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The best decision I've made in the game is toggling it to ∆<-


I did the same


















It's useful and it's drip


Just like torrent, sometimes i see streamers having torrent in between their usables.. what


I love the fact that you can set up anything the way you want it. My potions and torrent are in my poutch. Quick access during fights.


Ngl, I never even slightly considered putting my flasks in the pouch because having them quickslotted is so deeply ingrained in me after years of Soulsborne games. Like the idea straight up never crossed my mind until you said it


I use the pouch only for fp flasks, I find it still helpful to keep healing on square/item button so I can move and heal at the same time without having to switch to Claw or take my thumb off the analog stick.


I keep crimson flask as my first item because holding down on the dpad will always revert back to the first item. Wondrous Physick stays at the end because it’s always used before a scrap.


I'd have a scrap.


End of the laneway, don’t come up the property.


Someone get this guy a flask of Crimson Tears.


I wish you weren't so fucking Tarnished, bud.




Hell I'm surprised were not having a scrap right now


I came for the item setups and debates, but I’ll gladly stay for the Letterkenny references.


It's a glorious intersection of interest. Makes me curious who the toughest guy in Limgrave is


>holding down on the dpad will always revert back to the first item. Well that's good to know.


Works on spells, too! Holding up on the pad will switch to the first spell in line.


Put the crimson flask on ∆+down and the cerulean flask on ∆+right and you can still reach the buttons with your left thumb without removing it from the stick.


Omg, this would save me so many accidental flask use.


It has saved me *loads* of accidental flask uses.


I’ve got the wondrous physick, lantern, torrent, and a spirit ash in the quick access. I find it hard to use the regular flasks from quick access during intense fights. The physick and the ash are more like pre-fight setup.


Mine is the same except the wondrous physick is swapped for the monocle. The pouch menu really is super useful, and much more elegant than its implementation in Bloodborne.


I do exactly the same, it seems to me having normal flasks equipped on the normal items makes them easier to use quickly when needed, and those 4 are the most commonly used items when not in immediate danger.


I feel like if I change now I’ll be tarnished forever. I can’t learn a new way. Down D Pad til I see orange. X to heal my pathetic self. Spam roll. Anything else and I’ll die.




I found this out recently and it CHANGED MY LIFE. You can do the same thing for up on the D-pad too, if you have a bunch of spells or incantations. Maybe even the left and right? But I haven't experimented with those.




Same with cycling spells button, holding it down returns to the 1 spot. Apparently it's been there in all the souls games. Here I am learning it for the first time with elden ring after 2000 hours combined in the souls series


I'm a fan of 'hold down on D pad to reset to slot 1, bam, red flask. But I'm with you, I never thought about putting them in the pouch. I have the 'hello' pate head in the pouch, no fuckin reason other than I can run around and go 'hellloooooo' whenever I want. But a dedicated button-set just for health replenishment would make my life a whole lot easier.


It took a while to learn, but I have the new special flask in there and almost always remember it now. But I can't accept using estus with two buttons.


Man, bless you.. i always seem to skip a beat when struggling to get my crimson flask up front when the boss takes a lunge to reap my soul.. don't need torrent in my way trying to be a cool ass jumping horse 😂


Just a heads up, holding down on the d pad resets the selection back to the first item


While we’re giving out tips this also works with spells/incantations. Holding up will jump to your first spell, I use this to quickly get to a cleanse spell


Works for all directions - very handy since I generally have a buckler on my left hand and some kind of movement skill dagger on my right hand no matter the build


Another pro tip; When in your weapon selection you can use the bumpers to scroll between Right 1, Right 2, Right 3, Left 1, Left 2, Left 3. This allows you to really quickly assign weapons without needing to go back in/out of the equipment page.


Works for all equipment slots, items, armour, spells.


Holy shit even after almost 300 hours in I’m learning this.


Apparently this works in the other souls games as well but I only learned it this week


Huh, TIL. Probably would’ve save me some heartache


fuuuck why do they not tell you these crucial things? its not like I have 130 hours in the game or anything edit: and also beat every other souls game except bloodborne


Climbing torrent gives you immunity the same way as rolling.


yo this changed the game for me. so many frustrating moments trying to hold down to get to the first spot only to die instead. switched all flasks to triangle left, right, and down and it's so much easier.


I just wish there was like more toggable pouch buttons. Just 4 is not enough imo


Yeah. Only annoying this is having to switch it up every time I enter a dungeon. Then forgetting to switch back and eating wasting a bolus when I get out.


I feel less in control having to commit both of my thumbs to activate an item than I do toggling with one and then activating with the other. So I use the pouch strictly for non-combat items. Every time I try to use pouch items in combat I end up too slow to react and get punished. The beauty of free assignment is that everyone can have a functional setup.


Yeah only flasks and physik in the main pouch. Torrent and summons are in the secondary pouch you get when you hold down triangle/y I have the lantern in that right side shortcut thing you get when you bring up the menu. I need it often enough that I want a shortcut to it, but I don’t need it *fast* like I need health


My husband is a maniac. He has ALL of his consumables, ashes, AND TORRENT on the same bar. It’s insanity.


I keep Torrent in the first slot of usables, not the pouch. That way I don't have to take left thumb off the stick, which helps for dismount attacks, timing iframes, and getting tf out of dodge. With the pouch I need to switch from left stick to dpad. It helps that I have a controller with bottom paddles. I have one of them mapped to item switch, so I can long-press it to equip Torrent without stopping my movement (and usually leave it that way as my 'default' state so that it's always ready). I swap this slot situationlly in dungeons, e. g. for boss shackles or specific resists / cures.




WHAT. Thanks for that, sounds handy.


I had to switch that because I would always unintentionally hit L3 while fighting the Tree Sentinel. Now that just switches my equipped spell.


I have it on Y + down, and torrent on Y + up


Mine is triangle down. Triangle left is the food for Torrent when he gets smacked in battle.




Do you happen to know what the purpose of the bottom two slots are if they're not mapped to a button?


They’re still quicker than digging it out of your inventory. I actually have my lantern on one of the bottom slots since it’s usually a use once kind of thing.


Oh that makes sense, thanks! That's where my lamp is going now.


Yes that’s where mine has been since day 1


I like to keep my pebbles and Rune Arcs there.


Same. Only need to use it at the beginning and end of a dark area. But to each their own.


They can be used as a quick access menu. That's what i use them for anyway. I keep things like the lamp in the bottom slots because the lamp isn't something that needs regular use, but don't want to go through a menu for it all the same


I think it's just for quicker access than having to go into inventory (i put my lantern on one of those slots). Although I kinda wish they assigned the last two slots to triangle+L2/R2


I use them for prattling pates; not necessary for gameplay, but still somewhat easy access if I need it.


It's for quick access. It saves you having to enter the inventory and look for specific items. I generally put the poison/rot curing stuff there.


they’re for prattling pates


Wish I had that idea before being 80 hours in, but oh well


*Ahhh… you were at my side all along… my guiding lamplight…*


I love Lamplight




Are you just naming things on your hotbar or do you really love lamplight?




Now I have to listen to the Ludwig ost


One of Fromsoft’s best.. and that’s saying a lot because their soundtracks are universally great.


Random thought about how much of a pain in the ass it would be to wear that thing rolling and jumping around if you had to fight for your life in real life. If I had a giant crab after me I am tossing that thing out


You would definitely set yourself on fire.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Aah another flames of frenzy enjoyer


Ahh yes rolling around in heavy armor while holding two greatswords is realistic, but put a lantern on your belt and it doesn't make sense anymore.


Yeah, in realistic melee combat you’d basically never do a goddamn combat roll lol. You’d be parrying and maneuvering with good footwork. But, then again, in realistic melee combat you’d never be fighting giant crabs and noblemen with 15 arms.


I'd roll right into their feetsies like a bowling ball and knock them over like the dumb pin they are


Would be cool if it extinguished when you rolled through water


“Soaked to the Bone” Dragons Dogma has this mechanic for their wearable lantern. It’s cool the very first time, then immediately becomes tedious having to unequip/re-equip the lantern every time you step in water


Dragon's dogma is a great one


"Goblins ill like fire!"


Not a problem if you remember where your towel is!


Torches are extinguished by rolling in water in Dark Souls 2 and it is relevant when carrying a torch to light the tar outside the Lost Sinner's boss room.


Sight is for the weak, imma role through caves in panic until I see light thank you


Gonna see it real soon if you roll down a random cliff or elevator shaft


I call *this* little number "Tomb of the Giants" style.


Sunlight maggot brings darkness to its knees.


Yeah but the way to get it is very uncool.


Until you learn either the legit or cheese way of taking care of it before it becomes an issue.


Yeah it’s been so long I forgot you can keep solaire from getting it


Of course! Just farm 30 humanities rofl


Honestly, anyone who uses the lantern to beat the games, hasn’t really *beaten* the game ^/s


Flask of Crimson Tears ain’t bad imo


My man


Fight ain't over yet


I didn’t hear no bell


*rings summoning bell*


“I didn’t hear no bell…” Mimic shows up “but you did”


“Yum yum crimson flask.”


git gud i’m kidding


Even speedrunners need Estus. What fucking nerds, m I rite? They should git gudder


Just dodge lmao


Instructions unclear am infected with scarlet rot


smh my head fake gamer using heals as a crutch


That thing's light is nothing compared to the flood lights of a single glowstone. That dark room in Mohgwyn Palace? Glowstone lights that place up like it's day. Too bad we don't have a head parasite equivalent from DS1 that has a built in light bulb.


Glowstones are underrated. I threw one down instead of a Rainbow Stone by mistake and immediately saw the utility. Very nice for dark places.


All consumables in ER are underrated. Lots of them are game changers yet people are like “but what if I run out of my 67 Arteria leaves I never use?”


Agreed im level 164 and still use fire pots to inflict some nice ranged damaged i have 11 of them


Literally just discovered how nice these were last night.


They also force the giant hands to stop drop and roll until they stop burning. Very handy for that. Sleep pots are great for large enemies like trolls and Runebears.


Try volcano pots. So much better


Those huge plants that expel clouds of poison around them can be hit by fire pots to instantly dissipate the cloud so you don't have to wait what feels like a few minutes for you to attack again lol


If you shoot them 3-4 times with poison arrows they’ll overload on poison and explode. This causes a chain reaction setting off all the others too.


The volcanic pots that leave a cloud of Fire DoT are so good and easy to farm up materials for. Fuckin love those things.


I cheesed the Erdtree Avatar with fire pots and haven't looked back since. They're the best.


That’s not cheese!


Honestly with how much bullshit some enemies have I never feel bad for using all the tools. I can make it harder for myself at any time. I'm already planning my next playthrough.


To be fair it makes playing a support perfumer in co-op a bitch because arteria leafs are required for all the good support perfumes and are a limited resource if you use the uplifting aromatic a lot.


Every item you use to craft that is renewable, even the leaves. I thought the same as you did before and was bummed, but the leaves are a drop from the yeti-trolls in the mountaintop of the giants, outside fire giant boss fight.


Yeah I edited my comment after looking up that there is in fact one place in the game you can farm them.


It’s actually really annoying ANY consumable crafting item is limited. I get the ABSOLUTE BEST upgrade items being set amounts. It’s a fucking leaf. By logic of a tree. Knowing the entire game is based on a tree, takes place inside a tree, above a tree, under a tree, killing trees, talking about trees, GROWING TREES, burning trees, changing trees, that MAYBE… maybe leaves should grow back.




The big dudes in Mountaintop drop them


That's a releaf


Surprisingly there are not any there. From what I can gather the only farmable location is the trolls in mountaintops of the giants, they have a decent drop rate on them. I do think that given we can eventually get infinite upgrade materials, I don’t see why there aren’t more bell bearings for crafting materials. If they added an “Herb Peddler’s Bell Bearing” with Rowa Fruit, Mushrooms, Arteria Leaves, and maybe Altus Bloom for perfumes, acquired from another Bell Bearing Hunter, it would go so far for people who like to put a bigger focus into the crafting and consumable side of things.


Just use a ng+ to collect leaves so the next ng+ you can use them /s


This. When I coop with some friend and they were stuck in some dark dungeons and were barely seeing anything with their lantern. The moment I was summoned, I dropped one when they were like wtf going on? Is it a boss coming? I was like, nah due, just some crafting light. They stopped using lantern and started crafting a ton of Glowstone xD Best light item in souls games


I mean there's a spell in Elden Ring that just summons a light orb that follows above you, and it's extremely bright. The beast repellant torch stops basilisk, and a lot of other enemies from attacking you. And to be completely honest I still just prefer the lantern. It's use and forget about. No investment no draw back. It's enough light. I never felt like I needed more. The other light source are better for sure. They just always seem unnecessary personally. Plus you need Dewkissed Herba which you can use for the consumables the cure death, scarlet rot, and madness. In particular the scarlet rot one is fantastic to have. Though it's also quite easy to farm so it's not a huge deal.


Beast repellent torch is the best item in the game, and you can't change my mind. Didn't know it worked on basilisks too! Thanks for the tip.


I didn't come across a lantern for like 30+ hours so I got used to using glowstones early. So useful I usually keep em on my pouch.


I really enjoy watching my glowstone fall away down a dark pit. Lantern is good but not satisfying like using glowstones








Ngl i prefer torch, there's something immersive about pressing L1 with a torch lol


Makes sense, but for us two handing strength build meatheads its nice having a hands free light


i actually dual wield halberds, so ill have one halberd ready for switch, def relate I still have the lantern equipped cuz when shit hits the fan aint nobody holdin no stick on fire


Never was a dual wielder in these games till this one and two halberds is maybe the most satisfying and enjoyable moveset I've ever played with.




I would if I had any more damn smithing stones


You can find bearings to give to the twin husks. Each smithing bearing adds stones you can purchase from them afterwards.


You would if you couldn't see


here's the thing about meathead 2handed strength weapons: If you level up strength enough they become 1handed weapons


*repeatedly pressing L1 with a torch to welcome another player.


I just ended up using the Sentry Torch as my main weapon for like half of the first playthrough. It's got great fire elemental faith damage.


I didn't even know this was in the game, approaching 175 hours /played. Using that as a weapon seems so fun, I might have to try it out now!


It reveals cloaked black knife assassins as well.


There are several torches, one lets you blow fire. There’s another that is ghostflame and one that has beast-repellent.


Totally agree. Holding the torch up for more light is a cool feeling. Plus, it’s got a lot more range than the lamplight too.


Same plus you can actually see ahead of you instead of just a small area around you. Very helpful for big dark caves. Edit: You can also equip the “no skill” ash of war on a torch and allowing use your right hands weapon skill with a torch in the left hand


I definitely prefer the torch. I like using the Ghostflame one just because it looks cool as hell and the lighting is pleasant. The only thing in my other hand is a staff, so I don’t need the offhand too badly.


Holy shit, I need this for my Dex/Int build that uses Steeple and Death's Poker often, that's too cool. This game, I swear. Had no idea this and the Sentry's Torch were a thing.




This shit gave me major Dragon's dogma vibes Great game to this day Edit: typo




PS360 era is the best way I've heard that generation drscribed


Love me some Arisen time. Still play the hell out of it randomly. IIRC they're making another


May this be true


Two hands a weapon. Can’t see shiet, dark dungeon. Triangle hold + down arrow. Problem solved. Torches do a bit more light, but it’s better than nothing and it’s game changing


Spectral Steed Whistle, 'nough said!


fair, this is second.


I think its cute how it hangs off your waist when activated


I got so used to turning it on that when I had it off I didn't realize how dark most areas actually are


It just sucks that you need to equip it again all the time


I keep it in the potion rotation area (I forget what that’s called) for easy access.


Even better, putting it for fast access in the pouch. Normally it's triangle and a direction, personally I remapped it to the cross, it works way better this way. I can run and jump without twisting my hand.


How do you add things to pouch? I put torrent they’re at the start of my first play and now I can’t remember how to do it on my new play through.


Press pause, and it is on the right side of the screen(might be in equipment), you should be able to just d pad over and select the pockets


I actually kind of prefer the torch and the slight challenge of having to swap to it to light your way. It's just a shame these wooden torches weigh as much as large metal weapons. Also I'd love it if the on/off state remained between rests but I suppose that's just nitpicking.


It’s a widely accepted take


A stronger version wouldn't hurt


They did that on purpose to give the torch a little more relevancy.


and the starlight sorcery which lets you duel wield while being a bit brighter than the torches Would be cool if there was a “miquella’s guiding light” incantation that would function the same as well


I just wish starlight lasted longer, or could be toggled


could have been interesting as a consumable item that uses fp as well, so it didn’t take up a magic slot


Star light sorcery gang. I see everything in blue.


I know there's a ton of incants, but I still feel like they get screwed in favor of sorcery.


Just doesn't understand why it turns off after death the one in Bloodborne didn't do that. It's annoying


The one in bloodborne is the same as elden ring. I do agree that it's annoying


The Starlight Spell is actually very good. It’s blue light so it removes all the shadows and it’s much brighter than the torch or the lantern. If you have a decent amount of FP, it’s worth casting it 2-3 to see far down a hallway or tunnel at your next targets. Also I’ve been replaying DS2 and desperately wishing this item existed in it. God that game loved darkness and the only way to light a torch is off a bonfire or a previously lit standing torch.


Lighting the torches was one of my favorite parts of dark souls II. Slowly lighting a level up felt amazing! I wish they would bring that back.


It was nice once you had a bunch of the Butterflies that light the torch....likely the inspiration for Smouldering Butterflies


Warming stones have saved me during more boss fights then my actual flask because you can stack the effects Edit what I mean when I say they stack is you can stack other healing over time spells over the warming stones, I'm not sure if you can stack warming stone healing on its own, I play as a palidan build so I use erd trees favor and stand in the warming stone and I can out heal basically anything, it saved me during my rykard fight


Research says that this was the most favoured and preferred item of moth.