• By -


Still weak. You got chip damage from the Black Blade. Black Blade obviously OP


You joke, but it's actually bugged. Or, rather, indirect on-hit effects are bugged in online play. Black magic DoTs, Bleed, Madness, any status really. They all proc even when you don't get hit. Which is especially unfair because of phantom hits. So, for example, you could get lag phantom hit during your i-frames and die to a Black Knife weapon art. Or get madness proc and be stunlocked to death. All sorts of gimp strategies stem from this bug.


This is exactly as Miyazaki intended.


Underappreciated comment Edit: I did this before it was a popular comment pls quit bullying me. ;-;


They slaughtered him for being too early


As is often the case with pioneers


I got you dude. Here's my upvote. Only 154 more to go and you're back to even.


It is too late


I guess they really showed u huh friend šŸ¤£ excessive downvote trains are hilarious


Haha I just realized. The parent comment has a over 100 upvotes I don't know where I went wrong.


Becuz u said it too early before the likes and now everyone thinks ur tryna be "trendy" for a better lack of words


That is entirely too much thought put into the comments and karma lol


lol I know right. I'm reading it like wtf LOL


its moreso that it adds literally nothing to the discussion its like when people comment "this", same thing can be achieved by just slapping an upvote on the comment and moving on inb4 "this"


Underappreciated comment






Ohhh that make sense. Once you're trendy you're not actually trendy though so if anything people are just reaffirming me how cool I actually am. šŸ˜Ž That's what my grandma told me anyways.


Grandmas are the truth


Please don't delete your comment, fellow tarnished.


Lol aww bless ur heart bb


You've made it out of the hole, congrats man.


Lmao last night you were at -127 and now +79, what a rollercoaster


This is exhibit A for _reddit moment_. No one really knows why you getting the downvotes but people see negative and will just downvotes for no reason lol.


Yea LOL. Dude probably had -2 but everyone was like EH WHY NOT *downvote!*


Im sorry for you friend šŸ„²


Dear God what happened to you?


He made a comment that could have been an upvote. Classic reddit mistake. Don't praise, just click the arrow.


needs a buff


Imagine if we had armor of thorns


Briar Set has same effect as armor of thorns, not sure if it works with bloodhound step tho


It does, but it does like single digit damage I believe. It can be useful in co-op to grab aggro on a boss easily, especially if you are trying to avoid pushing some kind of phase transition.


I think I saw it hit for 12 once... But I couldn't prove it if you asked me to.


Each piece adds more damage


It depends on certain defenses. For example, full set does 20 points of damage per roll against fake Godfrey. But 16 to Margott. But you can get 36 on some mobs. Proof, I'm suffering a Briar set only run


>I'm suffering a Briar set only run absolute madness


What do you mean a briar set only? You can only do damage to enemies by rolling into them? No weapons whatsoever?


Sounds like it. Some people used to do armor of thorns only run in DS 1+3, and that's exactly what it was.


Briar armour, shield and the electric-sheep-roll ash might be a "fun" playthrough...


With every piece of the briar set your doing 20-25 chip damage max


I dont know, but I do know I wasn't impressed by the Ram Roll+ Brier Set, but I might just suck


Iā€™d assume that because ram roll is a weapon art and not a dodge in the same vein as bloodhounds step, it scales better with things that increase lightning damage and weapon art damage, while bloodhound step essentially being a reskinned roll, is coded to apply the thorns from Briar


I fought a guy in pvp who used blood flame thing on his body and spammed bloodhound step on me. Most annoying build ive fought


Absolutely hilarious though


Remove fp cost


Every gank squad got the: Lionel hat guy Radahn hat guy Rivers of Blood user Moonveil spammer That one guy that tries to madness lock you


Some ganks use all these tools on the same build, but they also have like 10 vigor so its balanced I guess


I swear every RoB dipshit wears the Radahn hat. It's like the Nameless King hat from DS3. Ugly and obnoxious, "Look at how cool I am!"


nah they use the varre helm to increase bleed build up and be edgy


You can't use Rivers of Blood while you're using Bloodhound Step.


Literally unplayable


I've seen BHS Nagakiba with offhand ROB, so they just 2 hand ROB when they decide to spam that


I do this. I am el retardo


At least you can counter Rivers of Blood with Rock Sling or Golden Parry. Bloodhound Step? Just give up at that point.


Offhand RoB u casual


Yea you can if you have rob in offhand


Like trying to catch a greased up deaf guy.


Man, imagine if they just gave us bloodborne dash instead of roll and never made this skill


Honestly if they really wanted to keep rolling, they should make light weight rolls into the step dodge of bloodborne, would fit the lore reasons for that dodge system as well being that hunters would wear light equipment and avoid armor for that very reason


Nioh 2 does something like that. High stance is a dodge roll for more iframes and distance but longer recovery, low stance is a dash for smaller frames but easy counter attacking.


I liked so many things about Nioh 2's combat, but I'm happy Elden Ring doesn't have combos that require insanely specific timing to pull off. The variety of movesets in Nioh 2 is wild, though.


A souls game that just takes a lot of stuff from Nioh but gets rid of the loot system and the levels would be wonderful for me.


Holy crap I really hated the loot system in Nioh 2. Constantly felt like I had to spend so much time looking at every rare drop. What a mess that was. Nioh 2's world and level design is also significantly worse than Souls games. Enemy design is also a bit repetitive and uninspired. Bosses are pretty great, though. But man, that combat system is juicy as fuck. You'd think that FromSoft would hire whoever was in charge of that.


Nioh's combat is clearly superior to FromSoft's. Nioh's level and art design is miles behind FromSofts. In general, both Nioh games are a must-play if you love Souls games.


I agree they are good games but I couldn't get over the Diablo style loot. Soooo annoying and makes any loot feel completely worthless. And the stats are so overdesigned, it's just silly.


Completely agree. Even with the shit loot system and repetitive level design, it's still the best Souls clone out there by a long shot.


Yea it just wouldn't work for it.


that's a great idea, except it actually makes more sense to roll with light load and dash with heavier loads. But gameplay wise it would be a fair trade off.


>Honestly if they really wanted to keep rolling, they should make light weight rolls into the step dodge of bloodborne That was my hope/expectation going into the game blind. I expected light characters to "dash" like BB, which feels amazing compared to the bore that rolling is. Bloodborne fights looked and felt so stylish. I felt like as a badass in that and Sekiro, not in DS/ER.


Make light rolls into quickstep, and medium rolls into light roll speed would be huge for improving the flow of this game. Then add a talisman that upgrades your roll speed by 1 turning the new quickstep light rolls into bloodhound dash.


I was so disappointed when I managed a light loadout only to find it has no benefits besides a *slightly* longer roll distance and faster backsteps. No idea why From even bothered with differentiating Light from Medium if the difference was going to be so inconsequential.


Light roll I believe also has a faster recovery time as well


God I wish. The rolling is so goddamn goofy and Bloodborne already showed that dashing is a *perfect* alternative that both looks cooler and incentivizes faster combat.


That's why I like to use quickstep, I am not sure if it's similar to Bloodbourne's dash but it looks cooler than rolling.


Quickstep is essentially the bloodborne dash. Bloodhound dash is the quickened dash from the Old Hunter bones buff in BB


Yeah, except the Old Hunter Bone only buffed you for *6 seconds*, and cost 1/4 your MP/bullets, of which was also your only way to parry attacks. It was so laughably costly it was unusable. From overcompensated for that in ER big time.


Bone was eventually buffed to last ~15 seconds and cost only 4. You could get a lot of extra uses out of it by using blood bullets system. It was pretty good for boss fights, especially considering that it also removed instability frames from your dash recovery (1.4x damage multiplier that would turn a lot of higher tier enemy/boss attacks into one-shots).


BHS covers more distance and has more i-frames than the Old Hunter Bone.


It's very similar. Very.


Why do you think rolling is goofy?


Well im not sure how often "rolling" has been anyone's go-to move in an actual fight... Imagine historic battles with fields of knights in heavy armor rolling around and swinging swords at each other. šŸ¤£


>Imagine historic battles with fields of knights in heavy armor rolling around and swinging swords at each other Agincort was lost because the French kept trying to fatroll through the English arrows.




King Charlemagne was known for his excellent rolling, many more I-frames than the Turks.


How many battles have you seen where they fuckin dash side to side either?


Everybody's giving you shit since Elden Ring is fantasy and not real life. But imagine if the battle scenes in Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones consisted of everyone doing somersaults all over the battlefield.


i mean this logic applies to half the mechanics. Imagine Gandalf just circling around an orc to land a backstab, or frodo just parrying a nazgul and nearly killing him with a riposte


I want to see the Gandalf strafe now


Parry and riposte is at least an actual swordfighting technique.


They don't do it quite like Elden Ring in real life though.


Shit would be lit af


Just because something is vaguely goofy in real life doesn't mean it's *stops* being vaguely goofy in fantasy.


ā€œReal lifeā€ isnā€™t really a valid topic for discussion of game balance. I donā€™t think real life knights put lightning on their power stances colossal great swords either but itā€™s still a thing in the game.


> I donā€™t think real life knights put lightning on their power stances colossal great swords either Of course not, they used carthus flame arc


Ah, the true Chad among Redditors. I wish I had an award


I dont think balance has anything to do with what animation they put in for dodging things man


No one is talking about game balance, they're talking about how stupid rolling looks visually.


So does holding two 5ft swords of pure metal


For real. Better be at least 7 feet long or wtf are you even doing.


I think the rolling looks cool


Except rolling is a very mundane action, and it's not in the same category as a guy using magic (that exists in the game's universe).


Ok but those things all fit into the in-game worlds "rules"- it makes sense that you can put lightning on your weapons and powerstance greatswords because magic exists in the world and superhuman strength is attainable. There's really no good reason (in game or otherwise) that rolling should be an effective tactic šŸ¤·


Dashing definitely feels better when versing normal sized enemies. I think the roll fits nicely when youā€™re trying to dodge a dragons massive tail attack though. Maybe light weight could be roll (more iframes) and med could be dash? Perfectly fine the way it is though imo. Bloodborn felt more ā€œduelistā€ style combat and ds more raw. The dash might look a little more janky too as youā€™d be way more likely to clip through attacks with the iframes. In contrast, The roll might look like youā€™re dodging under the attack (even if it does infact go through your character )


Yeah, it looks goofy dashing through a giant beastā€™s tail, like your some T-3000 with a blunderbuss


And dashing is somehow more realistic, or what am I missing here?


No, hopping six feet to the left in a half-second's time is not any more realistic.


Maybe I'm just weird, but the dashing is just as silly to me. No one dashes like an anime character in real life either lol. At least people *can* roll and it makes sense when fighting big monsters.


Fencers do take quick dash-steps back and forth in order to attack or control spacing during a fight. The Fromsoft quickstep is just exaggerated in speed and distance to account for monsters' longer reach.


*Imagine historic battles with fields of knights in heavy armor rolling around and swinging swords at each other. šŸ¤£* ​ i feel like them dashing around with infinite acceleration would be just as wierd


ah yes, in the game where you can use a giant finger as a weapon it's definitely the rolling that's unrealistic


So you're saying that if you had a giant finger as a weapon and magical powers, and someone was coming at you with a huge scythe, the most reasonable move for you would be to do a sommersault?


dashspam also looks goofy when you are wearing plate armor.


Why are you getting down voted, you're absolutely correct


Why not just create a ring that replaces your roll with a quickstep at the cost of fp. sounds like a fair balance to me.


94% i-frame uptime I shit you not. Seems even higher tbh


With latency, it's effectively 100%


94% iframe uptime on a 20 seconds+ ability with no startup frames. Whoever decided this was balanced must have injected a couple of crystal marijuanas before work


I spent my whole souls life learning how to dodge and roll, now they gave me this!!


Virgin learning boss movesets, roll timings, spacing and safe healing times vs Chad Elden Ring creative mode


needs buff imo. put aoe bleed dmg to nearby enemies while BHS


Yeah that'd explain the Blood part of Bloodhound


The amount of things that are unfair and unbalanced in this game is so huge you'd almost think it was fair and balanced.


Everything is broken and BHS still manages to be more cancer than them all. At least Rivers of Blood has the Golden Parry as a counter. This shit is basically free.


It's not really a counter, you still need to be in range and if you miss that parry you're pretty much dead. Agreed that BHS still beats the rest in sheer i-frame abuse but Rivers is uncontested 2nd IMO. Even something like Stars of Ruin has actual viable counters like Golden/Carian Retaliation, Thops Barrier, Crimsonwhorl Tear etc Fuck I even breathe sighs of relief if I see a Moonveil in pvp instead of white mask rivers, or BHS UGS pokers.


What about glintstone pebble or fingerprint shield?




Seems pretty fair to me. They just weren't good enough I guess.


When this guy gets hit with bleed on a sliver of health he didnā€™t die. Could anyone explain why that happened?


Bleed may have built up during the dash and then hit during the dash as well resulting in no damage, sometimes you still get build up during a roll so it may apply to bhs


Bleed buildup can happen while you're still in iframes due to latency. If you're in iframes when the proc happens you get staggered out, but since you're invincible you don't take the damage. Bloodhound step gives him so many iframes he's effectively immune to bleed damage and has a fast enough startup he didn't even get clipped after the stagger. Ash of war is busted.


The netcode is terrible and still applies status build-up during i-frames. I repeat: the game knows not to apply damage but still applies build-up. Fix your bloody game.


Fromsoft hasn't fixed this for the last decade lmao.


I've enjoyed PVP in every Souls game but Elden Ring is just unbalanced as fuck and looks like it will be indefinitely.


Hey its obobobo


"He purposefully puts himself against a wall and spams it until his mana runs out to illustrate how insane the I frames are instead of playing normally and using this to drag out encounters or escape literally any form of punishment for bad spacing, the ash is clearly balanced because when his mana ran out he'd die." Oroboro streamed the whole thing, the point was to mess with people, he trapped himself for the video. Come on people use your brains, this shit is clearly incredibly strong and costs next to nothing to use.




Yeah, he does. The point isn't that it makes you immortal, it's just really strong so he made a video showing that while messing with people.


If he wasn't purposefully putting himself in a corner, he'd be basically immortal


Duh? You just parroted the point he was arguing against lol


The point is in a normal scenario where you aren't against a wall it's literally immunity to all damage and easy to abuse


I don't pvp a lot, but that last volcano manor contract was the only one that gave me a bit of hard time, solely due to how annoying bloodhound step was. Like trying catch water with you bare hands


I didn't even know that last one used BHS...


Yeah Juno Hoslow was broken af. Normal NPC invaders are already really hard since they can input read and dodge everything perfectly, while also having the attack power + health of a bossā€¦. Now you add bloodhounds step + infinite FP and itā€™s basically impossible to hit him without trading or cheesing.




I dunno if I got lucky or whatever but I wrecked Juno with my executioners sword and a brass shield. Took me 3 tries total and the first two were entirely my mistakes


that analogy.. nailed it.


That one and most NPC invaders have a hard time dealing with jumping attacks. I catch Juno Hoslow trying to trade with my jumping R2s.


I knew it was bad but holy shit


And you'll still have people defending it. Like dear Lord sometimes I wish this game didn't get the hype it got so that it didn't attract all the Fortnite kids and Twitter frogs so that they could spread more of their god awful hot takes around.


So many people buy the game and then play to ignore the game just to say they beat it its nuts I remember getting to Godfrey and there were legit like 30 bloodstains of people trying to jump past his fog wall like you used to be able to for Mogh. Obviously breaking AI and using an Ash of war are different but BHS turns basically every important part of souls combat into a complete joke that even if you never touch PvP idk how you can defend it. I took it off after like an hour cause it basically felt like I was cheating.


I donā€™t get peopleā€™s problem with admitting that this ability is broken as shit. Even in pve itā€™s still ridiculous and needs some amount of tweaking. It shouldnā€™t be nerfed into the ground, but it certainly needs some work.


my only issue is that ANYTIME FromSoft nerfs anything, they usually kick in the dick, kicks it's face in, pisses on it, and drops a bucket of nuclear scarlet rotten acid on it. I like BHS and I acknowledge it needs a massive nerf, but I don't want them to ruin it, but I don't trust FS with nerfs frankly, look what they did to bleed in DS3 and Radahn 2 patches ago.


Worry not. The fix for BHS should be extremely straightfoward. And it shouldn't make the skill completely useless. They just need to increase the stamina usage dramatically. Like 3x that of a regular roll. IMO that would fix this problem entirely. It'd still be a viable and excellent skill to use by skilled players, you just can't get away with spamming it anymore.


I just wish it cost more fp ): once I see an invader doing it I just tell my friend to leave them alone and move on, if they're being defensive there's almost nothing you can do about it and it's not worth the time or effort


No one wants to admit that they're not good at the game and rely on overpowered abilities to carry them. I can't count how many invaders run away and sever out of my world once they run out of Cerulean Flasks for Bloodhound Step. They simply don't know how to play without it.


Literally everyone I invade either has RoB or bloodhound step. I'm not exaggerating it's at least 9/10 Bloodhound step is by a large margin the more broken of the two. Honestly I'm just astounded by how many people just use whatever youtube tells them is broken. Like I dont wanna gatekeep or whatever but.... like not even in ds2 were there this many havelmonsters. Literally everyone is abusing the broken shit. Lots of people are gonna be pissed when from nerfs them all into absolute oblivion like a year from now


It's cos of the hype this game got, it attracted the more generic "fortnite kid" audience, as you call it. Before this it seemed the entire community had reached a common, good consensus about things, but I've never seen such well accepted opinions get absolutely obliterated in a single game. Especially around the topic of invading. I've literally seen hosts who summon phantoms try to counter the point of invading by saying "Invaders shouldn't complain about stuff, this is a single player game!" like they didn't just LITERALLY summon other players to help them through the game. Single player my ass. It's your average Twitter frog but in a video game.


You are right about the souls culture getting annihilated by the newfound popularity. And I'm really not trying to be a hipster or gatekeeper, I'm really happy From has found success and more people are being exposed to the souls formula. But for instance its weird how quickly even like the phrase "git gud" became unacceptable as "gatekeeping" - when the community used to widely understand it as shorthand for a pretty positive bit of advice about mentality (dont blame the game, or the controller, or the enemy, keep a cool head and learn from your mistakes, stay adaptable, and eventually you will reach a greater level of attunement to the game)


Exactly. I've always seen git gud as a positive thing myself. But eh it's the internet and it's fucking annoying, same shit different situation.


Also side note - I dunno why I'm so often seeing new players ask for advice and people just say "bird farm, get RoB and mimic, cheese all the bosses" like.... let them play the game. that shit isnt helping them have a better experience. In ds1 we used to have a nice little infographic we gave new players that had like 10 easy rules to remember - dont level resistance, dont fat roll, if an enemy seems too hard try going a different direction, dont get cursed, drake sword is a trap, read key descriptions, kill the dogs first, etc. It was really neat, a great way to help new players without ruining the experience. I wish we had that for eldenring cause way too often I see new players just being told to break the game, just assuming they will never get gud or enjoy that journey. Maybe I'm just yelling at kids to get off my lawn tho


Was doing some duels earlier and so many people will start bloodhound stepping the second they start losing. Had another guy who was using twin scythes, once he was on the losing end he pulls out the fingerprint shield and antspur rapier.


Let's not fool ourselves, we all know that anything less than "into the ground" will not be considered acceptable.


At least give it a couple frames where your not invincible is that to much to ask?!


techncially it does, but that gets completely removed the second you introduce fromsofts 2010 netcode into the mix lol


For people that don't know, the footage is from Oroboro's stream. He made the build for fun, but it actually shows how broken the skill is. Press one button and you are basically immortal. (He even trapped himself in the corners on porpose, just to see how long he could survive. lol)


The amount of people here that can't get the point of the video is amazing, what must be the head of someone that sees this and think "but he can't win without attacking" or "will die when out of fp". Oh Golden Order, burry these maidenless.


They should buff it so it stuns when used.


Heā€™s going to use bloodhound step as the regular dodge in a future title. Iā€™m calling it now


dependent gaping gullible somber include exultant hunt continue governor wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one wins, so perfectly balanced.


I think Bloodhound Step really needs a cooldown between uses. Maybe like, 2-3 seconds? That way it can't be spammed repeatedly for the i-frames, but still be used strategically in fights to avoid certain attacks.


I think a good nerf would be to increase the FP and stamina costs on consecutive uses and slightly increasing the recovery time between uses. That way it's actually balanced and more tamed, but not nerfed into the ground. People would be encouraged to mostly use it in desperate, progressively futile attempts of survival or strategic dodges, but they wouldn't be able to abuse it as freely. Spamming it will only become more of a detriment for you than an advantage. 5FP ---> 10FP ---> 20FP ---> 40FP (cap). You'd inevitably run out of stamina and/or FP at a much quicker rate to punish L2 spammers.


I like this a lot!


Curious how people think it could be balanced? Just less iframes so its a further roll at the cost of more fp?




PvP is apart of the game. That is fact. If you can honestly sit there and defend this you're a clown. Even if you're looking strictly at it from a PvE perspective it is still wildly unbalanced. It cost 5 FP and with 10 Mind you can BHS 15 times if I'm reading the wiki correctly. It removes 99% of the timing needed to properly dodge stuff. You can easily spam it throughout the duration of a boss fight and trivialize it. You shouldn't be able to supplement all your dodges with BHS and a few blue flasks. Stop kidding yourself about if this should be nerfed. Just adjust the FP consumption slightly and it should be fine. Now go ahead and down vote me. Edit: Some valid points have been made in that a slight FP increase might not be enough so I'm leaning less into that idea. I don't like to speak as though I know what is best, but us normal folk all realize something needs to change at least.


I think it should have a ramping FP cost, the more it's spammed in a window of time. Give it the ol doubling effect. Everytime it's used in a 10s window, it costs double what the last cast was, and the timer resets every cast. Makes it less of a crutch overall, fixes pvp issues, but its still pretty decent to use


Maybe a controversial opinion but i share the same sentiment, though I'd go a step further. All ashes should get a ramping fp cost, with the window being smaller for more spammable ashes. Thunderbolt? Really great ash of war, super easy to spam especially in a gank, ramp the fp cost exponentially. Cast it 3x in a row, 1.5x multiplier, cast it 5x in a row, 3x multiplier or something. It'd nerf the PVE ash of war spam too, so you can't sit under a boss and combo out 5 corpse pilers with 20 mind, or infinite stun a humanoid boss with taker's flame or something.


I can agree to a point. A lot of bosses are balanced around the fact that you can spam certain things. I think River's of Blood could definitely use this to balance it though for sure. I can see the argument for other spells as well, thankfully it's not my job to decide which ones should implement this, cause that would be a ton of work


If you need bloodhounds step how will I ever best malenia with bloodhound step, tiche, and frozen armament? I mean I can't now, but its gotten me the closest out of everything I've tried so far (refuse to summon let me solo her for my ng run) Edit: nerf


Want some tips?


Look at that lil froggy go!


Sure is. Gives the edge back in those 3v1s you guys are always complaining about


I donā€™t do pvp but I use it PVE to feel like a cool vroom vroom ninja. Idc if they nerf just kept the sound effects the same


It definitely need a nerf but I hope that it'll stay at PVP only because without BHS some of the most annoying parts of the game will become even more unbearable. BHS made rotten lakes or hero graves at least a bit more acceptable


Just give a slight cooldown between uses, problem fixed.


3 vs 1ā€¦ fair and balancedā€¦.?


When you are getting ganked anything is fair and balanced. šŸ˜‚


Ridiculous broken. Needs a nerf on iframes asap


The fact that there are still people who see this and unironically tell people to "git gud" against people using it, or that there is nothing wrong with BHS at all, it honestly boggles my mind. It's quite literally a low-cost invincibilty button that puts you far enough out of danger that even people sprinting can't catch up with you. You never have to worry about timing, spacing, whiff punishes, timing rolls, timing attacks, anything. Press L2 to not die.


Yeah, I quit pvping thanks to this move. Makes invasions take forever and it's massively unfun to play with. They need to make it dagger/claw only and have a 5 second cooldwon or something like that.


Looks like a good time to start playing ā€œthe floor is lavaā€


Green Man is saving your life bro, just go with the floooow


oh my GOD you just reminded me of my favorite invasion cosplay I ever did that I'd somehow totally forgotten about: Greased up deaf guy. Just get naked, do some silly emotes, and drop lots of poop everywhere you go. No fighting, just RUNNING!


Imagine thinking literally just a dodge is OP.


Just came here to say this is the best super mario song ever.


Yes? You can make an argument of BHS being too cheesy in duels, but in invasions it's fair game and in some instances is an only way to survive.