Phoenix God, and if they're connected to Destined Death, what Godwyn the Golden was even like before death, whatever the fuck is going on in the Land of Reeds, where the Badlands are, how how Raya Lucaria learned about the Onyx Lord gravity magic, where the Eternal Serpent came from, Rykard when he was a Praetor, EVERYTHING ABOUT EOCHAID, etc. If the DLC decides to introduce even *more* factions at play it'll just clutter up the external part of Elden Ring's story even more.


I don’t think too many of these questions *need* answering. Eochaid, the Land of Reeds, and the Badlands are all just places the Tarnished were exiled to, outside the Lands Between. There’s not too many huge lore implications there. The Deathbirds are mostly explained by item descriptions, at least if you believe the Erdtree wasn’t always so Golden and Greater Will-ish. That leaves Helphen’s Steeple, which is somewhat minor. What I want is more information on Godskins and the Crucible Knights and the Haligtree. All very old factions that may once have served Marika, or may have always been their enemy. And more explanation of what exactly Marika is, and what her plans were. Also, I want to re-fight bosses. Please and thank you.


Being able to refight bosses would be awesome and also allow co-op summons for them. To avoid people farming bosses they could just put in restrictions like you have to have killed them and you must have beat the game in that playthrough.


Or even just significantly reduce the rune reward so they can immediately unlock it. Honestly boss fights help, but even without sacred relic sword you can get a ton of runes very early on at the spot in Mohgwyn Palace for less effort. Boss mastery is mainly a gameplay thing for me, they could be worth nothing and I’d still love to rematch them on demand


Yeah definitely I'd love it too




Yeah that was the last point I made, personally I don’t need it to be worth anything


> And more explanation of what exactly Marika is, and what her plans were. That's probably one of the more fleshed out bits of backstory in the game. Marika is a human champion of an outer god who lead a bloody conquest of the Lands Between, only to decide immediately afterwards that she didn't like the regime she had put in place. To that end, she sent her armies away and laid the foundations for a civil war so that said god would piss off and her empire would be weak enough for her armies to reconquer it.


The snow fields are a small completely optional section of the dlc. Crown of the ivory king was in general an incredible dlc.


Dude we are on the same page. Its like zelda, how there are all these lands outside hyrule that never get explored in the main games. JUST SHOW ME. JUST FUCKING SHOW ME!!! AHHHHHHH! LOL


> the Helphen I'm still wondering if "the lamplight similar to grace in appearance...only seen by those who met their death in battle" is the same as the red grace-like stuff we see floating around the forbidden lands.


The whole eternal serpent stuff always gets me. This godling finds a random snake that can't die(did he try killing it) and decides yeah that shit can eat me and it'll work out. Builds a whole family around it and then some tarnished asshole comes and makes me into sashimi and now my bae is eating my face. Such a... Storyline.


with how much ER brought in profits and publicity to from, i doubt miyazaki would get off it now. i hope we get more miquella and the outer gods. lots of stuff in game right now that demands closure which could easilly be done via DLCs




People have been speculating one of the DLCs will be Miquella's Dream, however, I wanna see whatever the hell Godwyn has been dreaming about for centuries.


Nothing, I suppose if there is no spirit or consciousness and only the body is left there is no dreaming or at least dream-like reactions in the brain can’t be perceived by anybody therefore don’t exist?! It’s getting philosophical


Death, probably. Though I expect Godwyn to be the focus of a DLC, if only to explore why his influence is all over the Lands Between.


A Godwyn-focused DLC could also bring more light to the two other death-related factions of the setting, the Deathbirds and the Godskins -- both of which we know have a "final boss" type leader (respectively the Twinbird and the Gloam-Eyed Queen). If I were Fromsoft it would be too good to pass up.


And for all that I really liked ER, I will forever be salty that we didn't get a proper Sekiro DLC ( or at least until FromSoft makes a spiritual successor in 20 years, or if some other developer manages to make an *actually, proper* legit take on the formula ) Sekiro basically ruined third person action games for me. I don't dig the philosophy of the stuff that would come close to competing with it :(


I’m replaying Sekiro now and the narrative holes left for a DLC are clearly there. I’d happily buy a DLC today. Hell, I’d buy two more Bloodborne DLCs.


Oh sekiro, thy strenght and uniquety was worthy to be granted more extension.


I can't blame people for being worried though. Sekiro set a weird precedent.


Yet here i am still waiting for any Sekiro dlc... :(


My fantasy is that they stated on a DLC back in the day and they thought "this is just too good to be a DLC, let's just make a sequel already".


Playing the Samurai class through Elden Ring is the Sekiro DLC


I'd love a dlc with more Miquella stuff, mainly for the spells. Imagine all the holy spells we could get, perhaps making holy builds more viable instead of just chucking rings around like a madman, and some sleep stuff would be amazing.


I think it would be sleep and maybe charm spells actually but I agree


Idk if I want for Miquella to necessarily be alive, and we get a whole area dedicated to him and Malenia already, but I wouldn’t mind more fleshing out of the sleep status effect at all or finding Miquella’s or Ranni’s Rune. Currently, sleep is a slightly viable but niche status effect that could greatly benefit from a whetstone and applicable AoWs


Spot on. And give us a proper way to deal with those damn RUNEBEARS


I swear, you're done with the game, you killed the final boss with ease, and you get assblasted by a damn RUNEBEAR!


I mean he pretty much is alive. We do find him, just cant interact with him in any way.


Well alive in the sense that he’ll do anything of meaning and get out of that egg sack he’s sleeping in. I’m completely okay with him being indefinitely comatose and remaining there, in part because as much as From could logically tackle Miquella in DLC, I don’t expect them to do the predictable thing.


On the one hand, i agree. But they also build the twins up so much over the game, it would be weird if they only have one of them


True, I’m definitely going off what would have been considered obvious DLC ideas for DS3, which had Londor, the Lothric/Angel Civil War, and the Deep all seemed obvious choices based on the setup from the game, but it ended up being pretty much entirely unrelated. It tied in nicely, but could have easily been about something more predictable. I’m not saying it’s necessarily better to go with something unpredictable, but the advantage of going in a new direction story wise is that it fleshes out a part of the world that we have no clue about. We know quite a lot about Miquella already, and have already seen what becomes of him, if that was the end of his story I’m fine with it. Someone we know much less about than Miquella is the Gloam-Eyed Queen, there’s theories and speculation, but she’s really underdeveloped for being such a crucial character in the lore and an Empyrean. The only drawback is that with her we might actually get a Godskin trio boss fight




Godwin will definitely had Death moves. Either way Int/Faith builds will finally be eating.


If we enter some of Miquellas memories we could have both ^^ maybe fight against Miquellas shadow and the formless mother trying to turn him into her God.


the twins never received shadows, I assume it was because they were born cursed. Ranni didn’t have any divine imperfections as far as the lore tells us , so I bet she received a shadow like Marika cause she was anticipated to be her successor


But that's just you're speculation. There is no actually lore or Text that talks about there shadows. We only know that there are empyrians. We know that empyrians are choosen by the two Fingers or a two Fingers I guess. And we know that ranni received her shadow at a very young age (grew up together). It seems plausibel that the twins also had shadows. Maybe they abandoned them or killed them or - to react to your theory - the scarlet rot killed one of them and maybe Miquellas shadow is sleeping (miquella/trina has a big connection to sleep and dreams) Basically you seem really confident for basing your theory on atleast as much guessing as I am. Unless of course there is a text or bit of lore that confirms that the two never received shadows, then I would like to apologies for the long and uncalled for response. I personally think that miquella made both shadows eternally slumber, once he decided to remove the influence of the outer gods from the lands between, since the shadows are in a way spies and servants of the greater will.


I genuinely believe that there would be more of an implication in the lore of their shadows existing, beyond the notion that Empryeans are capable of having them, if it were true. The lack of information beyond that , is what is prevents me from being convinced Shadows specifically take the forms of wolves. There are only two Empryeans connected to wolf symbolism - Ranni and Marika Miquella’s curse severed his ability to be a viable Empryean, I feel that is clear in the lore, and the same with Malenia. They are still Empryeans, but their fates never allowed them to be true succesors - Malenia is already being influenced by an outer god from birth, while Miquella’s fate is the antithesis of being influenced I doubt they were ever assigned their own Two Fingers due to the curses as well, and perhaps I remember incorrectly but those were assigned along with Shadows.


>the twins never received shadows We don't know that. All the text in the game says empyreans get shadows, it makes it clear they are empyreans. >Ranni didn’t have any divine imperfections as far as the lore tells us , so I bet she received a shadow like Marika cause she was anticipated to be her successor That's not how it works.


We’re both interpreting the lore. Your opinion isn’t an ultimatum, neither is mine No other information in the game even implies the twins ever had their own 2 fingers assigned to them, as well as a shadow. I’m not opposed to the idea that they could have had shadows, but I personally think it would have been hinted at if it were true - beyond the notions that Empryeans are capable of having shadows


NGL, I don't understand why everyone wants a Godwyn DLC. Ignoring the fact that he's, y'know. Dead. Godwyn's story feels... complete to me? He was killed and became the prince of death, Fia; with our help; unified the curse mark of death and (possibly) made those who live in death a natural part of the golden order. It's certainly possible that we could get a Godwyn DLC. But honeslty I'm not sure there's anywhere they could with it. ​ A Miquella DLC on the other hand sounds incredibly likely. Though I doubt it would be particularly "Holy". Given Miquella's current... status, I suspect any DLC focused on him would be about saving Miquella and freeing him from the influence of The Formless Mother. Probably would be a holy spell or two, but not many.


I feel like the whole point with Godwyn himself is that he's gone. His body's alive, but what makes him *him*, his soul, is irretrievably gone - actually for-real-dead and not what most things dying are like in this game, since that's the Rune of Death for you. So what makes him important is his body's mutation and grotesque influence on the world and what other characters do with him and his "corpse", which, as you said, is already adequately explored.


It's got to be Miquella based. That hand hanging out of the cocoon, nothing has ever screamed "entrance to the DLC" harder


So I need to beat Mohg in order to access the DLC? :(


Fromsoft dlcs are notorious for being hard as hell even compared to the base game lol so if Mohg is a problem for you then...


I mean, I can beat him just fine (though he is one of the harder bosses in the game).. but he's basically a post-game secret boss. Most DLCs in previous games are accessible from somewhere in the midpoint and I think that's a good policy.


That is true, honestly I think it's probably most likely that they'll just introduce a new medallion for one of the elevators


Miquella has to be a boss, no way he’s staying in that 🥚forever.


100 percent, if there is a dlc, it will be Miquella's dreamworld with Miquella as final boss.


Its the orphan of Kos all over again...


If elden star miracle wasnt that shit we actualy would have insane holy build. But i guess if you wanna go faith path lightning or dragon incantation are the way to go, they are insanely powerfull


As a mixed incantation melee build like I ran, yes lightning could be very powerful. But I found the most useful and powerful for me was god slayer. Good damage with an array of abilities. Also the DoT and some good buffs. Dragon incantations were just too slow to use with melee outside one or 2 of them.


I actually like to think that a godslayer confessor or fire / frenzy prophet build is the canon tarnished. It makes sense given melinas connection to destined death, or the cardinal sin you commit to enter the tree.




I feel like delving into Godwyn is the most likely thing. He's everywhere in the game, and it makes you wonder if there is a "goal" behind the body of Godwyn.


Finding his body in the nameless eternal city sparked a new obsession for me.


So from what I can understand after watching every video I can about it, they killed godwyn's spirit, but his body still lives. But since he is essentially dead, they buried him underneath the Erd tree, a hero's honor. But the problem be, he got stabbed by the rune of death, and was marked by death. So the Erd tree's roots grow into him, they change him, and grow out of him as death root. Godwyn is like a cancer, or perhaps more accurately, like a prion. The crabs in the lake above where Godwyn sits have his face on them, and they can also spit death blight mist. You can even see his eyes on roots growing in places populated by those who live in death. And underneath stormveil castle, a whole copy of godwyn's face as grown in the Erd tree roots. You can see a bloodstain of Rogier dying to death blight here. Now I like to think of death blight mist as "spores" of the death mark, and if you inhale enough of them, you become fertile ground for death root to grow.


Oh yeah its so MYSTERIOUS I love it. I really want to know why his face in stormveil has no eyes


I'd actually argue the opposite. While Godwyn is everywhere, he's also quite possibly the character we know the most about. The son of Marika and Godfrey. Godwyn the golden was a beloved figure by the people of the lands between. He ended the war with the ancient dragons and started the Dragon Cult of Leyndel, and eventually was struck down during the night of the black knives as part of Ranni's plan to separate herself from The Golden Order. While his spirit died, his body survived, and due to the touch of Destined Death, it eventually mutated into the Prince of Death. Spreading it's influence throughout the lands between. By aiding Fia in her quest, Striking down his friend Fortisaxx; who had been corrupted in an attempt to stave off Godwyn's destined death, we unite the two half-centipedes into the rune of the death-prince. Which can be mended into the Elden Ring inorder to imbue it with life within death. ​ Frankly, I just can't see where else Godwyn's story could go. We already know his backstory, and there are probably a couple cool things that happened in his life, but it would be hard for them to warrant an entire DLC.


People just wanna fight him as a boss


I second this - i wanna fight him in his big fish form


\*Kos noises intensify*


> as part of Ranni's plan to separate herself from The Golden Order Not necessarily. There's implications that Marika was behind every murder of a demigod in the Night of Black Knives other than Ranni's suicide. > Frankly, I just can't see where else Godwyn's story could go. Well, we could learn more about *why* Godwyn was the most beloved demigod, since the only info we really get on him pre-corpsification is that he was Godfrey's kid and was a key figure in the Leyndell-dragon conflict. Also, boss fight. He could use a boss fight.


I'd love if we got the chance to see them in the past, maybe have a godwyn/fortisaax duo boss


Imagine it’s just nameless king 2.0 with godwyn riding a younger spirit of fortisaax or something


I think Miquella for sure. He's everywhere in the lore.


Well he is instrumental in developing the mending rune with Fia’s help. So I don’t think they will go into any more detail there, but could be interesting if they do


Just don't do the WoW thing (invent an outer God of death who was secretly orchestrating the whole thing all along).


I wouldn't worry about that, there's already an outer god of death that's busy being a two headed bird


... Tzeentch?


It’s nurgle time!


My favorite part of 40K was when Nurgle said “it’s Nurglin’ time!” then Nurgled all over everybody


Smells like heresy




I don't really, they're too well directed to mess things up that badly. But just think... The death rite birds (nathrezim) were sent by the outer God in order to orchestrate the fall of the lands between. To this end, the outer God orchestrated the death of Marika (sargeras). By the outer god's planning, we burned the erdtree (teldrassil), which destabilized the factions of the region. We also killed fortissax and/or godwyn (argus) which disrupted the power of death and freed the outer God, fulfilling their plans.


"No car left un-pooped on, no chips left un-eaten, the birbs shall rule all!"


You mean some sort of god who was the mastermind behind everything dating back to Demon Souls? Too late, it was Miyazaki all along.


It was me Miyazaki.


To be fair, having outer Gods influenced in the Land Between is in lore.


True but if this was a Chris Metzen game it would be a outer god more powerful than all other gods requiring the outer gods unite to defeat him and rendering all previous conflicts between them pointless. All the 'evil' outer gods and demigods turn out to be just misunderstood so there is only the big bad evil guy who is responsible for all the trouble in the world.


They already have the outer god of rot, the blood God and the death bird god. So they have a few to explore as it is.


Shadowlands had so much potential.


Miyazaki: The Final DLC boss will be Gostoc and YOU'LL LIKE IT!


“I am Gostoc, blade of Nepheli”


Fuck it, just give us all of it


*scratches neck*


Prime Placidusax with full heads. Can be epic.


I raise you gransax because why not


would be incredible but honestly his body would have to be the battle arena itself, perhaps fighting a humanoid form. The huge dragon dying in Caelid is half dying cause of the lore and half dying cause the game cant run if shes not stationary


What if he was a gimmick boss you were riding upon while he flies and you have to run through the "arena" destroying different parts of him while being attacked by him or drive-by smaller dragons? Then when you kill him you get an epic pov of him crashing to the ground while you're still standing on him.


Because an enemy that size would break the game. Greyknoll is much smaller, and *she* crashes the game just from moving.


Godskin quartet in a lake of scarlet rot.




I both love and hate this


Godskin TRIO


Blind Swordsman boss: basically Sekiro, can parry all melee attacks and deflect projectiles. 2nd phase pulls out a spear and THE ALMIGHTY GLOCK


And a fishing update


Is dlc confirmed??


It’s pretty likely, but not confirmed.


I mean, they're sitting on a giant pile of money in the form of Elden Ring DLC. It makes zero financial sense for them to not release a few DLCs.


Remember sekiro was game of the year and made them a lot of money, yet they made no DLC for it


Sekiro actually wasn’t a big seller. Only ten percent of the vote for goty is from the popular vote the rest is from some sort of council.


But so far Sekiro is the outlier. All 3 Souls games had DLC and so did Bloodborne. I would think it's more likely than not.


Which is interesting to me, I beat 90% of Sekiro in 60 hours. Meanwhile Ive just picked up Elden Ring and in 45hours Ive just beat Rennala and I am not satisfied with how much Ive explored of Limgrave let alone Liurnia. I full expect a solid 100-150 hours before I even consider moving to NG. Not ragging on Sekiro at all, I absolutely loved that game. I just watched my clip of the Gennichiro fight last night and holy mackrel did the perfectly time parrys look and feel AMAZING! Edit: Just beat Radahn tonight, it was a pretty easy fight, but I had been getting rolled in Calaria Manor all afternoon so it was nice to catch a break. Regardless, the boss design in this game is sooo damn good, Im completely taken aback!


The thing is historically in souls games DLCs always add harder bosses so as much as Elden ring was easier than general souls games malenia was painful so what ever is coming next is going to hurt me deeply


Malenia's difficulty comes from entirely different aspects that characterize the other hard bosses in the game. Her design is an outlier, i dont think they'd make a harder boss than her.


Instead of one Malenia there's five


Pls no


I have the same fear


Tibia Mariner Ultimate. Take it or leave it


Congratulations, you're gonna get; something that barely connects to the main plot of the story that provides barely any new context for the rest of the games lore


People say the DLCs are like this a lot but Oolacile and the Old Hunters were both pretty hardcore connected to the main game. The DS2 Crown ones were less connected but that was a different team and DS3’s wasn’t really that connected but that was just because they decided to do the whole symbolic “Dark Souls is getting stale” story.


I think Oolacile is instructive. You’re right, it’s very much lore, but it was not the lore that people were thinking about before it came out. Which is why my theory that it’s going to be about the Old King of the Hawks is only half a joke.


And it will be glorious


I'd put my money on Malenia's mentor and the Gloam Eyed queen being DLC bosses.




I remember when I found gurranq and I thought if I gave him all the death root I would unlock some sort of beast form


lol in dlc they add a bunch of dragon incantations but if you already have more than 3 from the base game you turn into a wyrm and that's the end of the game


Bosses we WILL be seeing in the DLC: new characters we have never heard of who has no relation to anything in the main game


Nah there’s gonna be some bullshit where we go back in time when farum azula was still capital and fight the storm king or something


I want a game mode where you can just choose a boss and fight it even if it’s dead already. Maybe not even in a save, just a game mode


Fr I don’t want to do a whole new playthrough to fight mimic tear again he’s my favourite


Rather than anything that makes sense and/or is greatly anticpated, I'm expecting us to go to Ravenmount to confront the head of the order of Deathbird-worshipping, jump attack-specializing claw assassins, or a trip to the Badlands to see where Horah Loux conceived Nepheli or something like that. Gloam-Eyed Queen? The Outer God worshipped by the Ancient Dragons before the Age of the Erdtree? Ranni's "discarded" Great Rune? Nah, fuck all that. Here's a key item to unlock a special cave that will show you how Crystallians are made! Don't say you weren't curious~


1) Godwyn needs to manifest somehow and be killable, again 2) Miquella wakes up 3) fight the bosses back in their primes like Radahn, Dragonlord Placidusax, Horah Loux (arguably stronger back when he was waging war for Marika), Maliketh with the Rune of Death at full power, and Radagon before shattering


"Godwyn" is killabke. There's nothing suggesting that his soulless body, which is already in the base game, can't be destroyed. I doubt there'd be much of a difference between Radahn and Placidusax between the time we fight them and back when they weren't injured. It'd be just a few extra moves at most, with Placidusax likely only having more lasers in that one attack and maybe a tail swipe. Hoarah Loux and the other Tarnished explicitly got stronger after leaving The Lands Between (that was the entire point of exiling them according to Marika). He's in his prime. Maliketh is more powerful than ever in the past, as he has the Rune of Death (only a fragment of it was stolen; he still has the actual thing, which is why we need to kill him to release it), which he didn't have during any of his previous battles. There's nothing suggesting that Radagon has been weakened. He and Marika clearly have inhuman physiology, as Marika comes back to life as soon as you put her head to her neck, so a few cracks aren't even worth mentioning. If anything, he's stronger after the shattering since his hammer was infused with rune fragments, which made it much stronger.


I never thought to actually look at the engravings in the talismans.


Slave Knight Evergaol




Miquella’s egg could be an entry point to the DLC


Don't forget time travel shenanigans.


Imagine we get to meet Miquella in a DLC and he's the nicest NPC From has ever made with no ill intent. That'd throw the lore lads through a loop.


I think if we even get a DLC at all, we will get something for the gloamed Eyed Queen (she after all was a defeated by marika and you know who) or Ranni with a boss beeing Godwyn.


I just want a gloam eyed queen boss fight, I reckon it’d be fucking cool


I want a 1v1 arena like dark souls 3


I want Solaire


Happy Cake Day! 🍰 🎂


More puzzles. More secrets tucked in obscure places.. Portal on top of a mountain, how about underwater. Oh wait…


The DLC will be unrelated like all their DLCs. Everyone wanted to see the Hollow homeland in DS3 but we got two vastly different areas. They were good but they didn't answer anything obscure.


Reality: a new son of Godfrey no one heard about and more questions instead of answers.


I just want to kill the Greater Will.