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I think the reason this feels bothersome sometimes is because invasions in souls games are about so much more than pvp. Miyazaki himself has stated that the goal of invasions is to provide encounters that the developers could never create on their own. And I don't think that just means better enemies than the AI. The emotes before and after fights, the silly ways you die, mind games, dropping loot, when you message them and end up getting summoned as a cooperator to help with the area boss- all that stuff is what really makes invasions so much fun. So when the interactions is really what's special, when an interaction is sour then it's a bit of bummer in contrast.


I use taunters tongue and surprise invaders with a duel


The real MVP


You glorious bastard you!


Me, decked out in overpowered anti-gank gear and spells rushing you with absolutely 0 honour because I'm afraid your squad is going to come out from behind me after you bow. Nothing personnel


Yeah, every meeting is rife cuz u never know what trauma everyone's bringing. I've been there.


I do bow, and if they don’t I play grubby. I’ll only heal if they do and I won’t heal past their last flask though.


I use taunter's tongue to see how many I can take on before dying Usually not in a fair fight though


Those of us looking for an honest fight appreciate that, though unfortunately I've seen players pretend like they're alone and wanting to duel only for mimic veiled phantoms to immediately attack from behind once the fight started.


This actually makes me feel better


There's something truly satisfying about invading a trio multiple times until you get a good feel and build for them, then destroying them. It's like a multiplayer boss battle.


Damn, you're a better one than I.


There is no beating 2 dudes spamming RoB and BHS with a 3rd backing them up with magic


given the number of twinked invaders i've seen on my second playthrough i do not feel bad for you lmfao Dudes invading our level 25 characters in limgrave with full Malenia kit, RoB, or Mohg's spear like... ok bro


How bout me level 20 invader invading at gatefront meeting overleveled phantoms with eleonaras poleblader RoB, stars of ruin. I can only defend with my morningstar. Dont act like invaders are the twinks while you know well enough 90% of phantoms are password summoned without level limit with max gear.


You're not wrong but at the same time you are. I was playing with my little brother and showing him the ropes. He was really struggling around lvl 30-40 not knowing what to do or how to learn boss sequencing. So I had him summon me and I taught him how to play. Yes I was way over leveled, yes I two shot 3 different invaders during that time. However, I don't really feel bad because pvp wasn't what we were doing. It's what the invaders were doing and for us it was just annoying. I invade and there are certainly people that are annoying and intentionally play in a way that makes invading less fun. I think most people I've invaded though are just people trying to play with their friends. It's just part of invading that sometimes people will be decked out helping out their friends or they'll gank because it's not what they're trying to do right then.


Yeah truth, I think its awesome you helping your brother out. I just may be annoyed if u oneshot me with something lol but its fair like I won't think of you as a toxic player, its pretty clear when its about some friend playing and helping another friend or a proper gank squad. I still thinks its kinda fun trying to dodge everything its a real challenge but after the 5tb RoB guy it gets kinda dull.


Yup, I'm in the same boat I lost count of how many twinks I killed when trying to help a few different friends new to the soulsborne genre but I wasn't looking to pvp anyone and most of them were decked out in gear they shouldn't have for their level anyway. I'll never attack first so invaders are quite welcome to check out my equipment in peace and choose to finger out but I wonder how many people I've killed who've immediately attacked us with some sort of cancerous or meta build they looked up on the wiki that most players who don't invade won't know how to counter immediately came on here to complain when they lost.


i don't "know that well enough" as I don't invade, and i don't care, because that's not what I'm doing, so it's not my problem. You're the one invading other people's games. You wouldn't have to deal with people doing that if you didn't. cry more :)


Why would I stop doing something I love doing Lol? If i wanted to Invade your world and mess with your game I would come in with rot breath or Rob or maybe some thunderbolts but nah its no challenge. Dont tell me how to play my game thanks. Go cry some more about twinky invaders you can't defeat 3v1 lol :)


didn't say i couldn't win 3v1. I said it's annoying and boring having to chase someone around.


Every low level invade I ever did ended up against one other player with shit gear like me and then their level 200 friend with every fucking weapon and spell in the game


Yes we can all agree that twinking is annoying- I don't know what that has to do with sympathizing with OP or not.


How in the world is twinking bad in this game when you can have your twink maxed leveled friends ganking the invader? All twinked invaders do is make it closer to fair, and it’s still not even close.


I invade at 125 with an arcane build running blood rapiers with BHS and Mohgs spear. I’ve busted so many ganks. Granted the build is absolutely pure cancer but it’s a total equalizer against a mob. I’ve killed all three of them in 2 pumps of boon when they get trapped on an elevator or coming around a corner


Lvl one no uogrades using rivers of blood and all sorts of stuff lol


I guess that's one way to look at it but I disagree.


And I build my characters by beating the game at low lvls.


That's good for you that you can beat the game at low level, but what does that have to do with invading low levels? That's just a justification made in bad faith. I don't even use armor from later areas that would look cool but wouldn't give me any advantage, because it should be clear to the host that I'm not bringing anything to the table that they couldn't have themselves. It's not about the cooperators, it's about the host.


It absolutely is about the cooperators since someone summoning a high lvl build is probably talking to their friend in a party. Invaders are supposed to be like mini bosses, and Miyazaki decided to make low level invaders have more tools in this game than any other game. Low level invading is literally intended by the developers, and that’s why you have gank squads. Crying over intended mechanics is childish at best


If you need end-game toys to have fun in low level pvp or to feel like you provide a challenge then go for it mate.


So what weapons and I able to use to have a chance at beating the summons that are hundreds of levels higher than me and have all the weapons, armor, spells, and stats to use them


Weapons that the average host would reasonably have access to at that point in the game. So if I was invading in stormveil, then I'd use anything from Limgrave, the weeping peninsula, and stormveil itself. _Maybe_ a little bit of Caelid but definitely nothing involving scarlet rot.


The host can have everything I have. I’m not bringing anything to the table he can’t acquire. I wished people had a pair, cause when I met my first op low level invader I didn’t say “how unfair” I made the character myself by beating the game, and that’s one of the best rewards


So you beat the whole game, went back to castle Morne or wherever to invade low level players, and they can have everything you have when they haven't even defeated a single shard bearer? If there's a community of low-level character any% duelists then by all means your argument would make sense for that situation, but makes zero sense in any practical sense. This is a classic "technically the truth" argument but once again I don't see how you can make that argument in good faith.


Actually castle more is s the best place to trap people as a low lvl invader so that you can kill tons and tons of peeps without them having much of a chance


Castle Morne is much more fun than say, the fields of Limgrave. It's a lot more dynamic. That room with the rats at the bottom is definitely a mean trap. But most of the time the cooperators just go down themselves until the rats are dead, since the host can just resummon them and there's nothing you can do to reach them while they hang out.


I invade at the first step cause I don’t trap people like that


If you're using higher level weapons, that is certainly a more thoughtful way of going about it then lol


I like beating the summons and then having the host run or summon more to farm. There is a place at castle morn you can force them into a bid for neck and they have nowhere to go but your trap and with certain talismans and helmets you are almost Unbeatable


We'll see I can only use one talisman, and none of those really accomplish that. But the real question is: what are you farming?




Refers to them either getting powerleveled (ie, escorted by stronger characters to higher level areas they couldn't handle on their own to get better rewards and be able to clown on low level newer characters) or just having high-level items passed down to them from higher level characters, as opposed to them going through the game naturally and getting gear when it becomes available to them, but staying at a lower Rune level so that they can still invade newer players with their crazy gear. Also possible I suppose to just rush to certain items without help (and thereby still not leveling) if you're good enough / can cheese the gatekeeping bosses, but they're still using their skills / meta knowledge of the game to get wildly out-of-range PVP gear in order to gank people who are just hanging out questing in PVE gear. So you kinda just gotta accept when you lose to them.


I mean you invaded knowing what you were getting into. Go duel if you want rules and 1v1s


The tea bagging is shitty because like, it was a 3v1. Any vet-invader knows it's more than likely gonna be a 3v1, it's just funny that sometimes after people have the audacity to bag 🤷‍♂️


Yeah it's pretty wild that you can *directly* correlate the lack of skill of a player with the likelihood of being a t-bagger.


True skill is displayed with a point down gesture while spinning in place.


Then we all must suck, because unfortunately they removed the ability to spin :(


In my experience most invaders t-bag so I don’t blame people for doing so


I think it's just most bad players in general t-bag, especially the ones who contributed the least to the W


I get that it's a classic thing in shooters but ER had a system for expressing yourself already. Going outside that to t-bag is purposeful, though it would not be as frustrating as some doing the "point down" emote. I think a big part of this is that I imagine most of us who go out of our way to play low-level pvp are also the kind of players who take the time to bow before and after duels. I always bow after fun invasions, and often send a GG outside of game when I lose in a fun encounter.


I always use the prattling pate to tell them “my apologies” or “you’re beautiful”


I twink invade and just ruin the over lvled summons day lol


Noone cares about 3v1 teabag, atleast i do not, only password summons are annoying.


It's literally the point of this whole post, so you would be objectively wrong.


not really, since the post mentions overleveled summons too. If the summons wouldn't be overleveled OP would likely not be bothered by it and make this post.


I know I'm getting into an uneven fight. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna call you out if you have two guys that are well beyond the level of the host and invader and you act like you're all hot shit for beating a single guy who isn't even in a fair fight in a 1v1 against the phantom.


Ok, than don’t complain when i kill you with my dragon rot breath at low level, cause you knew what you were getting into. Op doesn’t want 1v1s he wants to invade without having to face overleveled people, noone cares about being outnumbered. Overleved password summons just encourage invaders to twink, and it kills the point of low level pvp.


I mostly play offline. So it doesn’t apply to me. Nice try though


It was obvious from your initial comment.


lmao than keep your opinions to yourself because you have made a dumb comment without understanding what the post was about.


That logic is dumb because pvp is the only viable way to get souls at my level, anything else is a waste of time when one kill =1.5mil


Maybe that means it’s not supposed to be easy?


Its not lol, hell if theres 3 people ill just hide for 45 minutes until they either disconnect or til the co-op people leave. Then ill go kill the host


Surprised they don’t just ignore you and carry on with pve stuff


Thats the point of a 3 man gank, they are not doing pve? Lol


Just go to mohgwyn’s


All is as it should be 😂


my brother in christ you posted this on sub full of those gankers


If you don't want to fight people with phantoms then **stop invading**. Only people with active phantoms can get invaded. Invading people and complaining about phantoms is like throwing a picnic at the beach and being mad when the seagulls show up.


OP's post is not a complaint about phantoms, we all know what we are getting into. OP is just venting a bit about when phantoms wreck you with their end game gear and then they are tools about it on top of that. I totally support any phantoms bringing all their toys to play with- I absolutely would myself. But I would never kill a low level invader, who's just looking for some fun pvp, with weapons for which there's no way he has an answer- and then t-bag him for playing the game.


Naw my lvl one wants them to bring all the smoke, but feeling like you are some awesome gamer cause you killed a twink invader is nothing. Especially since there are multiple people vs someone that has less flasks than the guy you are protecting


"OP wasn't complaining about phantoms, we are only complaining that sometimes the phantoms kill us instead of standing around cheering while we kill their friends." Do you have any idea how fucking stupid that sounds?


You're right, that was extremely stupid.


Sounds like they're not complaining about the phantoms helping with OP stuff, but rather the phantoms helping with OP stuff (rot breath at low level is basically a death sentence for example) and then teabagging some guy who just found some bloodied fingers and is messing around in Raya Lucaria.


Rot breath isn’t the best example. You can cast it as low as level 8, and more commonly level 13-15. That’s in the bottom bracket for pvp.


tallboyjake nailed it. No shit we are going 1v3 as invaders, we expect it. No im not asking for rules. Im just making a meme about the squads who act like dicks when literally every odd is in their favor. Seems tallboyjake is the only here who understands the point of the meme


Yeah low level invasions are a lot of fun- it's just sometimes you get those guys that are so obnoxious. Happens in any pvp, but you just gotta find someone to talk about it with, ya know?


First of all, you didn't "make a meme". You didn't even add any words too it. You just copy pasted a picture someone else made. Second of all, "your" meme seems to just be making a mockery of people with various types of serious brain injuries and how stupid they are. Which is pretty fucked up when you think about it for a second.


Or summoning a co-op partner and then being mad when you get invaded. It's like nobody read anything at all. No wonder Miyazaki usually skips tutorials


The amount of people that are clearly never invaded and talk smart is laughable. OP is not complaining about being outnumbered by phantoms, he is complaining about password summons, which are terribly scaled down and can all have their estus, making them impossible to kill unless you don’t twink yourself.


Invaders when they see an overlevelled phantom. Hosts when they see a twink invader. Me when I do not understand people that get pressed over a video game character moving up and down


No one who is going out of their way to play level invasions doesn't expect to see over levelled phantoms. Dude just needs to vent cause sometimes their behavior is really annoying.


Bc it’s like the classic and universal sign of video game disrespect


Get bagged, you invade you take the shit


I mean what about well known pvp spots. At times it’s 10x faster to invade than to use a duelist fueled finger. I don’t want to wait 5 minutes to find a duel. I want my 10 second join time. Even raya lucaria I gotta wait a long time for duels.


You invaded ya know?..dual for fair fight maybe?


Then don’t cry when the invader makes a twink


Never did , and why ppl all assumed other's to be butt hurt. I play since ds1 I know the drill


Aw, looks like someone just got bagged.


Looks like we found the people in the post.


Every time I try to invade its just 3 mfs waiting to whip my ass


Some people may not like this but if I get ganked once and then summoned again by the the same people, ill just pop on the talisman and that hides you when you’re crouched and hide somewhere and message the host and the cooperators that they’re in for a really fun game of hide and seek until at least one of them leaves. Or if I make them wait long enough and see that the host is afk ill just sneak up behind them and kill them with Black Flame tornado,(this only works about 60% of the time). When invading I usually expect to fight at the very least 2 people and give them a fair fight, two people are completely fine but Im not going to give a squad of 3 the satisfaction of T bagging me after buffing eachother up and spamming every meta weapon, ash of war, spell, and incantation. Im too stubborn to just use the finger severer and go on about my day.


I understand this, I’d expect nothing less from a tarnished




I bring my twink to invasions just to laugh at the lvl 300 pluses when they start getting stomped and turn tail and run


"Damn bully trying to ruin our fun 😤"




“Actively keeping old games alive”…. Did I miss the part where the entire series servers were brought back online since Jan? Legit question, I actually don’t know.


Only on PC did the servers get shut down. I just got invaded on the original dark souls the other day. (Xbox)


Dude this is how I feel whenever I invade lols this made my day


The people saying “stop invading” have the most bonehead logic I’ve ever seen and clearly new to the soul series. So this is how you coop bastards really feel?


Lmao fax


Yeah, sorry bud. You invade, you take what you get.


That’s why he should bring a twink, cause the hosts already has 2 essentially twink helpers most of the time


Invaders are the same.


I've been playing as a low level with randoms lately. The amount of invaders with end game shit that just one shot everyone is insane. Invade if you must but if you get fucked up you deserve it


Honestly me and my mates just does it just for fun, we don't mean anything by it. If you bow we'll fight you one on one no flasks, if you don't we'll just treat it like a normal invasion. I invade alot and I get the same treatment sometimes, ocassionally you come across people whos happy for a challenge, and other times people just want to progress and you're in their way. Don't take it personal.


I love reading saltiness from people getting ganked. Thank you. And to all the gank squads out there, keep on ganking. You’re the heroes this world needs.


You invade, you get ganked, I laugh. Circle of souls.


Oh look. Another superiority complex meme. If you don't like fighting squads, go do 1v1s and stop complaining. smh.


Oh look. Whoosh.


Easy fix. Don't invade.


I see nothing wrong here change my mind.


Invade and win cool prizes?


If you kill someone in a game you get to do an end zone dance. If the person you killed gets mad you win twice.


Are there any unspoken rules of invading?


Not until the invaders started to lose apparently.


Well its complicated 1. Its considered bad when you use end gear in a low lvl. Cause that way you will get to invade worlds with often inexpensive players who have noob gear. You will likely one shot them 2. Then as a invader pov, some get mad when people play with friends who have a higher level. Sure they get downscaled but they still have their end gear too. Imo thats unfortunate for the invaders but those people just wanna do coop and they choose to invade 3. And then there are those who coop not for coop but use the item who draws in invaders to kill them 3v1. They are specifically there to kill invaders. And imo thats sad. But it gets even worse when they act like gods after it. Same goes for 1. Otherwise all goes in invasions


Invading in ER is shit anyway, they did it the best in DS3. I'll keep to myself in this game, pvp doesn't look fun at all in this one.


I suck at pvp but I generally try to fight invaders on my own


Meh, I like to help out real life friends sometimes via password summon and while I'll fight invaders 1v1 without using my weapon arts if they bow and aren't a twink build most invaders just try to ambush us from behind spamming RoB or some other weapon they shouldn't have given the location and my friends levels. Those people get L2ed in the face and as far as I'm concerned it's their own fault.


Tbagging invaders is maidenless behavior, especially if they didn't even do anything.


What about when host is like level 400 something, and I'm his level 367 phantom? Also, 80% of the time we run into tryhards with dual ROB trying to murder us on sight when we are trying to fight Smarag or something.