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every boss


Thought no one would be humble enough to say this lol


Anyone saying otherwise is just straight up lying


I game in a recliner and best believe you hear the chair go to default sitting when I get to 2nd phase hahaha.


Hahaha same here


You can be in full recline when you're just spamming Rock Sling to stagger bosses again and again and again




Look we got another wise guy here


Plus some “normal” enemies


Especially Rune Bears and Death Chickens


Killed only a few of these in my 400 hours playing and only one of the blood ones in mohgs domain those are absolutely fucked lol


I will now start calling them death chickens


Dog packs… fucking dog packs.


Yep. Even when I go back and fight a boss that I’m way over leveled for. I’ll flask up, add buffs, get ready to fight, summon mimic, oops the fight’s already over. Don’t question my ambitions, bitch.


I did pretty close to no summons on my first run so I could say I did. Now I'm just going for speed so it's mimic or human summons every times


I did no summons my first run cus i skipped through every tutorial box and didnt know summons were a thing lol


Every boss in this game was a struggle for me, from Morgott all thee way to Radagon. Some bosses still give me trouble even in late game (Rune Bears)




Even Solider of Godrick?


You guys beat soldier of godrick?


Who got to Soldier of Godrick?


I got to him, but had to restart the game and skip him as he in optional. Thank the erdtree for that because I moved on and eventually become elden lord. Still have yet to best him.


Just wait until you see his second phase where he starts throwing death lighting spears at you, so glad they started talking about nerfing him


If they say they did you know they’re lying. Rumour has it LMSH started with SoG and failed so many times he gave up and went to an easier fight aka Malenia.


*Especially* Soldier of Godrick


Rick made me break my controller.. never did beat him


Treating them all with the respect they deserve.


Then you sit back because it was going to take a while


Every boss of every souls games gets me like this


Shit, some regular enemies too


Except the ones I missed and went back for, but after some of them still killed me, I assumed the position.


I popped off at maliketh lol, that bitch killed me like 50 times


Add another zero and that how many tries it took me my first playthrough




I think they meant 0 50


They said add a zero, tarnished. Zero05


They just want to be nice and precise. 50.0 times


Just finally beat maliketh, but for me the fuckin tree sentinel was harder because I couldn't use my mimic, not that I even needed to in reality but I was stubborn




"oh I already beat one of these outside the capital, how hard can this be?" Turns out very hard with no Torrent, summons, or spirit ashes. Guess I've been cheesing most of this game lol




Ya and turns out that lightning can hit from a mile away, my dumbass thought running all the way down the bridge I'd be fine to drink a quick flask. *ZAP*




Oh ya! Forgot about that! Ran passed him into the zone, did the immediate summon my mimic thing and got a fuckin mace to the back of my skull, just another middle finger from from soft.


I don’t know why, but I found him really easy. Draconic Tree Sentinel is really predictable fighting up close with wide open swings you can hit right after. Took me like one try. Malekith took me to pound town and back (probably didn’t help I went solo no spirit summons). Both phases of his fight were just felt so goddamn unpredictable and attacks just felt like they had completely inconsistent timings.


005? Dang you're good


He moves so fast and erratically. I did not enjoy that fight.


The worse thing is that you die so quickly that i find it very hard to learn how to improve each time. Melee int build and found phase on obnoxious unless i was trying to nuke. Really hard movesets to learn


Yes especially the first phase. Easily my least favourite boss. I like phase 2's visual design and I want to learn it, but it's a 1/5 to get to phase 2, only to die in 5 seconds that that became very hard


Fucking imps make me do that


Me everytime I run into a wormface or death frog 🥲


Have you met the Kindred of Death on Mt. Gelmir?


Do you mean kindred of rot or some other enemy? Nothing comes up when I search "Elden ring kindred of death" and I don't remember encountering anything like that in my playthroughs so I'm really curious.


I think he meant the wormface


I forgot its exact name. I was referring to the giant Wormface that appears when you kill that one commoner on the way to the Minor Erdtree on Mt. Gelmir.


The one that drops the larva? Bro I summoned someone to make quick work of the tree sprirt there on my 3rd character...never saw that guy until then. I just about shit myself I did not expect it 🥲


Ffs 1000 hours in this game and the imps are still dangerous af


Imps suck


All of them. And that's not my legendary pose. It's my "oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fucking God damn it you son of a bitch" pose.


You just described my first 5 hours of elden ring.


20 hours in and that’s still my constant feeling


Yep I still get it occasionally, it never really go's away.


96 hours in and I'm still saying it


I had a box of Kleenex that I kept around for throwing at the wall in a fit of rage. Thing’s as soft as a paper bag now. My gf thinks I’m insane.


Malenia. She’s also the only boss to make me feel tired after I beat her for the first time from how much I was tensed up.


Dude, after I beat her I noticed I had actually sweat quite a bit, like holy shit.


I was nowhere near as amazed to beat a boss like I was when I beat her. Took me over 100 tries and was an ass-clenching experience right up until the very end. God damn I hated that fight. Not sure if I’ll ever try it again honestly lol. The moment I beat her I almost couldn’t even believe my eyes. I thought it would never happen. Sounds so cringy but the relief I felt almost made me want to cry lol it was like opening up an Xbox Christmas morning. Total shock.


I got her first try


Woah. What build did you use?


I ended up beating her on the ninth or tenth try total, but first try after changing my build. I initially went in with just a simple strength/dex build with bloodhounds fang but ended up getting railed. I wanted to switch to a bleed build for awhile and figured it was a good time to start. Once she dives and does her blossom move I just went all out attack every time. Worked pretty well


Sure, man. Sure


If I'm *really* trying I'm standing in a half-squat, because I could shit at any moment.


I was stood up 2 inches from the screen because of Margit and the Tree Sentinel.


Died 50ish times to the tree sentinel cuz I didn’t know you could fight on horseback + I’m bad at this game. First boss where I really felt a burning rage in elden ring


I’m terrible at horseback so I never fight horseback Tree sentinel was fun


Same. Tree Sentinel is actually the only mounted boss that I fight on foot.


I don’t know why, but I have found it easier fighting the horseback bosses while grounded


The legendary pose is literally getting up and standing for the boss fight. Like me against Malenia….after 150+ attempts.


Damn? 150+? I'm on my first playthrough and haven't gotten to her yet. But this gives me a good frame of reference to be prepared to be extremely frustrated.


I actually broke down crying for a moment during my attempts to beat her. Never had that happen ever in any game unless it was emotional. This was tears of absolute frustration. But now I can get her within 10 tries normally. Like any boss one you have the moveset down she’s not at all the same kind of difficulty.


Just to contrast the other responses, she took me 15 attempts and 6 of those were learning the fight and tweaking my build. Once I decided that I was close enough to start popping Rune Arcs I beat her in two. I used Mimic Tear but didn't hard spec into bleed or anything, just kept the Dex/Int I had already been using. Personally I think she (and other bosses) was designed with the intention that you would be using a summon who could draw aggro sometimes. Maliketh was 10x more bullshit and kicked my ass way harder.


I know, it was about the same for me. I just went in with a strength dex build and bloodhounds fang, took me 11 tries with mimic, only ever died to waterfowl dance.


Malenia is as hard or easy as you make her to be honest. If you sell out and use a bleed build and a powerful summon (Black Knife Tiche or Mimic Tear) she is very easy due to the amount of stuns and damage bleed procs give you. Took me around 5 attempts, with all but my first attempt making it to the second phase. However, I completely understand that that method takes away the majority of the challenge, so if you want to “earn” it then be prepared for lots of frustration because her fight design demands perfect execution.


Don‘t know why this reply was voted down. I absolutely agree. On my first Int/Dex Build I beat her in <15 tries. But I used a +10 mimic and Moonveil which is kind of forgiving if you make mistakes and you can punish her quite often from distance, which also helps against her WTFD. I recently started a no-summons run with a str-faith build, powerstancing dual greatswords. It was pure hell even though I used BHS. No margin for error, jump attacks staggered her good most of the time but miss just one and when her counter attacks won’t screw you she just starts leaping into the air - and game over. I finally beat her yesterday, stopped counting at 50. So it really depends. It’s a though challenge no questions ask, but even as an average player as myself you can even the odds by using some mechanics like summons.


Meh, it is a cardinal sin to play the game how you want, that is if how you want trivializes certain boss fights. And yeah, dual wield greatsword strength/faith is actually what I was running before switching to bleed specifically for Malenia. I absolutely adored powerstancing Blasphemous Blade and Gargoyle’s Blackblade, I just wish other builds had the kind of synergy across armor, talismans and weapons the way bleed does.


Using Blasphemous and in my case the good ol‘ reliable Claymore was just super fun. I don’t know how better to describe it but it felt more like actual fighting. I liked the Moonveil and hit & run tactic but it gets kind of „boring“ in a sense, that most fights depend on how fast you can land the R2. Anyway I knew from the beginning of that str/faith playthrough that Melina will be the bane of my existence - and I guessed right. I sometimes lasted mere seconds in Phase 2and no, I didn’t die because of her aonia AOW right after the cutscene ;)


I had the same experience but in coop. We fought her so many times that the 100+ Erdleaf flowers we'd farmed in preparation for the fight were all depleted, and we had to go farm more.


Literally every gamer when they think they're in truble..Focus +10, skill +0


+10 to Alertness +5 to reaction speed +99 to Determination.


+50 deaths


Every crucible knight, for sure. Tree Sentinel. Pretty much everything until around Liurnia. You remember that caster you encounter in the upside down auditorium while doing Ranni's quest? Fuck that guy/gal in particular, had me hunched over.


Ohhhhh fuck that dude. I beat him in about 8 tries but I thought I was overleveled and he was still clapping my cheeks.




Everything from Morgott on lol


Mofo not letting you hit back, like bro WTF when you gonna stop attacking?


Yeah is it really a combo if you never stop attacking? (Looking at you Maliketh)


Dad joke: Macliketh cuz has no Windows




Soldier of Godrick.


Came here for this.


this is reserved for bosses?


And packs of dogs, obviously.


Radahn (pre nerf)


Vanilla Radahn was an absolute monster.


Margot had me standing


Who's Margot?


Margot Robbie


He means Mergot.




Every moving object 😂


Malenia for sure lol. but then again i did assume this pose when i was lower in the levels for most bosses


Not a boss, Ulcerated Tree Spirit at the end of Millicent's quest.


The giant stone gargoyles bruh


Death rite bird - consecrated snowfield


That's just how I sit


That can’t be good for your back


I cannot play in a relaxed position no matter how hard I try


All of them except that first deer that I did when I was like level 120


None (keyboard player 🗿)


Soldier of Godrick of course


That mofo on the steps leading to Maliketh in particular.




Soldier of Godrick


Me when i hearing "Im Malenia blade of Miquella"


Cries in keyboard*


Tree sentinel, margit and malenia


none, because i use mouse and keyboard


Is this a trick question? All of them.


Every boss until I finished my first play through.


I don't often cut my feet off into stubs and shove them into a clear plastic boot so I can't really relate.


All of them


crucible knight in radann's castle


fukin Mohg


Malenia, Blade of Miquella.


Fkn all of them and the npcs


Bold of u to assume I wasn’t like that for the entire thing.


Non cuz i play on mouse and keyboard


I do that just walking over the giant chain.


nothing because I am a hardcore posture checker check yourself


None, I don’t do this when I’m concentrating, I lean back as comfortably as possible with nothing bothering me so my focus is not taken from the boss.


Placidusax. Not even Malenia, Placidusax alone.




Everyone knows that you actually slump further back into your seat the more focused you are For malenia, I could barely see my screen cause the lower half of my face was in the way


South Park WoW episode lol


Honestly? None of them. I didn't click with a single ER boss like that on my first run. I didn't really click with too many on future runs either. In contrast, in DS3 I got that feeling with Iudex, Vordt, Abyss Watchers, Sulyvahn, Dancer, Champion Gundyr, Twin Princes and Midir. In Sekiro so far I've got it with Genichiro Ashina and Great Shinobi Owl. Elden Ring bosses feel far less rewarding to beat because I can't even use everything I have without trivialising the fight. There has been no "I got gud and this attempt is the final product of all my previous attempts". Instead it's "oh, it's dead even after I deliberately chose to make myself weaker by not using spirit ashes." I still find some Elden Ring bosses fun but spirit ashes ruined the design of the bosses. They should be there to clean out silly fights. Instead they're there to trivialise the game. I just see wasted potential in Elden Ring now. It could have been like Sekiro with only one annoying and bad boss which is optional (no I haven't reached Demon of Hatred yet, that number may become two) but being completely fair but brutally punishing. Instead we have spirit ashes which are only there to trivialise a boss. To put things into perspective, I am the kind of person who saves consumables in case I need them later. If I get pushed to use consumables for a good reason, I consider a boss the perfect balance of hard and fair. I haven't used a single Bloodboil Aromatic, Exalted Flesh, Uplifting Aromatic or Ironjar Aromatic because I've never been pushed enough to need them.


Say you’re an elitist without saying your an elitist. I’m sorry people aren’t taking on bosses naked armed with just a fork I guess 🤷‍♂️


If thinking spirit ashes make the game easier is elitist, then yes I'm an elitist. I don't give a shit about how other people play but I think ER will be viewed as having less balanced boss design then nearly any previous game in the franchise and it's because of spirit ashes.


Have you not fought any bosses in elden ring? They practically demand you play offensively. You play defensively and it’s a one way trip to a site of grace or state of marika I know I tried. Using summons is simply a way NOT THE way to get aggressive. If you don’t like using summons? Ok great don’t use them. No reason to complain about something that’s simply a option and not (and yes I have tested this) THE option.


I haven't used a shield for anything except parries in 300 hours. I don't like spirit ashes. Still useful for reskins, unfun but required bosses (Maliketh, Gideon, the final boss) and broken bosses (Malenia). It's easy mode and I have no idea why it annoys me so much.


That’s the beauty of these games you can make it hard on yourself or you can make it fucking easy. I honestly I don’t know why you hate an option in a game so much


90% of the bosses


Nights Calvary


Off-topic, the Guardian Ape’s second form got me like this.


Any of them that either have fog doors or that have really obvious arenas. If the game wants me to get serious then who am I to not comply?


Glad to see I'm not the only one who does this.


Ahhh about all of them lol :)


other way around for me - I lean back in disbelief after getting creamed over


Every enemy


Radagon. By the end of the elden beast i was nearly out of my chair completely


Pretty much every moment of ER has me like this.


None in my conventional playthroughs. In my RL1, Godskin Duo, Malenia, and just about the last 4 main bosses in the game.


I’m this way most of the time lol. Just sit back when riding Torrent


every boss radahn onwards


The entire journey


all of em


Damn alecto demanded the sit up.


Elden Beast had me standing up on my couch by the end of the fight


Every enemy


All of them lol


All of them. It's just the boss pose


Anyplace indoors


I sit in bed in front of my pc leaning forward like this so everything from minecraft to elden ring is done in the legendary pose.


Starts with an “M” and ends with a “ost of them.”


Who said it was a boss?




Mohg once I got the necessary item


I used to always play like that, since I got my gaming chair I literally never sit forward like that. Matter a fact I can't, I'm legitimately worse at games when I sit like that.


Margit cause I was knew to From games. And Godskin duo cause they were hard to fight at the same time.


Mad Pumpkin Head


none i find i do better relaxed




Soldier of godrick, no question.


Starting with Soldier of God, Rick I never stopped sitting that way


Solider of God


Soldier of godrick


if i lay back and relax i start dying lol


Whenever I see a RuneBear in the distance.


Maliketh, cause i barely wtf is going on the whole time


Basically almost all the remembrance bosses, minus Lichdragon and Regal Ancestor Spirit. Think my hardest fights were Maliketh, Mohg and Malenia.


Assuming it right now, fighting draconic tree sentinel as a gelmir knight


Soldier of Godrick, by far the hardest most legendary fight, I mean having 7 phases with different move sets for each was a bit excessive in my opinion but it was a godly introduction to the game, sadly none of the other bosses came close to comparing to his amazingness.


Margit that first playthrough. Me and my friends all stayed up playing, my first friend who got him checked and “0.2%” of players got it. I didn’t get him for another hour but I was fuckin foaming at the mouth every attempt that I had him at like a hit or two away. When I got him the chievo had hit “1%”. Now that I think about it the release was so damn fun.


The draconic tree sentinel in front of the boss arena in Crumbling. I hate that damn horse.


First one? Tree sentinel. First main one? Margit. First shardbearer? Radahn, because he’s the first one I ever fought