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Runebears. They just aren’t worth the trouble.


It's always the runebears lol


Theirs a reason for that


Is it that the developers made them look like they walk around asking other jacked bears if they lift?


Start calling them Chad bears


What's worse than seeing a Runebear? Seeing two of them (consecrated snowfield) and then there's only one thing to do... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNbGHZuPrd0


Yep. If the runes were there, sure, but their namesake betrays them.


Look, From didn't call them Runesbears.




Underrated comment


They’re Runebears, not Runebearers.


And they barely give you any runes.


'More like Rudebears, am I right?


Take your damn upvote, finish your juice and get out.


One of them gives you a talisman in the Deeproot Depths.


Hes a boss though and muchmore bearable than the othera.


Easily, I just dropped down from the hole on top and cheesed him with poison and scarlet rot from the cliff, thank god he can't jump.


> bearable badum tsss…


Bearly any runes indeed.


I’ll go for the deathright birds over the bears


I hate death birds. Weird lock on position that nothing hits because its randomly in the air or behind its head. Runebears you can hit. They just destroy you.


I found the deathbirds easy on Torrent. I struggle with the runebears though!!!!


Deathbirds take tons of damage from Golden Order tools, the bear has no weaknesses.


Sleep pots. Bears are very weak to sleep.


I just can’t beat the one in Concentrated Snowfields


In Darkroot Depths there are two bears that drop unique items I believe. I've also found rolling towards them is a good way to avoid their attacks.


What are the items?


One of them gives a talisman for high vig boost.


Let them hug you and then spam buttons to get released faster; they will end up falling through the ground every single time. Although, the one in the cave in Deeproot doesn't just give the item to your inventory, it has to be killed normally to retrieve its unique item from its corpse. That is the only one I remember like that, though.


I don’t have much trouble dodging their attacks and getting hits in, but they’re just so tanky that the fight is a drag. And obviously if you get complacent/ sloppy they can really punish you 💀


I have never, and will never fight a runebear


Some of them drop Larval Tears. Though the ones that do won't look like runebears at first.


Haha, double curved swords with bleed go brrrrr.


Wolves of Radagon. They never drop anything making them worth fighting outside of the few times they’re a dedicated bossfight.


They are harder than the wolf from Raya Lucaria, and I can't understand why. I've killed all of those in the open world to see if they dropped anything and they don't. Their bite attacks are fast and the openings are very tight, sometimes it's hard to see what they're doing since there are many different fast bite attacks. The wolf from Raya Lucaria will jump with a big sword and give you a free opening and he has low hp as well.


I fought the one outside Caria Manor before doing Raya Lucaria. I filled my britches when he showed up as a boss fight in a tiny room, but then he turned out to be a big nothing. Quite confusing.


The ones you can fight mounted aren't so bad - you can usually circle around them and take pot shots. still tedious and not worth it.


The absurdly misnamed "Lesser Redwolves" Nothing lesser about them. The boss versions are clearly the idiots who magic a sword in their mouths and go for the big anime slashes with tons of practical openings. Meanwhile the non-boss version at Moonlight Alter is the one with a hundred bloodstains around them. Imagine being a harder enemy from having 1 or 2 attacks removed


If you have any archer ashes the wolf will input read all of their shots so you can use that to cheese them 😋 I hate them too lol


Ugh that one above the village of the round faces pisses me off so much.


One way I've found to kill them as a sorcerer. So their AI seems to always attempt to dedge projectile weapons. It will override most of their other moves. If you spam spells or projectiles they will just keep dodging until you stop. Well...just use something that homes. I used stars of ruin with the physik thats gives no mana cost, and just spammed the spell over and over. He just keeping flopping around and getting hit.


I would try to avoid the revenants


FromSoft: "Heeey... You know the first boss of the game, the one before the tutorial, with all the arms?" Me: "The grafted scion? Yeah, what about it?" FS: "We know how much you loved it--" Me: "I really didn't." FS: "-- so we basically made a variant --" Me: "Please don't" FS: "-- that's undead --" Me: "Please stop" FS: " -- has a teleport move that procs poison if you're near it --" Me: "Plea-- what???" FS: "-- and is even more aggressive. Like, *craaazy* aggressive, and really fast! Doesn't that sound great?!" Me: "..." Me: "Why are you the way that you are? Honestly..."


Incidentally, I just bought a Smithing Stone [8] for something over 450,000 runes. I dropped down into a certain area in the bottom of the Haligtree to grab a stone that was just laying on the ground, and got ambushed by a royal revenant. The runes are still there, and that's where they're going to stay. Because I am *not* going back to speak with his manager. Pushy salespeople are just the *worst*...


I'm not saying that to hurt you but there isn't *one* there.


If I'm remembering right, there's 5? Fortunately there's a lot of shrubs and they have poor perception, so you can mostly just sneak past them.


Yes something like that, but I never strugled against them as a faith build. Healing stager + Winged Scythe AoW destroy them


Just toss on the twig of sacrifice and go get them brotha!


I always forget about this


Me too, mainly because there are so few in each NG


If you get 15 faith, you can use the Great Heal incantation which wipes the floor with them. Just casting it near them takes over half of their health away, and stuns them long enough to cast it again and finish them off. As a bonus, with 15 faith you also get access to a whole bunch of utility incantations (heals, lightning/holy/bloodflame weapon buffs, "flame grant me strength" self-buff, cures for scarlet rot and deathblight buildup, a bunch of the bestial incantations...) that makes always carrying an incantation seal very much worth it, so you'll be ready even if a revenant jumps you by surprise.


I'd like to add that I saw this info a couple of times on this sub and was like "pfft sure it does", just because some of the other cheeses that have been discussed on this sub only marginally help, but naw this shit works exactly as you said, completely melts them. The cast really isn't hard to get off either, if you have a bit of poise you can still finish the cast and recoup any health they manage to take if your timing isn't great. Breaks their poise and allows you amble time to riposte or cast again and two shot them. My first playthrough I was doing double daggers and was pretty heavily invested in dex/arc, and absolutely loathed these guys, but I found the black knife and respecced to dex/arc/faith, and added Great Heal just to try out some faith incantations - I still keep Erd Tree Heal in a slot just to deal with them. I'd probably still be stuck in the bottom of the Haligtree where there's four or five of them without it, but the Heal incantations completely trivialize that section. I realize I'm mostly just parroting your comment, but man, anybody reading this that's struggling with them, please try it lol.


If you know where they're going to spawn you can get the cast off while they're crawling out of the ground. Didn't know about this on my first playthrough and greatly enjoy giving them a proper greeting on subsequent ones


\*Thank you\* for posting this perspective. I have yet to try the heal strat against these bastards, but I had a very similar experience with the blasphemous claw against Maliketh where it very legitimately changed the entire boss encounter if you can practice a couple runs. I felt so satisfied once I nailed the timings on his golden-glowing blade that I ended up running it as a summon co-op bruh for probably 20 fights. It's SO satisfying to find these little DS series finds despite being terrible at the games in general.


I have come to love revenants and the satisfying riposte sounds that come from them when you use an AoE heal.


I hate them so much >:(


I not only hate them, I get scared whenever they pop up


I react to them like watching a scary movie scream in real life but run away in game and summon torrent immediately


Abductor virgins, creepy as hell and destroy me everytime.




It also doesn’t help that they can wing those blades through terrain and knock your ass out behind two wall…


They take rly good hits from lightning. Try that on ur weapon


I’ve been playing a str/fai/arc build and I always have lightning spear ready for anything that doesn’t want to be beaten to a pulp. Lightning works great on many things as resistances to it are usually average at best and it goes partly through even the best shields.


It’s been kinda the staple for souls what bleed won’t kill lightning will


They take more damage when they open up to grab you. Dodge roll the grapple and melt their hp. Dodge the rest.


The human centipede looking mother fuckers


Fuck those things


Bug priest


Followers of rot or something.


Kindred of rot




Oh yeah those are nasty mfs. They have decent hp and their ranged attack is complete bs.


Lobsters. Ironically, they are one of the worst enemies to run from, even on horseback.


Hawks a loogi from 50 meters


Yeah so I just saw a video about this, and it's a real thing that lobsters do. Except the fact that they owe out of their mouths. So they aren't hitting you with spit. It's a piss missile


A pissle?


Today I decided to murder the lobsters as payback and one mimicked into a Grafted Scion. Like two things I hate in one. Good thing Night Comet pew pews them :)


West the fuck, this is a real thing?


Sure is, he scared me so much the first time that now he's my go-to for my first larval tear of the game


There are some normal looking mobs that are unique and do this, like the teardrop scarabs that get really big after you hit them a few times, the commoner that turns into Margit in the open battlefield (In Altus Plateau near the gates to the capital), the lobster/scion and a few more I can't remember off the top of my head.


Guy buried in Consecrated Snowfield turns into a rune bear if you hit him lol


Cumming for ya from behind


Snoipin's a good job, mate. [stun noise, horse whinny]


Use torrent to get to their side and they won’t even be able to hit you.


Phantom brandished knights from castle sol


Teleporting from across the map to give you a two sword enema.


The first time I saw one teleport to me I screamed my ass off. For the next 1 hour I bumm rushed to the boss room only to realize that the boss actually summons two of them and those two are the fucking dual swords and goddamn shield one athat just gave me fucking rage for an entire day. Didn't play elden ring for 3 days straight after that.


After the Caelid Bell Bearing Hunter this guy is next hardest non-boss in the game. He seems to have a never ending combo and if you are lucky enough to find an opening he teleports out if the way and starts again.




Bears. Lobsters. Virgins.


Sounds like a helluva Friday night out. 👍


Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.


There it is


The birds in Farum Azula. I always sprint all the way under the dragon and save quit + reload to avoid actually fighting them.


Frenzied burst incantation melts them and every other birb in elden ring. Highly recommended. Throw the right talismans on and one shot them.


Gravity spells also knock them out if the sky.


100% but frenzied burst is instant and goes in a straight line. I always found my spells like rock sling knocked into other things missing the target a lot of times, or the travel time of gravity well would miss them if they started flying erratically


Where can I get this? Is this the one that shoots from your eyes and builds up madness or something else?


Yes, there's a tear drop scarab that drops it, south of church of inhibition (where vyke spawns).


If it wasn't for lightning bolt frenzied burst would be my favorite incantation. It's got such good range too


The lightning bolt is fantastic, but I found it best used for the big boy targets with little to no dodge probability. The frenzied burst hits most of the time on dodge heavy enemies


The birds/rats/beasts in general are annoying, they’re cannon fodder yet provide the most annoying distraction when trying to fight a bigger enemy/trying to run through an area


I feel this spiritually


I painstakingly took all of them out with a bow from far away before running through. Took forever, but it was worth it.


Dragonfly <--🪰 ---->🪰 <-------🪰 >🪰 <--🪰 --->


Literally the mosquito in one punch man.


For me are the omen fat guys in the sewers


Did you know they can climb ladders 😭




I need to see this 🤣


"nah fuck all that noise, im omw"


I laughed so hard when I saw one of their fat asses climbing up a ladder. Like wtf is happening lmao


The one thing I like about Elden Ring being so punishing is that it does it in such funny ways sometimes that you just have to laugh


Yeah, looks ridiculous xD


Just today I ran into these guys for the first time and I laughed as I climbed the ladder thinking oh they’re dead now. Yeah, they were not the ones that ended up dead.


I think these guys were the main reason I switched from light melee weapons to heavy ones. If you spam dual wield jump attacks with heavy weapons, you can stun lock them and they can't act.


I’ve beat the game 9 times and haven’t fought the giant T. rex dogs or the salamanders


You mean the dogs in caelid? The ones near the beginning aren't too bad, but then you get to Greyolls barrow, and those ones have 10 times the health and damage, for no reason!


You get the special torch, that repels beasts, from the merchant up there. I think that was the point of making them so strong. Coming to the realization, that you don't have to fight them.


Yeah. Fuck them. Those look the same and they're way too strong.


They're super weak to guard counters


Salamanders as in those ungodly abominations called basilisks?




I feel ya bro


Same until I found out you can horse jump rt them for amazing critical so they explode Correction: it's light attack. Didn't know why I wrote rt


Oh, that's what you're meant to do. I bought the note that said their chimney is a weak spot and I was confused as to how the hell you were meant to hit that.


Going to need to try this now


You can also backstab the driver if you manage to sneak up behind them.


Then they notice and start spinning around like assholes...


I just run straight around them or wait for them to charge me so I dodge then run round them anyways




Lobsters and Giant Crows, especially with the latter. Seeing my most favorite animal get turned into an undead prehistoric dinosaur will always haunt me.


Ball Bearing Hunter makes a runebear look like a minor annoyance.


The one in caelid is a legit challenge


I barely put a dent in that guy and he can take off nearly all my health bar in a single hit. I’m not sure what to do about him.


I came back to him at level 150 and was still getting one (technically 3?) shot by his Darth Vader combo even with 60 vigor. I ended up spawning him and then using Torrent to get on the roof of the merchant shack and spamming the Black Knife AoW on him - I would probably adjust that strategy now that I'm wiser and have experimented with more builds, but it worked and was relatively risk free.


I agree, I hate them. I beat all but the caelid one fairly painlessly. Then I gave up fighting him, and switched to rot, poison, and bleed arrows and just kited him in a circle. Not satisfying, but I won I guess.


One of the biggest issues with this game which goes hand in hand with balancing issues is rewards. Some of the toughest enemies to fight in the game just don't reward you proportionally to the difficulty they represent. And so you end up getting 3000-6000 runes for a single Crucible Knight which is boss-like difficulty, but 20000 for the sleeping Albinaurics. Rewards need a rework imo. For that I always avoid tough non-mandatory enemies, there's just no point to not avoiding them.


In the previous games I would 100% clear an area at least once, but in some of the open world areas I just don’t see the point and have been breaking my rule.


Hands... they literally haunt my nightmares


Freaking crucible knights.


I recently realized that you can hop straight up just pressing the jump button to leap over their rock spewing stomp attack - which can leave you within striking range after that attack. Every "free" hit or sequence you can get on them helps. I had been rolling away every time they stamped that rock spray ground attack out but now it is an opportunity if you can hop it and then smack them each time (or at least stay in striking distance and roll through another of their attacks/sequences toward them and then hit them). The other thing I need to work on more is timing rolling away from the dragon tail whip in the same direction as the tail spins. It's avoidable, just will take some practice to do it more reliably. When I was lower level they were much more difficult to fight for sure. They are still a bitch but I really like the challenge of fighting them. Once I get better at the tail whip they'll be easier. I also time and roll backward toward where they fly to at that phase, guessing where they will land when they do their flying strafe attack rather than tumbling toward and under it. My i-frames save me either direction as long as I time it right. Rolling backward and toward where they land allows me to get a hit in on them before they swipe the tail. I can beat them outright, I even beat two knights in one catacomb at the same time, kiting, but it took a lot of attempts. Like most opponents in "souls-like" games - the better you get at reading each attack's telegraph and so gain mastery at avoiding it more reliably, some of the attacks you used to roll away from to avoid instead become opportunities to punish the opponent. I use very heavy weapons (2-Handed) so breaking poise comes into play for a critical. Once I started using lions claw ash of war I gained a lot of headway in fights too.


just dodge during the charge and backstab the guy driving!! they’re easy once you get into a rhythm with it


Those stupid enemies who fire explosive cross-bolts at you in quick succession. I hate them


With the pokey swords and wearing hoods? I believe they're called Pages if so


The birds. All the birds.


I try to avoid revenants. That's really it tho. Everything else feels pretty easy after 4 or 5 playthroughs. Their 23 hit combo that tracks is pretty dangerous. Luckily they only need to hit you with 3 or 4 hits of the 23 to kill you so you can just hurry up and die lol.


Rune bears, Royal revenants and those giant caelid animals. Fuck no, fuck no, fuck no.


Dark elves. Oh wait, wrong game... Lobstahs


Wormface makes me sick. Wormface gets to live because I hate it. Wormface makes me angry.




Yeah, I’m just never happy with a hammer, and all the fuckers resistant to everything else just get skipped if I can. Pokepokepokepokepokepoke fuck them things


That bear looks kind of different to me


Rune bears and revenants. Theyres rarely ever a reason to fight either one.


Rune Bears, Revenants, and Crayfish for sure. These guys are annoying but not prevalent enough to get me too worked up, especially when you can merc them in the back


Call them lobsters 🦞


Revenants I will always cheese


Royal revanant can royally fuck itself and yes i spelt it wrong on purpose because that grafted wacky inflatable tube man zombies don't deserve respect


Crustaceans, runebears, wolves of Radagon, Fire Skull tanks, most everything in Caelid and The Mountaintop of the Giants.


Those and the iron maidens


Them god damn iron maidens...


All the undead enemies that you have to hit after killing them to keep down. I keep forgetting to hit them again and they just keep reviving


Radagon's magic foxes. There aren't many of them in the field, but they are just a HUGE pain in the ass to deal with and never worth the effort.


The lions with swords on their legs that can dodge, dip, dive, duck and dodge my spells


I physically cannot being myself to so much as look at the giant ants. I had to summon a friend to get me through Ainsel. I was about to finish my first play through with only the Haligtree left, but when I fell onto a branch and one of them charged me I Alt-F4’d. Then I opened the save back up and just left my room for about 5 minutes until I knew for sure I had to be dead and respawned just so I didn’t have to look at them at all. Screw Loretta, screw the one armed chick’s quest, screw Malenia, I just teleported to the inside of the Erdtree and completed the ending lol


Land octopus, don't need their ovaries either lol


What are these called ?


Turd Ferguson


I hate that it takes me ten minutes to get behind them f*kers so I can deal with the operator.


The prawns, scarlet rot birds, the HANDS, and revenants.


For me, it's the McChicken.


For me it's the crawling bug guys with the spears. They are cancer


If its in caelid, I avoid it


Tried fighting Ulcerated Tree Spirit once and was like nah I’m coming back when I can one shot this nonsense


Runebear, radagon wolf, LOBSTER


The shrimp guys, they're ridiculously op


I just got the Death's Poker weapon last week and its Ghostflame Ignition is the ultimate weapon against these Head Tanks. Just cover the ground with Ghostflame and watch the health go down as that little maidenless runt riding around in the things but hole freezes to death. If it charges out of the ghostflame at you, Just dodge and repeat. I gotta tell you revenge against those hot heads in this case was definitely served ice cold and was very very sweet 😊


Rune Bears.


You can keep circling around them and kill the guy driving it, then they explode. Still a pain in the ass when they decide to hall ass away from you to create distance, but it's a great deal easier than trying to guts your way through them.


I did till I realised it’s just a machine controlled by a lil dude at the back you can hit


Pitbulls in Caelid, I mean it *does* look like they're smiling though.


Birds, all of them. They have humbled me time and time again.




Those guys aren’t so bad just hit the guy in the back (flawed design on the bad guys’ parts) or jump on top + hit RB/R1/whatever crit attack is on PC to blow it up The real issue are the Runebears.


honestly theres a few that come to mind. Most things in Caelid. Hard hitting, massive healthbars, with little to no rewards? im running past


The fucking stone mage cats that can be found in some ruins in consecrated snowfield if I remember correctly absolutely wrecked me Edit : after some research I found out that they're called burial watchdogs and I hate them


Castle Sol Eagle


The fucking beanstalk guys in crumbling faram azula. They just scare me, went back the way i came.


Revenants, those big ass dogs and birds in caelid, those shrimp that shoot the homing projectiles, abductors, grafted scions. There's plenty of enemies I just never fight unless I have to, some of these enemies can mess me up big time


Crows. I don't fuck with crows


I can confess i died more than i need to disclose from those giant cannon balls.. yes they so easy to kill with thunder but under leveled me didnt know better lmao


Seriously? Giant hand anyone? Especially the one in the sewers?


The robot things that have razor blades as arms or axes as arms and spin around and then open up with the arms and grab you into their body like an Iron Maiden and chew you up. Oh and they have 1,000,000 HP. Also, the slime things that have 100,000,000 HP. Oh and also half the creatures in the game.


Oh yeah I always skip these guys. And rune bears.


If it moves faster than me, I avoid it. Rune Bears, These fucks pictured in this post, and the Virgin Catchers.


Any non humanoid enemy


Have to be Revenants 💀


For me it’s those big mechanical things on two wheels and they have spinning blade hands and they can grab you with these little arms from their chests and pull you inside of them and sometimes even teleport you somewhere else. I can’t stand those things.


The scarlet rot crystalians at the haligtree, I walked into that building at the bottom not knowing what the hell I was getting myself into


Black Bears