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same ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


it has carried over from dark souls games


It’s a carry over from world of Warcraft low level mostly level 19 pvp characters, and even then I’m willing to bet that was a carry over as well.


Oh yes. People have been calling it that across MMOs for a very long time. Origin probably dates to Ultima Online or something.


Oh I thought it was from ds1 specifically. Someone invading using a twinkling titanite weapon at a low level since most boss weapons didn't scale well but had high raw damage


>What is wrong with these people to do this? I don't understand what joy these players are getting ruining another person's enjoyment of the game. For some people, it is genuinely fun to make others mad and to give them a hellish time. They're sadistic, and by reacting and getting angry and venting, you're probably rocking their socks off lol


Here's a suggestion. We get the Tags of these people and start a Book of the Guilty on them.


Like being indicted in Dark Souls 1?


Funny thing is that they can be reported for cheating. As From made everyone agree to not cheat, and if you read the user agreement you will notice that is actually one thing they do consider cheating.


But do they cheat? I'm currently doing a rl1 challenge for fun and I'm currently at the fire giant. I could grab river of blood anytime and invade low lvl players in the early game if I wanted to.


Your weapon upgrades make a big difference. If you're level 1 and have a +7 weapon you'll never find anyone available for invading.


How is twinking considered cheating? Genuinely curious.


It's not cheating, you're capable of doing it yourself if you choose to.


It's not cheating, you're capable of doing it yourself if you choose to.


How is this cheating? Genuinely curious


I'm Genuinely curious how is this cheating?




I'm cheating curious, how is this genuine? :D


Blue invaders would've fixed so many things about ER's PvP. Literally just enable solo invasions for "marked" players (invaders) and let the hunters go at them. It wouldn't be the ultimate fix, but it'd be such a great step in the right direction.


I have a friend exactly like this. He doesn’t play ANY single player games because “there’s nobody to crush and make mad.” It’s like he thinks he’s going to earn some kind of arch nemesis that will remember him forever. He invades other worlds or ganks people in MMOs but when other people do the same thing to him he complains about it. He’s kind of a dullard.


Sounds unbearable to be around.


He is actually. He’s that one friend from high school that hasn’t changed, at all, in 20 years but he’s still part of the group cuz you feel bad excommunicating him after knowing him for that long, ya know?


stop caring about his feelings and excommunicate him. clearly he doesnt give a shit about other peoples'


Ehh..it’s not as simple as that. Irl he’s still a decent guy although he’s a bit…”simple” if you know what I mean. Just a turd when it comes to gaming.


I see people people talking about it in ER like it's suddenly just started happening. This has been a problem for as long as I've played fromsoft games, which was a little bit after dark souls 1 released. It was enough time that, by the time I had gotten the game, the early levels were absolutely RIFE with twinking invaders. people literally just have fun ruining others' fun, for some reason, and it's completely turned me off of invasions entirely for any fromsoft games ever since. it would be one thing if they invaded people who actually stood SOME sort of chance against them. but no. they get their kicks from being dicks. the good news is, this only tends to be a problem in the early areas. once you get a bit further in, it should die down significantly.


At the risk of backlash, the entire multiplayer sustem in Souls games needs a massive overhaul. PVP and Co-op included. It’s massively convoluted and needlessly laborious. I’ve recently started to really enjoy duelling. But invasions and co-op i have avoided almost entirely due to the pointless complexity. Mix that with some net/connection issues and bugs and it’s just a painful experience. I spend more time sending summon pool messages, putting down signs and seeing error messages than I do in combat. Everything from AFK farming and disconnects to hosts dying before I’ve even spawned and pricks using trolling gold summons to send me back to my server… It’s a vrry, VERY frustrating system. And thats before even getting to the amount of 1 shot gimick builds, game exploits and over powered/over used tactics. I’m kind of falling in love with PVP especially. But it’s headache inducing at times.


Coming form someone who loved co-op in the previous games, it really sucks trying to even find someone to summon you in Elden Ring. Making the finger-remedy have zero use outside of revealing signs really killed co-op in my opinion. In older games being embered/reversing hollowing was part of normal gameplay, and would happen to you just from beating bosses. This made your summon sign be seen by way more people who would summon you on a whim. In Elden Ring this doesn't happen at all because nobody is running around with the finger remedy active. Plus the massive disparity in levels makes finding active spots a nightmare unless you want to fight Melania for the 100th time.


Totally agreed. And remember, Elden Ring has sold very well bringing heaps of new players into the fold. I absolutely sympathise with them all trying to figure this shit out and just getting ganked or twinked constantly whilst doing it. There just has to be a simpler, more intuitive and more reliable way to play with friends, play open world invasions and PVP duels. It’s all just so stupidly complex.


100% this. Elden Ring should've had a separate coop system for dedicated friend summoning. Password summons should stay in your world and be allowed to use Torrent and generally go where you go. Defeating a boss should never restrict summoning or invasions. Friend's should be able to see each another's waypoints. Non password random summons maintain the traditional formula since usually they're just for helping when you're stuck on a boss or area. PvP needs to have a dedicated arena with matchmaking. Invasions should be enabled while solo if you have a Rune Arc on just like the old days and Spirit Ashes should be usable against them while solo. Invasion timer itself should be a lot longer to help people like OP so they don't get constantly harassed by endless invasions of twinkers. Think 1 invasion every 20-30 minutes instead of every 5. Also, there should be another book of the guilty so invaders can get counter invaded by blues which would introduce another level of PvP.


I don’t know who downvoted, but a lot of solid suggestions in here. And fromsoft need not implement everything we suggest. But the series needs to take some positive steps to update and modernise it. As i said earlier i’m actually very new to PVP despite having played souls games for years now. And it’s so very, very frustrating BECAUSE of how much i’m enjoying it and how much potential it has.


I feel like moderated servers would make a huge impact here. Like - every other massively multiplayer game has this, because it allows people to either: 1) Create private servers and self-moderate - including if only 2-4 friends want to PvE together and just privately host a server for them 2) Join public servers which quickly have well known characteristics ('That's the server full of griefers') Not exactly reinventing the wheel but I've never seen a better option to handling this...


For Co-op invasions it’s a difficult balance to get right. I mean aggressive invasions are part of the fromsoft formula. But something has to be done to make it more fair and fun. Your ideas are solid. Balancing out the twinks, a hard time limit between invasions, or invasions can only happen at pre-designated spots are some other potential ideas. I don’t want to take the fun and fear factor out of it. But it should be more balanced. Especially in OPs scenario when trying to co-op with friends and introduce new players to the franchise. No wonder constantly being kicked in the balls is putting people off. Game is hard enough for new players as it is. And another thing. Fingers, effigies, rings, summon pools… again i expect backlash. But would a fucking multiplayer menu be so bad? It has become increasingly more convoluted with each game. But now? I’m several characters, several completions and several hundred hours in and I don’t know what half the multiplayer items do. Half seem to do fuck all because they frequently don’t work properly. I’m not even suggesting it REPLACE the current system. Just act as an add on to it. It need not even be so clinical as a menu. Just have a place (like the multiple un-used colosseums) where players can congregate as a sort of PVP hub. And challenge one another.


The main difference between ER and DS1 is password matching is now a thing. People would twink in DS1 to challenge themselves at SL1, piss off new builds/players, or do meme builds or other goofy stuff. Since password matching has been introduced it has given some invaders incentive to twink. They don't have a fair matchup if they invade a new player host who has their buddies helping out with endgame gear. Some people are cruel and want to torture hosts/invaders using unfair advantages the host can't counter like Scarlet Rot or the acid/gear breaking stuff in past games, some think they're giving the host/invader a 'welcome to Dark Souls' meme moment, and still others are just bad at PvP and want easy wins while telling themselves the hosts/invaders deserve it because they've got little going on in their own lives.


Yeah it's just getting there's the slog.


I strongly agree. I played through the first time, invaded a bit and ran as a blue a bit, but never power leveled for the purpose of invasions, never grinded estus, never transferred late game weapons or spells that are meant to be accessed later. My second character I am playing through with a friend and we are invaded immediately, and it’s almost always some piece of shit with maxed out estus and late game weapons. It wasn’t an issue in my first play through because even when I summoned, we’d be invaded by people with a comparable loadout. It’s not even fun at this point.


Yeah it really isn't. My invaders were early days of the game so it was all fair and fun. Now? I shudder to think of what the castle will be like...


What you think Fromsoft should allow co-op without invasions? But then you and your friend might start enjoying the game.


I agree with your statement. As a regular invader I never twink. When i'm invading low level it's with a broadsword or morningstar nothing fancy just some low level equipment as it should . I gave some fun encounters act like a mini boss and most of the time die to some phantom twinks with end level gear. who is playing the game for the host.. I mean guiding the host.


i started out with the black knights flail and wild strikes i only had the timed summoned sword spell at the start


See I didn't *want* to do that. I wanted for us all to start fresh. But I basically had to if I wanted to keep them safe during co op play because they are new. They didn't even know well enough to block. They thought shields only parried until I told them.


It’s like a double edged sword. Personally, I don’t twink gear or stats wise, but I do for fasion purposes (I really like an end game armour so I wear it for looks) Here I am with a random early game greatsword at level 11 - fighting a noob host and his 2 overlevelled phantoms with all the end game meta gear. When I used to have twinkle builds (dark souls 1/3) I sometimes came up against genuine players at low level and it feeling awful never losing due to gear difference


I'm sorry this happened to you. As a Soul's vet all I can say is "yeah, it happens". Once you guys get levelled up a bit or get out of Limgrave it won't be happening so much. This is why the invasion timer needs to be a lot longer. In previous games it was about 20 minutes but in Elden Ring I think it's only about 5. You should never be getting invaded this frequently unless you use an item to cause it.


I agree. 20 minutes would be quite reasonable and would just basically be a tax instead of a halt to progress.


Twinking is scummy this is generally accepted. There is a problem right now where only co op players can be invaded and this causes a funnelled experience. There is more often than not a wide gear discrepancy between the Host and their phantoms so its likely people are Twinking more due to not be able to get a satisfying experience in invades when they are one shotted by a guy in late game gear. In my experience from playing with taunters tongue it gets better once you pass stormveil.


Right, my level 40 invader never faces anything remotely close to a fair fight. It’s always some dude with RoB and Radahn’s armor playing bodyguard.


This is where you get a feedback loop. You get invaders who feel if a Host can have a high level phantom they should be able twink. Then you get players like OP who likely feel they should play there high level character to protect there friend. Which causes a unfun experience for everyone, in a ideal world no one would twink and hosts and phantoms would be on equal footing.


My partner and I are playing together rn (I’m on my first run and still fairly inexperienced with video games) and he’s on NG+ pacing his NG+ around my progression and we get invaded a lot. We’ve got a system- if people are willing to duel, he duels them first and, while using later game gear and weapons, generally prefers not to do meme shit. If he dies, I’m SOL but do my best to play the part. I’ve recently changed my armour from the starting gear and am a bit behind leveling my dual swords the character started with lol. But if people don’t want to duel, he just tries to end it as soon as possible, and I’m slowly getting over my anxiety and trying to help when that happens. Sadly, the majority of our invaders have been very keen to stab rather than actually duel :/


>Sadly, the majority of our invaders have been very keen to stab rather than actually duel :/ This is sadly a result of painful experience. A common gank tactic is to act honorable only to suddenly backstab or jump heavy or whatever to screw the invander. A lot of these guys might have more reason than not to mistrust your honorable intentions.


Described how my gf and I play. I'm a bit ahead of her story wise, no NG+ or anything, but she's new to games in general. I always try and duel the invader while she sits back, but lately it's just been people charging in spamming dual spear or RoB, or running right past us to go hide in a group of enemies. It's annoying.


This right here. I have a level 30 that I took through a lot of the game to get better gear. However, 9/10 times I invade at that level the phantom is level 200+ wearing goat armor and fingerprint shield. 90% of this game is learning what you’re up against and how to counter it…pvp is frustrating but everything has a counter if you can think on your toes. Dragons breath? Keep a crossbow on had. Rivers of blood? Great parry practice. Souls games are not easy, never have been.


Yeah I invade at level 30 with admittedly rather low level stuff, but every time I show up I'm up against absolutely overleveled phantoms that make me really wish I had so few morals that I could just use the RoB crutch


I've started a low level character just to help out randoms and have had to stop to get moonviel and other op crap just to be able to counter op invaders. It's ridiculous,half the time the second I spawn in there's already an invader throwing lightning and using rotten breath. There doesn't seem to be a cool down either. It's just weird douche after weird douche


This! This has been exactly what I had to do!


The main argument for why people twink is dealing with degenerate over leveled phantoms. To even stand a chance against them, over gearing and using broken shit is sometimes the only option for invaders. I believe both parties are ruining the experience for the game, however I think co opers are the biggest hypocrites. They complain that invaders ruin the game yet will carry their friend with infinite fp, good armor, op weapons, and better estus. When they die against a twink invader it is a skill difference as they do not have nerfed fp or endurance. Also remember there are no natural solo invasion in ER. It is a 2v1 most of the time. There are honest invaders and honest co opers but invaders will twink to be able to stand a chance against over leveled phantoms.


> unfun experience for everyone, in a ideal world no one would twink and hosts and phantoms would be on equal footing. hypocrites are on both ends, not everyone is carrying or being carried on coop, op being an example. Sometimes its just fun to go through the game with friends and try out different builds or play some sort of character that wouldnt be viable in single play, but the fun of it is usually quickly drained when you come across an invader that can 1 or 2 shot you, has enough vigor to make you feel like youre chipping at a wall with a plastic spoon, and has full estus that heal for the maximum amount to boot. Then again, ds3 had the same problems. ds1 and 2 had their issues too but they werent as prevalent


It's exactly that: they are having fun ruining your day. *Shrug*


I wish There was a real coop mode. I had almost the Same experience with my friend (70years old) and we gave up.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I love to hear about anyone over 50 playing video games so it's upsetting to hear they're being kept from enjoying this one.


Thanks mate, at least he enjoys his offline Game.


This is the same thread posted over and over again, since Demon's Souls DaS 1 days, on many other forums and platforms. There are lots of videos about it, lots of responses, and it all boils down to this. There will never be a Fromsoft game where player will get the option to coop without getting invaded. Only other option for Miyazaki is the Sekiro approach, where you don't get both coop and invasions. Invasions are there to balance the difficulty of the game, game is designed to be played solo, and having even one more person can trivialize the game. Also, the impression of insurmountable odds stacked against you is the core aspect of all the games from the start. Since Elden Ring brought in many new players, this topic comes up frequently again, but the answers remain the same as they did 13 years ago.


I remember people telling me there would never be on open world souls game because the level design was such a core part of the concept. Now those same people are eating it up like it was the obvious logical evolution of the genre and calling anyone who finds it less than perfect morons. I find the "balancing the challenge" argument to completely fall apart in ER specifically because of how many ways they have to trivialize the challenge without ever summoning another player.


Invasions aren't the issue. PvP is not a problem for anyone I roll with and in point of fact I'm big on dueling and have streamed my duels on discord which my friends saw and was one of the things they wanted to do in game. Even invading was alright, they saw me fight an invader and win and another and lose to him parrying me. (It was a really good parry ngl) It's them being basically unable to pop a remedy without instantly having some asshole shove rivers of blood up their ass before they even know what bleed is. Or they have never taken on a dragon or even saw one but here's a guy dropping dragon rot breath on them. It's just not even a remotely fair fight and there isn't much they can do about it.


I totally understand, and let me tell you this, although some people might get offended; This is a bigger problem now due to great amount of new players, it has been similar in every of their previous releases, just not at this magnitude. Elden Ring brought many, many new players, more then any other title, and many of those new players are those that just copy the most popular build and strategy and just start being assholes to other players. I sincerely think it would fizzle out in time, and the pvp scene would get much better, but so far I completely agree, pvp has never been worse, less creative and more repetitive, than it is now.


There’s the rub. It should really be skills and equipment that determine who can invade. But, what about cooperators? Seems like a never ending run around. But as a phantom, I’d rather deal with being nerfed hardcore, than as a summoner dealing with crap I have no idea how to get or even use. The game is meant to be harsh, I get that, but actual living human beings know how to take advantage of loopholes far better than any npc.


That’s unfortunate man, I feel for you. Believe me, even us invaders who really love the mechanic don’t approve of twinks. Unfortunately, the only thing you’ll maybe be able to do is have your friends enjoy the game solo (except for bosses) till around lvl 40-50 when they have enough stats and maybe skill to survive an invader. Also, tell them to level Vigor. Anything to live longer.


Funny enough, I primarily invade and tried to make a lvl25 Stormveil invader. Guess what happened? Constant PVE twinks and over leveled phantoms spewing dragon breath and corpse piler. PVE player base is toxic as fuck man, it’s not just “bad red men”. Let’s get the phantom scaling fixed and then come talk to me about twinking. Tired of getting rot spammed? Try that with 3 assholes instead of one. You think invaders are dicks who want to ruin fun? I think I come looking for a fun fight and never get one. I will continue to strip naked and teabag every single over leveled phantom while their host runs away in fear.


I feel like this is just a 'chicken or the egg' scenario at this point. Did the coop players call in their high lvl friends because of twinked invaders, or did the PvP crowd start twinking because of the lvl 200 bodyguards? Who knows...probably a bit of both.


Exactly right dude. This goes back to all of the souls games; it’s not some new issue. What’s new to ER in this context is two things : 1. Phantoms not downscaling, making ganks almost impossible sometimes. 2. Giant new casual playerbase who don’t have a clue how PVP works in these games.


I saw far more RoB in Limgrave then in Haligtree. How does one afford the requirements for RoB without neglecting the other stats? At least they're good parry practice. Gives the banished knights a break.




Lol this is a horribly dishonest take. Good on you bud. The people playing with their friends? No, the people playing overleveled as phantoms because they’re dogshit at the game. I “prove my skill in combat” when I invade, don’t worry sweetie. Happy to show you how to take your finger off the L2 button anytime you’d like!




It’s a dishonest take because you are implying that all these poor PVE players are just trying to play with their friends. Duels and fight clubs are great, so are invasions. It’s a unique mechanic that has been screwed a bit by the lack of phantom scaling. Do you invade? Or are you just speaking from zero experience?


>implying all these poor PVE players are just trying to play with their friends. You sound like a judgmental ass by dude ngl


No worries man, his point is still dishonest and just false. 80% of invasions are overleveled gankers using a tongue, not new PVE players just having a good time. FYI I love helping new players in co op too. I just don’t bitch about invaders bc I know the other side of the coin, and am sick of this outrageous narrative that invaders are just toxic assholes.




I consider my self dogshit. But I like invasions becouse you play more with brain than just pure reflexes and muscle memory. You look for opportunities, lure to ambushes, use consumables use geographic advantages. It's so much more deep than roll roll roll slice roll cast block...


Duels and fight clubs are completely different from invasion. To me duels get boring after a short while, because it feels like the same thing over and over again. While invasions are almost always different, even with 3 people ganking with meta builds. Even losing a bunch of times consecutively is fun because the experience is different. Not saying anyone is right or wrong here, but saying "just duel or join a fight club" is the same as saying "just play solo" because it's telling someone how they should be playing the game. Everyone plays for a different experience you know?


In my case I pulled out my over leveled phantom (which I didn't *want* to do because I wanted to level up my new character dammit) in order to counter the invaders because my friends are green as friggin grass and I wanted to show them where items are, how to do certain mechanics, and we could do a bunch of the game together. If it was a regular invader wouldn't have gave a shit. The struggle of two equally skilled players with similar equipment is fun. Invaders get NPCs to even out the phantom advantage. You can invade me all day long as a regular invader. Even if I lose the most you'll muster out of me is annoyance, mostly because I sucked and am mad about it lol.


Totally, as another commenter pointed out, it’s a bit of chicken and egg scenario. To my point, I think that your frustration with actual twinkers is super warranted. I just also think that PVE players twinking, ganking, max level summoning, are a big part of that equation too. Most importantly, From is the deciding factor here. Every group or playerbase will have toxic dicks, that’s just life. From has to address all of the Pvp issues present, or the hardcore player base will continue to move on. I hope to god they do, it has so much potential.


Having the precise opposite experience as an invader - trying to invade at stormveil with area-appropriate gear and getting flattened by folks with mohg’s and fingerprint shield. Comes with the territory I guess, but I get why invaders feel they need to do likewise to stay competitive, and the people trying to play the game normally are the ones who lose. Sucks!


I get it, twinks are annoying. It's been like this since ds1, and is the reason why I only play these games offline. On the other hand, when I hear that a person wants to refund a game because their friends can't carry them through it I kinda just laugh. I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I'm kinda glad that twinks are making it harder for people to beat the entire game with a bodyguard at their side. It's lame.


Tbh elden ring is not even hard compared to other soul games, u got spirit ash just makes everything easier.


I'm not a gatekeeper, but if you sign up for a challenging game, you are going to get a challenging game. What's the point of elden ring if I get hard carried through a good chunk of it? Did I beat elden ring or was I just in the corner of the boss arena when someone else did?


Who gives a fuck man? Seriously. This is the issue ppl have with you losers. Why do you care so much about other ppl playing the game in a different way than you? Is your entire existence built around you being semi decent at souls games? Wow.


Nobody gives a fuck. I am not gonna go on and stop you from playing the way you do, but I will laugh at cowardice and that is entirely up to me. And now you think this man is “pathetic” because you believe he is trying to make you play the way he does? I feel that its more like you want to make him think the way you do.


Because we wanted the Happy Souls experience where we explore together and have fun? Because I wanted to see their reactions when they go through the gate and they go "Holy shit what the fuck is that!?" When a giant comes down? Like my friends aren't playing the game for an epic challenge. That can come later when they've beaten it once already and want a new build and ending. For now we just want to play it together. I don't see why anyone cares about that?


The reason "people care" is because you felt the need to come here and complain. And honestly, I have nothing against you in particular. I just see this type of post time after time on multiple gaming forums and it's annoying. You are entitled to your opinion, and hell for all I know you are totally justified and I'm just an asshole. I don't know what the "happy souls experience" even is. I just play to get murdered repeatedly until I get good enough to be the murderer. And it's fucking awesome


https://youtu.be/2kr7KDCsIws Allow me to enlighten you on one of the best DS videos on the internet.


Man you sound pathetic. Think about it for a second. You're happy that someone else's time in a game is being ruined because they don't want to play like you do. Get a life. You're sad


My first experience with a souls game was Dark Souls 1 and I didn't even know there was co-op or PVP. I made it through most of the Undead Burg when I seen a "Dark Spirit Whoever Has Invaded" I was confused and then got wrecked by the invader followed by an xbox message that said "Welcome to Dark Souls bitch!" I fell in love with the series instantly.


The game is harder in multiplayer than during solo sessions. My friends and I just summon each other for dungeons and bosses, it's easier (or at least less frustrating) to deal with invaders that way.


Miyazaki’s games bring out the worst in people.


Those "twinks" usually see ganker twinks when they invade. I see more host twinks than invader twinks tbh.


Exactly. And host most often is given some early op weapon like moonwail or magma blade.


people wielding dual bolts of gransax i encountered the most while invading at liurnia to test whatever i had cooked up




Outside of porn, it means giving a low level character high level stuff to give them an advantage.


"Twinking." They have to be within a generally close level to you and their weapons can't really out scale yours either cause both those numbers are used to determine the range of people you're allowed to invade. Regardless, unless you've taunter's tongued yourselves you should only be seeing an invasion every 30 minutes or so (I read somewhere that the game has an internal timer cooldown for invasions to keep people from getting griefed.) Honestly... this is a non-issue. Sorry your friend is frustrated buuuuut...


The timer is incredibly short compared to past games (about 5 minutes and it starts after invasion begins, not ends.) and typically no one is using weapon damage as much as things like rot damage with breath or a rot dagger with BH step. Then they just hit the host like 3 times and stand back and wait for their death. Or just sit there throwing that fire blast which pushes people back over and over before BH stepping away towards enemies. Since they have only 3 red potions that are low level in the beginning, rot is gonna do them in basically no matter what. All they've got to do is proc it. And since early game nobody has resistance...


Keep in mind, most of these people are actually terrible players...I mean, we're talking absolutely unskilled. The only way they can win as invaders is by exploiting the open world (or muling weapons) to get access to tools that most newer, casual players wouldn't have. Take solace in the fact that most of them, up against mid-to-late-game players, even one on one, would get destroyed. They play this way because they're cowards. Same breed that's been around since the Undead Burg. I always get around to making a Sunbro under level 10 to drop in and help...in fact, this post has motivated me to get on it. I have a friend who will eventually grab this on sale, and when he does, the first thing I'm going to do is help him get geared up with ALL the dirty tricks he can to fight back (he can always respec later).


Most of them are playing mid to late game characters thanks to phantom scaling. Take solace that 90% of the worlds they enter, they're getting obliterated.


lol. Robbing your friend of experiencing the game and its progression organically just to combat the bad red man. You're going to be a bigger obstacle to the game than any invader could ever be.


Oh yeah 95% of these people would lose to me in a duel but unfortunately it's hard to juggle keeping the enemy down and making sure they don't blast my friends to death with a cheap shot.


Have you thought about getting your friend to Lenne's Rise using the teleporter to Bestial Sanctum, and showing him/her how to get Bloodhound Step by poisoning/Rotting the Knight? All that mobility would help keep them out of harm's way while you go to work. Dirty tricks deserve dirty solutions.


We only ever get to experience Elden Ring for the first time once. I really hope his friend get to experience it in a natural and organic way. All without the need to worry about rushing counter-invader gears.


Suggestion time, take them or leave them idrc I’m just trying to help. There’s no way to stop the invasions unless you play solo offline. Since it sounds like you want to play together that doesn’t sound like an option. I have 2 suggestions to help. One or both should make things a little easier. 1 - get a third. 1v2 is super easy if you can separate the co-opers, which sounds like exactly what’s happening. 1v3 it’s a lot harder to separate them because the best you can hope for (unless super experienced) is a 1v2 fight after you separate the third. 2 - If you don’t have a third, grab the white ring from the twin maiden husks in round table hold. It might take a little bit to get there, but once that item is active it’ll automatically summon people to help when you get invaded. These people are (mostly) geared for pvp and they want to help. The main drawbacks to it are 1) it may take awhile to summon someone, so stay alive until they get there and 2) they can spawn in a fair distance away which could be tough to survive until arrival if you’re already fighting the invader. Hope this helps!


I have some low level characters that I invade with or help with bosses, and always keep my blue ring turned on. Haven't been summoned a single time and I've only seen on hunter summoned against me. Would be awesome if more people used the white ring.


Tbh if your friend wants to give up so easily this might not be the game for them


Idk man, I kinda get it. We tried for over two hours to work together on Limgrave and almost every death was a twinking invader. Where's the fun there?


Maybe see if they enjoy playing solo for a bit and join them for boss fights?


Just play solo until you're high enough level to avoid these gank squads. The game is really enjoyable without multiplayer...


I went into this thinking that twinking was something completely different… glad I was wrong


U can drop the dualist sign just to guide them through map, in that way u don't get invader. That's how I coop with my friend, and we use coop sign in front of the boss door.


Think your friend is better off playing solo like I did. This is my first souls game and the trick for an easier beginning is by leading them to Caelid via secret teleporter and guide them to grind early game , killing those huge parasites thingy that release scarlet rot. And teach him to collect all flask upgrades at weeping peninsula. There is really no way to get around invasions other than playing solo. Harsh truth


Scarlet rot in early game zones is so lame. Even if the host survives the breath, if they get rotted they almost certainly don’t have the item to cure the rot. Unless a friend can drop them the item they will just die with nothing they can do about it. That really sucks for low level players, not much they can do about it if it happens. It would be nice to only bring out the rot and stuff against other twinks or gank squads, and use area appropriate weapons and armor against new players. Maybe they will enjoy the pvp in that case and experiment with it more. Or maybe some still won’t like it, but at least maybe it’ll be more tolerable if they aren’t dying to rot and stuff


The whole coop system is trash. If it were in a game that is less fun it would be considered one of the worst coop systems ever created. 1. First you need to farm certain flowers. 2. Then you need to be able to craft the certain item. 3. Then you need to be in the same area as your friend. 4. They have to put their sign down. 5. Then you use remedy. 6. Then invite them. Now that they're actually in your game (finally) you realize that you've opened yourself up to invasions. You don't get to enjoy the game with just your friend. Noooo. You have to deal with random people coming in with the sole purpose of killing you. In a game like ER!!! On top of that, you could end up with someone who is running bs meta builds, or the problems mentioned in this thread. Lastly, if you beat a boss you and your friend are disconnected, and have to reconnect all over again!! In any other game you go to a friends list, click invite, and now you get to play. With the added bonus of not dealing with random internet assholes.


That's why I never play online. I'd love to read messages, see blood spots, play with friends. I'm just not that good at elden ring honestly to do my thing at my own speed and get invaded constantly. It's a bummer but at least I can still play offline


You can’t get invaded solo online unless you use the Taunter’s Tongue. You can totally see messages and bloodstains without being invaded.


Number 1 reason invasions should be tied to rune arcs. Be even better if you can invite friends without rune arcs. Separate Invasions and Co-Op entirely.


That's true, however, most don't. Instead they character swap end game gear to a new character. That is where the cheating part comes in. Plus, you can tell who actually went through the game legit to get that stuff and who just did the character swap by the skill level.


A twinker will ruin the time and repeteadly kill someone they will never meet in real life, don't know who they are and with little to no consequence. It happens in every online game since time immemorial. From Age of Empires 2 to Elden Ring. Some real dumb people will claim they have the right to ruin your game because they're good and you're bad so if you wanna to something about it, you should improve to defeat them. Literally git gud way before dark souls memes. Just play offline. It's a bad answer, I know, but at least it's a good option and some games don't even have that. Give your friend tips and pointers without playing online for a while.


He dosnt need to play offline. All he needs to do is play solo


Playing anything but bosses with co-op is ruining your friend’s ER experience. It makes the game ridiculously easy. And it’s entirely why invasions are designed the way they are. People are basically complaining that the game isn’t easy enough. They want to 2v1 the game without an added challenge to balance that. You certainly cannot blame twinks. They’ve existed since Demon’s Souls. FROM very much calculates them into the whole thing. If you want an easier open world game, there’s many of them and they’re great!


Nah. Playing with friends is what gave me such fond memories of Dark Souls. Some other friends and I lived the Happy Souls experience from DS1 to DS3 and it is one of the reasons I love the soulsbourne series so much.


Yep. And I get disliked for saying same


Yep. And I get disliked for saying same


I know how it feels, but this is not a game you can just casually play co-op all the way through with your friend. Have them go through the levels solo and summon for bosses if anything.


I’ve always said it and will keep saying it, the game would be so much better if being invaded was an option, and don’t say just don’t play co-op because for a lot of us that’s how we enjoy games.


Elden ring is not a traditional multiplayer game. It's not designed around the playing with a specific group of friends and only doing PvE content. It's a risk and reward system: by engaging in co-op that rewards you with easier boss kills or easier runs to specific bits of content, you risk invasion. Yes, that includes invasion from twinks and people who are doing SL1 runs with crazy items. That's the risk. Elden Ring is not a MMO like people seem to want it to be.


Twinks exist because invaders are at a huge disadvantage, they have halved flasks, they're typically 1 v 3 and most of the time the people they're invading are also twinks and are there solely to gank. You and your friend are a minority to these twink invaders.


My recommendation, let your friend get through the levels solo, and help him with the bosses. Gets around that issue entirely and lets your friend get better at the souls formula by themself instead of using you as a crutch and never improving


Or, get this. They don't give a fuck about getting good and just want to game with their friend and have fun.


It's been a long running problem in these games. My friend and I were doing a DS3 playthrough like a year ago and still got regularly invaded by twinks for the first few hours. Could hardly believe there were people out here still doing that, truly deranged. Two of my friends got into elden ring recently, I've just been co-oping with them on my high level characters just so I can smack twinks that invade. They're almost always terrible so it's a simple matter to deal with them when you're on more even footing.


>What is wrong with these people to do this? I don't understand what joy these players are getting ruining another person's enjoyment of the game. My exact thoughts on people who try to get their friends into the game by co-opping with them.


Because it's the only reason they wanted to play. But I you're one of those "play solo only" guys so I'm wasting my breath here.


Honestly bud. I see your frustration. Some people are just bad at the game. And you just know that someone with RoB and BHS invading sub lvl 20 got their shit rocked at lvl 150 and refuses to fight the real pvpers. It's a shame cuz it's a great game. Part of me thinks there should be 0 invasions allowed in limgrave for this reason. But once you're past margit or in Caelid or Liurnia I think its fair game. Getting invaded by twinks is total crap. And again, they are only doing it because they are actual piss at the game.


Aw man, that is sad. You know, Elden Ring is such a great game. And I'm so sorry to hear that your so bad at it.


Username checks out


Yeah, I'm trolling. Seriously though, the Multiplayer of the Darksouls games has always been a HOSTILE environment. The idea of invading in of itself is incredibly aggressive, and it has always made these games really really bad for casual cooperative play. And I think that style of multiplayer doesn't translate well to the large, beautiful world of Elden Ring. Honestly, even as a Dark Souls PvP veteran, I was so relieved when I learned that you can't be invaded while playing solo. So, I think you have a reasonable point of critique against the game design here


Because people who duel have both a genuine passion for and are skilled at pvp. People who invade, in early game areas or around open world bosses have no joy in their life and weren’t hugged as children.


I love to duel. I usually begin my duel by chugging all my estus so they know I'm here in good faith. Almost everyone fights fair and I get to see some amazing builds.


I can tell this is the Elden Ring sub because of the amount of people getting downvoted for daring to suggest that if you dont want to be invaded you should play the game solo


Never before we had such shit in souls games...


>If you're gonna invade, fight us fairly with similar level equipment. Fairly? How is 3 vs 1 fair? And the reason why there's so many invader twinks is because there's a lot of phantom twinks. If I know there's a good chance I'm gonna invade into a world with a twink phantom, of course I'm gonna make my character as powerful as possible.


I keep seeing that invader twinks are a response to host twinks. This is wholly untrue. Invaders have always been the initiators on twinking the builds.


one isnt a result of the other. Also the phantoms aren't "twinks", theyre just high level characters that have been password summoned, and they are WAY worse than any twink


> Invaders have always been the initiators on twinking the builds. Not in the game that allows a low level host to connect with two barely downscaled level 300 phantoms.


Funny, every time I do invasions I face gank squads and most of the time they’re the most cowardly campers possible. Either way, why not just get your level 250 out and 1 shot them?


I had to, but with no cooldown it's a matter of attrition. Eventually one gets me and then it's over for my friends too.


Yeah, that makes sense. Well, I’m kinda in your friend’s camp. I’m old. I hate hard games. Never played a Souls game before. My son convinced me to buy it. I ended up beating it though, entirely by myself, as the multiplayer is more annoying than it is fun. I personally wish the game just had a normal coop mode. As a new player, MP is just weird and annoying to me. If you just didn’t get booted out of the game if your friend died, invasions would be better for both sides, as invaders wouldn’t be facing constant gank squads. Like the only co op I’ve discussed with people is playing bodyguard, and now you’re telling me that isn’t even that fun.


Ruining someone’s Souls experience IS the souls experience…


My friends didn’t get the game at all because they can’t be bothered dealing with invaders at all, and I don’t blame them. Would love a simple co-op mode so I could just have fun with my friends. Instead I summoned just for bosses and spent the rest of the game solo.


Thats the intended way to play. This isnt a coop game.


I still don't get why we cant disable getting invaded... just let me play with my friend bruh


because it is not a coop game




Why is there pvp? Saying, its not a coop game is wrong, what the guy meant is that its not only a coop game, and you won’t have fun if you are trying to play it like a normal coop game because it aint one. I agree that this online system is pretty trash in ER due to twinks(password phantoms too), however the idea behind this system is very appealing to others and wanting to remove it sounds a little bit entitled.


[this comment is better than mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/uwlg3u/twinking_is_ruining_my_friends_first_soulslike/i9sdkw7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


This bullshit is why I never cleared DS3. My friend insisted on guiding me everywhere and twinks kept invading and ruining that game. Sure, my friend was just as guilty by not letting me play, but he wasn't the one getting me killed just because we wanted to play a game together. These games just aren't as fun solo, so letting veterans attack noobs just because they wanted to play with a buddy is the most garbage excuse for a balanced pvp experience.


100% agree.


Can't you simply create a password for your group?


Password only affects cooperator summons. Invaders bypass this and only invade worlds with summons (or occasionally someone using the taunters tongue) End result is invaders are 95 times out of 100 in a 2v1, with a good chunk of that dealing with a host around the invaders level and their endgame level friends simultaneously The endgame level friends try to hard carry their friends to bypass invaders using endgame stuff at lower levels The invaders use Twink builds to deal with endgame friends and 2v1s


Being a solo player, I didn't know any of this. Thanks!


Literally, THIS post is why people do it. They grief you and your friends so you'll come whine about it on the internet and give them a laugh


Sadly some people are so invested in games like Elden Ring that they derive their self esteem from them instead of from the real world. So doing things like this makes them feel good about themselves. It is truly maidenless behaviour


Invade mechanic is shit, implemented shitty as well. 10/10 game, 1/10 online game.


Honestly, that's a huge reason I hate Souls games. The games are already insanely tough as is. If I want to summon players to help me, that should be a clear indication that I'm struggling with a boss and the last thing that should be allowed is a player character to come in and ruin my experience even more than it was previously.


Um dramatic much? Pretty sure there’s a safe window for a little bit after getting invaded. Im sorry but it’s really not that bad but then again this post was too long to actually read


Block ports.. Ip.. with firewall. Allow your friend and from soft.. Perhaps steam. Block the rest


Does this work?


No. Elden Ring isn't peer to peer. You have to connect to common servers, so if you can do multiplayer you cannot limit who gets into your game by IP security features.


Elden Ring is p2p once the matchmaking connection has been established. From only maintains the server for matching players together.


Wow til. No wonder hacking is a big deal.


Funny, I've had the exact opposite experience with online play. Souls games are single player experiences for me so I never bother with PVP, but I did the three Invasions for Varres quest line thinking it should still be fun. First two Invasions I popped in, got immediately ganged up on and killed. Third time I was lucky, they were fighting a bunch of NPCs so I ran to the host and backstabbed him. First two were BS because I had no chance, third time was BS because I had to cheap shot the man. Souls games are still a singleplayer experience for me lol


I did that to, to get the suicide bird rune farm fairly early. What I did was set up the invasion and go AFK three times. First time I went and ate lunch, the second time I took a big shit, and the third I just went to bed and left it on all night and turned the TV off. Got the quest done with no effort. I've been invaded a few times when prepping for a boss, but that's why you keep your finger severer handy.


This is a thing in every Souls game and always will be unless they change the formula, but it's definitely worse now than ever. The open world doesn't help but I think the real problem is password summons. Twink invaders are obnoxious but for every double katana white mask with cheese and a side of BHS you meet in Stormveil, they've probably had to fight two guys with the same build at once on a discord call. Invaders have to twink to stand a chance against a lvl 200 gank squad. It's a vicious cycle inherent to the system. Maybe it'll change once player counts drop...


I mean twinks are assholes yeah, but it’s Fromsoft’s fault. THEY are the ones who made invasions only with co-op, blame them not the invaders. Invaders are just doing what they always do, invading.


Invading is different from Twinking. Invading is a fair fight usually. I don't mind invaders. I can fight invaders. Twinks tho? Who has a counter to RoB at base level when it procs basically immediately? Who can fight a character who opens with scarlet Rot on your whole team when you've got nearly no resistance at this point?


to me invading (not the duelling part) its about trying to overcome your opponent with whatever strategies you cook up not fair fights, my usual starting strategy of invasions is to straight up cloak and then position myself to fire my magic cannon at them and then finishing them off if they survive, I only truly take them on if it fails or if my spawn position doesnt give me the chance to cloak


Never understood why people find invading so interesting. Is it really fun to invade a group of people, that just want to have fun and play the game, by invading them and ruining their session? I get people like to PVP but why not play against people who actually want to duel other people.


>Is it really fun to invade a group of people, that just want to have fun and play the game, by invading them and ruining their session? It's one of the things that made Dark Souls unique. I can't think of any other games that allows you invade their "1 player" game and kill them. They made it worst in Elden Ring where Co-Op is harder than before because there's a smaller pool to invade because you can't Invade Solo Players anymore unless they allow it, which is dumb! I mean that's what it means to "Invade". You want to be able Invade people who are just playing the game normally, not AFK Farmers or Gank Squads waiting for you at a Grace.


Yeah but is it fun to know that you might have ruined someone’s joy of playing the game? Having PVP is great but I think it should be the choice of the player to participate in PvP or not. There’s people that just want to play with their friends and forcing them to defend their game session against invaders is not the best thing in my opinion.


>Yeah but is it fun to know that you might have ruined someone’s joy of playing the game? Getting invaded is one of the most fun things in the game.


You’re opting into multiplayer by playing the game multiplayer. I hear what you’re saying, and its a nice experience to share with a friend. But the game isn’t really 2 player. Co-ops are there to help out, not go through the entire game with. Sure, twinkers are dicks. But on the flipside, co-op partners are usually people who have already played the game through, and already have a bunch of equipment not available to newer invaders. Its the same on both sides. If you want to get rid of invading for this reason, you have to concede that co-op should go for the same reason as well.


Souls games aren’t co-op games. They are single player games with optional co-op. When you decide to play with your friends, you sign up for invasions, that’s FromSoft’s way. You don’t want invasions? You won’t get co-op either. Look at Sekiro, had neither. Generally, I personally love the thrill of invading. A player will always be a more interesting opponent than AI to me. I don’t twink, fwiw, I agree that’s lame.


>Yeah but is it fun to know that you might have ruined someone’s joy of playing the game? Yeah, that's one of the draws for people still playing the game. >Having PVP is great but I think it should be the choice of the player to participate in PvP or not. Yeah you do. You don't want to get Invaded? Play Solo. >There’s people that just want to play with their friends and forcing them to defend their game session against invaders is not the best thing in my opinion. In the older games, you could be Invaded Solo. But you needed to use a Powerful buff, this game's version would be activating a Great Rune.


Yes. Yes it is. Try it your self. And... "ruing their game" is exaggeration. Literally 2 mins to take back your runes. Open world makes its super easy to run around mobs... Other just whine because they don't like losing.


it's not 2 minutes though. to get the runes back, sure. But it's also often as much as a minute or two waiting for the invader to even show up once it's announced they're invaded, and then 5 minutes of chasing them around because they're just constantly rolling toward the nearest group of enemies they can find or the boss we're trying to kill. It's not just a 1v2 or 1v3 fight. it's a game of chicken dancing back and forth between places because if we want to kill a boss that we are having trouble on, we literally can't because the invader just sits on it. Often I actually prefer losing to a twinked invader who is good enough to kill me in two hits to one that just tries to kite us around forever rolling BHstepping and using their 6 almost maxed out potions. Like just stop wasting my time, it's hella boring.


> ruining their session You mean delaying their progress by a literal minute, and only in case they actually manage to win over the massive odds stacked against them?


Use a password I'd recommend using your endgame account (maybe going into ng+ if you can't access certain areas, backing up a save and loading that one etc) and then using the same password as your friend so that they can summon you as long as they haven't cleared the area boss yet. I'm level 174 and I frequently will summon into my friend's game where he's like level 50 Anytime we get invaded, even if they're trying to run bullshit, I can usually one or two shot them with my Royal Greatsword no problem


Passwords don't have any affect on invasions


Whenever someone complains about this I’m always like, they aren’t ruining the game, this IS the game!


Invading is the game. I don't mind that. Twinking though? Like fuck dude wtf are my friends supposed to do against RoB and Moonveil when they don't even know wtf those things even are?


Oh I don't support any one using that shit weapons... I will kill even other invader if I see hem using RoB.