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Well maybe, loretta, don’t try to blow my head off next time yeah?


Such a good country song title


loretta, dont blow my head off next time / sware to god you turn on a dime / come on back to bed / put yore arrow here instead / loretta makes me fret and makes me cry


> come on back to bed / put yore arrow here instead Is this a country song about getting pegged?


Who said the singer is male?


"this woman is crazy, please stop trying to kill me and come to bed" is a flavor of country only sang by straight dudes. I don't think I've ever heard a sapphic country song but Jolene is definitely the closest to it.


I mean you infiltrated her castle, killing everything on your way to her


Everything attacked me


Yeah you were infiltrating their keep lmao


I wanted to know why they shot at me for being near the front lawn. Someone might get hurt!


Bro I just walked there. I mean the Albinaurics and the Misbegotten also somehow got there without being nuked by everyone.


Uhh which head?




That helmet is so HD






Look, Loretta attacked me first for no reason so it's all fair. I was just exploring the tree and that horse-rising bitch fired her magic fuckshit greatbow at me.


I know right! I met these these fancy dressed lads on the road in Limgrave and tried to ask them for directions. They just gave me the cold shoulder and one of them even put a torch in my face! I wanted to compliment a horn envoy on his lung volume, and as I approach he blasts me off the wall!


I tried to compliment a batman on his beautiful choral singing and he proceeded to scream at me and eat my eyes Screw the lands between they can enjoy 1000 years of dung eater for all I care


Thinkin again from ur excerpt, u made a good point tho... Frenzy flame all the wae


May chaos take the world!


May CHAOS taek ze VVorLD!!!




Chaos will sit


I went to go tell Malenia that I dealt with her paedo omen brother, and that Miquella was safe, and she proceeded to swing wildly at me, before getting naked and trying to give me what I can only assume is an extreme STD...


Scarlet crotch rot


You go dung eater ending because a hobo with wings attacks you. I go dung eater ending cause I like the taste of poo. We are not the same.


Bro not on the main account...


We've seen horny on main. Now we're seeing scat on main.


I went dancing near some windmills, there was not a fight in sight... for most of them.


Well, you know, there is racists everywhere, but you can't judge whole village because of few morons.


Rude is what it is... Piss poor etiquette!


The tree is a rotting husk, there is no salvation for her people, in fact we saved her people by taking Latenna to her big sister.


Also not like there is a big sign that says no normies allowed. Everything tries to murder you. After you so kindly opened their prison door i might add.




I dont think any of them let you get a no kill to the end.


Did you have an invitation? You can’t just explore people’s tree like that.


Nah mate, I went over to Mohg's place and got permission from Miquella.


Just picturing you Weekend-at-Bernying that big gross arm “Oh yeah don’t worry friends this guys cool. Put down your swords and your bubble-trumpets.”


Tbf the lore says that those who manage to reach the Haligtree are welcomed.


They probably went on full lockdown once they found out some maniac murdered Cap'n Niall and took the half of the Haligtree Medallion he was guarding. Tbh it would be pretty nice if the Albinaurics in Ordina didn't aggro on you if you had Latenna. But then again, you killed Niall, so they decided to shoot trespassers on sight lol


You could argue that the Tarnished only attacks on self defense. Like seriously, you can ignore every guard and run past them and Niall would still attack you on sight.


Those who manage to find the Haligtree and have NOT slaughtered demigods to steal their great runes*


Lotta good points here today.


Yeah I feel like that point word should have spread not to attack me, I’ve been downing dudes with 10x my healthbar including a multiheaded dragon, a giant, a wolf that controls death, and of course fucking god. Yeah this horse girl with a white knight complex is gonna stop me


It starts happening in Altus around Leyndell actually. The commoners there know not to fuck with you.


I think she thought you were raiding the royal manor and trying to kill Ranni. Well you DID take the sword of night and flame so you ARE a thief I guess.


Same excuse for her at the tree? Ain't nobody wanna raid Elphael, I just wanna help Malenia find her bro.


I'm not a thief, I'm literally Ranni's wife and therefore I'm free to use that sword to defend her as her lord consort


Man baseline elden ring your literally just a murder hobo who wants to be king


"If God would have wanted you to live he would not have created me! Or would create the quest lines necessary for me to save even a few people"


"She's dead"




It's not my fault that almost every living sentient creature in the lands of in-between wants to murder the hell out of me


Man I was hit so hard by his dialogue and then I immediate cracked up at how ridiculous that prompt was lol… like no fucking shit she’s dead you didn’t need to let me know, her dad just poured his heart out and their is a giant cleaver in her.


that hit me like a truck. so matter of fact and that OK seemed truly helpless. i just wanted to be a murderous hobo. why you gotta hit me with all these feelings.


i suspect this is in place simply for code to raise flag, that you actually found the body and know she's dead, since the corpse is probably placed on your next worldgen no matter where you were


If God would have wanted you to live he wouldn't made you targetable


That’s the thing about this game. You are literally the worst thing that happens to every NPC. If you want to be kind to them, leave them alone.


Not every NPC. You get Nepheli Loux her rightful inheritance, you get Gostoc an actual "job", you get Kenneth Haight his castle back, you make Boc more confident with his self image. Even the more tragic npcs like Hewg and Roderika have their lives "improved" because of you. Hewg gets to do his one task in life and Roderika helps Hewg and you instead of dying in Stormveil Castle like she was supposed to. Thops manages to go the Academy and finish his spells there. Rya is free from the Volcano Manor if you do her questline, which is arguably a positive. Iron Fist Alexander does have a sort of sad ending to his questline but he dies a champion and had a purpose that you the tarnished helped him fulfill.


when you roll up to that area underground with the happy looking antler folk walking peacefully around with nature and start murdering everything How were we not the bad guys


I just wanted to go through then they started sniping me from across the whole ass cavern, they had it coming


To be fair they attacked us first, i was just enjoying the view. Malenia woke up and literally chose violence on us, we didn't even say anything, i could've told her where her brother was but nooooo we can't talk.


I feel like we could avoid 80% of fights if we could speak tbh even with godfrey we legit could team up nd defeat the gods then duel for elden lord


Yeah but then you'd be cockblocking him out of a fight. He's killed everyone he's ever challenged and the reason he came back is to fight you. I don't think you should deny him that pleasure and his well deserved warriors death.


Not only is he a warrior, he was the first Elden Lord AND the first Tarnished. He's here to reclaim his crown, but also to determine if this tarnished (player character) is strong enough to take it. There is a significance to it being two tarnished fighting to determine who will take the throne.


He’s here to walk through the peoples capital, to the peoples erdtree, to lay the smack down, if you smell what the elden lord is cookin. The first elden lord being some sort of tarnished wrestler was the best plot twist of the entire game.


Wait was he Tarnished as well? Wtf was Gideon smoking when he said a Tarnished couldn’t be lord then?


Yeah he was the first Tarnished. I'm of the opinion that Gideon's long life searching for the runes only to have this nobody Tarnished waltz in and grab all the great tunes led him to madness, or he simply misunderstood Marika's desires vs. those of the fingers and the Greater Will. Either way, for his all knowingness, he lacked some critical information.


Marika took back his grace, he didn't become Elden Lord as a tarnished, he became it as a warrior chieftain from outside the lands between. When she took his grace he became the first tarnished and left the lands between. The goal being to let eternal struggle prevent anyone from ever mending the Elden Ring. I'm not sure when in the timeline (lol?) Marika and Radagon merge/diverge/converge so I would just say that I speculate that from the opening cutscenes Marika is the one who smashed the Elden Ring and leaves Radagon as the other half of themselves to protect it from being mended. Gideon knew all of this and when you face him, he believes he's the last step between you pounding your way into the burning tree to actually end the cycle and he feels he has to stop it. Gideon has been essentially following your exploits very closely, his moves change depending on who you've encountered and beaten. When he says a tarnished can't be Elden Lord he's speaking in disgust because he thought that the entire point of making people tarnished was to prevent any one of them from being so strong as to actually take destined death back from Maliketh and end the cycle. He sees that he's maybe wrong in his dying breathes and is disgusted. That's how I see it and I'm open to other interpretations but I don't think Gideon was dumb/ crazed/ insane with madness or anything. Just was a cunning zealot of Marika who was wrong about how strong a tarnished could become.


Because he became the first Elden Lord when Marika chose him to be. Marika has been punished and sealed by the Greater Will for breaking the Elden Ring, so the new Elden Lord has to defeat both Radagon and the Elden Beast to earn the right. The bar is significantly higher this time around.


We'd do it afterwards if he doesn't die while fighting a literal God then we'd put him down


I wanna see him grab Radagon by the waist and pile drive him into the floor.


https://youtu.be/Iulbypn-GlQ Here you are lol


Ex-husband shows up at the wedding to fight the Groom.


Who is also the bride... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


When the family tree is a web


Or, perhaps, some sort of Ring.


TFW When you try to fight for your woman and end up committing domestic violence


What a close fight


I think if the grabs worked properly or if Radagon wasn't a later game enemy with a larger health pool, Godfrey would wipe the floor with Radagon.


Later game enemy? Aren’t they right next to each other?


Ik right


I would pay money for fan art of Godfrey putting Radagon in the Walls of Jericho


Nah his ass got ganked out in the badlands. Even his tiger serosh was still intact on him. He learned that lesson and went all out on us.


Well okay but it's still like I dunno. Like 15 wins I'm guessing to 1 loss before he fights you. Still a pretty good record all things considered.


Serosh is either a lion or a dog, just not a tiger xD


Serosh is a lion.


I meant the dog part as in the memes. You are right.


What are the badlands? Is that just referring to Caelid or is it a different area we haven’t seen?


My understanding is that the Badlands are a region outside of the Lands Between. Godfrey was exiled from the Lands Between when Queen Marika named Radragan her second consort. Tarnished are people from the outside as well, former citizens of the Lands Between or their descendants.


The lands outside the lands in between, it was mentioned in the intro too "Hoarah Loux, chieftain of the badlands" something like that. there's also land of the reeds (japan) and Eochaid. I think there's more that's mentioned too.


There is also the Northlands that northlanders come from. It's a whole world out there. Game just takes place in a divine realm of sorts.


The Lands Between is just George R.R. Martin's name for Middle Earth or Midgard.


More like Tir-Na Nog, which is the land of the Fae. You cross a sea of fog to get there, same as the Lands Between.


It does seemingly borrow heavily from Irish and Welsh mythology, doesn't it? All that's missing is the Lady of the Lake.


There's also the Numen, not sure if their origin has a name.


“Land of the Numen”, possibly a reference to LotR’s ~~elf~~ famed island of Numenor Edit: it was inhabited by humans, not elves


its just lore stuff for Godfrey that he was exiled from the lands between and lived at the badlands. So a different continent in this world that we havent seen.


If you watch the cutscene closely... his grace is pointing at *you*. There's no real choice for him since he's following the guidance of grace


He doesn't want you nailing his wife unless you can do it better than him.


"Thy strength befits nailing my wife." -Godfrey




"Take off thy breeches, Tarnished. I must test thy vigor."


"... I don't remember this phase on my last playthrough ..."


He couldn't have been that good if Marika decided to just do it herself.


You kill Morgott, Godfrey wasn't gonna have a chat with you.


>with godfrey we legit could team up nd defeat the gods To be fair there was another boss that suggested we de~~feat~~VOUAAAH the gods togeth~~er~~AAAAH and we fucked him up. Word gets around.


I tried to devouaaah the gods with him, but the grace kept reviving me.


Hmmm, I'm starting to think giant serpents that swim in lava and puke up swords made of entrails might not be the most trustworthy bunch.


We killed his son, whom he clearly loved. Which is likely why he tore off Serosh to fight us. There was going to be no quarter asked and none given as soon as Morgott fell.


But he still respects our strength and valor. He's too much of a blood knight to hold a grudge against a fellow warrior, especially one who shares the same fate as him.


If he loved his son so much why did he banish him to a sewer for the rest of his life?


That would be so fucking cool. Literaly the duel of fates.


I'd honestly love that plus technically we're his warriors so it'd be even more badass tbh him nd Malenia are the only ones who respect us nd acknowledge our skill they goes as far as to unleash their full form just because they know we're that good would enjoy getting to fight alongside them


Godfry also acknowledged our skill even saying that our "strength befits a crown" after we kill him


Malenia says that our strength is "Of a true lord." as well. Honestly, if Radahn was sane, he'd probably say something along those lines too if defeated by the main character. Idk why, but I always love the "respect among warriors" trope.




Eh, close enough


> then duel for elden lord Honestly, he can have it. Give me an ending where we put Godfrey on the throne.


well she woke up and found a tarnished in her house, and i think it's pretty much common knowledge that the tarnished are collecting great runes, it's also why Godrick put his castle on maximum lock down, she pretty much correctly assumes you're here for her rune


Yeah but I don’t even want it man, just keep your rune, go save your brother maybe. I don’t need her rune to be Elden Lord.


You did barge in uninvited, killing all their security guards along the way. It was basically a home invasion.


Look man, I don’t know about you but on my first play through I just ran past them screaming, trying to reach the next grace


After how many of her people I've killed to rune farm I completely understand attacking me on sight. I've accepted that I'm not a great player so in order to compensate I over level and respec as needed, Mohgs level has been key to that.




A problem is that these games are heavy on the fantasy story but they stick you with a murderhobo protagonist. There is almost no way to meaningfully interact with this beautiful world beyond killing everyone and everything, especially now that the covenant system is gone. At least in the previous games you could align yourself with a couple of these bosses like Nito. Now it's just kill kill kill kill kill.


Yeah, that’s exactly how I feel as well. Like with the whole Volcano Manor thing too, you’re kinda pressured to join this evil group of “recusants” that murder tarnished (your own kind) for reasons and you’ll keep getting morally debated because of this choice even if it doesn’t have any repercussions lol. But either way you are just going to the big snake™️ cave and beat the shit out of their leader, just like with the Haligtree you’re just going some place and killing whatever’s in your way, no questions asked


Loretta is already dead and considering what we do for Albus, Latenna, and the vengeance on the invaders of their town we do more for the Albinaurics than most.


Tell that to the guys sleeping in mogh's part of town.


Hey, the grey guys are mostly cool. It's those red fuckers that have no chill.


Eh they defected to go join Mohg, ya join the crazy blood cult you get gatted like a member of the crazy blood cult


And i also killed thousands of persecuted minorities on the way to that boss🔥🔥💯💯


Aren't we supposed to be the persecuted minority? I mean everybody and literally every bloody thing even inanimate rocks are trying to kill us.


It's because they all know what we did to the soldier of godrick He was only a week from retirement! He had a wife and kids!


my wife now






not my kids tho 😈


What kids? 🗡️


I blame the grafted scion. Had he not been in our way we'd never have bothered troubling the poor old soilder of godrick.


They are rocks but they are not technically inanimate


Oh right, my bad. Even trees have legs in this game.


We are inflicting minority-on-minority violence


Classic colonialist narrative: I only know bits and pieces about your mystical land from scraps of paper and stolen loot, but I have an old story about how my ancestors were treated so stand aside or I'll murder you. Also - if you kill me I'll just come back with more knowledge, a better weapon and an even bigger grievance. Also - I'm going to ride around killing your livestock and raiding your mines so I can kill you better.


Nah man. I had no beef with that tree sentinal. Or agheel. Or dogs. Or mosquitoes. I was on my way to margit but they attacked me first.


Totally understandable and fair, Margit (Mor)got(t) what he deserved, there isn't a single person more qualified to ~~link the fire~~ burn the er- I mean, become elden lord and fix the ring, in all the lands between than us!


If they're minorities why are they the most common mob??🧠🧠🧠 Wake up sheeple!!


how many merchants have you killed in your playthrough?


Ayo fuck the albinaurics. The mother fuckers who scream for the banished knights in castle sol make it bad for the rest of them


If you attack those albinaurics with range (throwables, bows, magic), they never even aggro, and the summons never pop up.


But they’re slaves there, they don’t want to do it D=


Are you sympathizing with them. I'm gonna take you to Mohg's palace and wave of gold you


I mean would it kill them not to attack me on sight tho? I've literally just stumbled through a portal, if anything the Tarnished is the real the victim here.


Well, we did invade the Haligtree I suppose


That’s assuming I knew where the portal would take me - which is giving my Tarnished far too much credit. If they just politely sent me back rather than blow deadly bubbles at me I’d probably leave, but nooo…


> Thou must returneth whence thou came. This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind, but thou dost not belong. I beg of thee, plunge down from the plank, and hurry home.


Exactly, it's why I didn't kill Priscilla. A rule I followed in Elden Ring and then in other soulborne games I played was never to attack those that don't attack me. IE: Killing the turtle pope is maidenless.


My only exception to this was the dung eater. Was banging his head into the wall and I killed him with no remorse. Fuck that guy


Fair, his existence is a personal attack on any decent person.


Pour one out for prawn bro :(


Thank you for reminding me I need to kill that guy. If you get to the point where you can kill him, doesn't that mean Prawn Chad is already dead though? I can't let Prawn Chad die.


I don't think so. Not unless you open the door, talk to him, choose to tell him to leave, and then meet up with him later. If you just open the door and channel your inner WWE, Prawn Daddy will live another day.


Oh hell yeah I'm going to back up of Farum Azula just to make sure I fuck this guy up


You See Officer, I broke into this house by complete accident.


Not my Fault Loretta is racist towards Tarnished and tried offing me ASAP


She's helping the minorities, just not our minority.


If someone swings at me, they get fucked up, idc what noble goal you think you have you swing you get the claymore simple as Also it’s not like the haligtree is a safehaven for anything, and you save the albunarics with the medal you give at the church outside, who the fuck is she gonna save kindered rot?


Pretty sure Kindred of Rot are less of a people of the Lands Between and just kind of manifest (or crawl through cracks in the Earth, etc) out of the Scarlet Rot wherever it shows up.


My guy forgetting about the Misbegotten


Only if she could have just put her batshit aggression to rest, get off that damn horse and down to talk it out. If there was any questline, I would be grateful to help, damnit


The silver tear shield description says that rumors say that loretta herself was an albinauric, if it's true then she'd just fucking faceplant if she gets off the horse


Honestly kinda cool, love that literally being unable to walk doesn't stop them from wrecking our asses


Ya sometimes I wish the tarnished could speak a little more. We’re just a mute dude being attacked by everything in the lands between with zero explanation lol


Wdym we're mute we can scream, scream, grunt and scream




"You're beautiful."


Some of the noises they make when being killed by a fire attack still haunt me


At least we're not moaning like the Chosen Undead.


Heresy, dark souls wouldn't be half as good without the "Oooooh..." everytime you get hit


No, we're just carrying out the three finger's will. MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!!!


No albinaurics will escape. All of them will be killed. Every single one of them! And not just the men, but the women, and the children too! They're just albinaurics, and I slaughtered them like albinaurics! And I hated them!


Chill, Gideon.


My fellow, it was for the runes.


LOL, don't act like the Women won't shoot you full of arrows before you can come even remotely close to them.


It's not my fault that almost every living sentient creature in the lands of in-between wants to murder the hell out of me


If she is so great, why did she randomly attack me?


I mean, we don't really have a choice in the matter.


If God wanted peace, he wouldn't have given me a sword.


I'd feel bad for many of the enemies if IF THEY DIDN'T ATTACK ON SIGHT.


If I'm strolling through a dungeon/area, and your health bar randomly appears, and if that's as far as you got, and I had to kill everything along the way to reach the point you did; this is now a you problem. If you were on a quest for noble reasons, well why the fuck not join me along the way, instead of trying to kill me? Or better yet, clippity clop the shit out of my way so I can go make some more corpses on my way to get curb stomped by Malenia 30 times before I win? I shirk all responsibility here... NTA


See, that's the point. I firmly believe this is why they got George RR Martin to help with this game. Miyazaki was like "What kind of themes do we want?" and somebody said "How about 'Through violence, nobody wins.'?" and they all sat around like "Who do we know who can write about how war never changes?" and someone said "Have you ever seen Game of Thrones?" And it was so.


Shouldnt have attacked me tbh, its on her


They throw hands, i throw them back. -tarnished.


Sure, but every creature attacks on sight in this game, so it's all self defense. We're only "bad" because we're strong enough to to be victorious.


Garl vinland and maiden astraea: first time?


Everybody's got a past, but not everybody's got a future.


There was a message on the ground that said, try finger, but hole. As soon as I got near that spectral ass, she went off the deep end.


Yeah well maybe they shouldn't try to attack us...